Spiritual Battlefield
Quintaria IX
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book Spiritual Battlefield - Quintaria IX written by Author Dominic Homan. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Spiritual Battlefield
Quintaria IX
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Spiritual Battlefield - Quintaria IX written by Author Dominic Homan. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Quintaria IX E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
Click the link below to learn more of the spiritual battlefield:
Check out Dominic's other related books:
Prelude to Quintaria
Quintaria II and III
Quintaria IV
Quintaria V, VI, and VII
Quintaria VIII
Eriemumps: A Christian Four Book Series
Quintaria is Trademarked by Dominic Homan
Quintaria™ Bliss Kliss™
The Angel
The Canine Cub
Aqua Creature
The Teddy Bear
Quintaria is © copyrighted since 2003 and lasts 50 years...

Table of Contents
Quintaria IX Prologue
The War Begins
Chapter 1 ... Prevention is the Key
Chapter 2 ... Ancient Mystic's VIA!
Chapter 3 ... The Shark, the Astrobear Would Be the Fourth and Final Replacements and Original Warriors!
Chapter 4 ... Many Artifacts Would Be Along the Way!
Chapter 5 ... Went on a Mission Mysticwolf, LightAngel, Bearman, Pyrofalcon, Spike, the Celtic Warrior
Chapter 6 ... The Black Forest of Black Ants
Chapter 7 ... The Battle for Salvation No More Damnation Except for Demons
The War Begins
Chapter 1 ... Prevention is the Key
Chapter 2 ... Ancient Mystic's VIA!
Chapter 3 ... The Shark, the Astrobear Would Be the Fourth and Final Replacements and Original Warriors!
Chapter 4 ... Many Artifacts Would Be Along the Way!
Chapter 5 ... Went on a Mission Mysticwolf, LightAngel, Bearman, Pyrofalcon, Spike, the Celtic Warrior
Chapter 6 ... The Black Forest of Black Ants
Chapter 7 ... The Battle for Salvation No More Damnation Except for Demons
Golden griffins
purple pegasus's...
White dragons
yellow griffins...
purple phoebus phoenix...wolf bird
Chimera a goat, feline/tiger/dragon
Cerebus...3 to 9 headed...dog...guardian and keeper of the abyss so no one could get out
But Abaddon did...have scorpion, feline, armored platted, long hair...
Angel of the Abyss fought the Grim Angel of Death...
A queen and three mistress's singing mistress's...rub my back please thank you...
The White dragons of Dominic was seen...
The Sea dragon from the ocean burnite...ocean...
was seen and the chameleon octopus
Surrounded the encampment...
Aion a prince, Zea a princess...
we looking for the chosen ones...
The White Dragon
The Pegasus chil
The Unicorn
The Griffin Grace
The Blue Jay
The Purple Parrot
The Cardinal
Phoebus Phoenix
Ankh cross
Celtic cross
King Shadow
The Invisible Fiend
Grim Angel
All these powers, all these friends were
given...were blessed...to Domenic...Dominic...
Horse body, human face long hair iron chest armor plates...
scorpion tails... Abaddon The Angel of The Abyss...and a lions teeth...
Mammon demon of greed...
The Grim Angel...Angel of Death...protected the chosen one...
from any harm so that no harm could come to him ever...
The Cross Cyborg...Christ is Great...
he leads them...
The Heavenly Hyena
The Platinum Palladium Pegasus' The Phoebus Pheonix
she has a pink ..... and a pink crystal...that I gave to her!
The Golden Griffin'Unicorn
The Emerald Elephant
Sapphiresatin SilkSpider
The Oynx Opal
The Titanium Thunder'Topaz Torquoise Turtle
The Diamond Dog
The Ruby Russian/Rover...
Crystal Cat
Amber fossiled jewel/gem
Amethyst Angel...
They wear make-up...face paint...
They play instruments...
The bass lightweight 12 string Hammer bass
The Piano keyboards...
The Guitar rhythm...
lead guitar
shadow singer background...
The electic Mandolin...
the electric violin
treble bass it's a symbol in Music a treble clef...vocals and ruffing...ruff ruff...
The Rover keyboards singing
The vocals
The vocals
Dont take anything for granted...
and be wise, be aware...
The Moon Mummy'...Maroon Moonshine
The Sun Skeleton Sapphire Sunshine...
ST PRO...not joe
Paintball guns, bb's, pellet guns...
laser guns...ninja swords are allowed...
n pulse blades...and elemental swords...air, thunder, ice, fire
Hotshot he has his pbg, pellet gun...
Livewire with his ninja swords
General Gothin pulse blades
Sergeant Sage Samurai his katana...
Lieutenant Lady fire sword
Frog Lips N Tongue ice, earth sword
Falcon Nest air sword
The Corporal Cat rock sword
The Dynamic Dus air sword, thunder sword...
VS Annhilate, Major Mantis
his his laser guns, rays, beams
Major Mantis has his pulse blades, bb's...
Stone soldiers vs. Beetles, the Beetle King they later made a truce
The Stone King was amazingly un moved and such an aura and a magnificent warrior.
Heart of the Horseman, his Crossbow
avp infra red??? night vision green well look at this
totally unique and originally. Thought of this today
Launes VS Qrekatrs
The Qrekatrs
The Qreklaun
The Qreklaun was a hybrid...they were fighting a war...
but the Launes were these insect like creatures from another planet
The Qreks wore masks, or helmets had light blue night vision could turn into a shadow or disappear literally
cameoflague, have infra purple vision they fought in a big war. Artifacts and symbols are like wow
USA warrior
Horse rider
Elephantman Tristan Jones
Falconman Erin Dill
Titanium Wolf
The Love Machine
The Hammer 12 string lightweight
bass guitar weilding strong guy
The Z-Men, the D Women...
10 women, 4 men...
Armageddon VS the 7 trumpet Angels
ApocArmagelypse...VS...The Prevengers
and the Incredible Seven, the Magnificent Four...and the Astonishing Amazing Eight...
