World Without End
God's Eternal Redemption Plan for His People
Chapter 3
As He Is, So Are We in This World
by Diane Jurino

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

World Without End
God's Eternal Redemption Plan for His People
Chapter 3 - As He Is, So Are We in This World
by Diane Jurino
2Thessalonians 2:13 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:"
We know the truth and it has set us free for all of eternity. We accept that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who came to this earth to save us from all of our sins. We acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior, and we are brand new creatures in Christ. We have all of His divine attributes and characteristics deep within us, and we have been given power and authority to rule on this earth now and in the Kingdom to come.
Believers are called and chosen of God for an eternal destiny. We will partner with Him in redeeming all of mankind from destruction. We will help to renew and renovate the entire world, so that the Kingdom of God can be brought here as soon as possible. We are the sons of God on the earth and we are blessed beyond belief. However, we have corresponding responsibilities to share our faith and help rescue others.
We must be totally sanctified in the truth and be godly role models for all of mankind. In the days ahead, we will be carefully scrutinized by both God and man. We cannot be selfish or immoral in any way. We will have to crucify our flesh and abandon all of our selfish, personal ambitions in favor of God's plan for our lives. Our mission is to take back the earth and everything in it for the everlasting Kingdom of God.
Isaiah 10:27 "And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."
The Lord will imbue us with His very own anointing, so that we can discharge all of our duties with total success. We will tear down all demonic strongholds that would interfere with our work or impede the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth. We will set men free from all their oppression and bondage to sin and evil. Nothing will in any way be impossible to us if we serve the Lord faithfully, as we are called.
World governments will be reorganized and restructured to adhere to Kingdom principles of fairness, justice and equality. There will be no more wars, violence or bloodshed in our interactions with one another. We will correct all social injustice, so that men are treated with dignity and respect. We will eradicate poverty and lack off the face of the entire earth, so that all of our needs are satisfied in abundance.
We will speak with divine power and authority and command all of creation to be peaceful, orderly and stable once again. The words of our mouths that line up with the Word and the will of almighty God Himself will be the weapons of our warfare. We will bind Satan and all his minions and release blessings to all of mankind. If we have faith, patience and diligence we will change the fate of the entire human race.
1John 4:17 "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world."
We must always remember who we are and whom we serve. We were bought with a dear price, the very Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are no longer our own; we must relinquish all that we are and all that we have, so that we can be continually righteous and enter into the Kingdom of God when it appears on the earth. Our future depends on our willingness to obey the Lord in all that we do.
He has need of our help in reaching others, so that they can also be set free, as we have been. We have divine destinies to fulfill in the critical days that lie ahead. We must walk in love for God and for others, and pursue total righteousness at all costs. We should be godly in all that we think, say and do, so that we can be fitting role models for those who are still steeped in sin and evil, darkness and deception.
The world will not be totally destroyed, as some believe, but it will be changed in every way. It will be renovated to line up with the express will of God. We have been given power and authority to overcome all evil with good. We will walk as Christ Himself did on the earth and show others the way to salvation through Him. We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and give them real hope for their future.
We will minister to the sick and dying and demonstrate the Lord's never-ending love, mercy and compassion to them. The blind will see; the deaf will hear; and the lame will walk. We will deliver all those who are oppressed of the devil and release them from their bondage to sin and evil. We will even raise the dead back to life once again through the awesome power of God that works through us.
1Thessalonians 5:9 "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,"
Man is not destined for eternal punishment. We were created in God's very image and likeness to have dominion over the entire earth and everything in it. We are His beloved sons and daughters if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Our righteousness is now beyond reproach. We have been released from the power of sin and evil unto the perfect liberty of the children of God.
We are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to all the promises of righteousness. We are seated with Him in heavenly places at the right hand of God Himself. We can approach the throne of grace and know, for a fact, that all of our needs will be met in abundance, now and in the Kingdom of God to come on this earth. The Lord will withhold no good thing from His people; He will bless us now and for all eternity.
There are rights and privileges that only those who are saved can enjoy. The Lord will blot out all pain and suffering from our memories. We will enjoy perpetual peace and endless prosperity. No evil will harm us ever again. We will have safety and security. Even our physical bodies will be changed, so that we are impervious to disease, decay and death. We will abide forever in the presence of our loving God.
The Kingdom of God will be the spectacular culmination of the Lord's eternal redemption plan for His people. Heaven itself will be brought to the earth realm, as we have been promised. We will dwell in love and unity as brothers and sisters, with men and even angels. The Lord will establish an eternal covenant of peace with mankind that will extend to our children and our children's children for all generations.
The New Man
Ephesians 4:22-24 "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness."
When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we died to ourselves and all our carnal desires and personal, soul ambitions. We are not righteous in our own strength; we must appropriate His righteousness through our faith. Our new man undergoes a progressive, spiritual regeneration process, whereby our minds are renewed in the truth and our behavior is transformed.
We repent of all unrighteousness as it occurs, and renounce our sins for all time. We learn to imitate the characteristics of Christ Himself. We become peaceful and loving, strong yet gentle, meek and humble. We consider the needs of others and strive to serve God and His people. We accept our eternal callings and walk in divine power and authority to overcome all evil with good.
Our new man knows his rights and privileges, but he never forgets his responsibility. We realize that we were created with a higher purpose in mind. We have to share what we have with others and give them hope for the future. We must preach the Gospel with fervor, so that no one perishes for lack of knowledge. We should also heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead.
