Names of the Believers in the Bible
by Surya Kumar Daimari
Book Description
Names of the Believers in the Bible
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Book Description
Names of the Believers in the Bible
Author: Surya Kumar Daimari
Book #1026
It is really very fascinating, thrilling and exciting to know that like Christ, believers also have many wonderful names. It is really amazing to think that many of the names of believers are identical to Christ's names. They speak of believers status, nature and attributes on this earth and their wonderful heritages in heaven. I have painstakingly made a fresh headway to compile at least 114 names of believers in this book in alphabetical order These names are drawn from symbols, types, simile and metaphors etc. These names are pregnant with spiritual meanings or spiritual truths. Jesus has also promised to give us a new name (Rev. 2:17), which bespeaks of our new nature and position in heaven. We have become the partakers of heavenly things (Rev. 8:17). These names are like precious jewels, which carry the distinctive character of a believer and his Christ likeness. They are like different facets of glory. A diligent search of the scripture will reveal that the believers in Christ have a special identity with Christ--- an identity, which bears distinctive marks of righteousness and their relationship to their creator. The search itself is an exhilarating one and at the same time full of blessings.
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