Playing Games with God
Chapter 4
The Word Game
by Robert M. Smith

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Playing Games with God
Chapter 4
The Word Game
by Robert M. Smith
When someone makes reference to a "word game" it is likely that our minds will conjure up the image of a Scrabble board or a Crossword puzzle. There are other word games available to the general public, such as Balderdash and Probe, but the veterans of this genre have secured their niche in the market and in our minds for quite a while. I have also heard, over the past several years, that these particular games are extremely good for one's mental health – even to the point of minimizing the onslaught of that dreaded disease, Alzheimers. With those tidbits of information, I am sure that you can readily see that there are indeed some benefits to pastimes of this sort ... but, alas, not all word games are so profitable.
In the year 2006 I had heard a most astonishing report about a man who, though he was an internationally respected hockey coach and though he had won championships and personal awards – like "NHL coach of the year", could not read or write. Jacques Demers coached a number of elite National Hockey League teams to various hockey titles during his career but he kept hiding and disguising this personal problem from the world. He had learned a few tricks to find his way around but he eventually surrendered to the inevitable, "coming clean" with a public admission and, now, speaking out about illiteracy. Never before had I heard of such a high-ranking individual being plagued with this problem ... and, bless his heart, he's currently learning how to read and write in the latter years of his life.
This scenario, however, spurs me on to think of what it must be like to wander through this information-laden world, where communication is going on ceaselessly, without the slightest ability to decipher any of it. Think of it: the written word displayed everywhere; every sign and every direction; every menu and every name; every list and every memo; every instruction and every piece of literature; as inexplicable and pointless as a Jackson Pollock painting to a viewer! The entire world could be laid out at our feet and we wouldn't understand a thing until someone else graciously interpreted it for us. That is a tremendous handicap! Lots of communication going on ... but none for the illiterate! "What a tragedy!" you say ... and I concur. But this tragedy is much more extensive than this mere physical/mental/social/academic burden. It exists on yet another plane; accepted by the status quo; more deplorable in its results; more thorough in its vacuity; more precise in its mortality. Here, it is called Biblical illiteracy. A Word game that has no equal. A Word game that the vast majority of Christians are playing to their own detriment. A Word game where, the Holy Spirit – Who not only inspired the written Word of God, but also loves it – is being suppressed and denounced.
Too harsh, you say? Not nearly harsh enough, I'm afraid. Erwin Lutzer, citing a survey of evangelical Christians in North America, reveals this, "According to a recent Barna survey, 'only four out of every ten born again adults rely upon the Bible or church teachings as their primary source of moral guidance.'"[1] There is absolutely no rationale strong enough or good enough to justify this pathetic response to the Living God! Yet, time after time, Christians resort to lame excuses in the hope of validating the demonic laziness and apathy that has gripped this twenty-fist century, western rendition of the church. Do not be fooled, counteracting apathy has nothing to do with dancing, chanting and "letting it all hang out" in a frenzy of emotional excess. It is, however, reflected in a disciplined, steadfastness of spiritual proportions that reshapes the character of an individual through the transformation of a heart and mind that had, heretofore, been bent on self-fulfillment and self-realization. Leaving this "self" in charge causes our unbelief to continue staring us in the face in the form of a 60 – 40 ratio ... and, no doubt, getting worse by the minute. As a consequence, there is little wonder why our Lord Jesus asked this rhetorical question so long ago: "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8 NASB).