We will demonstrate the very love, mercy and compassion of almighty God Himself to all of mankind. Others will be saved to eternal life as a result of our efforts. They will be set free from their bondage to sin and evil and be empowered to overcome the world, their flesh and the devil. They will walk in their divine destinies and serve the Lord, just as we have been appointed to do.
Very soon now the entire earth will be transformed through our evangelization efforts. There is a strong, cumulative effect that results from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has inherent power to destroy all mind blinding spirits and release men from sin. If we each focus on sharing our faith, as the Lord arranges our contacts, we can eventually influence all of mankind.
Colossians 2:6-7 "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."
We have been given a divine commission from Christ Himself. He promised that we would work miracles in His name and pick up His ministry right where He left off. We will do even greater things than He did on the earth, since He has gone to be with His Father and sent the Holy Spirit of God to empower us. We will impact all world governments and restore order to this world.
There will be no more wars and conflict, violence and bloodshed. We will eradicate all oppression and exploitation of the weak and innocent. There will be peace and unity in all of our human affairs. Poverty and lack will be eliminated; the Body of Christ will take control of all the wealth on this earth. We will share the vast resources of the universe with those who are in need.
All of creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God and will be subject to us. We will reverse all the effects of pollution and take control over the climate, so that it is temperate and predictable. There will be no more natural disasters that threaten devastation and destruction. Plants and animals will soon be in harmony with one another and subject to man as they were in Eden.
Nothing will remain the same. The entire earth will be spared through our efforts. All of mankind will have the opportunity to know the truth, be saved and baptized, so that we can enter into the Kingdom of God. We will receive many blessings and rewards for our faithfulness. We will be eternally grateful for all that the Lord has done for us and worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
1Peter 5:10 "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle [you]."
This will not be an easy task for any of us as followers of Christ. We will meet with tremendous demonic resistance. The devil knows that his time on the earth is finished and that he is a defeated foe. But he will not acquiesce willingly. We will have to rise up in all the divine power and authority that has been given to us, and destroy all evil by overcoming it with good.
Our flesh will suffer in sanctification, as we lay down all our selfish soul ambitions and crucify our carnality. Men will mock and ridicule us at every turn. We will meet with a high degree of human opposition in our efforts to purge the earth of all wrongdoing. However, the Kingdom of God must and will be ushered into the earth before Christ returns.
All creatures will know the Lord and the power of His might as it operates through us. We will challenge world governments and their leaders to be fair with their people and righteous in their dealings with others. We will establish godly, Kingdom principles of peace and justice as the standards for normal living. There will be no more violence and bloodshed on the earth.
Mankind will learn to dwell in love and unity with one another in Christ's Kingdom, or be expelled from the presence of God for all eternity. There will be no second chances given to men or angels. Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron to ensure that no evil ever harms or contaminates His people. The Kingdom of God will be the permanent solution to all our problems.
We will abide in peace and serenity in the actual presence of God Himself, as we have been promised. There will be no more wars or conflict, no chaos and confusion, no poverty and lack. Satan will be banished to the bottomless pit and all evildoers will be punished in the lake of fire. We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, joy and freedom forever.
Persecuted for Our Faith
John 15:18-19 "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
We are not particularly popular with men in this world. They often scorn and deride us for our beliefs, and ridicule our zeal to serve the living God. They question our integrity and try to trip us up in our faith. Jesus Christ experienced much the same persecution during His initial visit to the earth. We are not above our Master. If He suffered in this world, we will also be called on to endure tests, trials and tribulation.
Our identity in Christ should bring us much consolation. Our lives have meaning and purpose now and we are going in the right direction. We must try to overlook all offense and forgive those who doubt and trouble us. We are to be examples of righteousness and love to those in the world, despite the fact that they reject us and mock us for our faith. Very soon now, mankind will be faced with a life-changing decision.
They will either believe the truth or be condemned to punishment in the lake of fire. Belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is not optional. There is no other way that we can be saved to eternal life and be restored to right standing with God. If we refuse to believe in Christ and walk in love and righteousness, we are doomed. Those who are stubborn and rebellious will never dwell in the presence of almighty God.
He will tolerate no evil to enter into His everlasting Kingdom and contaminate those who are sanctified and justified. However, if we have been righteous and obedient, we will be blessed forever more. The Lord will reward those who are diligent to follow His guidance and direction and minister to others just as Christ Himself did. We will inherit eternal blessings for our faithfulness and devotion to our God and His people.
Luke 6:22 "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake."
The people of God have never been accepted by those in the world. We have been taunted, ridiculed and accused of being hypocrites, despite our faithfulness. We have been rejected and persecuted for our devotion to the Lord, but we will not relent in our dedication to Him. We choose to serve our God in all that we think, say and do, regardless of the cost.
Although we may be persecuted for our faith now and experience all sorts of trials and problems in this world, we know that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and very soon now, all playing fields will be leveled. The Lord will not permit us to be scorned and derided for our faith forever. We have an eternal legacy that we can expect in the very near future.
We will share in many rewards for our faithfulness to the Lord and to His people, despite how others treat us now. One day all men will look up to us and be grateful for our role in their eternal redemption plan. We will rule and reign with Jesus Christ over all the nations of the world. We will even be appointed kings and priests of God and judge both men and angels.
The Lord will boast of us to all of creation and we will be given the heathen for our inheritance in the uttermost parts of the earth. We will be just rulers and capable teachers of all men. We will enforce godly principles of fairness, justice and equality for all. Men will learn to dwell in love, peace and unity as brothers or be expelled from the Kingdom forever.