The Brightener's...
Gigaman, Wolfman, Vision Woman,
Blaze, The Purple Light.
The Oriole
The Ravenchild
The Blue jay
The Cardinal
The Duck
The Canary
The Purple Parrot
Why kill birds shame on you with no stones
let them fly...dang it yes stones of gemstones...of color and coins for your currency...
Wolfman, The Cardinal
Grasshopperman, Cricket the Cricket...was seen and Dogface...
16 events were to take place...
- Voage of The Vox
- Thunder Taurus's
- Space Cakes
- Cosmical Cosmo
- Space Star crust...sword...
- Crusing Through Space
- Spaceship of Wonder
- Ray Blasters Master of The Laster
- Everlasting Endevor
- Cloud City'Space City
- Proud Celestial
- Not an Alien Fiend
- Et You Were A Good Creature
- Space Angelic Elite
- Rockin Space
- Planet of the Space People
Titles I had in mind...books...
realm of worlds
Salvation VS damnation
Life or Die
GOD THE GALAXY don't look...
Shatytan sucks shouldn't he be whipped for all the pain Jesus went through
It was void, or null he got his soul back
Jeveth Zerolius
Jeveth Dane a Keth...
Jeveth Cardinal neutral...
The Keth's...Talek
The Deith's... Deiths
The Dogs of Deith God does exist...A god particle...energy created more energy
The stars the sun the moon, the planets
GODs apprientance DoMinic says he wants love he can feel it
The ships and battle stations the PULSE BLADES...
SUNRISE/SUNSHINE HER TWIN SISTER wow it passed by her...or was too hot, melted it
And the moon wolves, sun birds
DINGO MOON their leader had the four...and PP... figh the evil Keth's...
Dominic played Music and was a Master Musician, Master piece artist, painter
Dingomoon Hawk
Bright Bunny
Tarantula Woman
Penguin Angel
Creature Maiden
The Jade Jewel
The DingoWolfin
Sunshadow Sunset...and her sister sun shine...
The Bear
Cosmic galaxy
The Scorp
The World Warrior
The MysticWolfin
Hiney Hound
Rhino Ram Raven Rump...
Teddybear-rear...get behind me I'll cover you she uses her pulse blade
I love you Pumpkin head
Gigamega Tit'an Woman was seen here here now rest upon me...
ah it is Sunday...rest my boy rest my love...
So why do you have an interest in this man you're a man
you cant marry him it's tradition, it's honor what cant you comprehend do you now???
understand Adam, Eve did exist the Ten Commandments.
They fought the Shadow soldier's, Sand soldier's...
The Revolution...the unbound warrior's...the unbound knights...to the Light
From the evil darkness of the Imperial Emperical foundation
The good foundation, enterprise...
DoMinic and her make love...it's been a long time 4 years with her four years without
year 3 years since...you know if I was with another for 2 I'm not going to wait 2 years...
Dingomoon and his army of dingos fought the demons
THE FOUR godly warriors wear light blue make-up with purple noses...
A sun over her eye with a black boarder...
PEGASUS's, UNICORNS were also rode like ships they could fly and or teleport
butterflies, fireflies, dragonflies...versus the shadow fly's...
The Shadow light warriors saw and fought the sand soldiers...
shadow soldiers...hup 234...
yellow, white butterflies, a Moon moth...and the Spike warrior's...
Air blade, the thunder blade...and the EarthHeart blade...was all seen
Air blade, the thunder blade, ice blade...and the EarthHeart blade...was all seen...
More of them
knights worthy of defending the old democratic republic...
The red white and black...flag...The Order of The Main Council...
The Pulseblades of Mystic were seen
THE GRIZZLY GRIFFIN,,,The Golden Griffin...
The Silver Serpent...The Chameleon King
Maroon Dragons Moon Dragons, Sun dragons
most dragons are green in color...elv's dwarves, griffins
generic creatures but I take color to a whole new level
I've been published since 2003 what I do is in the stars and in stone
The Chameleon King received a giss a kiss...he could become invisible to the eye
Whenever he felt the need to.
The Wolverines fought the badgers...
The Hyena King had to face the Dingo bingo King...but the Bear King...was there...
The red/purple maroon moon dragons fought the Fuschia Fairies...
The Magenta Mages were seen, Queen Emily, Sweet Sophie, Maiden Michelle was seen
The Fushcia Fairy Flies was seen...they fought the Magenta Mages of the Dark. The Army Ants of Astrot was seen...
The Moon Mages of light was seen
I'am I'm the DINGO OF THUNDER!!!!
and the DINGO OF AIR..
actually I've been a writer for 13 years
since 7th grade...I did a story called the Goblin Prince the Hobgoblin
wear he turns into a goblin he was an elf he falls in love, turns back into an elf...and marries this woman.
14 years Feburary 2010...
This woman wanted to marry him before this other could, or wanted
to...they fought with air blades.
Crossbow's, Iron Cross, The Cricket Cross, Woman Warrior of
the Wolf women were seen...she wore a cross...they wore crosses
and the Wolfmen of Wolven. The Dingos of dingo bingo...
The Dogs of Dognes. was seen.
THE DREAM machine, the Dream weaver, The Dream King was seen
Mr. romance novel told her a story...
The Singer, Dancer, The Painter of the Lands of
Gigamega gorgeous Titan Woman was pretty big...
She had a sword and a shield and she fought the evil one eyed cyclops of cyclone cydronis
The three headed guard dog Commander Cerebus, Chief Chimera...
The Dingomoon confronted the Dream Machine King...
Hey ho the demon is dead the demon is dead...hey so yea the demon is dead...
Dingomoon slayed the Demon Emperor of Death, the false bat...god...
Of the tribal dem's. The Army of Angels fought the demons with hammer's, axes, swords.
