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Postby realtmg » Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:48 am

As long as our Father gets the glory; all is well!

Thanks for sharing Tam.

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Postby mlg » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:21 pm

Isn't it great when things begin to deepen your Spiritual knowlege? So here you are on what gifts you have. Discernment is a gift that really will open your knowledge to a person and how to reach them.

As for talking about yourself in these blogs sis, it's good that you are doing this as it will make you more comfortable in sharing your testimony. See, a lot of people don't want to talk about themselves as they might be shy or intimidated, so in order to open a conversation with a soul...you will often have to begin by sharing some of your own experience. All for the Lord's glory of course. So don't be uncomfortable sis, it's all part of God getting you ready to deliver His message.

Your doing great Tam. He is proud of you.

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Postby Tam » Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:50 pm

Day 9 Judge Not

My oh my......have I had the opportunity this weekend to judge. Why is it so easy when we get down to want to judge others action when we are just as guilty ourselves? In some instances I guess I have judged but in some I have been able to put that behind me and Let God have it. The instance that I judge in I am asking for forgiveness and asking God what should I do.
I took my wedding rings off Sunday and threw them at my husband. Told him it was over. Is it ever right to judge? ( I know the answer) Am I right in doing this? Am I wrong? Doesn't the bible say that divorce is wrong? Am I judging his actions over mine? I just don't know anymore.
I stop and think....Who am I to judge? This makes day 2 of crying because I don't know anymore. I am trusting God with all of this ..... but it still hurts. I made the decision..so why does it hurt so bad? Do I stick with my decision...or do I back up and say that I am being to judgemental? I just don't know right now!
I have taken several long walks and talk to Abba about this, I have kept praise music blasting in my home and I have been in the word. I am doing everything I know to do. I have Been still and heard that He still loves me so for know I will judge not and Let God do what he needs to do and It will all work out for His good.
Oh well don't know why I rambled on this today. Sorry
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Postby mlg » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:47 pm

Tam, first and foremost you must remove the pride from your thoughts. The question over your marriage is what makes your marriage so terrible? Are you being hurt in your marriage? You have to remember that noone is perfect and all men fall short of our expectations at times, but that is why we have Jesus to show us how to forgive and love. Really ponder on your prayers sis, and listen to what God has to say...even if you have to swallow your pride and apologize. Jesus will still be there for you.

Praying for you sis.

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Postby comfy » Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:04 pm

Hi, Tam . . . you are together with your husband; so I'd say you can learn together to do better. It will be worth the effort, even if things don't work out > do the best you can with God, give it a chance, and this can be good for a lot of things. God bless you, Tam . . .
Last edited by comfy on Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tam » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:53 am

Day 10.....Feed My Sheep

Today we are suppose to tell someone about God's Grace. God's grace is what has gotten me to where I am today. Without His grace where would I be. I used to be very angry at God and question him all the time. HE never gave up on me and my sister, He will never give up on you. God's grace to me is like chocolate on top of ice cream to some.....I covers a multitude of stuff and never holds it over my head, but forgives all that needs forgiving.
But in the same time .....it covers me so that the fiery darts to the enemy can not hurt me. Per say ....it protects me and helps me to stay safe.
Grace is when God gives me what I do not deserve, but what I need. Grace gives me favor when everyone else gives me doubt. Grace gives me the power to live the life of God that I should. Grace is unmerited favor.
I have always heard that His Grace is sufficient and am learning that it is sufficient and more than enough to help me on my daily walk with my Father.

My prayer is that I will not become over zealous and blinded by pride but that I would be sensitive to the needs of God's children. (as mentioned in the teaching) I pray that I will listen to the small still voice of my Father and go only where he leads.

I love you guys and I thank you for all the encouragement you have given me.

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Postby mlg » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:23 am

Tam yay!!! Now you get to share Jesus with others. This is the best part, giving another what He so freely gave to you :) Hang on for the ride now sis, you are on the down side of this journey...which means there is more excitement to come. He is definitely going to use you sis. So many hurting and lost souls in this world, need a willing heart to reach out to them. You are learning to do that, and you have a testimony that He wants others to hear.

He is proud of you sis.

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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:55 am


aw tam i read yr posts everyday and see so much growth within you!

you are doing wonderfully!

sharing His love is the best thing you could ever do, when you do u feel so full inside and so much joy. It is such a priveledge to share Him

Gbu sis !

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Postby Tam » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:25 am

Day 11 Discernment

Discern- To perceive, as with sight or mind. 2. To recognize as separate and different.

Job faced many trials that made him stronger. We too faces trial and tribulations to make us stronger and to teach us how to depend on the Lord.
I agree sometimes we blame stuff on our heavenly Father...but then when we are through the trial and we look back we see that God's hand was on us all the time and that it was an act of the enemy. I also think that sometimes we give the devil to much credit. Some problems we go through we bring on ourselves and then we want to blame someone. I think that is were discernment should play in. We need to stop and ask....is this me or the enemy....or is the Father trying to teach me something?
Learning discernment is a very hard thing. You have to depend 100% on the Holy Spirit and I personally think that the only way you can do that is to Know him....and to know him... you have to spend time with him.
You have to pray and ask Him to give you discernment in which He in return will.
God is not a God that he is out to get us....but.....He is a God of love and understanding.
We need discernment , we need to rely on hearing the voice of our Father. Sure would make things a lot easier if we did.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:12 am

*Guitar* .

amen sis! and i think we hear Him alot more than we often think we do, we just gotta learn to listen for it

wooo hooooo!


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Postby mlg » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:28 pm

Discernment is very valuable to one, as they go and and share the Lord with others. Keep relying on the Holy Spirit and trusting Him, and He will bring you discernment when you need it.

Just a few more steps to go. Woohooo look what you have learned. I remember when you first came here, you were timid and hurting, and now you are healing and stepping out. He is so proud of you.

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Postby Tam » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:47 am

Day 12 Progress

We had to retake the test and I scored teh same thing as I did the first time I took it.
What does that mean?????
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