Oh to be sure, there are many who claim to love our Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts, as they say, unencumbered by a legalistic bondage to the Scriptures, insisting that doctrine interferes with the freedom found in such love. However, parading this shallow humanistic affection reveres the worshipper and not the Worshipped, for it does not take into account the desires of God but rather the desires of an unsavory and unholy man. It is simply not possible to love Christ, in the truest sense of the word, while spurning the written Word of God which He loved to the uttermost. It is also impossible to claim a love for God while simultaneously ignoring the revelation He has given in the Scriptures. Something is definitely out of kilter and someone is obviously playing a religious game while such dichotomies exist for Jesus, Himself, laid the groundwork for His disciples by establishing the prominence of Scripture in all of life:
"Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures." (Lk 24:27 NASB)
"Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures." (Lk 24:45 NASB)
There is no negating the importance of the Scriptures to the Son of God; no ecstasies are capable of replacing or displacing its importance; no activity or program will provide spiritual help or growth without it; no human being will be transformed into a new spiritual creature in the absence of its fundamental truth; the earth, though populated, will remain a vast spiritual void for lack of it. How important is the Word of God? Beyond measure, as Gary Inrig writes: "The Lord Jesus lived God's Word, loved God's Word, and was loyal to God's Word. Scripture was His guidebook for His life, His protection in His spiritual warfare, His authority in His public teaching, and His directive for His God-given ministry. He obeyed its commands with His actions, and He honored its meaning with His teaching.
The implications are obvious and essential. If our Lord and Savior shaped His life by Scripture, how can we imagine we need it less than He did? If we call Him Lord and Teacher, how can we have a lower view of Scripture than He did? If we are His followers, how can we rely on it less than He did? We are no match for the wiles and seductions of Satan, but God's Word retains its power as the sword of the Spirit, able to put our enemy on the defensive."[2]
Just as there are those who claim a love for Christ, there are also those who claim a love for the Holy Spirit while spurning the written Word of God. This, too, is an incompatibility of astronomical proportion for the Holy Spirit who inspired the writing of Scripture (2 Tim 3:16) would never shun it. If we truly desire to be under the control of the Holy Spirit we shall be found drenched in His Word, where 100% of Him is found 100% of the time. No other dubious source of His guidance will ever supplant that reality according to our Saviour Jesus Christ:
"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth;" (Jn 16:13a NASB)
"Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth." (Jn 17:17 NASB)
Note that Jesus stated His disciples will be sanctified or set apart from all others in the truth, not for the truth or because of the truth. This is an immersion, not simply an application or an association. We are not sanctified by what teachings we adhere to; we are sanctified by living in the truth; and we cannot live in the truth until we realize what that truth happens to be; and Jesus takes all of the mystery and speculation out of the picture by boldly stating "Your word is truth", speaking of His Father and the Scriptures that He has provided. He who is sanctified is he who is immersed in the Word of God. And who will guide us along, as we bathe in the Word of God – the Word of truth? The Spirit of truth, who desires to lead us into all truth. The truth about God, the truth about life and the truth about me will suddenly become clear and fulfilling when, through the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit teaches me. We must come to the realization that it is only unbelief that keeps a person from the Bible for we show our faith by who we listen to. Francis Schaeffer put it this way: "I have said that inerrancy is the watershed of the evangelical world. But t is not just a theological debating point. It is the obeying of the Scripture which is the watershed! It is believing and applying it to our lives which demonstrate whether we in fact believe it."[3] Elsewhere he writes this complementary thought in amplification of this all-important tenet: "... we must say that if we believe in truth, we must practice truth. We live in an age of Hegelian synthesis and relativism, men don't believe truth exists. How do we expect the world to take us seriously when we say we believe truth exists and then live in a relativistic way?"[4]
The symptoms of unbelief are rampant within the North American church. Too frequently have we allowed ourselves to fade when we should be shining and to be tasteless when we should be salty, simply because we have not spent enough time within the pages of our Bibles where God's power can be seen and experienced.
We have a series of problems in this area:
A) We seem to believe that reading books about the Book, or Christian novels, or stout theological dissertations, or any manner of other Christian literature is substantial enough, so we substitute.
B) We have become intolerably glib about the Scriptures in North America by allowing our "blessed" prosperity to wipe the importance of study from our hearts. God's Word is getting crowded out.
C) We have inverted the words of our Lord Jesus Christ as stated in Matt 6:25-33. He said that we must seek His kingdom first "... and all these things will be added to you." But we are seeking the temporal good life first. And through our concept of "born again" evangelicalism we think that the kingdom of God shall be ours as well. We want to claim the benefits of both worlds by professing to be changed or transformed and, yet, all the while, ignoring the very power behind any transformation – the Word of God.