So the beautiful light angel was seen with big wings, him being a warrior with a cape, yet entrancing in his ways Lite the candles for he shall grow stronger, in the lord, in her threw her warmth...
Sabertooth tiger ships, saber tooth warriors
and the demon fighter planes.
Crosschild over one of his eyes
The Bearman, Galaxybear...Aqua Creature...The Creature of Christ...
The Creature yes he said to the Dingo...originally meant to play
Mystical Music.
The Oriole
The Ravenchild
The Blue jay
The Cardinal
The Duck
The Canary
The Purple Parrot
Remember the Raven near one of the men on the crosses There was
three crosses Jesus in
the middle
or in the center was the only symbolic cross.
Sacrifice...The Raven peaked the one whom laughed and questioned
his eyes
out. The Compassion...shayttan sh_tan you are evil
slay the
evil we shall. The Cricket Cross, Iron Cross, Grasshopperman
like an Angel and The Beast for Christ from Earth to Quintaria then back to Earth again.
Was sent
into space. Note from the Author this story
is not
related to my Quintaria stories/books.
This is
something new...
why is it
kill two birds with one stone saying
I never
understood that...anyways it would be it's own link
non related to Quintaria.
The Sabertooth's fought the demon fighters.
The Wizard of Spase, his Astro cosmical aura's of God the Father's main
aura sphere fought the demon fighters.
The Otters fought the Feral Fox's.
The Frontier Fox's were good they fought the Feral Fox's...
The Celtic warrior fought Mummy King of The Demon King
While the good Mummy Aketan Ankh his symbol everlasting life
the Coptic Christian Ankh Cross.
The Chameleon King cloaked himself to stay invisible to the naked eye.
To turn colors...at will...to play with his shadow, turn into his shadow...and mist...
And a wombat, a Dingo...
The Ducks go quack quack quack and their laser beam guns and daggers...and short swords fought the Hawks of Hell...the Hawks/Falcons of Heaven were seen
Elephantman Tristan Jones, Falconman Erin Dill of the Falcons of Heaven...
The Hyena of Hell fought the Sabertooth tiger of Heaven
The Vampires fought the Wolveniers they needed not blood...
The Hynea King, the Snake King Shayytan...was seen...
The Pink Princess PlumPeachBeach was seen...
She was sent to an island...
Timber Wombat was seen hi how goes...hi Singing Kangaroo
The Kolabears, Wombats were seen they wore some padding, helmets...threw rocks and had short swords...
The Sand soldiers, Shadow soldiers fought them the Wombats had ex ray vision, the Kola bears had infra red sensors and night vision for the both of them.
I got to have your love...The Toronto Soldiers fought the Venus Warriors of Lucin
The Tornto Solider Queen kissed him.
He loved her too...he could choose...
He put on his black cloaked hood...as well his over shirt long sleeve...
which he rolled up...
This one
evil warlock a male pretending to be a female upset him so he slayed
the warklock
Ah yes the Chamelon King though did this for the darkest side was trying to take over...
In actuality then now he can turn base, or white as snow.
He wore a white cloak...
Don't look at him...Don't bother him no more...
Leave me alone...so wow 9 I liked nine...10 I contacted...one hundred and
twelve I rejected finding love should be free.
I'm handsome ...caring...can be fun...
I want love...but dying is love...why...I have a life so you just tell me you want me or like me or you want to love me
Not a shadow not...but to turn invisible...to turn whatever color he is touching
The Mummzies mummy zombies were seen the Wolven warriors leaped on them and went on to save the woman of his life from Hallow star. The Shallow star was seen
He wanted nothing to do with the warlock...so he slayed him.
Don't talk to me...don't care...
why does it seem that our leader doesn't want to
be he is dragging himself to heaven or to his quest for victory over
the darker fighters. Not dragging but carrying on sad a bit
but earlier today he was fine he already had his judgment day
he was sorry from within, from the heart.
He never sold out but a friend did...
A married woman liked him but he couldn't
and wouldn't.
Italis was seen...love me...she hugged him...
Don't worry says his other friend you'll find love
The space ships, sea ships of the Aquatic Kingdom was seen...
He went into Space into a distant galaxy beyond Earth to see GOD...
And he put his hand on his shoulder not too big just the right size...of a normal hand
I made you in my Son's image of Peace not war or hate
The Sabertooth's fought the vampires they sank their fangs into the dark vampires neck
The Vampires of light not blood...
feed off the light so they can live but they don't take away.
Though sometimes war is necessary...and is allowed...and granted by God...
The Celtic warriors, Akten slayed the evil egyptian...the good Egyptian prince was seen
I fought the bat warriors, along side the Celtic warriors, The Otters fought the Feral Fox's...
The Frontier Foxmen of Fairyfoxland was seen The Ankh warrior of Light fought the
Ankh fighter of darkness. The bat warriors, bandit's were outlawed not ordinary bandits
but ninja bandits. The Cloak of White or mirage was seen...stop masquerading as a fallen
angel of light when in fact you don't give a shit
The Libertarians...and the Constitution party was seen
Daffiney, her decadent Ducks
Emily, her Elephant Avengers...teamed up...
The Rhino Raven Ram birds with a horn on it's beak and a battering ram on it's head...
Fought the evil hawks...the deceiving eagles...originally a turkey was going to be used for honesty and loyalty
The Ram soldiers were seen...fought the shadow soldiers
The Dingo Moon'hawk was seen...The Phoebus Phoenix Moon Sun
You could see the moon and sun at the same time during the day
The plump plums, orange offerings to the King...the peaches of paradise was seen
He kisses Paradise it's been long enough since his dream
His Dingo offspring his son, his daughter...when...
Yea...he would be so happy...to love her forever...
He wants to be her's forevermore...he's handsome, honest...
The Angel aliens...not really aliens but Angels from another planet
Heaven to Heaven
The Wigs Warrior's in God's Service the Wombat King, queen and the wombats...were
seen and kola bears, kangaroo's boxed the Frost fighters of the demons of the Winterland
Is hell frozen over, when will shatan be slayed...