Romans 8:35 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"
Christ is with us in all that we are called upon to endure in our spiritual walk. He is proud of His disciples and He will strengthen us, so that we can contend for our faith and be shining examples of righteousness to those in the world. We will influence many to be converted, saved and baptized in His name, and gather in the full, end-time harvest of souls that is needed before heaven can be brought to the earth.
We must guard our faith at all costs and protect our righteousness in the critical days that lie ahead. It may be difficult for us to reach those who are lost in darkness and deception, but it will not be impossible. The Lord will imbue us with His very own divine anointing, so that we can share the Gospel with power and conviction. We will give men real hope for their future and offer them the gift of eternal life.
All world governments and their economies will be impacted by our efforts. There will be no more oppression or exploitation of God's people. We will abolish all wars and conflict, poverty and lack off the face of the earth and establish love, peace and unity as the norms for Kingdom living. The entire world will be restructured and reorganized to line up with the express will of almighty God Himself.
The Lord will be glorified in us and generously reward us for our efforts on His behalf. We will share in His very own honor and praise. He will boast of us to all creation as the people called by His name. We will judge men and angels, and even be appointed kings and priests of God. We will teach the human race to be righteous and loving, and make certain that all men are treated with dignity and respect.
Consecrated and Set Apart
2Corinthians 6:17 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,"
If we wish to be in intimate fellowship with almighty God for all of eternity, there are a few things we will have to sacrifice. The Lord cannot abide evil, and He will cast us out of His presence if we are focused on sin and darkness. We will have to make certain that we sanctify ourselves of all known sin and walk in love and righteousness, as we were taught.
We cannot be caught up with worldly matters or be overcome by the desires of our flesh and the ambitions of our souls. We have to be consecrated and set apart for God's good pleasure, and be ready to serve Him in any capacity that He deems worthwhile. We must relinquish all that we are and all that we have for the Kingdom of God and all its many benefits.
Our relationship with the Lord should be uppermost in our minds and in our hearts. We have to get back to the basics of our faith and spend more, quality time in prayer, praise and worship. If we remain in a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we will be protected from all harm and strengthened in our spirit man, so that we can accomplish great things.
3John 1:11 "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God."
In the days ahead, the Lord will use us to reach all of mankind and set them free in the truth. We must be godly examples and fitting role models before we can serve Him. If we are committed to good vs. evil, we will have an uphill battle for our faith. But with God all things are possible, and we will overcome the world, our flesh and the devil in every area of our lives.
We must be continually righteous; follow all of the Lord's commandments to us; and be obedient to His lead and guidance. We can never neglect our love walk for any reason. Despite the fact that others reject us in our efforts to persuade them in the truth, we will have to be above offense and forget all wrongs done to us. If we are patient and persistent, we will succeed.
The Kingdom of God will soon be brought to this earth, and all of us will know the Lord – from the least to the greatest of us. His laws will be written in our minds and hearts for all of eternity. He will actually come and live with us as our Father, and provide all of our needs in abundance. All men will be loving, righteous and obedient, or be expelled from His presence.
There will be no evil that ever enters into the Kingdom of God to disturb the serenity of life there. The Lord will tolerate no compromise, and those who deliberately sin will be banished to the lake of fire for all of eternity. Nothing will contaminate His people or harm them in any way. He will take vengeance on all of our enemies, and keep us in perfect safety and security.
Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Worldly success will not benefit us as we enter into all of eternity. Material things will not make us happy for the long run. It will not be to our advantage to have been popular with men, yet estranged from our God. We will have to make the all-important decision to lay down our personal lives and embrace our divine destinies, so that we can receive eternal riches that no man or devil will ever take from us.
We have accepted salvation in Jesus Christ, and we must never forget the price that He paid for us. We are new creatures in Him, and we should be focused on serving Him and others. We should preach the Gospel with power and conviction and set men free for all time. We have to lay hands on the sick, so that they are healed of all their afflictions. We must cast out demons and even raise the dead back to life again.
If we minister to others, as we are called to do, we will impact the entire earth for the Kingdom of God. We will overcome all evil with good and glorify our God in all that we think, say and do. We will prepare the hearts of all mankind to receive their King. Very soon now the full, end-time harvest of souls will be reaped in its entirety, and Christ will be free to return to us once again to receive His eternal reward.
He will judge all men – both the living and the dead – to determine who has been righteous and deserves to enter into the Kingdom of God with all of its many blessings. Those of us who have been faithful to serve Him and His people will share in His very own honor and glory. We will be appointed kings and priests of God, and receive the heathen for our inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth to rule and reign.
In the World, But Not of It
Galatians 6:14 "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."
The entire human race needs a savior. None of us is righteous in his own strength. We dare not criticize others now that we are saved. But for the grace and mercy of almighty God, we would all be condemned to eternal punishment. As it is, we have been given an awesome opportunity. We can choose to believe the truth and inherit eternal life with all of its many blessings.
We cannot be proud and arrogant or overly confident just because we are disciples of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We should glory only in the fact that He loved us so much, that He died to save us from our sins and spare us from the penalty of death. Because of His perfect sacrifice on our behalf, we can overcome our sinfulness for all time. We are delivered from the power of evil and translated into the kingdom of light. Sin no longer has a hold on us; we are redeemed from its curse for all time.
