Consuming Fire
Preparation to Enter Into the Kingdom of God
Chapter 6

A Fiery Judgment

by Diane Jurino

An oasis in the desert
Living Water at Christianity Oasis

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Quench your thirsty soul!
An oasis in the desert

Consuming Fire
Preparation to Enter Into the Kingdom of God
Chapter 6 - A Fiery Judgment
by Diane Jurino

2Timothy 4:1 "I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;"

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will soon return to the earth to judge all of us. No one will be exempted from His scrutiny. He will judge the household of God; the nations; both men and angels. All the living and the dead will stand before Him to determine who has been righteous and who deserves eternal condemnation and never ending punishment in the lake of fire.

Jesus alone reserves the right to determine our fate. He was perfect and sinless and laid down His life for all of mankind, so that we could be exonerated from our sin guilt. He is soon to be glorified for all that He did, and he will share His honor with those who have been faithful to imitate His life. Those who have been obedient and walked in love will receive eternal blessings.

However, those who have been wicked and evil, committed to sin and rebellion, will ultimately be destroyed for their transgressions. God's wrath and indignation has been stored up for them for thousands of years now. They will not enter into Christ's everlasting Kingdom to defile either God or man. They will have their share in the unquenchable lake of fire for all eternity.

2Corinthians 5:10 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad."

Life on this earth has been a proving ground for us. We all face an imminent judgment for our works in the flesh. If we have been righteous, obedient and loving we will receive eternal blessings and many generous rewards. If we have violated any of the Lord's moral absolutes or defied Him in any way, we will be forever banished from His presence and subject to never ending punishment.

Very soon now, it will be too late for any of us to change our fate. Our belief in Jesus Christ is an all or nothing proposition. We cannot ever compromise our moral integrity and hope to escape reprisal. We will be held accountable for everything that we think, say and do. We must repent from the heart and turn towards almighty God or we will suffer eternal condemnation for our sinfulness.

Those who are faithful will inherit the everlasting Kingdom of God, but the stubborn and rebellious will be excluded for all time. The Lord has no obligation to provide for those who are committed to sin and evil. It will grieve Him to cast any of us out of His presence, but He will remain steadfast. His Kingdom is reserved only for those who show deference and respect and walk in His ways.

Hebrews 10:30-31 "For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. [It is] a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

The Lord, Jesus Christ, is not returning as a meek and mild Lamb of God this time. He has vengeance in His heart to take retribution on all of His enemies. He will destroy all the ungodly and their ungodliness in the wrath of His coming and cleanse the earth of all its defilement. There will be no more wickedness and evil to taint our lives or cause us any pain and suffering.

War, violence and conflict will be things of the past. There will be no more oppression or exploitation of God's people. Poverty and lack will be eradicated; men will no longer be motivated by greed or a lust for power. Jesus Christ will level all playing fields. He will judge all men, and even angels, to determine who deserves eternal rewards and who should be punished.

He will totally obliterate all those who have injured others or defied His heavenly Father. They will not be permitted to enter into His everlasting Kingdom. He will cast Satan and all his minions into the bottomless pit, and banish all evildoers to the unquenchable lake of fire. Only the meek and contrite will be spared His anger and enter into the presence of God for all eternity.

The Only Righteous Judge

John 5:22 "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:"

The Lord will judge His people through the one and only perfect man - His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He alone reserves the right to judge mankind, since He overcame sin, death and the grave on our behalf. Jesus was human, just as we are, but was totally sinless Himself. He conquered sin and its penalty of death, so that we would not have to suffer and die as He did.

Very soon now, Christ will return to this earth to consummate our redemption in spirit, soul and body. He will judge all men, and even angels, to evaluate our works in the flesh. If we have been obedient and walked in His ways, we will be found worthy to enter into His everlasting Kingdom. However, if we have deliberately transgressed God's laws, we will perish.

There will be a zero tolerance policy for sin in the days to come. No one will be permitted to be rebellious and disobedient. Our Lord and Savior will destroy all wickedness and banish it from His presence. He will bring a fiery judgment on all those who have purposely violated God's will. They will be relegated to eternal punishment in the unquenchable lake of fire.

No evil will ever into the Kingdom of almighty God. He is all holy and nothing defiling can be in His presence. Christ will rule and reign with a rod of iron to make certain that there is nothing to contaminate the peace and serenity of God's people. He will banish Satan and all of his minions to the abyss and provide total safety and security for us forever more.

