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Postby cimi » Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:30 pm

February 7


Luke 10:38-42

The university where I teach as an adjunct professor provides laptop computers for its students. While this can be an aid to the students in many ways, I have discovered one way it hinders learning: The laptops can become a distraction during class.

Because the students take notes on their laptops, they have them open on their desks during class. The problem is that they find texting their friends, visiting Facebook, or checking things on the Internet more interesting than my lectures.

A laptop loses value in the learning environment if it becomes a distraction-even if what the students are doing is positive.

Good things can do that. Things that have value can draw our attention away from what we should be paying attention to. This was true for Martha. Luke 10:40 says she was "distracted with much serving," which took her away from spending time with Jesus. In the same way, a good hobby can have value in and of itself. But if it distracts you from your family responsibilities or relationship with God, some changes are needed.

Are life's good options distracting you from what your primary priorities should be? Return, as Jesus told Martha, to what "is needed."
__Dave Branon

````````````A PRAYER: Help me, Lord, to make and to keep`````````
```````````right priorities. To put You and time with You first.````````
````````````````Give me discernment and the willingness```````````
```````````````````````to obey you today. Amen.````````````````

We were created to glorify God.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 10:38-42***********

18 Now it happened as they
went that He entered a
certain village; and a
certain woman named
Martha welcomed Him into
her house. 39 And she had a
sister called mary, who also
sat at Jesus' feet and heard
His word. 40 But martha
was distracted with much
serving, and she approached
Him and said, "Lord, do
You not care that my sister
has left me to serve alone?
Therefore tell her to help

41 And Jesus answered and
said to her, ",Martha,
Martha, you are worried
and troubled about many
things. 42 But one thing is
needed, and Mary has
chosen that good part,
which will not be taken
away from her."


In Bethany lived the family of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, who had
a special relationship with the Savior. This special relationship was
(according to John (11:3,5) marked by the depth of Christ's love that
they felt and experienced long before Jesus raised Lazarus from
the dead. Hosting Jesus and His followers was one way Martha
could show her gratitude to Christ, and she did so as recorded here
in Luke 10 as well as in John 12. Her gift of hospitality, properly
channeled, is a great example of the way even the most mundane
tasks can become expressions of love when done for Christ.
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Postby realtmg » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:03 am

Amen sis.
So easy for us to get sidetracked and take our eyes off Him.


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