Believers are to be "in the world, but not of it." We are brand new creatures in Christ and the things of this life should no longer have a strong allure for us. We should renounce all our worldliness and sanctify ourselves of all our fleshly desires and selfish, soul ambitions once and for all time. We were bought with a dear price, the Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We have the ability to overcome the world, our flesh and the devil. We can work mighty exploits for the Lord, if we remember who we are in Him and appropriate His divine power and authority, as we should. We will change the fate of the entire human race, if we are diligent to do all that He asks of us. Our God desires that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and we have the obligation to ensure this comes to pass. We will usher in the Kingdom of God with His glory manifesting for all to see.
1John 2:15-17 "Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."
Although we live in a world without end, this present world, as we know it, will soon pass away and be replaced with the everlasting Kingdom of God. Since that is the case, we should be focused more on eternal values than mundane matters. We cannot be earth-bound and be righteous with God at the same time. Our faith is an "all or nothing" proposition.
We should sanctify ourselves of all worldly lusts and subdue our carnality, so that our spirit man is in ascendancy to our bodies and souls. We cannot be doing our own thing any longer. Too much is at stake. We should seek the Lord and serve Him, as He desires that we do. We know the truth and are required to walk in it at all times and under all circumstances.
None of us can be smug and rebellious. We should have sincere, contrite hearts and teachable spirits. If we are born again and baptized, we should pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so that we have deeper insight into the things of God. So too, we have eternal destinies to fulfill; we should be good role models for those who are lost in sin, darkness and deception.
Titus 2:11-12 "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"
The world is in desperate need of our godly example. We cannot be slack or careless in our thoughts, words or behavior. We dare not be contaminated by the evil that surrounds us. We must avoid all temptation to sin. We should subdue our flesh and walk in the Holy Spirit. We have to mirror the very righteousness of Jesus Christ to all those around us, so we can lead them to the truth.
Our behavior must be above and beyond reproach at all times. We must remember that the Holy Spirit will take leave of unclean vessels. Both God and man will scrutinize us in the critical days that lie ahead. The Body of Christ must be totally sanctified, consecrated and dedicated to operate in divine power and authority to take back the earth and everything in it for the everlasting Kingdom of God.
We should follow all the Lord's commandments to us and operate in unequivocal love, regardless of the provocation to do otherwise. We can neither take offense, nor give it to others. We should be at peace with all men, wherever possible, particularly with those of like precious faith. There can be no strife and division among us. All men will know us as Christians for our love of God and others.
It is essential that we walk in total unity as a body of believers. We cannot allow our individual differences to separate or divide us in any way. We can accomplish a great deal more if we cooperate with one another, rather than if we function alone. We must rise above all our soul's tendencies to be critical and judgmental, and present a united front against all of the strongholds of evil in this world.
Overcoming the World, Our Flesh and the Devil
Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
We are spirit beings having a human experience in a world that is darkened by sin and evil. However, we cannot permit our environment to dominate us in any way. We have been bought with a dear price – the very Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are brand new creatures in Him, and we should now live according to heavenly standards, rather than worldly ones.
All believers are involved in a progressive, regeneration process, whereby our minds are renewed in the truth and our behavior is totally transformed. We are being given increased knowledge and understanding of our relationship with God and our role in His eternal redemption plan. We know that we have unique callings and divine destinies to fulfill before Christ returns to us.
We cannot be careless about anything that we think, say or do. Sanctification has to be our main goal if we will be of any use to our Lord in taking back the earth for the Kingdom of God. His Spirit will take leave of unclean vessels, and we must be free of all worldly contamination and selfish soul ambitions, if we wish to be of optimal service to Him in the critical days that lie ahead.
Proverbs 3:5-7 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil."
We will have to take our righteousness and obedience to a new level and strive for spiritual excellence. We should also work at developing our personal relationship with almighty God, to the point that we can lean on Him and trust Him to lead and guide us in all matters. Our Father will never leave us or forsake us; He has promised to be with us in all that we do.
His Holy Spirit will convict us of sin and strengthen us, so that we can overcome the world, our flesh and the devil. If we submit ourselves to God and resist Satan, he will flee from us. The Lord will provide a means of escape for us from all temptation. If we are humble and contrite in spirit and repent of all known sin, we will be protected from all that is evil.
The Blood of Christ covers us for all sin – past, present and future – but we cannot ever deliberately defy God and rebel against Him. That puts us under the curse again, and we make the sacrifice of Christ to no avail. We should have a healthy fear of the Lord and obey all of His commandments. We cannot ever purposely sin and avoid lasting punishment.
There will be no wickedness that ever enters into the Kingdom of God to contaminate us. The Lord will tolerate no unrighteousness in any of us. He plans to dwell with us for all of eternity, but He cannot abide with evil. He will expel all those who are committed to lawlessness and rebellion from His holy presence. All sinners will be banished to the lake of fire.
2Peter 1:4 "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."
We inherited great and precious promises for our faith. We have become heirs to the Kingdom of God and all of its many blessings. We are no longer in the flesh; we are citizens of heaven that will soon come to the earth. We should focus on the eternal and forego the temptations of the world and all its lusts. We have been delivered from sin and corruption and translated into the Kingdom of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We can overcome the world, our flesh and the devil simply by appropriating the strength and obedience of Christ Himself. It may not be easy for us to change our attitudes and behavior, but if we imitate the laid down life of Jesus, we will be successful. He has sent us His very own Holy Spirit, so that we can be victorious in all that we think, say and do. If we walk in the Spirit instead of our flesh we will prevail.
