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Postby cimi » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:27 pm

January 11


1 Timothy 4:12-16

Let no one despise
your youth, but be
an example to the
believers .

__1 Timothy 4:12

Alyssa, who is 6 and just learning to read, often saw her parents and grandparents reading their Bibles in the morning. Early one day, she woke up before everyone else. Grandma found her sitting on the couch, with her bible and devotional booklet on her lap. She wanted to follow the example of spending time with God at the beginning of the day.

Timothy, a young pastor, faced heavy responsibilities in the church at Ephesus--training believers, leading in worship, countering false doctrine. The older, experienced apostle Paul gave him instruction on leading the church in these areas, but he also mentioned the importance of personal conduct. He said, "Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12).

Paul challenged Timothy: "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine" (v.16). If he paid attention to his own spiritual life and to solid doctrine, he would be a godly example to the church family.

We all have others who are observing us. Even little Alyssa has younger siblings watching her. Let's live our lives in such a way that those who follow our example will help others in their walk with God. __Anne Cetas

``````````````````````Lord, help me live a godly life``````````````
```````````````````````Of faith and love and purity```````````````
``````````````````````So those who follow what I do``````````````
````````````````````Will grow in their maturity. __Sper````````````

A good example has more value than good advice.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Timothy 4:12-16**********

12 Let no one despise your
youth, but be an example to
the believers in word, in
conduct, in love, in spirit, in
faith, in purity. 13 Till I
come, give attention to
reading, to exhortation, to
doctrine. 14 Do not neglect
the gift that is in you, which
was given to you by
prophecy with the laying on
of the hands of the
eldership. 15 Meditate on
these things, give yourself
entirely to them, that your
progress may be evident to
all. 16 Take heed to yourself
and to the doctrine.
Continue in them, for in
doing this you will save
both yourself and those
who hear you.


Timothy's self-confidence as a minister may have been somewhat
deficient. Because of this, Paul reminded him that God had endowed
him with special capabilities to serve the Lord. In fact, Timothy's gift
was recognized through a prophetic message which was delivered at
the time of his ordination (v.14). Recalling this divine prophecy must
have strengthened Timothy's confidence for service. This passage
should encourage all believers to use the spiritual gifts God has
given for His glory. __DENNIS FISHER
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