All My Writings including
QUINTARIA are my compassion, my pride
THEY ARE MY Solo works
The Universal Galactic
Blisstascy...in the Beautiful world of Beau...
Prettey Prett a wondrous pretty world
The Lands of the Lovely Lush
The Lands of Elegant Estascy...
The Lands of Lovely Lush, Elegant Estasy...
Pretty Pett was this planet named after this woman...or spiritual being...Mother Pett...
Blisstasy was when the gissing of a man and a woman...when this gorgeous woman gissed him.
Finally romance finally the dance returns... the barber gives him a hair cut...
Cirus The Cookin chicken'cake cooked up fabulous meals for the prince of Pretti...
Beau had the Beavers of good...No paint...
The beavers of bad No paint...
The Dogs of Dognes...was seen...
The Ducks went quack quack again...
The Seven Birds fought the Slingers they tried to knock birds down in mid air
Man wishes he could fly respect...don't disrespect...disrespect the devil...
Yea...and for a good cause...fight the good fight...victory...vei victus
For 13 Years I've been a writer No One is as colorful as me...
The Maroon Moon dragons on the Planet Moon of Maroonmir...
Lasers from space ships were fighting one another...Ducks of the Deith's were seen
This time not d to the d not of the devil. The Bronze knights,
Silva/Silver knights, Golden Knights Platinum Palladium knights of Heaven chil...
Fought the
Sages knights of Satan...black magic evil...
The White Wizard Hevindar fought the evil hell wizard Firestone
The Helldrag fought the Heavindrag...
To a better world to a better place...hit the button to Paradise or at least to a better world
With friendship, love...and family and his lover...united in a giss...Giss...of paradise...
The Wolven daughter, son was embraced by Domanec...Domnick I mean Dominic was
seen he lead the Ducks with their laser beams...The Trinity fought The Light illusion
Lucifer...a former fallen angel...the devil, satan...The Binity...blastephemony said...
Domanic...The ducks and 7 birds peaked at the opposition...
So it was known...wow...what a war...
Time to leave this world...time to leave...a wish come true...to leave you warlock, you demon be gone be gone forever be gone from my lifetime be gone forever...
He made a mistake is Judgment Day already came leave him be go away forevermore
The Usa warriors, The Bulldog British...colonized Mar's by then...
France had a humble King...
Angels and demons really fought one another with swords the Angels won
Sticks, stones was used against the the warlock...owwe his foot he said...
I want to kiss you NO...go away for good it's pointless leave me.
LEAVE ME...I DEAL IN LOVE...leave me be
As you WISH...forever...
The Moon was colonized but not much just a bit...
Not damnation YOU PROTECTED ME...
7 trumpets WAR, THE WEATHER...was a signal of the end of WAR...
The end of communism FOR DEMOCRACY for all in THE WORLD...
A SONG...I wrote for THE WORLD...
The Future needs more light
less darkness lightest brightest kindest
The Future needs a gigantic giss
and one that lasts at least five minutes
bliss that you need and ecstasy
to fullfill your life and love to heal your heart
A promising Future Majestic Knights 2009...
Even after 2012 I will still believe in the Lord
the everlasting spirit whom sacrificed for humanity and mankind.
through the darkness will shine radiance
and colorful new horizons
paint the world any color
a light color...light blue
lavander...lush hush...sush...
dont push...you can do it on your own
without something which isnt a cure
you dont just want to baby sit you want to treat it
to get better not worse.
there was once lies but we need to be honest with each other
the new heaven, new earth come now...
my Judgement Day already came I was sorry from within from the heart
Armageddon the end of the World as we know it false living
and false harmony. We should live in tranquility and peace
utter harmy. Apocalypse the second coming of Jesus Christ's spirit to heal the world
God is everlasting is eternal...he created the World...
You dont have to go to church weekly...just acknowledge him and he'll be happy
he'd be happy to know you care for the Almighty
Satan wanted confusion...he wants war...
THE SPIRIT and condoms...be holy more holy not unholy
Basslines are heard in the playing of HOLY a hard rockin battle song of war...
And of justice...
The Wolven Warriors, Wombat warriors, cute dingo warriors team up
The drum beat of WAR is sounded and the riffs...ugh you put a riff in my mind says satan
He has his head down. Why...did I want him...why...HE didn't even last a DAY!!!
Argh!!!! He screams going mad...
SERVE GOD, The US warrior says the FATHER, yes I respect Jesus...
The Space Soldiers of GOOD fought the Alien evil space fighters...
Space Knights...of the Majestic Mystical...wolviers were seen
THE DINGO bingos would not stand for it and had the Wolven's help them fight the demon fighters
The Sun soldiers fought the Dark...soldiers...the dark soldiers got blinded...
The Moon flight and the Omega warriors owl warriors fought
the demons fighters, sand fighters, the cyclop fighters...
The THUNDER TAURUS's had their beloved Taurus King...
THE SAMURAI Butterfly's ate the regular flys...
The Big Bee's fought the gigantic giants...on the planet GigaMega...
The Samurai Space sharks were seen fought the Demon ninja fighters...
The Karate Wolves of the Katana sword and space ship was seen
The Oxmen of Outerspace was seen
The Owl's of Outerspace was seen hoot hoot...
The Otter of Outerspace...
The Offerings of The O'slender's were seen
The Homan Enterprise, Foundation, Dynasty...was seen....
The wolven dingo dad Domenic well someday one day soon yea...
Part Bavarian, celtic irish, Mexican, a bit of French, Italian...
Dominic A. Homan was respected...
The Homan Outer space ship...Space ship...defending in the name of
Emily loves Leon...and I love her too
But maybe...I mean we shall be with each other I've come along way since 16 now 26...
Fukk the Hen...The Rooster was roasted...in an oven...
The Hen went into the Den...and out came the Hyena whom of which ate the hen...