We will eventually shine with the light of Christ and be godly role models to others lost in darkness. We will share our faith and lead them into the truth that will set them free. We should pray for and encourage all men to seek the Lord for themselves. The fate of the entire earth will be changed through our efforts. Mankind will not be doomed to destruction if we help them to break loose of their bondage to sin and evil.
We should preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with power and conviction. We will baptize men, women and children from every race, tongue and nation who wish to be saved to eternal life. They will learn to dwell in love, peace and unity through our efforts. We will eliminate all social injustice and establish Kingdom principles of fairness, justice and equality, so that all men are treated with dignity and respect.
Galatians 5:16-17 "[This] I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would."
Our flesh is ever at war with our spirit man. Even though we are saved in our spirits, we still have a battle with our bodies and souls. One day soon, Christ will return to us and we will be totally redeemed in spirit, soul and body, so that will no longer be an issue for us. In the interim, we must be continually vigilant and put our carnality and selfish soul ambitions under the Blood of Christ. He will strengthen us, so that we can avoid all our temptation to sin.
If we have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, we are no longer swayed by worldly influence or subject to the whims of our flesh. The Spirit convicts us of all known sin and leads and guides us into all righteousness. Spiritual fruit, like the attributes of God Himself, will one day emerge in our lives. We will have increased faith and love in our spiritual walk. We will experience genuine joy. We will become good and gentle, meek, temperate and longsuffering.
Our relationships with God and with others will be improved if we walk in the Spirit, instead of the weakness of our flesh. We will embrace our divine callings and serve the Lord and His people with zeal and enthusiasm. We will be humble and sincere lovers of God and of others. We will operate in awesome power and authority, as we are destined to do. Nothing will be impossible to us, if we walk in the Holy Spirit of almighty God Himself.
Lights in a Darkened World
Isaiah 60:2 "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be unique and special. There is evil, darkness and deception all around us. We are the very "light of Christ" in a troubled world. We have been called, saved and set apart for His good pleasure and purpose – to serve as guides to all those around us. All men will look to us as their role models and godly examples of righteousness in the critical days that lie ahead.
We cannot disappoint them; we must be above and beyond reproach in all that we think, say and do. We must continually walk in love, despite the provocation that we may incur from others. We should keep all of the Lord's commandments to us and teach others to pursue righteousness, as well. We cannot be doing our own thing any longer; we must forego all our carnality and selfish soul ambitions.
Believers should share their faith and serve all of mankind with joy and gladness. We have been given the distinct privilege of picking up Christ's ministry on the earth, and we cannot be lax in discharging our duties. The future of the entire world rests with us. We must partner with the Lord in redeeming His people from all of their oppression by the enemy and their bondage to sin and corruption.
We must confront all evil that we see and challenge men to walk in righteousness and godliness. They will not be spared the wrath of God unless they change their ways. If they accept Christ as Lord and Savior and repent of all known sin, they will be justified in their faith and eligible to enter into the Kingdom of God. Very soon now, the Lord will return to us and there will be no second chances available.
Matthew 5:14-16 "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
Our divine destinies will change the earth and everyone in it. However, we must be tuned in to Jesus Christ as our teacher and role model for righteousness. We cannot compromise our spiritual welfare and moral integrity in any way. We must be godly in all our thoughts, words and actions, and totally obedient to do whatever the Lord asks of us in the days ahead.
We will shine like beacons in a darkened world, if we are diligent to sanctify and consecrate ourselves. We will have to be above and beyond reproach to lead others to the truth. We will share our faith with power and conviction and gather in the full, end-time harvest of souls. Everyone whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be saved to eternal life.
The Lord will be with us in all that we are called to do. If we do our part, He will be faithful to lead and guide us into total victory. We will destroy demonic strongholds that interfere with our work and take back the entire earth for the Kingdom of God. Mankind will be saved from destruction and delivered from all evil. We will introduce heaven itself to the earth.
Our God will be glorified in all that we do on His behalf. His eternal redemption plan for all mankind will be perfectly executed. There will be peace, order and stability in this world, as it once was at the original creation. The Kingdom of God will solve all the problems of the human race. The Lord will provide for His people abundantly and bless us for all eternity.
1John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
The Blood of Christ cleanses us from all of our unrighteousness, so that we can be at peace with God and with others. Those in the world are lost in darkness and deception, in perpetual bondage to sin and evil. We must help to set them free and let our light shine before all of mankind. We should share our faith with others whenever we have the opportunity. We cannot be selfish; we have the sacred responsibility to help deliver them from oppression, just as we have been.
Jesus Christ will soon return to us and receive His Kingdom as His eternal reward. He will share His very own honor and glory with those of us who have been faithful to serve Him and His people. We will help Him judge both men and angels and teach all men how to dwell in love, peace and unity with one another. We will even be appointed kings and priests of God, so that we can rule and reign with Christ over all the nations of the world, as we are divinely destined to do.
Men will one day be grateful for our efforts on their behalf, and look up to us for our role in the Lord's eternal redemption plan. We will not be the objects of scorn, derision and ridicule for our faith forever. The Lord will glorify His people who are called by His holy name, and vindicate us before men and angels. He will boast of us to all creation as His very own sons and daughters, and give us a just recompense for all that we have lost or had stolen from us over the years.
