Who Am I??

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Who Am I??

Postby Tam » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:49 pm

Who Am I? What a question!

Allow me to start out by saying who I am not....I am not who I was when I came here to Oasis.... God has worked through the studies here at Oasis to allow me to see who I am and to allow some healing to take place.
Who I am now in my eyes is definitely not who I thought I would be now...
I am a child of the most high God...I am a person that now has trust and I know who my Father is. I am an over comer, I am a victor and not a victim ..I am important...I do matter.... I am special... I am loved ... I am healed.... I am forgiven and I am Free!
Knowing who I was as opposed to who I am now has really opened my eyes. There are a lot of hurting people out there who are just like I was...no trust , no self confidence....no love and feeling alone that need to know the love of Jesus...they need to know that Jesus is their to help them and not to hurt them. They need to know that someone cares. I am that someone now...that someone that is willing to reach the unreachable and to go the distance just to let them know that they are important ant that they are loved and that with work and understanding they can trust and love again. But most of all that Jesus loves them regardless of where they are or where they have been. He loves them so much and wants to help them more then they can imagine.
I used to be someone that didn't cry...that held it all in ....now God has given me a passion for those that are hurting and I long to lead them to his loving arms where they can find comfort and peace. It is not about me...It is all about Him and His love for us. I want that girl to know that it is not her fault.... I want them to know forgiveness I want them to know that it is going to be ok and with Jesus they can make it and they too can make a difference. If I never accomplish nothing else while here on earth I want people to know that they are loved and forgiven. The best way that I know how to do that is to show them love and do not judge them but to accept them right where they are and let Jesus do the rest. Just in building a relationship with them I would hope that they would see Jesus in me and long for His love just as I did.
By doing this study ...I hope that it will help me in understanding just how to be all that I need to be. That it will help me see that being called is an honor and that I want to do everything I can to bring Praise to my King. I have always know that God had a purpose for me and that all I went through was not in vain...but when in all the pain and not healing you tend not to see that. If everything I have gone through in my lifetime leads one person to the Lord ... it was worth every ounce of it.
I can honestly say ....Here I am Lord..use me for your glory and your glory only.
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Postby Dora » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:28 pm

*hug Tam
Love ya

You are beautiful.

I am in awe of the work the Lord has done in you.

You were and are a willing vessel. That's all he needed.
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Postby mlg » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:57 pm

Well, well, here we go on a new journey. So...your not who you were....Praise God...so you want to help those hurting children out there, and give them what you now have...how cool....and your willing...it's like when we were in school and the teacher would say I need a volunteer and every kid would start saying me, me, me, pick me....well now that your answering your calling...when God says I need someone to go for me...who will go....I see Tam raising her hand saying I will go Lord and I'm not afraid because I know that you are with me :) You are going to be an awesome vessel for the Lord. Can't wait to see what He does with you sis.

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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:33 pm


aww she is beautiful isnt she pine?

and wow nice visual there mlg takes me back to school days

tam you bless me so much by your eagerness to serve Him i cant wait to see how u flourish in this

Gbu sis

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Postby deetu » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:39 pm

Yea Tam!!! GREAT BIG ((HUG)) FOR YOU!!!

Just be sure to take your time with the study and do a lesson a day. Even though you want more, it really is better to wait.
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Postby Tam » Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:45 pm

Day 3 The World

So much pressure is put on our society today to measure up. What are we measuring up to? Who do we want to be like? Why?
In order for us to be able to tell the world about Jesus...they need to see Jesus in us. In our actions, our words, out expressions. How many times have we been in a hurry and go caught up in traffic and then let our emotions get the best of us? What could you do to show Jesus in a situation like that? Think about it. How many times have you been in the grocery store and seen someone you knew but went to totally opposite direction because you didn't want to get stuck talking to them.....only to find out later that they had an awful day and a smile could have been the same as a thousand words? We are all guilty. I say that to say that we never know who is watching or what action may touch someone's heart that is hurting or just touch their heart.
The friendly smile....the hand thrown up at the person sitting in the yard, the nod at the person walking down the sidewalk. All these are simple little was of us showing people we care. It shouldn't matter what they look like or what they have on. It is the content of the heart that is the important issue. Since being here at Oasis I have tried in some way everyday to let someone know that they are important and that they are needed. I challenge you to do the same.

As for the 2 studies Weeds/seeds and Renewing our Mind
I have learned that you have to take care of weeding everyday. That you have to plant a new seed everyday. Plant seeds not only in your life but in the life of others. It may be my job to plant the seed.... it may be your job to water the seed you get the point? We all should be planting seeds in our own lives and in others.
We have to get in the word of God daily and renew our mind. We can not live off of last weeks manna....we need fresh fruit everyday. We have to keep positive going in and the negative coming out.

A friend said something to me this morning that has had me in prayer quiet a bit today. They said that they almost feel like they can't talk to me cuz I am so far ahead of them in their walk. I told them that I would never forget what God has bought me from nor how I got there. I have been thinking about this statement all day long and I have come to this conclusion.....
I never want to be where someone feels as if they can not talk to me because my walk seems to be different than theirs. God has us all in different places and we all need each other.We all make up the body. So I find myself questioning myself in that what did I say for them to think this....Have I not had the compassion that I need for them . Father please show me what I can do to reach those that think that we can't communicate anymore. Please never let me forget how you bought me out of the dark and into the light. Hep be to be the person that I need to be. Help people to see Jesus in me.

