The Two Edged Sword
The Powerful, Authoritative Word of God
Chapter 7
The Word Activates the Kingdom of God
by Diane Jurino
Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
The Two Edged Sword
The Powerful, Authoritative Word of God
Chapter 7 - The Word Activates the Kingdom of God
by Diane Jurino
Kingdom Promises in the Word of God
Numbers 23:19 "God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"
Almighty God never lies; He always backs up His words with action. The Word of God is His will for mankind. He has given us the gift of eternal life through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and He will not renege. Our heavenly Father has a wonderful plan in place that allows for the restoration of all those who choose to believe the truth. He will gather us into the everlasting Kingdom of God, as He has promised.
This planet will not be destroyed, but it will line up with the Word of God and be renovated. Everything will have to be cleansed and purified, so that heaven can be ushered in to the earth. There will be no more wars, violence and conflict. All poverty and lack will be abolished. Disease and death will be things of the past. All of nature will be restored to its original beauty and balance, as it once was in the Garden of Eden.
Mankind will be challenged to obey the Word of God or perish in their ignorance and rebellion. Only those who are righteous and walk in love will be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. The Lord will come and dwell with us, and there can be no wickedness and defilement in His holy presence. The entire earth will be as it was at the original creation. The Lord will nurture and protect His people as He always intended.
The Kingdom of God will be the answer to all of our prayers and the solution to all of our problems. It will be heaven on the earth for all those who are eligible to dwell there. We will receive new, glorious, resurrection bodies that never get sick and die. The Lord will take vengeance on all our enemies and keep us from all harm. We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, joy and freedom for all eternity.
Jeremiah 1:12 "Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it."
The Lord has made great and precious promises to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and walk in His ways. He will fulfill each and every one of them to the minutest detail. Very soon now, He will gather us to Himself for all of eternity. We will no longer be separated from almighty God. We will dwell in His very presence and thrive amid the many blessings that He has planned for us.
Our heavenly Father wants nothing more than to have an intimate relationship with His sons and daughters. It is His heart's desire to provide all of our needs and protect us from all harm. He has seen all of our pain and suffering and He stands ready to alleviate it. He will even blot it from our memories. The everlasting Kingdom of God will be a veritable paradise for each and every one of us.
However, the Lord needs our help in ushering in His Kingdom. We have to make certain that we cleanse ourselves of all defilement of the flesh and selfishness of the soul, and embrace our divine destinies. We will partner with Him in bringing heaven to the earth realm in the critical days that lie ahead. He will fully equip us to do His will and teach us to speak His powerful, authoritative Word.
Ezekiel 12:28 "Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord GOD."
We will use the Word of God as a two-edged sword that divides between soul and spirit. We will exhort others to repent of all their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. No one will perish for lack of knowledge. We will make the Gospel readily available to all races, tongues and nations of the world. The fate of mankind will be impacted through our evangelistic efforts.
As soon as the full end-time harvest of souls has been gathered in its entirety, the Lord will give the command and Christ will return to us. We will all face judgment for our works in the flesh, and only those who are righteous will enter in the Kingdom of God. All evil will be destroyed off the face of the entire earth. The Lord will banish Satan and all of his minions to the bottomless pit.
Men will no longer struggle in a world filled with darkness and destruction. Heaven itself is coming to the earth realm, and it will be a veritable paradise for all believers. We will live forever in total peace and prosperity. The Lord will take vengeance on all our enemies and provide us with safety and security. We will have endless joy and freedom, and dwell with both men and angels in unity.
We will have glorious, new, resurrection bodies that are impervious to disease and death. We will see our children and their children for all generations to come. We will build beautiful homes for our large families and reap the bounty of the universe for all of our needs. The Lord will boast of us to all creation; crown us with glory; and grant us generous rewards for our service to Him and His people.
A Sacred Charge
Psalm 82:6 "I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High."
The Lord is eager to set up His Kingdom on this earth and come and take up residence with us, as He has promised that He would. But everything has to be cleansed and purified before that can happen. As sons and daughters of almighty God we have a formidable task that lies ahead of us. We will reorganize and restructure the entire world to line up with the Word and the will of God.
Nothing will remain the same. All of mankind will be challenged with the truth. We either choose to believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and all that He did for us or we will be condemned in our own ignorance and rebellion. We cannot be on the fence in any way. Our faith is an all or nothing proposition. We must believe the Word of God totally and completely or perish for all eternity.