An Eternal Calling
Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"
The Lord chose us from the very foundation of the world to be instrumental in these last days. We were created for such a time as this, and we cannot ignore His call on our lives. We have important roles to play in taking back the earth from destruction and ushering in the Kingdom of God. We dare not allow fear, doubt or unbelief to deter us in any way.
We must know who we are in Christ and remember whom we serve. We have divine power and authority that has been delegated to us. We are the Body of Christ on the earth and the eternal fate of all mankind is dependent upon our willingness and obedience to serve the Lord, as we should. We will accomplish the seemingly impossible with His anointing.
If we sanctify ourselves of all known sin and consecrate all of our efforts to His holy purpose for our lives, we will be of extreme value to the Lord in the critical days that lie ahead. We must strive for holiness and perfection, just as He is holy and perfect. We cannot be careless or sloppy in anything that we think, say or do. We must be sacred vessels for His use.
2Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
We should follow all of His commandments and walk in love, as we were taught. We must be fitting role models for others and totally righteous at all times. We have to be focused on eternal values, and oblivious to the ways of the world. The earth and everything in it will soon be transformed and renewed according to the express will of almighty God Himself.
Nothing that we do will be done in our own strength. The Holy Spirit of God will fully empower us to accomplish mighty feats. We will bring heaven itself to the earth realm and establish God's way of doing things as the norm. Men will learn to dwell together in love, peace and unity as brothers as a result of our efforts, or risk expulsion for all of eternity.
The Lord will move through His people who are called by His holy name. We will enforce the government of God and His justice system, so that all men are treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve. We will take control of the world's economic system, so that there is no more poverty and lack. We will establish principles of fairness and equality.
If we are faithful to serve the Lord in any capacity that He deems worthwhile, we will be generously rewarded for our efforts. When the Kingdom of God is brought to the earth, we will be vindicated before men and angels. Almighty God will appoint us as kings and priests, so that we can rule and reign with Jesus Christ over all the nations of the world.
2Timothy 1:9 "Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,"
We dare not be smug or complacent. We are not righteous in our own strength or through any merits of our own. It is only by the grace of God, that we have been spared eternal damnation for our sinfulness. Our faith in Jesus Christ justifies us, and that alone. We have eternal callings that must be embraced, so that all of mankind can be rescued from utter destruction.
We must share our faith with others and offer them the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. We should heal the sick of all their afflictions and demonstrate the love, mercy and compassion of God. We should cast out demons and destroy all strongholds of evil on the earth. We will even raise the dead back to life again as we operate in divine power and authority.
We will overcome all evil with good and improve the entire earth for our Lord and Savior. We will prepare the hearts of all men to receive their King, and abolish all forms of war, conflict and social injustice in this world. We will establish Kingdom principles of fairness, justice and equality as the norm. We will teach all men how to dwell together in peace as brothers.
We will confront all wickedness that we see, and warn others of the impending judgment. None of us will escape Christ's perfect scrutiny. Those who cooperate with the Lord's plan for our eternal redemption will be blessed and be able to enter into His everlasting Kingdom. However, those who persist in their sin and rebellion will be destroyed in the eternal lake of fire.
2Peter 1:10 "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall."
We have a distinct privilege and sacred responsibility to fulfill as the sons of God on the earth. We cannot ignore the fact that the fate of all mankind rests with us. If we are willing and obedient, we will share our faith and set many souls free to inherit eternal life and avoid condemnation. We will overcome all evil with good and take back the whole world before it is destroyed.
Christ served as our role model for love, righteousness and obedience. If we imitate His laid down life, and operate as He did during His ministry, we can impact the entire planet for good. We have been given His own anointing power and authority to accomplish all things. We can heal the sick and dying; eradicate wars, violence and conflict; and eliminate poverty and lack.
The Lord will be glorified in His people who are called by His holy name, and many souls will be spared from impending disaster. We will establish peace, order and stability on the earth, so that the Kingdom of God can be ushered in quickly and expediently. We will introduce godly principles of fairness, justice and equality, so that all men are treated with dignity and respect.
We will improve the fate of all mankind and rescue many who are destined for eternal destruction. We will advocate for the weak and innocent, and rectify all social injustice that we see. We will speak to world leaders and encourage them to adopt godly principles. We will urge every man, woman and child that we encounter to seek the Lord and His ways before it is too late.
Sons of God on the Earth
John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:"
When we repent of all our sins and turn towards God for forgiveness, He is always merciful, kind and compassionate to us. He will lead us into faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and our lives will be forever changed. We will receive the gift of eternal life and be eligible to enter into the Kingdom of God with all its many blessings. We will be restored to right standing with God and become His very own sons and daughters. We are also joint-heirs with Christ to all the promises for righteousness.
There is no good thing that the Lord will withhold from us. If we have faith in Him and His Son, we will have our prayers answered and all of our needs met in abundance. The Lord is ever generous to His people and He will bless us extravagantly. Our minds will be renewed in the truth and our behavior will evolve until it becomes godly. We will receive our eternal callings and the Lord will lead and guide us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Nothing will be impossible to us if we are willing and obedient.
We will grow and develop in the deep things of God and be strengthened in our spirit man. We will be able to overcome all of our fleshly desires and selfish soul ambitions and serve Him with joy and gladness in our hearts. We will spontaneously share our faith with others and walk in miracles, signs and wonders to attest to our beliefs. The Lord will imbue us with divine power to heal the sick, cast our demons and even raise the dead back to life again. We will glorify our God and minister to His people in love.