I know..... just a lot of rambling today but that is where I am. Hope this all makes sense.
Until tomorrow.....God Bless
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Postby mlg » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:05 pm

Tam I want to share something with you. About a year ago, someone told me that they were jealous of me and all that I do here at the Oasis...but more importantly they were jealous of my relationship with God. This really made me think that I had done something wrong, to the point I literally quit here at the Oasis. I told Oasis I didn't want to be here anymore and to remove my account. Obviously that didn't happen, as I'm still here...but more importantly I learned a lesson out of all of this. We each have our own walk with God. We are all going to be at different levels. When someone starts questioning your walk, and pointing out how far ahead you are in your walk than they are in theirs, then this means they are weighing in on their own walk...and probably aren't happy where they are. This also is something they have to work out with God. The main thing is that you have to continue to choose God and the direction He points you in. Sometimes this may mean a friend is left behind, not because you want to leave them behind, but the fact that they choose not to grow in their relationship with God as you are. Also, God places you in your walk, right where He wants you to be. Keep reaching out to this person, and keep letting them know that the door is always open...but ultimately in it all....the choice is theirs.

As for the world sis, we are all to be in the world but not of it...but more importantly we need to stop and take a moment for those who are of it. We might just be the only Light they ever see. Don't be selfish, because you already have the Light...offer it freely and willingly always, despite how you feel...put away self....this is something I've had to work on a lot...not being so selfish...but again I've learned it ain't about me....it's all about bringing God glory.

Keep with the steps sis.. your learning a lot, I can see that already.

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Postby Tam » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:11 pm

I hope that I was not misleading in my previous post

This walk I am in is not about me at all .......IT is all about HIM and What I can do for him.
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Postby mlg » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:17 pm

no not at all sis....I know you know it's about Him...just thought I'd throw in a remind for myself as much as anyone else who reads this thread :)

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Postby deetu » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:37 pm

I read somewhere that even if you and I have the same gift, it will come out different because each one of us has a different personality that the gift come out as. I am bold and happy so my prayers come out with that confidence. My friend is quiet and reserved but her quiet prayers make you feel loved and secure.

I took this friend to a conference once. As we were sitting there, the speaker mentioned that it was a prophetic conference where she immediately turned to me saying, "This is prophetic?". I laughed and said I didn't tell her because she wouldn't have come. Boy, was she a sponge that weekend, soaking up everything that she saw and heard; asking questions. She agreed that she would have thought it was above her and she would have missed out on so much.

My point is that maybe your friend is quieter in her growth and doesn't see it as growth. Don't let that stop the way you are suppose to grow.

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Postby Tam » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:10 pm


My do we all face that today in our everyday lives. To not give into it is a hard thing sometimes ...but we have to ask ourselves....Does this have my best interest at heart? Do I really need to do this? The choice is ours to fall into the trap or to stand free of it.
I have to make a choice everyday to get out of of bed...I have the right to make that choice..God didn't take that away from me when he saved me. He gave me a will and a choice. Hoping that i would be strong enough to make the right choice. When faced with pressure..I have to ask myself Why am I doing this ...do I feel pushed...Do I need to do this...is this edifying to my Father...Am I gonna regret this? If I answer no to any one of those questions...then I don't need to do it. I need to back up and seek my Father and find his answer for me.
The co-study to this was Faith. A little word with a huge meaning. We operate in faith everyday and I think that we just don't realize it. One area I think is that when we go to bed at night....we know that we are going to wake up in the morning ....How do you know that...you just do...You have the faith that you are going to wake up and you don't doubt it. Doubt is Faith in reverse.
To me faith has gotten a new meaning in these last couple of weeks
Faith to me is:


In order to get where I am at this point and time in my life I had to forsake everything. I had to lean on the one who could get me through.
Yes I had to learn to TRUST!!!!!! was it easy NO!!!! probably the hardest thing I have ever done. People ask me how can I trust something/someone I can not see?
I have learned to look at it like this...I look around me on this site and I see Jesus everywhere. In words, actions, friendships
He is here ...just look around you . These people have a sincere heart and the only way they could have gotten there was through trusting in something/someone.
You come on this site and you are attacked by I love you's and hugs. You say how can someone love you when they don't know you. It is because of the trust they put in God and what God has done in their life. They love you with a Godly love. They are sincere.
I came to this site tough as nails. Unhuggable, unloveable and just by myself. My first day here I felt something and it scared me. It was love. Unconditional love. I just had to learn to reach out and receive it. I had to learn to know that if God did it for them then He will do it for me. After all what did I have to loose? I took a chance and it paid off. All because of the baby steps and the faith and trust I put in God.
I am deeply in love with Jesus and He is my best friend now. All because of being willing to take a chance on trust. What he has done in and for me He will do for anyone because He is no respecter of person and He doesn't love me anymore than he loves you.
So.....Yes I am giving in to pressure but it is pressure I am placing on myself to serve my Father and to do whatever it is He would have me to do.
Jesus Loves you and so do I
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Postby mlg » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:45 pm

I like how you put that Tam, faith is going to bed at night and going to sleep without thinking about waking up, just because you know you will :) That is exactly how we need to have Faith in God...asking Him to do what He wants with us and knowing that it will be good for us. Thanx for sharing that!

As far as the love sis, it has been here since I came here and that's been over 3 years ago now. The ability to love our brothers and sisters, just because God created them...it's so rewarding to be able to do that. Being able to love others like God loves....that's what you call God within us.

See ya for tomorrow's step sis.

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