Disciples Bible Study
First Disciples of Jesus
Christianity Oasis provides you with the First Disciples Bible study on the first disciples of Jesus Christ. We will be looking into that and all aspects of the prophecy, birth, life, death, resurrection and return of Jesus and how it affects you today.
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Bible Study Program
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Tell Me the Story of Jesus study program. This is our interesting and educational ... The First Disciples Bible study taking an in depth look into the life and times of the first disciples of Jesus our Lord and how their choices affect you today. The absolutely awe inspiring and heartfelt message within the Disciples Bible study on the first disciples of Jesus will bring joy to your heart. The truth is absolutely enLIGHTening.
Start our Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Bible Study from the beginning:
As we sojourn along in our Tell Me the Story of Jesus study program ... We've only scratched the surface in learning about the miracles that Jesus worked while He was on earth. In healing the sick, He fulfilled the prophecy that Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 53:4, He took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.
You will find in the First Disciples Bible study that there was even a time when Jesus instructed the first disciples of Jesus to have a small ship awaiting Him because the crowds were so heaven and they might throng Him. He healed so many that those who had diseases pressed upon Him to touch Him so they could be healed. Unclean spirits, when they saw Him, fell down before Him and cried, You are the Son of God. He seriously ordered them not to make Him known.
The First Disciples Bible study story is about the first disciples of Jesus. A scribe came and said to Jesus, Master, I'll follow you wherever you go. Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has no place to lay His head. Now wait just a minute here, you may be thinking ... Jesus was homeless? Absolutely right. During the time of His ministry for 3 ½ years, He had no "home." Think about that the next time you see a homeless person. The first disciples of Jesus also left their homes and families as to be able to follow and serve Jesus properly. Yep, the first disciples of Jesus were homeless too.
One of the first disciples of Jesus said to Him, (in reference to following Him) Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said to him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead, but you go and preach the Kingdom of God.
Before we look into what Jesus responded, Time for the First Disciples Bible study trivia question for you: Disciples ... What are Disciples?
Disciples are those who follow and/or serve another.
Who were the first Disciples disciples of Jesus?
The First Twelve Disciples Bible Study List
The First Disciples of Jesus Names
Matthew 10:2-4
2 Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The
first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his
brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;
3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas,
and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus,
and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;
4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot,
who also betrayed Him.
The first disciples of Jesus became what is called Apostles. You will discover in the First Disciples Bible study that there were many more disciples of Jesus at that time and the number of the disciples of Jesus has been growing from that time until this very moment. You may even be a disciple of Jesus as that is what a Christian is.
Why do you suppose Jesus said "Let the dead bury their dead?" ... Well, first of all, if the deceased was righteous, their soul is in Abraham's Bosom and their body (as we learned way back in the book of Genesis) will turn back into dust. (If you would like to study what happens after death, check out the Fear of death study.) The time that is spent in mourning, could be better spent serving the Lord instead. Rejoice, that the souls are home.
Now, back to the First Disciples Bible study ... Jesus said to another of the first disciples of Jesus, Follow me, and the disciple said, Lord, I'll follow you but first let me go say goodbye to my family. Jesus answered, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God. Note: If you have put your hand to the plough, you have started working on something, or set your mind to something. Jesus meant that if you have passion for the Lord, you can't put other things above it or you're not worthy of His Kingdom. How many times has He asked us to follow Him, and we've found other things more important? Priorities are very important. This may be a good time to evaluate the priorities in your life.
Next in the First Disciples Bible study journey, we find that when Jesus saw crowds of people around Him, He went into a ship with the first disciples and told them to go to the other side of the sea of Galilee. A great tempest came up in the sea and the ship was tossed about by the waves, but Jesus had fallen asleep. The disciples came to Him and woke Him up saying, Lord, save us or we'll die! Jesus said, Why are you afraid, O ye of little faith? He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.
The disciples were surprised and they asked each other, What kind of man is He? Even the winds and the sea obey Him!
The First Disciples Bible study has made it very clear to us that it may be a bit difficult to adjust and adapt (for some) to the true meaning of being a disciple of Jesus but, the first disciples of Jesus persevered and so many more disciples of Jesus afterward fought the good fight and continued to spread the Gospel and that is why you were able to learn of Jesus in the first place at some point in your life. The first disciples of Jesus carried on to the very end and in some cases some horrifying ends. But, now they are in Paradise. Will you?
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John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

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The First Disciples Bible Study Resources
Bible Study Tools ... Jesus Makes His First Disciples. Read Jesus Makes His First Disciples. commentary using The Fourfold Gospel. Study the bible online using commentary on Jesus Makes His First Disciples.
Church of Jesus Christ ... The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ: Then and Now - The Bible teaches us that the original apostles of Jesus were Peter; James; John; Andrew; Philip; Judas Iscariot; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alpheus ...
Crosswalk ... Who Were the 12 Disciples - Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon, ... Quiet part of the team of disciples in that we don't read much about him in Scripture.
Got Questions ... Why is the order of Jesus’ calling His disciples different in some of the gospels? In Matthew 4:18–22, the first disciples to be called are listed like this: ... More insights from your Bible study.
Holy Spirit ... Would you like to be more like the First Disciples Bible individuals? They were very close to the Holy Spirit who is a gift from the Lord to Comfort Christians.
Quora ... Who was the first disciple of Jesus Christ? Andrew is known as "the first-called" of the apostles, since he was already a disciple of John the Baptist and was the first to follow Jesus.
Sermon Central ... Sermons about First Disciples - Three men are called to be disciples. The first and third came to Jesus volunteering to be a disciple. This was unusual. The second man was approached by Jesus.
Wikipedia ... Apostles in the New Testament - In Christian theology and ecclesiology, the apostles, particularly the Twelve Apostles were the primary disciples of Jesus according to the New Testament.
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