We must begin to rethink and refashion our perspectives in order to rise above this desolate position of mediocrity.
In the Apostle Paul's second epistle to Timothy there are two passages that must come to bear upon us. Let them eradicate the ridiculous notion that true Christianity can exist without prime commitment to the revealed will of God in the Bible.
One of the first portions of Scripture to be weighed is 2 Tim 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." Paul leads into this comment by warning against disputes "about words" and he summarizes his thoughts with the example of Hymenaeus and Philetus who were using the dispute approach to undermine the faith of some. He called it "worldly and empty chatter". Here were two men who claimed that the resurrection of believers of which Jesus had spoken in John's Gospel narrative [chapter 6] had already come and gone.. They might have been trying to establish a special, secret society following of their own or they might have simply been trying to come up with an answer to a specific local dilemma that had arisen but, whatever the reason, they were upsetting the faith of some (2 Tim 2:18). According to Rom 14:13-23, this is a most ill-advised approach and extremely detrimental to the spiritual health of any local expression of the church universal. And so, in the midst of his warning and his example, Paul inserted the responsibility of a disciple – called a "workman" here.
"The word of truth" pertains to the very texts of which our Lord Jesus Christ made reference in Jn 14:26 and Jn 16:13-14 wherein we find the layout of the New Testament canon. Our Lord's words were to be paramount (Matt 28:20) and His words were to be seen as absolute essentials for eternal life (Jn 6:68-69). Thus, the Gospels are verified Scripture and, as Peter indicates, the Pauline epistles are as well (2 Pet 3:15-16). The entire New Testament, along with the Old, contains internal and external authentication as to its origins with the test of time perhaps being the most compelling and revealing validation. Now, these, we must handle "accurately".
To become adept with the Bible, takes time and effort. To hope that this skill will develop overnight and with ease – even under the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit – is only a foolhardy North American notion spawned of an atmosphere where fast-food, instant lottery winners, instant coffee, instant cures and quick conveniences of every sort abound. Why, we have even tried to abbreviate the Bible by, first using red ink for special parts and then condensing it to concepts and main passages in a Reader's Digest model. It is possible that these could be good and effective under certain circumstances but they are more indicative of the compromising, nonchalant attitude of North America rather than the true heart of Christ's disciples who would desire every single piece of God's inspired revelation.
Often we, who call ourselves "Christian", do not even avail ourselves of these convenient versions. We would prefer to leave the Bible alone entirely because of a preconceived notion about difficulty in understanding it and because it tends to expose many areas of our lives that need revision and reformation. Too often we feel that Bible projects are better left undisturbed but Paul shows us the foolishness of this mentality by pointing to Hymenaeus and Philetus. They might have been ignorant of the truth or they might have known the truth and ran deliberately contrary to it, out of disdain, a proclivity that is not merely a twenty-first century trait although evidenced in the abundance of cult activity in our time. My concern, in bringing this incident up, is not with these two early church heretics but, rather, with those who had their faith upset by them.
Why would anyone's faith be disturbed by others who were so blatantly wrong? Quite simply, those who did not know the truth through constant exposure to it could easily be led astray, and therein lies our warning. Because of the plethora of cults in existence today we really need no more intense urging to return to the Bible than this. Unfortunately it may take a tragedy in the scope of a "Jonestown incident" to ignite many of us since our lethargy is so deeply ingrained.