Philippians 2:15 "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;"
We have been called from the very foundation of the world to serve the Lord and His people. We cannot refuse our divine destinies or important work will remain undone and the forces of evil will take control of the earth. We should be peacemakers, and eradicate all wars, violence and bloodshed in this world. We must correct social injustice, and make certain that all men are treated with dignity and respect.
There are more than sufficient resources available, so that no one need ever suffer from poverty and lack. We will take control of all human governments and their finances, so that there is a redistribution of the wealth in this world. We will challenge all leaders to be just and equitable in their dealings with others. All forms of oppression and exploitation will cease, before we consume one another in our greed.
None of that can be accomplished in our own strength. If we are fully sanctified of all evil ourselves, we will be endued with divine power and authority to take back the entire earth for the Kingdom of God. We will shine with the light of Jesus Christ Himself and fulfill our eternal callings, as we should. We will bring freedom and deliverance to others and be godly examples of righteousness to all of mankind.
We will heal the sick of all their afflictions, and destroy all demonic strongholds that interfere with our efforts to set men free of their bondage to sin and evil. We will encourage all men, women and children to believe the truth, so that they can receive eternal life and all of its many blessings. We will prepare the hearts of men for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to rule and reign in His Kingdom.
1John 3:1 "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not."
Men in the world are caught up in a web of darkness and deception, and doomed to total destruction. Many of them do not know God or have a personal relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other way that a person can be saved to eternal life other than through faith in Christ. He was the complete sacrifice necessary to redeem the entire human race once and for all time.
However, many will still choose to deny Him as Lord and Savior and be condemned to eternal punishment. These very same individuals will contend with us and scorn and deride us for our faith. We should pray for all men and share our beliefs, whenever and wherever we have the opportunity. It may be possible that many of them will be converted, saved and baptized in Jesus' name.
We should never be proud and arrogant that we are the sons of God. But for His grace, we would all be lost. As it is, someone preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to us, and we repented and were born again. We cannot ever criticize and condemn others for their lack of faith. The Lord is calling out to each and every one of us, and He will ultimately have His perfect will in many lives.
It is not His desire that any man should perish. He is waiting as long as He can to pass judgment on us, so that as many as possible can repent and be saved. He has a deep, abiding love for all of mankind, and it is His earnest desire to gather us all into His everlasting Kingdom. It will grieve Him to banish any of us from His presence, but His hands will be tied if we persist in doing evil.
Romans 8:14 "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
If we have been born again, baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit, we are free to be all that the Lord has intended. We have important roles to play in the critical days that lie ahead. We will take back the earth and everything in it for the Kingdom of God. Nothing will be impossible to us. The Lord will lead and guide us by the power of His Holy Spirit, so that we can be totally successful in all that we do.
We will preach the Gospel of peace with joy and enthusiasm and share our faith in Jesus Christ, as the Lord arranges our contacts. We will see many converted, saved and baptized in the truth. All men, women and children from every nation of the world who desire to enter into the Kingdom of God will be born again through our efforts. There will be no righteous person who is denied the blessings of eternal life.
The sons and daughters of almighty God will work miracles, signs and wonders in His name. We will speak to all of nature and it will obey us. Plants and animals will soon be in total harmony and subject to man once again. We will heal the sick and raise the dead back to life. The blind will see; the deaf will hear; and the lame will walk. There will be none who are afflicted as we enter into the Kingdom.
All world governments and their economies will be challenged in the very near future. They will either line up with the will of God and His justice system, or be extinguished off the face of the earth. There will be no more wars and conflict, no poverty and lack. All men will be treated with dignity and fairness. We will all share equally in the blessings of our God, and dwell together in love, peace and unity forever.
Filled With His Glory
Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
In the days to come, the people of almighty God will shine with His glorious light. All men will look to us for guidance and direction, as darkness becomes even more prevalent on the earth. We will lead many into righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ. We will gather in the full, end-time harvest of souls that is needed before heaven can be brought to the earth realm.
We will work miracles, signs and wonders in Christ's name. He has promised that we will do the very works that He did, and even greater works, since He has gone to be with His Father. We will heal all who are sick and afflicted, and demonstrate the love, mercy and compassion of God Himself for all of mankind. We will cast out demons and raise the dead back to life.
There will be major changes in this world to prepare it for the Kingdom of God. All forms of oppression and exploitation will ultimately cease. There will be no more wars, violence or conflict of any kind. The wealth of the wicked will be redistributed to the people of God, and there will be no more poverty and lack. All of mankind will be treated with dignity and respect.
Everything that we do will be done through the power and authority of Jesus Christ. We are His Body on this earth, and we will complete His ministry before He returns to rule and reign in His everlasting Kingdom. He will be glorified in us and grant us generous rewards for our service to Him and His people.
We will be appointed as kings and priests of God forever.
Ephesians 3:16-19 "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God."
Jesus Christ loves us as no one else can. He laid down His very life for all of mankind, so that we could be set free from death as the penalty for our sins, and experience life in abundance to the overflow. We who believe in Him should walk in His ways. We have an obligation to share the Gospel of peace with others.
We will save and baptize men, women and children in every nation.
We will lay hands on others, and set them free from all their sickness and disease. We will cast out demons in Jesus' name and deliver men from their bondage to sin and evil. We will even raise the dead back to life once again, to demonstrate the awesome power and glory of almighty God Himself. The Lord will work many miracles through the people who are called by His holy name.