Acts 17:31 "Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by [that] man whom he hath ordained; [whereof] he hath given assurance unto all [men], in that he hath raised him from the dead."

Our heavenly Father has delegated all judgment to the only human being that was perfect and sinless in every way. Jesus Christ was God made man for our express benefit. He took on all the curse of our wickedness and transgression and actually became sin for us. He was our substitute in suffering death as a penalty for our iniquity. He cancelled our sin debt with His very own Blood.

Jesus rose from the dead - the firstborn of many sons and daughters of almighty God. If we have faith in Him, we are brand new creatures. Our spirits are cleansed before God and our right standing with Him is restored. Our sins are forgiven us and we strive for holiness and perfection, just as Christ did. We serve the Lord and His people and fulfill our divine destinies as the Body of Christ.

We owe the Lord all of our gratitude and praise, and we will soon face Him in an everlasting judgment. Only He can determine who is righteous, and who deserves punishment for their works in the flesh. If we have believed in Jesus Christ, obeyed all of God's laws and continually walked in love, we will be found worthy to inherit His Kingdom and spend all eternity in His awesome presence.

John 5:32 "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true."

The Holy Spirit of almighty God Himself will judge us through Jesus Christ on the last day. The Spirit bears witness that Christ is indeed the Son of God, all holy and perfect. He alone reserves the right to evaluate all of mankind. He came to this earth to save us and to testify of His Father. He was eminently successful in all that He did, and He has earned honor and glory as a result.

Christ will judge all men - the living and the dead. He will be fair and just, but His decisions will be permanent. None of us will be able to persuade Him to lower His perfect, impeccable standards. Nor will we be able to negotiate our fate at that point. There will be no second chances given to anyone. We must decide now where we wish to spend all of eternity and repent of all our sins.

If we are diligent to change our ways and appropriate the righteousness of Christ Himself through our faith, we will be granted eternal life and all of its many benefits. We must also obey all of the commandments and have a genuine love for God and for others. There are no shortcuts to our redemption. It is an all or nothing proposition and we will be held strictly accountable for all that we do.

Luke 21:36 "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

We cannot take our salvation for granted even though we are born again and saved to eternal life. If we are deliberately rebellious in any way, we will find ourselves on the outside looking in. We will all face an imminent judgment for our works in the flesh, whether they be good or evil. The great and terrible Day of the Lord will be the determining factor for each and every one of us.

We must guard our righteousness at all costs and obey all that the Lord asks of us. If we keep all of His commandments, walk in love and fulfill our divine destinies as we should, we will be found faithful. If we are lax in any area, we could face serious reprisals. The wages for sin are spiritual and physical death, and there is no way to escape if we are careless in our walk with the Lord.

We must pray and be diligent in developing our relationship with our heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. If we remain close to God, He will strengthen us in temptation and deliver us from all evil. If we put God first in our lives, He will help us to overcome all that is worldly in us. We will also be spared His wrath when Christ appears, and be able to stand in His holy presence.

Judgment of the Living and the Dead

Revelation 20:12-15 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Christ will return to the earth to judge both the living and the dead - all men and even angels. Those who have passed away before us will be raised from the dead to face everlasting judgment for all of their works in the flesh. Many will be raised to eternal life with all of its many benefits, and enter into the Kingdom of God with us. However, there will be others who have inherited never ending condemnation.

The Lord will not show partiality to any of us. We will all be judged fairly and equitably. He knows who has been faithful and who has been rebellious. He will not hesitate to exalt the righteous and punish the wicked among us. All those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be protected and gathered to the Lord. However, the sinners will go to perdition in their ignorance and rebellion.

The everlasting Kingdom of God is reserved for Jesus Christ and His saints who have been faithful to obey all the Lord's commandments and walk in uncompromised love under all circumstances. Many who are first now, will be last on judgment day, because they failed to adhere to all that the Lord requires of us. Only those who are totally righteous will be found worthy to enter into God's awesome presence.

John 5:25-29 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation."

When Christ returns to the earth, He will call forth both the living and the dead. Those who are in their graves will be resurrected to face judgment with the rest of us. Some will inherit eternal life and others will be permanently condemned. What we do in this life is critical to our fate. If we are righteous and walk in love, we can be assured that we will be able stand before our King and be found acceptable.

The rebellious will not fare so well on the great and terrible Day of the Lord. They will be banished to the unquenchable lake of fire for all of their wrongdoing. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth there for all of eternity. They will endure perpetual punishment for their wickedness and evil. They will look upon the righteous and be envious of our fate, but no second chances will ever be given to anyone.

Faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to God's laws is not optional for any of us, if we wish to spend our days in the Kingdom of God. We must believe in the Son of God and appropriate His righteousness as our very own in order to be saved. We must be totally obedient and walk in love, as we have been taught. We have no excuse for wickedness and evil. We know the truth and must abide by it in all that we do.

Revelation 3:5 "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels"

Jesus Christ expects us to do what He did while He was on this earth. He was the firstborn of many sons and daughters of God. We have been saved by grace and we can appropriate His righteousness as our very own. We need not ever sin again. We are brand new creatures in Christ and all things are possible to us. We have been given power over all evil and we should operate in divine authority.

We should strive for holiness and perfection, just as Jesus did. He is our role model and we can function in His strength if we lay down our lives and crucify our flesh and our selfish soul ambitions. We can be totally righteous and obedient and resist Satan and all of his efforts to tempt us to sin. We are able to overcome this world, our flesh and the devil if we have genuine faith and obey God.

Very soon now, we will meet our Lord and Savior face-to-face. He will be proud of us if we have testified to His name and preached the Gospel of His Kingdom. We must share our faith, so that many others can be set free as we have been. We should fulfill our eternal callings and make certain that every man, woman and child in every nation of the world has an equal opportunity to receive eternal life.

Christ will share His very own honor and glory with those who have been faithful to serve Him and His people. We will be appointed kings and priests and help Him judge both men and angels. We will receive the heathen and the uttermost parts of the earth for our inheritance. The Lord will boast of us to all creation as we will rule and reign with Him over all the nations of the world for all of eternity.

Judgment of the Nations

Matthew 25:31-33 "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left."

When Christ returns to the earth again, He will set up His everlasting Kingdom. All the kingdoms and nations of the world will be judged to determine whether they will be permitted to enter in. The government of almighty God and His justice system will prevail. There will be only godly principles of fairness and equality imposed on every human being.

The countries that have served almighty God and honored His way of doing things will be accorded special recognition and placement in His Kingdom. The Lord will glorify those people who are called by His holy name. He will boast of them to all creation as His very own sons and daughters. They will be the sheep nations that He gathers to Himself for all eternity.

Governments that have mistreated their people will be severely judged, and their leaders will be banished to eternal punishment. There will be no more social unrest, no poverty and lack, nor oppression and exploitation. All men will be treated with dignity and respect, as the Lord desires. We will learn to dwell together as brothers and sisters in love, peace and unity.

Isaiah 2:4 "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Almighty God will bring a fiery judgment on all those nations that have transgressed His laws and violated His moral absolutes in their dealings with one another. He has no tolerance for violence, bloodshed, war and conflict of any kind. He will not permit those leaders who are power hungry and greedy to survive. All wickedness and evil will soon be abolished from this world.

The nations that are committed to tyranny and despotism will ultimately disappear. The Lord will reorganize His people according to His perfect standards and appoint new rulers to oversee their lives. He will make certain that all men dwell in safety and security and abide by godly principles. His everlasting Kingdom promises us peace and prosperity, joy and freedom.

We will all be righteous and loving. No man will lift his hand against his brother for any reason. We will all share equally in the vast resources that the universe has to offer us. The Lord will actually come and dwell with us on His holy mountain near the New Jerusalem. We will all thrive in His awesome presence and give Him all the praise, honor and gratitude that He deserves.

Deuteronomy 32:43 "Rejoice, O ye nations, [with] his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, [and] to his people."

The Kingdom of God will level all playing fields and establish righteousness, peace and justice as norms. No wickedness and evil will ever be permitted to contaminate our lives. All men will dwell together in love and unity as brothers and sisters. There will be no tolerance for conflict of any type. All the kingdoms of this world will be united under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

Those nations that have set themselves up against Israel will share a horrible fate very soon now. They will be destroyed in the wrath and indignation of our God. He will not permit His original chosen people to be harmed in any way. They are the "apple of His eye," and He will rescue them from all efforts to eradicate them off the face of the earth, as He promised them He will do.

The Lord will be merciful towards His people and bind up all of our wounds. We will not even remember our former pain and suffering. He will take vengeance on all of our enemies. We will have safety and security from all harm. He will restore all that we have lost or had stolen from us, and provide all of our needs in abundance from all the vast resources of the universe.

Holy Vengeance

Isaiah 63:4 "For the day of vengeance [is] in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come."