In 2 Tim 3:16-17 Paul also writes, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (NASB). I particularly appreciate the Revised Standard Version's interpretation of the Greek word artios (v 17) for it gives a better sense of the perfecting work of God in the man of God when the Word of God is present in him: "complete". In this, even aside from the benefits listed for the committed individual, one has more than enough incentive to spend all of his/her waking hours immersed in the truth of the Scriptures. The plain and confirmed truth that all Scripture is inspired by God ought to draw us like a magnet to its pages for answers and strength daily. You and I must finally appreciate that we are incomplete without the Word of God: "Whatever keeps me from the Bible is my enemy, however harmless it may appear to be. Whatever engages my attention when I should be meditating on God and things eternal does injury to my soul. Let the cares of life crowd out the Scriptures from my mind and I have suffered loss where I can least afford it. Let me accept anything else instead of the Scriptures and I have been cheated and robbed to my eternal confusion."[5]
Referring to Jn 6:68-69 again, where do we go and what do we seek if we are not spending time in God's Word? Obviously, we cannot be looking for eternal life or an understanding of this life if we neglect the Author of both. Think of it: within the pages of your Bible are the very words of God. That concept is earth-shattering! Absolutely no one is as worthy of attention as Him and yet we ignore Him. That concept equally earth-shattering! Note that it is not the adequacy of the message or of the Messenger that is in question here, but rather, the dedication and realization of the recipients of Divine revelation that desperately need to be analyzed. With this entire introduction in mind, therefore, let us examine a few passages of Word of God.
2 Pet 1:19-21 (NASB): "So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."
After encouraging the saints of the first-century dispersion to continue diligently in their faith through the appreciation and development of godly character [2 Pet 1:2-15], the Apostle Peter chooses a couple of facts to inspire them further. He wants to lead them into a proper and deeper estimation of the written Word of God by linking it to the spoken Word of God. Thus we have, in verse 19, the phrase "we have the prophetic word [that which is expressly said] made more sure [stable or steadfast]" which he ties to the Scriptures in verse 20. Peter is defining God's intentions with the written Word ... that it is virtually the same as if God were speaking directly to us in audible fashion. And that is the crux of the matter isn't it? God speaks, or He does not. The written expression of God is as thorough and as authoritative as His verbal expression or it is not. This is precisely where the Holy Spirit enters the picture and this is also precisely where a man with the comprehension of A.W. Tozer assists us: "The Bible will never be a living Book to us until we are convinced that God is articulate in His universe. To jump from a dead, impersonal world to a dogmatic Bible is too much for most people. They may admit that they should accept the Bible as the Word of God, and they may try to think of it as such, but they find it impossible to believe that the words there on the page are actually for them. A man may say, 'These words are addressed to me,' and yet in his heart not feel and know that they are. He is the victim of a divided psychology. He tries to think of God as mute everywhere else and vocal only in a book.
I believe that much of our religious unbelief is due to a wrong conception of and a wrong feeling for the Scriptures of Truth. A silent God suddenly began to speak in a book and when the book was finished lapsed back into silence again forever. Now we read the book as the record of what God said when He was for a brief time in a speaking mood. With notions like that in our heads how can we believe? The facts are that God is not silent, has never been silent. It is the nature of God to speak. The second Person of the Holy Trinity is called the Word. The Bible is the inevitable outcome of God's continuous speech. It is the infallible declaration of His mind – for us put into our familiar human words."[6]
Both Jesus, in the Gospel narratives, and His disciples, in the New Testament epistles, referenced the written Word of God ninety-one times. Most of those references – certainly all that were made by our Lord Jesus – were present tense references: "it is written". When one actually stops to consider this phrase in detail one must conclude that it is a most unusual construct. The Old Testament Scriptures that were cited were inscribed hundreds of years prior to these referrals and, yet, they are attributed with present tense status by Jesus and His followers. The meaning, by Peter in his second epistle, and by Jesus, in the Gospels, is quite evident and poignant: because of its source, the Word that was written long ago will always remain pertinent in the eternal present! This "word" is a living thing (Heb 4:12) and never out of date. Its mere existence in written form is indicative of its authority and its power; God's Word withstands and spans the passing of time; as I have often said from the platform, it is a piece of eternity dropped into temporal existence for our benefit just as Romans 15:4 states, "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." (NASB) Similarly, we could say, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it" – a mandate that, though not obligatory, remains highly beneficial to any adherent.
In our day North American society and many North American authorities have removed the Bible from sight and recognition. It has been or is being ushered out of every institution in the land, in a brazen act of rebellion against God. Some believe that these institutions are simply defying the authoritarianism of Christian roots while attempting to liberate mankind from the shackles of religious domination. But, little do they realize, their contempt of Scriptural values stems from a prior rejection of the Christ, just as it was in the first century AD. The two rejections always go hand in hand: reject Christ, reject the Scriptures. In keeping with the word of the prophet of old, North America is the fulfillment of this testimony:
"'Behold, days are coming', declares the Lord God,
'When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the LORD.
