Down the Road

by Melinda K. Jenkinson

Book Description

Down the Road

Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. We proudly present you this ebook titled Down the Road written by Author Melinda K. Jenkinson. Christianity Oasis proudly offers this Down the Road ebook free of charge for your enjoyment.

Living Water at the Oasis
Living Water at the Oasis

Book Description

Down the Road

Author: Melinda K. Jenkinson

Book #6001

This eBook has been shared by a true writer who is able to reveal her thoughts and spirit very well by use of words. Kaye Leigh Williams-Rutherford is at peace with her past and steady in her walk with God. Until something from her past comes to destroy the life that she has built. Can Kaye Leigh remember all that she had been through to get where she is and remember that she can make it through anything with God leading her or will she turn to her old ways? Will her husband stand beside her or will she push him away?

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