Eyes That See and Ears That Hear

by Diane Jurino

Book Description

Eyes That See and Ears That Hear

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Book Description

Eyes That See and Ears That Hear

Author: Diane Jurino

Book #5114

Mankind is in a quandary at this point in time. We are experiencing a sensory overload. We have eyes that have grown dim, and ears that are stopped up. Our perception has been desensitized by the constant stream of physical stimuli we get from the world around us. We fail to see what has eternal ramifications, and close our ears to the voice of God that is continually speaking to us. All of creation belongs to us and we need to learn to subdue it according to our Creator's eternal plan and purpose. We are part of the big picture and the fate of the entire human race rests with us. We must turn towards God and seek His guidance and direction, so that we can set matters straight before Christ returns to us. We have to develop eyes to see and ears that hear the truth.

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5086 - World Without End

5092 - The Two Edged Sword

5095 - Consuming Fire

5099 - Arise and Shine

5101 - The Straight and Narrow Path

5104 - The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory

5111 - Walking in All the Promises of God

5116 - Accepted in the Beloved Supernatural Grace and Favor

5120 - Restoration of All Things

5122 - Arm in Arm

5123 - Feeding the Multitude

5124 - Gather Us In

5125 - Hear Us From Heaven

5126 - In Spirit and in Truth

5127 - Marching Orders From the King

5128 - Radical Joy

5129 - The Good Fight of Faith

5130 - To Know Him is to Love Him

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