'People will stagger from sea to sea
And from the north even to the east;
They will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD,
But they will not find it.'" (Amos 8:11-12 NASB)
This is something to be expected from a secular humanism that longs to deny and destroy moral accountability to a supreme God. However, not wishing to leave this perspective languishing in the lap of the ungodly, and getting back to my initial challenge known as the "Word game" among Christians, why would a believer in Christ enjoin him or her self with the repudiation exhibited in the world by also shunning the Word of God? Two things should be fully realized at this point: 1) A Christian who shuns the Word of God is aligning with the "world" against God; 2) It is because of God's people that a "famine" exists in our land. We are the ones who possess the Scriptures, so it is only reasonable to assume that if there are people dying for a lack of them, it is our fault. We forget that we have been entrusted with a global task that Francis Schaeffer describes in his book The Great Evangelical Disaster, "... compromising the full authority of Scripture eventually affects what it means to be a Christian theologically and how we live in the full spectrum of human life." [7] As a result, we have no right to stand up to a pagan society and condemn it for any reason if we aren't living under the authority of the Word of God ourselves. When we ignore the power of the Word of God in our lives, we bring the same powerlessness to the land in which we dwell. Therefore, what had been given to us as a blessing – for both ourselves and others – becomes a curse to our nation when we refuse to live under its influence ... and we can never be under its influence as long as we ignore it and refuse to heed it. This brings us full-circle to the verse that I have quoted already in this book – Rom 2:24: "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." This verse will be there at every turn, with every spiritual game revealed, to indicate to us what is really happening instead of what we imagine.
Christians who play this "Word game" remind me of a stadium full of rabid fans. While the team on the field may win the contest, the fans begin to don huge foam-rubber hands with index fingers fully raised, screaming frantically, "We're number one!" When this follows a championship win, it can last for hours! I've witnessed this sort of mayhem many times. The fans claim the status of a "winner" but, oddly enough, have not actually entered the fray upon the field; doing nothing essentially to earn the title.
When I translate this to the Christian who plays the "Word game" I see a number of warnings for them: 1) One had better make sure that one is actually a part of the team [Christianity] before claiming victor's status; 2) The way we treat the Word of God indicates what team we are on; 3) Christianity is not now, nor ever has been a spectator sport! Anything other than our complete devotion to the Bible smacks of pretension and insensibility and it is from this game that all other games emanate. So if our hearts can be turned about at this point we can keep a variety of spiritual diseases from infecting ourselves and others any further.
Before I close this chapter I would like to make brief mention of two other "Word games" that Christians play to their personal and our corporate detriment. In an effort to alleviate the affects of the "game" that I have been dwelling on heretofore, other games have been devised to take its place. These others are well-intentioned and often subconsciously applied, but they are equally deleterious because they do not treat the Word of God properly. One method treats the Bible too plebeian and the other sees it too pre-eminently.
The first, the plebeian one, sees the Bible as little more than a text book. It is indeed read but it does not resonate with the Holy Spirit's power. Believers who look upon the Bible in this way are little different than those of whom Tozer wrote:
"To most people God is an inference, not a reality. He is a deduction from evidence which they consider adequate; but He remains personally unknown to the individual. 'He must be,' they say, 'therefore we believe He is.'"[8]
Among the proponents of this viewpoint are many theological scholars and those who long for the scholarly image. Christian intellectualists can be found in this gathering more often than not, attempting to magnify their own name and reducing God to a mere formula or conclusion from the text ... a sanctimonious humanism, if you will.