The Wolves walked with the goat, sheep...The Bear walked with the lamb...
And the Cosmical Cheetha Cat...was seen...
Wombats fought the bats...took them to the mat...didn't pat...sat on them...ha...put on a hat...
The Space Soblins...and Space Sporcs...were seen...
The Space Elvins...and Space Dwarf's acknowledge one day the sun could dwarf
From a white dwarf to a black dwarf but thing is by then the black dwarf would
disappear too...not for 2-3 million years though there is this black hole beyond Pluto
Why isn't it a planet anymore yes it yes...yes actually a bigger planet than Pluto...
The Dingoslender bear scorpion/scorp was seen...
The Wolfbears were seen WE CARE...
The Dwarf's were seen and The Pepper's of Salten's which married the Pepper King,
Pepper Prince married the Salten Queen...
Pulse blades are seen thunder air, fire, earth, ice
Clashing blades...Majestic clash 8-0 is the Grimwolf
Slashing, mashing with their clubs the Wombats, the Kolabears, Dingos fought the imperal
Sand soldiers, shadow soldiers...
Ready for the fight, the battle, the war of the century!!!
Liebe liebe liebe LOVE...I love you sooo you brought me back to life...
As well now I'm able to help my own friend out more than I could
Gave me life made me smile and it's about dang time...
Snake in the Store...in the Astro mall...
The Headless five headed dragon cut off one head on purpose...but he wont gain a sixth or a seventh NOT through me. IM A CHRISTIAN DRAGON and a DRAGON OF GOD...
An Angel of GOD The Angels of GOD...
As the battle ensues and carry's on...through the wood's and forest, mountains,
Space...in space...in the planets there wont be dismay or confusion
don't choose the darkness...is it for your own self...
CHOOSE GOD and in my own self victory through GOD!!!
The wingless griffins, wingless dragons fought the Wingless demons
The Winged griffins, winged dragons fought the dark Vampires with bat wings
The battle continues good versus evil GOOD!!!! VS Evil!!!
The DareDingo saw the demon king...fight me you will go ahead he wields his AXE
The DARE DINGO wields his HAMMER
They clashed it was a metal hammer of course...
The Samurai
Sharks fight the Imperial Idiots...
They fought and fought till a victor...
Darkstar Stanmon...and Demon Genmon... was seen...
What...dang SUNSHINE slayed me Sunset also slayed me...but this time for good
Sunrise slayed me once and for all and with that darkstar WAS GONE...
from his life forever
GET ON YOUR Beau Boots...
SPRAY THE Flies...the shadow black fly's I meant the shadow pitch...flys
Dancing occurred...but was then interrupted by the Oynx Opal Knights they were neutral
The Fireflies and dragon flies ate the fly's...
Some insects eat other insects naturally...
Some animals like Wild cats eat deer...
THE DEER folk of Deerion fought the demons of the demon king...and WON!!!
The Cardinal's, Blue jays, Owl warriors fought the demons, darkstars...and dark beasts,
alien fiends...and the jackal's...
THE WAR between GOOD AND evil...
Fought the dark emperor...of Space...and won...and trimmed his hair...cut it like a clipper..till he was bald...
ARGH!!! The devil screamed in defeat!!!
The Cyborgs, Zandorlis warriors fought their blasters versus their blasters...
The Zandorlis warrior's won...GOOD WON!!! THE LIGHT WON!!!!
But remember...if you have to fight the good fight...ever...
The SUNS Squadrion, MOON Squadrion
Special Unit Notions Squadrion,
the Missionary Of Operative Notions squadrion was seen
The Mummzies mummy zombies were seen the
This hero had the ability by a flip of a coin to either turn into a wolf or a bear and as well be able to speak their language.
Of characters I thought of and illustrated and drew
I acknowledge GOD that's Great I believe in Jesus that's good
The Cricket Cross, Grasshopperman Angel, Iron Cross unbreakable a metal iron suit
The Ace of Diamond, White Diamond, White Crystal...
The Sapphire Sword of Sapphire
Iron Cross flew with his jet back.
The Suns, Moons teams used their lasers...
and their axes, hammers...the Axes were used to take apart
The mummy zombies.
The Mummy Monster former prince Ankh Mastet took out the skeletons and
zombies. The Cross Crusaders took out the vampires of darkness, the
vampires of light fought the other dark vampires. The Warrior whom could
turn into a Wolf or Bear Davin was neat and unique like Me.
Shadow Fox turned into a Fox then helped him on his quest...
The quick gold like Ostrtich or Ostrich Flash was seen
The Otter The Oxman of Opal City...The Oxman of Oynx city
The Atrium city and Artemis lord was seen The Deer was seen
The oak trees and pine trees were seen they fired needles of light at the
vampires of darkness. Drugs are bad...said the Council members of the City's
Irrestible Woman temps me
THE Magnificent FOUR The Pegasus, The Unicornchild, The Griffin Grace,
The Grizzly
The Incredible Seven, The Invicible Eight was seen
Cricket Cross...Iron Cross...Grasshopperman Angel fought the Evil Eight
The Black Bat monster...the Dark chil elf Darkstar Stanmon...Eismir
The Jackal, the Dark Jox...The Dark King Beast...The Alien Fiend
The Dorgen...warrior...The Peaver...Man...
And now the Evil Eight battled the Magificant Four and the MF's won
The Annhilater cloaked warrior saw his plan the Obiverator
And Apocgeddonaut was seen...The Second Coming of Hatan of Hell
The Second coming of Christ, The Father...spiritually??? psyically???
Lightrails, A High Speed Train...with great safe traction 100%...
Weather Woman, Meteor Man...send missiles to metors in space or drill
Weather Woman can predict the weather and control the weather
The Astronomic Angel
They save the day fight crime and kick arse!
