Changes Are Coming

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Changes Are Coming

Postby Hope » Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:25 am

In looking back over this past year, it has been a year of a lot of losses. Starting in March. I lost my uncle (though i know where he is), i lost my job, i lost my grandmother(know where she is too!), lost my sheltie. Finally found a job but making 10k less a year has taken its toll, and just found out my mom has breast cancer. It has been a long hard year though thank God it is almost over. I am too scared to hope its better than this year cuz that was what i said last year and the sky fell. ok not literally but you get the idea. Wasn't sure where to post this but this seems to be where i do most of my soul searching and confessing. A brother here sent me an awesome holy spirit inspired PM giving me a prescription and wow all i can say is he hit it right on the head!
OK on to what i really want to share...... I have a roommate. It is not a good situation and hasnt been for quite some time. He hasnt worked in idk how long and is intimidating among other things. Don't get me wrong i am far from perfect and i got a mouth on me that can wound in a second when i choose. Well, he hasn't been paying his child support. He told me the other day that they told him if he didnt pay by yesterday they were issuing an order for his arrest. God Forgive me, but i hope they come and get him SOON! I am so tired and unhappy with him here. He doesn't even try. I told him last night that when he got out of jail he needed to go check himself into the hospital and get the help he needs. Now he is blaming me for all of this (guess i should have to pay his child support... NOT). He knows i won't let him come back here and knows its an ongoing struggle to just make the bills so i will be contacting Legal Aid to find out how to evict him and keep him from coming back. He says he isnt leaving the house alive. He has threatened me on numerous occasions but has never actually done anything. I cannot do this anymore. I feel bad for him as his family has nothing to do with him. But i cannot help him. I tried and i failed and i think i did more harm than good by letting it go on as long as it has. On a side note i MAY have another roommate, possibly, have to get this one out first and then get the house nice and clean and his room cleaned out to see if this other person is interested. A friend of mine that i had lost touch with years ago, asked about it for someone. At any rate, it gave me hope that maybe this was God stepping in and showing me far more mercy than i deserve. I feel like i just might MIGHT have another chance to get things right. Im praying i do the right thing every day, every hour. yep i know i will make mistakes, but i am praying i can for the most part live a life that i am not ashamed of and that i can be content and not lose my house.
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Re: Changes Are Coming

Postby dema » Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:03 pm

Stick to your guns. ANd change the locks when he is gone. If he leaves at all - even for an hour - you could potentially change the locks and put his stuff out on the curb. Does he never leave? There's nothing he can do about it if you are the one on the documents. If he makes a fuss - call the police.
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Re: Changes Are Coming

Postby realtmg » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:00 am

I would suggest that the next room mate be a female.
Fear not as God is in CONTROL.
Thanks for pouring your heart out to us.
Real..... *hug*
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