Jesus died so that we could be set free from the penalty of death for our own sins. He came to bring us life in abundance and teach us God's way of thinking and doing things. He is our role model for righteousness and obedience, and instructed us in the law of love that is the basis for all the Ten Commandments. We must love God with all our strength and love others, as we love ourselves.
We have an obligation to do what we can to set others free from their bondage to sin and evil. We should share our faith as the Lord arranges our contacts, and urge all mankind to repent before it is too late. Very soon now, the Lord will give the command and Christ will return to us. He will abolish all evil in the wrath of His coming and banish all those who are unrepentant to the lake of fire.
Romans 8:19 "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God."
All of creation has been in travail, awaiting the revealing of the sons and daughters of almighty God. The Lord is mustering His people to do their part in bringing heaven to the earth. We are members of the Body of Christ who will challenge all of mankind with the truth of the Word of God. We will speak powerful words, like those of God Himself, and set men free for all time.
We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with zeal and enthusiasm. Every man, woman and child who desires to repent of their sins, be saved and baptized in Jesus' name, will have an opportunity to receive the gift of eternal life. We will speak the Word and the will of God and heal them of all their afflictions, so that no one ever enters into the Kingdom of God sick and infirm.
The Body of Christ will operate by the power of the Holy Spirit and work miracles, signs and wonders in Jesus' name. We will cast out devils and set men free of their bondage to sin and evil. We will tear down demonic strongholds that interfere with our work or impede the coming of the Kingdom of God. We will even raise the dead back to life once again, as Christ Himself did.
We will challenge all human governments to establish peace and justice in their dealings with one another. War, violence and bloodshed will be eradicated off the face of the earth. There will be order and stability established in all of nature. Plants and animals will be in harmony with one another and subject to man. The climate will be regulated and there will be no more pollution.
The whole world will be cleansed and purified, and the hearts of all mankind will be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign. Nothing will remain the same. There is a new heaven and a new earth coming, and everything will be restored to its original beauty and balance. We will overcome all evil with good by wielding the Word of almighty God Himself in all its power.
1Peter 2:9 "But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:"
We have been created for such a time as this. Everything that we have experienced in our lives has led up to this moment. We have been well-schooled in the Lord's motives and methods, and we know His Word and can speak it accurately. We have been given a sacred charge; the fate of all mankind hangs in the balance. We must be obedient to all that the Lord instructs us.
He may have us preach the Gospel message so that men, women and children can repent and be saved to eternal life. We may exhort them in the Word of God and challenge them to a higher level of commitment to His purpose for their lives. We will inspire others by a godly example, and win many souls through our testimony. We will perform miracles to substantiate our faith.
The Word of God spoken through His people will cast out demons that hold men in bondage to sin and evil. We will destroy all satanic strongholds that would impede our progress or interfere with our work. We even raise the dead back to life again, so that they can enter into the Kingdom with us. We will overcome all evil with good and put all of Christ's enemies under His feet.
Nothing that we do will be accomplished through our own efforts; the Holy Spirit will operate in us and through us to take back the entire earth for the Kingdom of God. Anything will be possible to us if we just speak the Word of God in faith without fear, doubt or unbelief of any kind. We will establish peace, order and stability on this earth and glorify almighty God in all we do.
Sound Doctrine
2Corinthians 2:17 "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ."
We are the Body of Christ on this earth – His hands, feet and voice. We must operate in the utmost moral and spiritual integrity. We cannot add or subtract from the Word of almighty God. It is immutable and has the inherent power to change lives as nothing else can. We must speak it forth with zeal and conviction and allow it to produce positive fruit in the lives of others, as it was always intended to do.
The Word is the basis of all sound doctrine. It is not open to discussion or debate. It is not a matter for private interpretation, nor should it be contaminated in any way. We must speak the truth at all times and rely on the Lord to send His Holy Spirit to those who require understanding. Our role is to simply share the uncompromised Word of God and allow it to effectually work in all those who hear it.
If we are diligent to seek the Lord for His guidance and direction in all that we do, we will be suitable ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and successful in all of our evangelistic efforts. We should never operate in our own strength or we could cause chaos and confusion. We will have to be obedient to say and do all that the Lord instructs us, so that we positively impact as many souls as possible.
Titus 2:1 "But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:"
The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached to every race, tongue and nation of the world before the Lord returns to us to receive His everlasting Kingdom. That is an incredibly huge task of critical importance. There is a full number of souls that must be gathered in, before heaven is ushered into the earth. Countless numbers still have to hear the Word, repent of all their sins and be baptized.