Dang right says Gigamega Titan Woman
Ultris Warrior was seen
The mummzies invades the town but the mummy monster was mad at the mummzies, the skeletons...they had scythes but the Grim Reaper, Shadow Black faced...The Light Reaper and Shadow Light...
Weather Woman fought The one eyed Cyclone Cyclop's monster
THE Cross's...The Crusaders Rovers of Salvation Service
Crosschild, Bearman...Aqua Creature...The Wolven...
The Wolfin, Wolfchild, CosmicWolf, The Wolf'man was seen
Took on the skeletons and the mummzies. The Creature Woman was seen and the bunny of blue
So I'm here to tell you that I love you says the Angel
The Weather Woman had the storm go the other way so that he may be safe
The other
way she said.
Though God this was possible...
The Eye ball of God was seen slay the evil slay the evil
Slay the evil destroy the demons destroy the dark stars of evil
Dark as in shadow black
The Heart team
The Heavenly Extreme Art Rovers Team they kept rolling in their heart tank with their cross team squadrion...
The Suns, The Moons, The Cross's, the Heart team was seen.
We must stay together seven of each team was taken out ten in each team
3 left...on each team...you could see, or here each member taken out
this is a fictional story)...
There are Good Hyena's and bad...of Heaven and Hell
Hawks of Heaven and Hawks of Hell
Why could an animal be deemed evil how does it resemble
Only in a fairy tale but lets not condemn them.
People should want Heaven one day not Hell not purgatory...
Though a person can be evil an animal in reality has to eat the bad hyena's fought the were lions but the good were hyena's human warriors which can morph...
The lions left them alone and they fought the were demons...
Good hawks fought the bad hawks...
written by Dominic A. Homan
Quintaria IX Prologue:
Werewolf's came to be by a gypsy placing a curse on the town for a town or village being corrupt...but werewolf's did not come from wolves from just being bit by them it was cause of the gypsy...Vampires, Werewolf's are part of folklore, and are a part of horror fantasy lore so this is a battle strictly between vampires and werewolf's
A short
novel, or a novelette as you would call it has to be atleast 2,500
well it's quality over quantity right well then you wanted the best
you got the best
the hottest thriller in the world The Ultimate War Werewolf's VS Vampires
step into this gothic thriller it will send chills up your spine with a well written description of detailing, these battles will be intense The Vampire slayers unite for this story and the Vampire Hunters are ready for the fight the Were's are in an outwar against the Vampires
The Vampires want to have a Vampire Society!!! the Were's have their minds set specifically on the Vampires and though Anthony, Damion, Davin go on a mission to slay all vampires in sight and any Were's that come in there way the Vampires came to plague the Earth in the 1330's but then retreated after the Were's forced them back to Gengoth
They have returned and a Were named Vincent battled another Were named Andrew and after they fought awhile Vincent said to Andrew isn't it interesting how people thought we could actually be as one lycan and Vampire well our parasitic components would reject that there's no point and Vampires came from being bit by other vampires, sometimes specifically vampire bats Were's came to be cause they were bitten by other Weres this war is a war to end all wars that has been going on for centuries upon centuries and it's time that there was a victor especially on Gengoth
The Vampires want to take over New York City, all of New York
the Were's whom of which lived underground have been summoned to come up,
to above ground cause they were forced to live underground so the people's of New York
would be safe. The Vampires have returned the year 2006 of August and they want to invade New York City and they want a Vampire to run the city but the Were's have been unleashed and released from their underground city The Vampires
Though you see the Humans were determined to stop the Vampires who came from Gengoth. There was already corruption on Earth, a corporation named Monsters corp. created these zombie/vampire hybrids
Masters of Operatives Notions Squadrion
Special Unit Notions Squadrion
It all started when Armageddon was drawing near...
corruption from the president in 2006 till the summer of 2007
The M.O.O.N.'s, the S.U.N.'s squadrons came to help stop
The Monsters.corp from creating the ultimate monster Incubus
They had the Mummy's, Zombies though these Zombies
looked like a hybrid between Zombies, vampires.
They had no name but they were vampire zombies.
If they bite you, thus you became a vampyric zombie
Trish, Dominic, Ryan, Heather all part of the M.O.O.N.'s
Squadrion while Michael, Peter, Daniel, Amy, Johnathen
are members of the S.U.N.S's squadrion
The M.o.o.n.'s had ice grenades, smoke grenades, electric ray guns
while the S.u.n.'s had flamethrower's, uzi's, flame grenades...these vampire zombies
were something else. Coyote city, Foxtown were invested with vampire zombies
Victor is the one behind all of this he created the T-5 Virus
These vampires are at war with the Were's these man beasts
they are strong, intimidating. This one zombie/vampire monster
called Incubus is really a threat to the M.o.o.n.'s and S.u.n.'s
unless Dominic takes them out, or one of the squadrion guys
takes him out for Victor created Incubus, the T-5 Virus, the F-9 Virus.
The War Begins
So the war begins the bitten Werewolf's have seen the blood thrist of the vampires trying to take over New York City but the peoples were afraid of the Weres draw the battle lines said Andrew a Were. Though a Vampire ship that landed on the planet Earth was soon to be prepared for a fright
The Werewolves had been at war with the vampires for centuries on a planet called Gengoth
In the 1330's the Black plague came to be though little did we know it was caused by the Vampires and Werewolf's had come to fight them this is all about the Black plague
In the early 1330s an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague occurred in China. The bubonic plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people. Once people are infected, they infect others very rapidly. Plague causes fever and a painful swelling of the lymph glands called buboes, which is how it gets its name. The disease also causes spots on the skin that are red at first and then turn black.
Since China was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, it was only a matter of time before the outbreak of plague in China spread to western Asia and Europe. In October of 1347, several Italian merchant ships returned from a trip to the Black Sea, one of the key links in trade with China. When the ships docked in Sicily, many of those on board were already dying of plague. Within days the disease spread to the city and the surrounding countryside. An eyewitness tells what happened:
"Realizing what a deadly disaster had come to them, the people quickly drove the Italians from their city. But the disease remained, and soon death was everywhere. Fathers abandoned their sick sons. Lawyers refused to come and make out wills for the dying. Friars and nuns were left to care for the sick, and monasteries and convents were soon deserted, as they were stricken, too. Bodies were left in empty houses, and there was no one to give them a Christian burial."
