Gather Us In

by Diane Jurino

Book Description

Gather Us In

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An oasis in the desert
Living Water at Christianity Oasis

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Quench your thirsty soul!
An oasis in the desert

Book Description

Gather Us In

Author: Diane Jurino

Book #5124

The Lord calls us the sheep of His pasture; there is no excuse for our going astray. He will arbitrate our disputes, judge fairly and equitably between us, and restore peace to our fellowships. We will walk in love and unity as He binds up our wounds and gathers us into the Kingdom of God for all eternity.

Other books shared by this author:

1016 - Come Up Higher

5086 - World Without End

5092 - The Two Edged Sword

5095 - Consuming Fire

5099 - Arise and Shine

5101 - The Straight and Narrow Path

5104 - The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory

5111 - Walking in All the Promises of God

5114 - Eyes to See and Ears That Hear

5116 - Accepted in the Beloved Supernatural Grace and Favor

5120 - Restoration of All Things

5122 - Arm in Arm

5123 - Feeding the Multitude

5125 - Hear Us From Heaven

5126 - In Spirit and in Truth

5127 - Marching Orders From the King

5128 - Radical Joy

5129 - The Good Fight of Faith

5130 - To Know Him is to Love Him

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