There is no way that anyone can be saved to eternal life and enter into the Kingdom of God with all of its many benefits, unless they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. They must additionally walk in love for almighty God and others at all times and keep all of the commandments. They should be baptized with water and the Holy Spirit, so that their lives are fully consecrated to the Lord.
Those who are stubborn and rebellious and refuse to repent of their evil ways will perish in their ignorance. They will be cast into the lake of fire with all other wrongdoers for all of eternity. Very soon now, there will be no more opportunity to repent of our sins and be forgiven. The Lord is drawing a line in the sand that no one can cross. There will be no second chances give to men or angels.
We must make the all-important decision to renounce evil and believe in the message of salvation or be damned. The Lord will not lower any of His perfect, impeccable standards for any of us. We will all face judgment for our works in the flesh. All of the righteous will inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of God, but the wicked and unrepentant will be condemned to never ending punishment.
2Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
The Word of God written and spoken in all of its power and authority produces amazing results. It can save men's souls from utter destruction and equip them to fulfill their divine destinies. It sanctifies us in the truth and encourages us to be righteous and godly at all times. It has a unique way of changing our total perspective, renewing our mind and transforming our behavior until we become holy and perfect.
Everything that was written for men in the Old Testament is also meant for our understanding today. The Word is timeless and always relevant to every area of our lives. It teaches us divine wisdom and gives us practical advice that we can apply to all of our situations and circumstances. If we are avid students of the Word we will have all the knowledge that we require to be successful in everything we undertake.
Many argue the fact that the Word of God was written by men and is therefore subject to error. However, we must remember that it was divinely inspired and confirms itself many times over. There are multiple references to the same topics, and we can be certain that if we pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit of God that we will always receive a proper understanding of all that the Lord says to us in His Word.
Almighty God in not trying to confuse or deceive us in any way. His Word is meant to enlighten and encourage us in His way of doing things and being right. He wants to communicate His love for us and make certain that we know all that He has planned for us. The Word reveals all that we need to know to have hope and confidence for our future. It provides us with the actual keys to the Kingdom of God.
Keys to the Kingdom
Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
We are talking spirits who were formed in the very image and likeness of almighty God Himself. His Word nurtures and sustains us. We must pray, meditate and study God's Word until it sinks deep down in our spirit man and comes out of our mouths easily and naturally. It is a source of wisdom that we can completely rely on, and a formidable weapon of warfare to protect us in all that we do.
Our words that line up with those of the Lord have genuine power and authority to create or destroy. We can speak blessings for ourselves and for others, and tear down all demonic strongholds that interfere with our efforts. We can overcome all evil with good by speaking to all of our situations and circumstances. Everything must eventually line up with the Word of God and His express will for us.
If we have a genuine faith in almighty God and trust that His Word is both authoritative and infallible, we will be able to speak whatever we desire and see it accomplished right before our very eyes. Our faith-based words will work miracles, signs and wonders all around us. We will see the virtually impossible manifest into physical reality due to words that we speak out of our very own mouths.
We will release the Kingdom of God and all of its many blessings to all those who are willing and obedient to enter into it. We will preach the Word of God in all of its power and see souls saved in record numbers. Those who are born again and baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Spirit will be able to enter into Christ's Kingdom. Those who are stubborn and rebellious will be forever excluded.
Matthew 16:19 "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
The words that we speak out of our own mouths that line up with those of almighty God will change the fate of the entire world. We will bind Satan and all of his operations. He will be stripped of all his power, just as he was at Calvary by Jesus Himself. We have received total dominion over everything in this earth and we must now exercise that to the fullest extent possible.
We will loose blessings for all of mankind and all of heaven will back us up. Our words will release men from bondage to sin and evil and challenge them with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will establish peace on the earth and abolish all forms of social injustice. There will be no more poverty and lack, sickness or disease, devastation or destruction anywhere.
The Kingdom of God will be ushered into this earth with all divine power and glory manifesting. The Lord will support our work and be elated that we have fulfilled our divine destinies. He will generously reward us for all of our efforts on His behalf and boast of us to all of creation. We will be appointed kings and priests of God and rule and reign with Christ for all of eternity.
Matthew 11:12 "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force."
Jesus Christ taught us that we will be held accountable for every word that we speak. By our very own words, we will be justified or condemned. We can either obey Him and speak words of light and life to all of our situations and circumstances, or be punished for speaking frivolous, idle words. The choice is up to us. We have the power to create or destroy readily available to each of us as believers.