The disease struck and killed people with terrible speed. The Italian writer Boccaccio said its victims often "ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise."
By the following August, the plague had spread as far north as England, where people called it "The Black Death" because of the black spots it produced on the skin. A terrible killer was loose across Europe, and Medieval medicine had nothing to combat it.
In winter the disease seemed to disappear, but only because fleas--which were now helping to carry it from person to person--are dormant then. Each spring, the plague attacked again, killing new victims. After five years 25 million people were dead--one-third of Europe's people.
Even when the worst was over, smaller outbreaks continued, not just for years, but for centuries. The survivors lived in constant fear of the plague's return, and the disease did not disappear until the 1600s.
Medieval society never recovered from the results of the plague. So many people had died that there were serious labor shortages all over Europe. This led workers to demand higher wages, but landlords refused those demands. By the end of the 1300s peasant revolts broke out in England, France, Belgium and Italy.
The disease took its toll on the church as well. People throughout Christendom had prayed devoutly for deliverance from the plague. Why hadn't those prayers been answered? A new period of political turmoil and philosophical questioning lay ahead.
The first scene was Were's taken on a bunch of Vampires who came from the planet Gengoth coming to Earth in 1330
All this madness was caused by the Vampires well they have returned in 2006 to Earth to cause another plague and to take over America but that must not happen then it would be corrupt that must not happen!!! The Were's sensed they were coming back so they got armor and put it on before their transformation
The moon came out from the clouds the moonlight was bright. Vampires have already started their hunt for prey for blood They sniffed Vampires all around them, all around a large radius of distance they were everywhere. The Werewolves went berserk, tore many upon many Vampires to shreds One Werewolf took off the heads of the two Vampires The Werewolf then greeted a Vampire with a wooden spear. The two fought and knocked down each other quite a few times. The Werewolf managed to bite off the Vampires head.
Damion who is extremely agile who can spring off walls which came from his martial arts training from Hasimoto. Damion is determined to wipe-out every single Vampire ever existed, Damion fears not even the reaper, even snarls at the Vampires for they disgust him. Damion carries an FT-70,000 widespread flamethrower which is the best of all Flamethrowers, as well a missile propelled Ice grenade launcher. It is called the IMPL which isn't all that heavy to say the least. It seems to be a heavy piece though not like wise. The IMPL freeze's upon impact, so if and when used against the Weres they will freeze and then burst into pieces like if an ice-cube was thrown and broke into pieces. Damion an expert on computer mechanics will be a major contribution if any computers need repairing...Damion also founded the EBG weapon which stands for Electric Burst Gun...only used to stun Were's...
The Vampires...are having a hard time... with the Werewolves...every tactic they have used failed against the Werewolves...cause they had armor!!! The Vampires found a way...a Silver Machine TMP Gun...
It took them a long time... to figure out...what was used to slay the Werewolves...
The head Vampire named Vector...summoned a fleet of Vampires... and out of nowhere two Werewolves came out...the Vampires... The lycan Werewolf Meininron...leaped towards Vector, tackled him and started ripping him to shreds. The Were's sense the Vampire's vile blood... so they show them no mercy...Meninron tore Vector into pieces... The Vampire was able to somehow throw him off...The Vampire on his knees Davin shows up entering the area just after slaying many Vampires. Davin walked up quickly to Vector and drove a long Wooden stake into his heart...the Vampire Vector became impaled... Damion with all three benefact weapons went on a complete all out attack on many Vampires
The Werewolves...well if you know what slays them you know what takes them down but if there only be a de-werewolfer...a vile that takes the curse of the Werewolf away then they are not to be a matter and if there was a de-vampirize vile then the Vampires would most definantly be second...the Vampires must be annihilated...
CHAOS HAS SPILLED EVERYWHERE INSIDE...and the nightmare must end the Vampires must be slayed
A Were shows up...gets in the face of a Vampire Anthony ~talks~Wolves are half...scavengers so they prefer to tend in their own...they are also shy but these Were creatures are insane they became this way cause a gypsy placed a spell on them... radius...they care not to attack for no reason... as not something to eat rather a figure that is near them. They are courageous animals so they wouldn't be timid of your presence but they would prefer you to not get too close... Ryan's like I love Wolves meanwhile Vampires are everywhere the Weres think to themselves these scum need to be taken out, the Vampires tell the other Vampires the Weres must be stopped at all costs for there are now several Predators gooed to walls... Ryan gets a Vampire on his neck he bites him!!! Anthony sees it and blasts it with everything he got, and Ryan fell over dead. Claire's like Ryan!!! Noo!!! and when see screams no!!! a Vampire bites her on the neck and she becomes a Vampire. She comes running after Anthony...hizzing...bye Claire... Anthony then throws a Wooden spear into Claire's heart sorry ClaireAnthony turns away Then a Vampire enters the seen and Jarred...appears continues fighting takes the Vampire down but the Vampire turns him around and drives a metal blade from his arm into Jarred's chest
The Vampires of the Night are viciously attacking the Weres back for slaying two head Vampires but without Vector they will eventually fall. For Vector is the main reason of the rise of the planet. It got mainly populated cause of Vector but Vector was slayed. How was the Vampires able to survive...it was once a planet... colonized by humans...they had set-up tons of bases... though many of which the Vampires destroyed, there were many people that had colonized Sectron a city in Gengoth though...Vector had went... in disguise as a normal person but was a Vampire...he's like a Dracula... Vector then started to bit on the colonists...he grew more and more confidant and he said this planet is mine...I Vector king of all Vampires even Dracula would have a challenge facing Vector... The Weres respond back with their fury.
