Building Eternity from a Bed of Roses

by Victor Morton

Book Description

Building Eternity from a Bed of Roses

Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. We proudly present you this ebook titled Building Eternity from a Bed of Roses written by Author Victor Morton. Christianity Oasis proudly offers this Building Eternity from a Bed of Roses ebook free of charge for your enjoyment.

Living Water at the Oasis
Living Water at the Oasis

Book Description

Building Eternity from a Bed of Roses

Author: Victor Morton

Book #5040

This eBook takes a serious look at the Judgment Seat of Christ and world evangelization. When the North American church can only afford ½ of 1% from its vast church wealth for frontier missions (reaching the estimated 2.2 billion people who have never once heard the gospel of Jesus Christ), then we have a major decision to make. We must either reevaluate our traditional business-as-usual missionary programs or brace ourselves for a great disappointment at the judgment seat of Christ.

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