Words of faith are virtual powerhouses. They are able to change the circumstances around us totally and completely. If we speak what God instructs us, we will see supernatural results. His Holy Spirit will speak through us and we will see the Kingdom of God appear right before our very eyes. God's express will for all of mankind will be perfectly implemented through the authoritative words we speak.
This world will never end, as some would like us to believe. It will not be destroyed in some cataclysmic, apocalyptic nightmare that destroys the entire human race. No aliens will invade the earth and take over our planet. However, everything will be cleansed and purified, renewed and renovated until it finally lines up with God's express will. Our role is to be willing and obedient and speak His Word.
If we have no fear, doubt or unbelief, and speak the Word of God boldly, we will be totally successful in all of our efforts. We will destroy the kingdom of darkness; overcome all evil with good; and restore all of creation to its original beauty and balance. We will inherit an everlasting kingdom that can never be taken from us. All the righteous will dwell in a literal paradise on this earth for all of eternity.
Words of Power and Authority
Psalm 19:13-14 "Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous [sins]; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."
We can never speak the Word of God in our own authority. We must have the Lord's permission to represent Him in all that we say and do. His Spirit will take leave of an unclean vessel, and if we are proud and arrogant we will be abased. The Lord will not tolerate any hypocrites to be imbued with His power. If we fail to walk in love and be obedient, we will be stripped of all our rights and privileges.
If we are in fear, doubt or unbelief the Lord will not be able to use us in implementing His eternal redemption plan for all of mankind. He desires that we have total faith and confidence in His Word to accomplish all that it is sent to do. We must never waver in the words that we speak on God's behalf. They will always be fruitful and productive; He backs them up with His own power and authority.
The sons and daughters of almighty God have been given a sacred charge. We must speak the pure, unadulterated Word and will of God Himself to all of our situations and circumstances. We will see many miracles abound if we are diligent to hear clearly from God and speak His words without adding to or subtracting from them. He has a perfect plan and we cannot deviate from His holy purpose.
He may have us speak to all wickedness and defilement that we see and replace it with wholesome, godly values. We will change the face of the entire earth through our words that line up with His very own. There will be no more devastation and destruction, no wars and conflict, no poverty and lack. Men will finally learn to dwell in love, peace and unity through our efforts and share everything that they have.
Jeremiah 1:9-10 "Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."
In the critical days to come before Christ returns to the earth to receive His everlasting Kingdom, we will be very busy speaking the Word of God in all its power. We have a sacred charge that has been given to us. We must share the Gospel message so that others can be saved to eternal life. We must challenge all men, women and children to believe the truth, or they will perish in their lack of knowledge.
We will confront all world governments and establish godly principles of fairness and justice for all of mankind. We will restore peace, order and stability to the earth before it is too late. We will command all of creation to line up with the Word of God and be in perfect harmony with man. There will be no more devastation and destruction that destroys the environment or ever harms any of God's creatures.
Everything that we say and do will glorify our God and prepare the world for the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ will soon return to us and commence His rule and reign. He will utterly destroy all evil off the face of the earth, and punish the wicked in the eternal lake of fire. He will banish Satan to the bottomless pit and vindicate us before men and angels. There will be nothing left to defile God or His people.
Isaiah 48:6 "Thou hast heard, see all this; and will not ye declare [it]? I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them."
The Lord has revealed His express will to His very own sons and daughters so that we can assist Him in implementing His eternal redemption plan for all of mankind. We must speak the truth and warn men of the impending judgment that will soon take place on this earth. We can no longer be doing our own thing. We must either cooperate with the Lord and repent of our sins, or we will perish in our own rebellion.
If we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and appropriate His righteousness, we will be saved to eternal life. But we cannot stop there if we wish to enter into the Kingdom of God and receive all of its many blessings. We also have to be baptized with water and the Holy Spirit. We must walk in genuine love for almighty God and for our neighbors, and be obedient in everything that we think, say and do.
The everlasting Kingdom of God will solve all of our problems and exceed all of our expectations. The Lord has promised that there will never be a separation between Himself and man ever again. However, only those who are righteous and godly will enter into His presence when He comes to the earth. Those who are wicked will be banished to the eternal lake of fire. Only the faithful will dwell with the Lord.