It was appointed that Jesus Christ should appear once as the meek and mild Lamb of God. He suffered, died and was buried to atone for the sins of the entire world. He is also our risen King and He will protect His people at all costs. When Christ returns to this earth, He will have vengeance in His heart to wreak on all those who have injured us or defied His heavenly Father.

Our Lord and Savior is the champion of our cause for all of eternity. He will not permit His followers to ever be injured or contaminated by the wicked. He will root out all evildoers from our midst, strictly judge them and punish them in the eternal lake of fire. He will cast Satan and all of his minions into the abyss, so that mankind is no longer accused or oppressed in any way.

He will rule and reign with a rod of iron to make certain that nothing disturbs the peace and serenity of life in His everlasting Kingdom. Our God will actually dwell with men and nothing evil can survive in His holy presence. We will have total safety and security forever more. Those who enter in to the Kingdom of God will all be righteous, peaceful and loving or be expelled.

Nahum 1:2 "God [is] jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and [is] furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth [wrath] for his enemies."

Those who are wicked, stubborn and rebellious will not survive the Lord's stringent judgment of all of mankind. They will be found unacceptable by His standards and subject to His wrath for their works in the flesh. No evil will ever enter into the Kingdom of almighty God. He will destroy it off the face of the earth, so it cannot defile His people or harm them in any way.

Those who are faithful, loving and obedient will be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger. He will gather us to Himself, as He always desired, and boast of us to all creation as His very own sons and daughters. There is no good thing that He will ever withhold from those who walk in His ways. He will be our God, and we will be His people who are called by His holy name.

There will be only peace and prosperity, safety and security, joy and freedom in the Kingdom of God. Nothing will ever taint our lives there. Christ will make certain that all men are righteous and loving and dwell together as brothers and sisters. He will enforce godly principles of fairness and justice, so that we all share equally in the many blessings that He reserved for us.

Deuteronomy 32:35 "To me [belongeth] vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in [due] time: for the day of their calamity [is] at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

The wicked will not always prevail and take advantage of the godly. They will soon be caught in their own devices and severely punished for all their iniquity. The Lord has been patient up to this point, not wanting anyone to go to perdition for lack of knowledge in the truth. However, He has stored up a holy vengeance for all those who have been the enemies of His people.

The great and terrible Day of the Lord is very close at hand. Our God will suddenly act when we least expect it. He will bring a fiery judgment on all of the wicked and rebellious, and consume them in His wrath and indignation. There will be no more evil for us to contend with any longer. Almighty God will totally eradicate it from off the face of the entire earth.

All that remains will be pure and undefiled in His eyes, and suitable to enter into the everlasting Kingdom of God. The Lord will come and take up residence with His people and provide all of their needs in abundance. We will be healthy, happy and prosperous forever more. All of us will learn to be righteous and dwell in love, peace and unity as brothers and sisters.

Fiery Judgment of Evil

Luke 3:9 "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

This life is a test and trial period for each of us. We will all face an impending judgment for our works in the flesh, whether they be good or evil. If we have been loving, righteous and obedient and faithful to serve the Lord and His people, we will receive generous rewards. However, if we have been selfish and worldly, we will reap what we have sown, and be punished with never ending fire.

Almighty God is infinitely merciful and compassionate to the human condition, but His patience is running out. He has no tolerance for deliberate wickedness and rebellion. We have had every opportunity to turn from our iniquity and repent of all our sins. Faith in Jesus Christ is very simple and basic. If we believe that He was the Son of God sent to this world to redeem us, we are set free.

Sin and death, wickedness and evil no longer reign over us or hold us in bondage of any type. We are brand new creatures in Christ and all things become possible to us. We can overcome the world, our flesh and the devil and prevail in this life and in the Kingdom to come. We are spared from God's wrath and actually become joint-heirs with Jesus to all the promises for righteousness.

However, if we deliberately refuse Christ, continue to violate God's laws and ignore His advances, we will be destroyed in our own ignorance. The Lord will not be persuaded to alter His perfect standards for any of us. If we are committed to sin and evil, we will perish for all of eternity. Our works will precede us at the time of judgment and we will not be given another chance to get them right.

John 15:6 "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast [them] into the fire, and they are burned."

We have all had an equal opportunity to turn from our evil ways and embrace the truth of the Gospel message. Jesus Christ died so that all of mankind could be set free to receive the gift of eternal life. He paid our sin penalty with His very own Blood, and we can repent and appropriate His righteousness by faith. Sin no longer need reign over us in any way.