All of creation will be set free to the glorious liberty of the children of God. There will be no more devastation and destruction from natural catastrophes. We will regulate the climate and reverse all the effects of environmental pollution. We will take dominion over the plants and animals and make certain that they are compatible with one another and in harmony with man.
We will be rooted and grounded in love, and abolish all forms of oppression and exploitation of the weak and innocent. We will eradicate poverty and lack, wars, violence and conflict off the face of the earth. We will establish peace and unity in all of our affairs, and make certain that all men are treated with dignity and respect. We will rescue all mankind from darkness and destruction.
Nothing will be impossible to us if we have faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to lead and guide us. We will be filled with all the fullness of God and operate in real power and authority. The world will be spared from utter destruction through our efforts. We will set things straight and prepare the entire planet for the return of Christ to rule and reign in His everlasting Kingdom.
Colossians 1:27 "To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:"
We are the devoted followers of Jesus Christ and He will show Himself strong in us. He has gone to be with His Father for a time and a season, but we are His ambassadors on the earth and we will resume His ministry. Christ in us is the hope of glory for all mankind. He will work in us and through us to do the will of the Father. All things will be changed for good in this world.
We will rise up in our kingly and priestly anointing and assert ourselves as the followers of Christ. All men will have to take notice, as we work miracles, signs and wonders to attest to our faith. They will give honor and praise to God for all that He does for them. The sick will all be healed; the dead will be raised; demons will be cast out; and many will be set free in Jesus' mighty name.
We will prepare the hearts of mankind to receive Christ as their King and usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth, as we are ordained to do. The world will not be utterly destroyed, but it will be compelled to line up with the will of God. Nothing will remain the same; we are going back to our roots in the Garden of Eden and everything will have to be purged, cleansed and purified.
We will establish godly principles as the norm for Kingdom living and teach all men to dwell in love, peace and unity as brothers, or risk expulsion from God's presence for all time. There will be no more oppression or exploitation of others, no wars and conflict, no poverty and lack, nor death and destruction of any kind. Christ will soon return to abolish all evil in the wrath of His coming.
We will no longer be able to do our own thing. The Lord has impeccable standards for our behavior. He expects us all to walk in love and be obedient to His laws. We will have to be uncompromisingly righteous or live out our days in the eternal lake of fire. There will be no second chances given to men or angels. The Kingdom of God is reserved for those who adhere to God's will.
Ephesians 1:17-19 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what [is] the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,"
The Lord desires that we seek good and shun evil all the days of our lives. He expects us to walk in love and be obedient to all that He instructs us to do. We cannot be selfish or unrighteous in any way. Much has been given to us, but much is also expected from us. We must present our bodies as living sacrifices in humble service to our God and His people. We have eternal callings as the sons of God and the Lord needs our assistance in establishing the Kingdom of God in a troubled world.
If we seek His guidance and direction, He will give us wisdom and revelation to fulfill our divine destinies. He will teach us all that we need to know to rescue others, just as we have been. He will reveal their thoughts and feelings, so that we can speak directly to their spirits and set them free in the truth. We will see many converted, saved and baptized in Christ in the days to come. We will gather in the full, end-time harvest of souls that is necessary before heaven can come to the earth.
We will be given divine power and authority to overcome all evil and destroy demonic strongholds that would impede our progress or interfere with our work. We will walk just as Jesus walked during His time with us, and complete His ministry on the earth. There will ultimately be peace, order and stability as a result of our efforts. There will be no more violence or conflict between men. All world governments will soon be restructured and absorbed into the everlasting Kingdom of God.
All of creation will respond to our faith-based words and be subject to us once again. We will command harmony in the plant and animal kingdoms and alter the climate itself. It will be temperate and predictable, so that there are no more natural disasters that cause devastation and destruction to the earth. We will reverse the effects of pollution and cleanse the environment of all defilement. All of nature will be subject to man once again, as it was intended to be from the very creation itself.
1Thessalonians 2:12 "That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory."
The Body of Christ has an important role to play in the critical days that lie ahead. We will be extremely busy taking back the earth for the Kingdom of God. Those in the world will carefully scrutinize us, to see if we are truly worthy of our calling. We will have to be above and beyond reproach in all that we think, say and do. The future of all mankind lies in our hands, and our Lord and Savior must be glorified.
If we are obedient to the Lord and fulfill our divine destinies, as we should, we will inherit the Kingdom of God as our eternal legacy. It will solve all of our problems and be a paradise on the earth. It will be an idyllic environment for both God and man. The Lord will come and dwell with us on his holy mountain. He will be a loving Father to us, and provide all that we need to be healthy, happy and prosperous.
Our bodies will be changed in their very essence to be impervious to disease and death, so that we live forever. We will experience endless peace and unlimited prosperity. No evil will defile or harm us ever again. Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron and make certain that we have safety and security. The Lord will blot out all pain and suffering from our memories, and take vengeance on all of our enemies.
Those of us who have served the Lord faithfully in fulfilling His eternal redemption plan will share in Christ's very own honor and glory. He will boast of us to all creation. We will have the heathen for our inheritance in the uttermost parts of the earth. We will judge both men and angels and even be appointed as kings and priests of God. We will rule and reign with Jesus Christ over all the nations of the world.
Topics for Discussion
1. The New Man
2. Persecuted for Our Faith
3. In the World, But Not of It
4. Lights in a Darkened World
5. An Eternal Calling
6. Sons of God on the Earth
7. Filled With His Glory
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