We can enter into the Kingdom of God even before Christ returns to us. We have received the keys to the Kingdom; they are voice-activated words spoken from our very own mouths. If we seek the Lord for His guidance and direction, He will reveal exactly what we need to vocalize to tear down all demonic strongholds; appropriate His power and authority; and implement His will on the earth as it is in heaven.
Speaking by the Holy Spirit
John 3:34 "For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure [unto him]."
If we wish to be in an intimate relationship with almighty God, we must continuously remain pure in heart and contrite in spirit. We can never be proud and arrogant simply because we have been saved and born again. None of us is totally perfect, nor are we righteous because of any of our works. We must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt us in due time.
We have to sanctify ourselves of all our carnality and selfish, soul ambitions, so that we can be available to assist the Lord in implementing His eternal redemption plan for all of mankind. We should also ask Him for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, so that we can be strengthened in our spirit man. The Holy Spirit will convict us of all sin and equip us to be His fully mature sons and daughters.
Spiritual fruit will grow and develop in us that mirror the attributes and characteristics of almighty God Himself. We will walk in love and peace; be filled with joy and goodness; and become meek, humble and temperate. We will be patient, gentle and longsuffering with all men, and put their needs on an even plane with our very own. We will be righteous role models for others at all times.
The Lord will be able to trust us with His words, because His Holy Spirit completely indwells us. We will speak with power and authority under a divine anointing like that of Jesus Christ Himself. We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with conviction and win many souls to the truth. Every man, woman and child who is receptive will have an opportunity to be saved to eternal life.
Matthew 10:20 "For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you."
We are talking spirits that have been formed in the very image and likeness of almighty God. We will speak only those words that He gives us to speak. We will not add to or subtract from the Word of God. We will maintain its integrity and permit it to do what it was sent to accomplish. The very words that we speak will be those of our heavenly Father who has given us power and authority to act on His behalf.
Perhaps we will preach the message of salvation and set men free in the truth of the Gospel. Then again, we may be called upon to speak words of encouragement to others, so that they have hope and confidence for their future. We might impart wisdom, knowledge and revelation, and equip men to be all that they are divinely destined to be. We will also challenge others and exhort them to obey God in all that they do.
Nothing that we speak will be of our own choosing. We are anointed for a special purpose, and we will be consecrated and dedicated to the Lord's eternal redemption plan for all of mankind. His words, spoken through us will change the fate of the entire earth. We will command and decree His Word and His express will. We will rebuke and cast down all demonic interference that would deter us or impede our efforts.
It is not by might, nor by power, that we will succeed. The Holy Spirit that operates in us and through us will do all the work. We are simply sacred vessels for the Lord's use in ministering to His people. We must guard our righteousness at all times, and be totally obedient to His guidance and direction. We cannot be doing our own thing any longer; too much is at stake. The future of all of mankind lies in the balance.
1Corinthians 2:4 "And my speech and my preaching [was] not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:"
We must imitate the life of Jesus Christ Himself in the critical days to come. He was effective in His earthly ministry because He always took the time to pray and hear from His Father before He said or did anything of significance. Jesus was perfectly obedient at all times and eminently successful in all that He said and did as a result. We must follow in His footsteps, and resume His work where He left off. He has given us a divine commission. We will do the works that He did and even greater works.
The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached with power and conviction to all the nations of the world. Every man, woman and child will have an equal opportunity to be saved to eternal life. Many lives will be changed because we spoke the uncompromised Word of God and allowed it to produce fruit in its listeners. We will gather in the full, end-time harvest of souls and baptize countless numbers in Jesus' mighty name. Everyone whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life will eventually be born again.
We will speak God's words and bring healing to all those who are afflicted in any way. We will cast out demons and set men free from their bondage to sin and evil. We will demonstrate the very love, mercy and compassion of almighty God Himself by speaking words of life and raising the dead. We will overcome all evil with good and take back the entire earth for the everlasting Kingdom of God. We will prepare the hearts of all mankind to receive our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as their righteous King.
Isaiah 59:21 "As for me, this [is] my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that [is] upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever."
The Word of almighty God will ultimately manifest and heaven itself will come to the earth realm in the everlasting Kingdom of God. The Lord will boast of us as His sons and daughters and attend to all of our needs, even before we ask Him. If we have been diligent to share His words with others, they will also realize the many benefits of eternal life in His presence.
The people of God will speak forth His Word with deference and respect for all time. Generation after generation will know the Lord and the power of His might. We will be in a perpetual covenant with Him because we give His words the prominence that they rightly deserve. We will instruct all of mankind in God's ways and glorify Him in all that we say and do.