If we believe in Christ we are made new creatures in Him and our right standing with God is fully restored. He views us as His very own sons and daughters and there is no good thing that He will ever withhold from us. We are joint-heirs with Jesus and seated with Him at the right hand of God in heavenly places. The Kingdom of God and all of its promises are our legacy.

If we deliberately separate ourselves from the Lord through ignorance and rebellion, we are spiritually dead and prone to evil and wickedness of all kinds. It will be our undoing and bring a harsh sentence on us. We are subject to eternal condemnation and never ending punishment. We will be on the outside looking in, while others are blessed beyond all of our imaginings.

Psalm 91:7-8 "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked."

We must be fully committed to righteousness so that we are spared God's wrath in the fiery judgment that is to come on all of mankind in the near future. If we cooperate with His sanctification process now, He will burn out all iniquity in us and purge us of all that is defiling to Him, so that we can stand in His holy presence. We will soon see the destruction of the wicked and rebellious.

No evil will ever enter into the Kingdom of God. The Lord will root it out, so that it cannot contaminate His people. He will make certain that there is no more death and destruction, war and conflict, oppression and exploitation. All those who are greedy and lust for power will be abolished from the earth. They will have their share in the eternal lake of fire with all the other wrongdoers.

Only those who are loving and obedient will be rewarded for their faithfulness in His everlasting Kingdom. We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, health and longevity, joy and freedom forever more. All men will be righteous and loving and dwell with one another as brothers and sisters. We will enjoy eternal life with all its many benefits, while the wicked will disappear.

The Unquenchable Lake of Fire

Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

It is not the Lord's desire that anyone perish for lack of knowledge. He has made the truth readily available to each and every man, woman and child. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached throughout the entire world for thousands of years now. Righteousness is within our grasp if we simply repent of all our wrongdoing and believe that the Son of God died to save us from all our sins.

If we refuse to change our ways and appropriate the righteousness of Jesus Christ through faith, we are doomed. We cannot persist in wickedness and evil, ignorance and rebellion, and expect the Lord to close His eyes to our bad behavior. He is not a God of compromise. We cannot negotiate our redemption; He insists that we do things His way or suffer dire consequences for our actions.

Certain sins will guarantee us never ending punishment and exclusion from the Lord's holy presence. Liars, idolaters, murderers and sorcerers will all be stringently judged and condemned by Jesus Christ. However, all sin is worthy of death, and if we are not repentant, we will be cast into the eternal lake of fire.

We cannot be committed to evil and hope to be spared from the Lord's wrath.

Psalm 11:5-7 "The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: [this shall be] the portion of their cup. For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright."

Our God wants us to strive for holiness and perfection. We must sanctify ourselves of all fleshly lusts and selfishness of the soul. If we are obedient to all of the commandments and walk in love, as we have been taught, we will prevail in the coming judgment. Our righteousness must always be above and beyond reproach, so we are eligible to enter into the everlasting Kingdom of God.

The Lord will gather all of the faithful to Himself very soon now. He will bind up all of our wounds and restore all that we have lost or had taken from us. We will have only peace and prosperity, safety and security, joy and freedom. He will change our mortal bodies to be like Christ's very own, so that we live forever in health and vitality to see our offspring for all generations to come.

If we are deliberately wicked and rebellious in any way, the Lord will turn His back on us. He hates sin and evil and He will not tolerate it in His holy presence. We will be judged severely and sentenced to never ending punishment in the lake of fire with all other wrongdoers. There will be no second chances given to errant men or angels. Our fate will be determined for all of eternity.

Matthew 13:41-43 "The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."

Almighty God has permitted the wicked to survive all of these years, in hopes that they might be led to repentance. However, time is running out and very soon now they will be no more opportunity to seek the Lord and change our ways. When Christ returns to the earth, He will contend with all the ungodly and their ungodliness. There will be no iniquity permitted to enter into the Kingdom of God.

Our Lord and Savior has vengeance in His heart to destroy all of His enemies. He will judge all of mankind to determine who is righteous and deserving of everlasting life and who should be cast out of His holy presence. The lawless and unrepentant will not fare well. They will be eternally condemned to the unquenchable lake of fire, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth forever.

The righteous will shine with the light of Christ's glory and be gathered into His everlasting Kingdom, where we will enjoy eternal life and all of its many benefits. The Lord will meet all of our needs in abundance and wipe out all pain and suffering from our memories. We will receive retribution for all that has been inflicted on us and see the punishment of all those who are wicked and evil.

