
This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby vahn » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:58 am

Something I say oft say @ my mtg's concerning our 11th step which reads, "Sought through prayer & meditation to improve our concious contact w/God - praying Only for Hos will 4 us & the power to carry it out", I remark to it by "I know God so well , that I can make Him laugh !
The other day I told Him I know exactly what His will 4 me is !! and He Laughed !!.
The truth is , that I can only know of His will AFTER the event or action had taken place, then I can say this must've been His will 4 me, not before, ie: I didnt know it was His will 4 me 2 sober up untill after I had been sober awhile .

A while back I wrote something 2 the effect of "how will I know?"
To answer myself , today I say "You will, wether you like it or not !"

What does all this have 2 do w/day 5 ? I have no clue , but if I was 2 share something that happened yesterday @ the mtg might shed a little light on the subject.
This guy walkes up to me and says "Hey vahn, are you turning into a Jesus freak man ? " without hesitation nor knowing where it came from I returned with " Thank you very much 4 ur loving observation sir, what are you planning on being when you grow up ? "

Matthew 10:19-20
.... take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:44 pm

Vahn, you know you are becoming a walking testimony to our Lord. People are seeing His light shining through you to the point they know from where the Power comes from.

The Holy Spirit will defenitely speak through us, if we just allow Him too. Not thinking but being a vessel. I see you reaching out now vahn to others who are where you have been. They so need you. I see that not only did God send you to the Oasis to heal, but also for Him to use you to heal others. Keep reaching.

luv ya
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