Am I holding the "grudge" ? or the grudge holding

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Am I holding the "grudge" ? or the grudge holding

Postby vahn » Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:14 am

Two monks on their way from the temple to their living quarters . It's raining , the roads are muddy . Coming to an intersection they see a beautifuly dressed girl across the street afraid to step in from the mud . One the monks gets over and carries the girl across .
On their way back , almost home , monk #2 couldnt hold it in any longer and tells his companion " How dare you do that ? A female , you touched that girl knowing we're not suppossed to have anything to do with females let alone carry them !! bla bla bla " . Monk # 1 responds by " I left that girl at the cross-roads , why are you still carrying her ?"

Yesterday , a situation arose where someone who had started some damaging rumors about me was pin pointed and is still doing so , unawares of the fact that I am in town , and that he was to be at the meeting . I get the info first thing in the morning and the meeting was not till 8 PM .
Yep , you guessed it ! For the good part of the day (well ok , all of it) was spent on "what-am-I-going-to say-and-how-am-I-going-to-say-it" (I'll show him !!) . In the meanwhile some other very important isue had to be dealt with , had a contract to draw, setting up a meeting with top brass ,(who , by the way decideds to pop himself out of nowhere ) and on and on right ? But the minute I got that info , all of that stuff went right out the window and all I can see is this guy's face on target practice on my dart board . Completely consumed !! it wasn't till way after lunch , (when the director pops his head through my door and says ,"gotta minute ?) haaahh !!, I said how about in 30 ? . Ok , in the bathroom - mimimimi , concentrate , meditate , answer , "How much room had I allowed this person to occupy in my head that I had to completely neglect the tasks at hand ? " and better yet "How important is this schmuck anyway ?!?!"

You know what ? It wasn't him after all to be blamed , rather it was me , I was the one who allowed myself to be preoccupied by him . So, afterwards , I'm more calm , planned a course of action , and erased him from my "agenda" , In the meanwhile , I turned my thoughts to "Why is this happening , who can benefit from it " But nevertheless , at 7:15 I'm at the meeting . Confrontation - "so , lets see if you can say that while I'm standing in front of you and all these people in audience !!" answer ? " Oh , what I meant was !!!!" oh shutt upp !! ".

Not even 20 mins later , I get someone else having a similar situation .
So , guess what ? Is God Awsome ? or is He just Awsome ?

running outa time , God bless you all !
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Postby mlg » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:36 am

Sometimes God places us in a situation in order that we can learn and help another who faces that situation after us. Kinda neat how God knows what is coming way before we ever even see it. He is awesome.

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:47 pm

Well , my answer to all that before I ran outa time (and also after the talk with the person having a similar issue) was , something out of scripture , though the context it is in the script may differ a bit , but nevertheless , it works at times like this , it says , in effect , "do not be conformed to (or with, whatever the case may be) the world " in other words , what other people say or do , if they can't say it in your presence , there must be some other issue that person is dealing with , and that if they are unwilling to share or discuss that so a mutual agreement could be reached , then all that is none of my biz.

The "anger" is mine , not the person , all I have to do is , first , seperate them , shun the person , so that by doing so , I'll be able to concentrate on the reason I'm being bothered (which , by the way will block the sunlight of the spirit) hence lose sight of the Beam .
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Postby mlg » Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:11 pm

Exactly, our emotions can sure enough Block the Light if we aren't turn making people receive bad vibes from our moods, instead of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have to learn to tame our emotions, and keep Him at the forefront always.

luv ya
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