We will all come to know the Lord and walk in obedience to all His commandments. We will dwell in love, peace and unity as brothers and sisters, as He desires, and things will go well with us. We will have endless peace and prosperity and enjoy all the beauty and the bounty of the earth. The Lord will come to His Kingdom and dwell with mankind for all of eternity.
Spiritual Decrees and Declarations
2 Corinthians 4:13 "We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;"
Nothing will be impossible for us in the critical days to come if we speak what God would have us speak. Our faith will be tested, but if we are diligent to say and do all that we are instructed, we will see miracles occur all around us. The fate of all mankind will be altered through our efforts. We will bring peace, order and stability to the earth by decreeing and declaring the Word of almighty God Himself.
It may be that we meet with some human resistance and demonic interference, but the Lord will back us up in all that He assigns us to do. We will have angelic support to assist us in our work. Our God will never leave us or forsake us; He will be with us every step of the way. We will rescue the entire planet from total devastation and destruction, and usher in the everlasting Kingdom of God, as He desires.
We will speak to all world governments and make certain that they establish godly principles of fairness and justice in their dealings with one another. There will be no more war, violence or conflict in any of our human relations. Poverty and lack will be eliminated once and for all time. Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect. We will teach all of mankind to dwell together as brothers and sisters.
All of creation will be restored to its original beauty and balance as it once was in the Garden of Eden. We will speak to the climate and it will be regulated, so that there are no more natural disasters that cause widespread damage and threat to life. All plants and animals will be commanded to be in total harmony with one another and subject to our dominion again, as we enter into the Kingdom of God.
Job 22:28 "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."
Everything that we decree and declare will come to pass, as the Lord has promised us. The fate of the entire world will be changed through the faith-based words that we speak that line up with those of God Himself. His express will for all of mankind will be fulfilled to perfection. His very own sons and daughters will accomplish mighty feats in His name.
All human beings will be at peace with one another or be excluded from the Kingdom of God for all time. There will be no more wickedness and evil anywhere on this earth to contaminate the Lord or His people. We will put all Christ's enemies underneath His feet – to include death – so that He can return to us. We will even assist Him in judging both men and angels.
With powerful words that mirror those of His Father, our Lord and Savior will take vengeance on all of our enemies and vindicate the righteous. He will cast Satan and all his minions into the bottomless pit and banish all wrongdoers to the eternal lake of fire. He will rule and reign as a righteous King and make certain that there is safety and security for everyone.
The Kingdom of God will be idyllic – the perfect habitat for both God and man. Our heavenly Father will come to this earth and actually dwell with His beloved children for all of eternity. There will never be a separation between us ever again. We will worship Him in Spirit and in truth, and give Him all the honor and glory, thanks and praise that He rightly deserves.
Psalm 73:28 "But [it is] good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works."
The words of our mouths will help God's Word to be productive in this world and save it from total destruction. What we decree and declare will indeed come to pass very soon now. All of heaven will back up our words that fulfill the will of almighty God Himself. We will see miracles, signs and wonders everywhere we go, and all mankind will be affected.
Heaven itself will be brought to this earth realm in the everlasting Kingdom of God. We will receive generous rewards for all of our faithfulness and devotion to the Lord and to His people. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory. He will appoint us as kings and priests and we will receive the heathen in the uttermost parts of the earth for our inheritance.
We will rule and reign with Christ over all the nations of this world. There will be no more social injustice, no wars and violence, no oppression or exploitation of any kind. Poverty and lack will disappear, as the Lord showers us with all the resources of the universe. Men will all learn to dwell in love, peace and unity or be banished to eternal punishment in the lake of fire.
The sons and daughters of almighty God will shine with the light of His glory and thrive in His Kingdom. The Lord will boast of us to all creation and take an active interest in all the details of our lives. He will meet all our needs, even before we ask. We will enjoy peace and prosperity, health and longevity, safety and security, joy and freedom in His awesome presence.
The Kingdom of God will make all of our earthly experiences pale in comparison. It will be a literal paradise, just as it once was for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We will dwell with both men and angels. We will worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth, and celebrate all His sabbaths and perpetual feast days. The Word of God will prevail for all of eternity!
Topics for Discussion
1. Kingdom Promises in the Word of God
2. A Sacred Charge
3. Sound Doctrine
4. Keys to the Kingdom
5. Words of Power and Authority
6. Speaking by the Holy Spirit
7. Spiritual Decrees and Declarations
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