The second, the pre-eminent one, sees the Bible as an idol, where it becomes God and God becomes it. Believers who envision the Scriptures in this way do not realize that, though they may possess the Word of God in their hands, it is not God, Himself that they are carrying about. Being locked into this perspective is actually no different than being obsessed with a fetish made of wood or stone. I am convinced that, for the most part, Christians have very little idea of what the Scriptures are all about. Most of us do not realize that the Bible is in our possession on a need to know basis. God did not have to provide us with this book but in His sovereign benevolence He made it available – like grace – to the common man. In one sense it is very much like a newspaper where we are told the most important things – the essential things – but not everything. Like a stage production, the Bible is "up front" but there is so much activity and information going on behind the scenes. Every now and then, within the Scriptures themselves, we are given a fleeting glimpse that there is so much more: see the first few chapters of the book of Job and the book of Revelation.
Am I saying that the Bible is as unimportant as a newspaper? No. It is the Divinely inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. This is not at all a question of authorship, authority or authenticity ... it is completely a question of utility and function. The Bible was designed to augment and nourish our relationship with God. However, it is not our relationship with God. There are hordes of Christians in the world today who, through no fault of their own, do not have a Bible ... and have never seen one. But they are still Christians, for God has never been limited by the written word. How can I know that to be true? Because the Bible actually shows us that it is true. There are many relationships that God had established throughout time that were not blessed with the written Word: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the king of Crete, the people of Derbe, Lystra and Iconium, and the Philippian jailer to name only a few. There were also ministries blessed by God that did not find their way to the inspired text: those of Apollos [unless, of course, you think that he is the writer of the book of Hebrews as I do], the vast majority of the Apostles, Agabus and Phillip's daughters – all not recorded but all used and directed by God ... and that is simply the New Testament; the Old Testament has many more. Yes, the holy Scriptures are invaluable to the believer but they are on a need to know basis and they are not God – they may, however, be considered appropriately as a letter from God.
We are the ones who try to limit God by locking Him neatly, tidily and opportunistically within a book. This often suits our religious attitudes of convenience. The Pharisees did the very same thing and Jesus had to point out that they were wrong in doing so: "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me." (Jn 5:39 NASB). They couldn't fathom that the Scriptures were the revealed will of God and, as such, pointed to the Lamb of God and not to the Scriptures themselves as a means of salvation. Like the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures that He inspired always point beyond themselves ... always extroversive, never introversive.
Why am I bringing this up? Simply because there are far too many Christians playing this game as well. They haven't yet come to the understanding that God does not come in book form; He is not ink on a page, gold-edged or otherwise; He is not an infrequently read piece of literature; He is not hemmed in by a leather cover; when we close the Book we do not shut Him off like some ethereal light switch; when we tuck the Book under our arm we have not boxed Him in and cordoned Him off like some genie, complying only to our personal interpretations and selfish expectations. The Bible is His revealed will for mankind, His desires for you and me ... but the real God remains apart from the text just as I am from this very book that you are reading now. Both, the Bible and this book, are communication devices, vehicles for the flow and interchange of thought. We do great harm to the media, to the authors and to ourselves when ascribing to them a position and entity that was never intended. Divine revelation was always intended to lead to and sustain a Divine relationship which has always had the essential primacy; it is a supportive role; it was never meant to overturn that order. The true and living God wants us to utilize His Word to establish and maintain a right relationship with Him and the first step, following my salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and His Cross, is to see the Bible as it truly is ... without applying to it those fanciful games that we cherish so. Every other spiritual game we play stems from this one. Eliminate the "Word games" and we shall be able to work on others with greater facility.
[1] Erwin W. Lutzer, Who are you to judge?, Moody Press, Chicago, 2002, Page 41
[2] Gary Inrig, True North, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, 2002, Page 60
[3] Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster, Crossway Books, Westchester, IL, 1984, Page 61
[4] Francis A. Schaeffer, Death in the City, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 1969, Page 72
[5] A. W. Tozer, The Best of A.W. Tozer – Volume 1, Christian Publications Inc., Camp Hill, PA, Page 108
[6] A. W. Tozer, The Best of A.W. Tozer – Volume 1, Christian Publications Inc., Camp Hill, PA, Page 26
[7] Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster, Crossway Books, Westchester, IL, 1984, Page 45
[8] A. W. Tozer, The Best of A.W. Tozer – Volume 2, Christian Publications Inc., Camp Hill, PA, Page 97
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