Revelation 20:15 "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Redemption has been made available to every human being that has ever been born into this earth realm. However, many still refuse to believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and all that He accomplished on our behalf. They will perish in their very own ignorance and rebellion. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be saved to eternal life.

The Lord knows who His people are; we hear His voice and obey all that He commands us to do. We are loving, righteous and faithful to Him, and we will be gathered into His everlasting Kingdom to enjoy multiple blessings and rewards for our service. We will live forever in peace and prosperity. No evil will ever come near us to harm or defile us in any way.

Jesus Christ will rule and reign as a righteous King with a rod of iron, to make certain that we are totally protected. He will banish all those who are wicked to the eternal lake of fire, so that they can no longer injure His people. There will be no more war and conflict, nor oppression and exploitation. We will be purged of all that is evil and offensive to our God.

The Fate of Satan

1John 3:8 "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."

Sin is a by-product of Satan's evil ways and his commitment to defy almighty God and destroy mankind in the process. He rebelled from the very beginning and takes particular delight in dragging men into His wickedness. He caused our first parents to sin in the Garden of Eden and has been hard at work ever since to tempt each and every one of us to transgress God's laws.

Jesus Christ came to this earth to destroy the works of the devil and to redeem all of mankind once and for all time. He suffered, died, was buried and rose from the dead, so we could be spared the penalty of death for our own sinfulness. If we repent from the heart and believe in all that He did for us, we are saved to eternal life in spite of our inherited tendency towards iniquity.

Christ will return very soon now to consummate our redemption in spirit, soul and body. He will utterly destroy all evil in the wrath of His coming and banish Satan and all of his minions to the bottomless pit, so that they can no longer defile the human race or offend our God in any way. They will be permanently removed from our presence and sentenced to a fiery judgment.

All those who are rebellious, unrepentant and committed to evil will share in Satan's fate. They will be on the outside looking in to the Kingdom of God for all of eternity. Christ will cast all the wrongdoers into the unquenchable lake of fire, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. They will have perpetual punishment for their wicked ways without a reprieve or pardon.

Revelation 12:10 "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."

The devil is a legalist and every time that he has seen God's people make mistakes, he has accused us of wickedness and evil. Very soon now, Christ will return to this earth to level all playing fields and deal with Satan. He will remind him that we are covered by His precious Blood and that He destroyed all the works of darkness with His victory over sin, death and the grave.

Satan and all of his minions will be cast into the bottomless pit, so that they can no longer hold us in any bondage. God's people will no longer be tempted, harassed or oppressed in any way. The fear and torment that the devil has inflicted on us over the years will be totally removed. Our Lord and Savior will bind up all of our wounds and gather us to Himself for all of eternity.

The wicked will all be banished from our midst, so that we are totally undefiled. We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, joy and freedom in the everlasting Kingdom of God. There will be no more sin and evil to harm us in any way. Christ will rule and reign as a righteous King and protect His people. He will enforce godly principles of righteousness and justice.

Revelation 20:10 "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

The devil may have appeared to have the upper hand for awhile. He was the god of this earth for thousands of years, until Christ taught us to take dominion over him. We are able to overcome him ourselves and appropriate the divine power and authority that has been given to us by Christ Himself. We should do all that we can to reveal Satan's deceptive ways and rescue men from his grasp.

The enemy of our souls knows that his time on this earth is limited and that he will be utterly destroyed by Jesus Christ in the near future. He wreaks havoc in our lives if we give him access, but if we submit ourselves to almighty God and resist him, he will flee from us. We should preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and give all mankind hope and confidence for their future.

The devil will not be able to withstand the Son of God when He returns to us. He will be cast into a fiery furnace and tormented night and day for all time. All evildoers will be banished to the unquenchable lake of fire. There will be no more wickedness and evil anywhere on the face of the earth. The Lord, Jesus Christ, and His angels will rid the entire world of all that defiles God and man.

The Kingdom of God will be a veritable paradise for all of us who are worthy to enter into it. We will have total safety and security. Christ will protect us from all evil and make certain that we are healthy, happy and prosperous. He will change our mortal bodies into glorious, resurrection forms that never get sick and die. We will live forever in His awesome presence and give Him all the glory.

Topics for Discussion

1. The Only Righteous Judge
2. Judgment of the Living and the Dead
3. Judgment of the Nations
4. Holy Vengeance
5. Fiery Judgment of Evil
6. The Unquenchable Lake of Fire
7. The Fate of Satan

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