A Were named Asterin said I Asterin will make sure that the Vampire Neztero... will not make it out of the Base Teikaun alive... Neztero says I'm here wanted to see me they confront each other, step in each other's faces. Dashren watches on he's a Were he had slayed many Vampires by impaling them with Wooden Spears...one of his spears has a double end...so he had recently impaled two Vampires at the same time. Neztero slaps Asterin in the face... with three Fireball shots from his Flamethrower FT-22000.
Anthony fires at the both of them, he fights the vampire with his flamethrow and then takes a bow and arrow and slays him and pierces him in the heart.
On the planet Gengoth the Vampires were winning then towards the middle of the battle it was quite even the Vampires thought they had the upper hand when the Were's started attacking vampires like crazy and they decimated the vampires and soon the vampires were losing and the Werewolf's were winning...
Meanwhile back in New York a council meeting was held between the peoples of New York City to put an end to the vampires, to the werewolves...the Were's have gotten out of control and have killed some people of New York City...
Take that you beast the Vampire slashes the Were then tackles him but then the Were turns him over and starts ripping him to shreds meanwhile in Gengoth the Were's are seen with all the vampires impaled...that the Were's had set up for their battle against the Vampires they impaled many vampires the the vampires have been wiped out and now all the Weres are awaiting a cure...
Vampires are what you call dead walkers for they are dead but they need blood to survive... They are night creatures ready to stalk there prey. They get hungry every so often if they don't have blood, they must drink it they need it to live but hence they are already dead.
The Curse was started by a gypsy who turned a wolf pack, cursed them to rid of the corruption in a town but her rage and madness led to the spawning of these monsters.
Were's not related to regular wolves and as seen taking you back in time to the first Were's they were seen tearing the town to shreds just two were's destroyed the town but the other were's fought each other until the full moon had gone away.
Now a werewolf named Vincent is seen he's heard of the vampire tales and now vampires have come the descendants of Dracula have come to pay him tribute...
Seth and Davin two vampires of the night are seen and they confronted Vincent but he had some holy water and a wooden stake. Seth and Davin closed in on Vincent.
The Were was backing off for he didn't have armor they needed not armor but Vincent chose not to wear any Seth leaped at Vincent and started slashing him and Davin was awaiting to leap on him but Vincent knocked Seth off of him. Davin then leaped on him and they starting fighting the Vampire was slashing at the Were but Vincent drove a stake into his chest the Were got up Seth was staring him down you killed my brother you shall pay for this outrage. While Vincent had a wooden stake little did he know that Seth at a silver stake and they battled to the death they both tried to stop one another from impaling each other though both got stabbed with each their stakes at the same time the Vampires now defeated and on Gengoth victory is the Were's as well and now the story comes to a close with the E-Virus Evil no more and the corruption rid of and now people can finally be at ease. Though the remaining Vampires, Weres still need to be taken out on Earth...
Incubus was still loose, a danger to all he crossed paths with.
The Moon's, the Suns were really taking it to the zombie/vampires...There was another special group called Wolves.of.light.venerate.eternal.nocturnal.
The W.o.l.v.e.n.s' squadrion has been told to take out the Were's on Earth for they are more beast like than anything and a gypsy placed a were-beast because of all the corruption and then once the Were-beast bit then another were-beast was created but to me they don't look like wolf's they look like beasts.
The Vampire clan left on Earth was trying to grow in numbers for they lost the war in Gengoth but they were losing the war to the Were's on Earth.
They started biting a lot, claimed a lot of victims...
The Moons, the Suns said we are Vampire Hunters, Vampire slayers, we shall unite against these blood sucking threats to humanity.
Vampirism is the practice of drinking blood from a person...usually on the arm, or neck...the more victims they get the more vampires there are and that's why the plague caused such an outrage. It would have wiped out humanity...
To slay a vampire you must have a crucifix.
In folklore and popular culture, the term generally refers to a belief that one can gain supernatural powers by drinking human blood.
The Vampires brought in Werehyena's these Were's could break you with their jaws...
They fought the Were-beasts. A gypsy named Candice decided it was time for all Werewolf's to be no more for the curse to be gone instead she placed the curse on Hyena's. You shall be free of the curse and now when the full moon shines you will need not worry. The only way to kill a Werehyena is by anything golden...
Luckily for the gypsy she told the three squadrons about how to kill Werehyena's...
The W.o.l.v.e.n. leader Damion said to slay the Werehyena's with golden swords, golden tipped arrows. The Suns mainly slayed vampires while the Moons took out the zombie/vampires hybrids. The Suns were to take out some zombie/vampire hybrids which infested this base.
There was a fairy named Stacy, she was the Raven master and she was friends with Damion. Both wolves, ravens are scavengers, are shy.
Meanwhile Dr.Denthor was telling about the recent lyconthropy where the likes of werespiders, werebears, were lions came to be. These were-bears were grizzlybears...in appearance but only if you get bitten by a were bear. The were spider-queen was told to be a threat to New York City. The Were-bears were created by this mad scientist named Dr.Siken...The Werelions came from Africa along with the Werehyena's though Dr.Siken boarded them to come, to the US. The Werelions would fight the Werehyena's and if the Vampires got in the way they would pay for these were's are a lot stronger.
Were-lions are different from lions, it is said if God got mad at a corrupt village, or leader he would send his Werelions after him, or the corrupted village, or town.
The Werebears came from Australia...remember only grizzles possessed by a demon...
The Werelions, Werehyena's fought each other, you could visualize them fighting they were grappling with one another and biting each other at first the Werehyena's were winning though during half way through the war the Werelions started to come back.
In Europe vampires have been known especially in Turkey where they invaded Turkey and impaled many civilians. It is rumored that Werebears battled the vampires...and that their was a couple of Werebears but they went into hiding...The vampires had Vampyric arrows and they were quite strong not as strong, as a were bear but depending on the battle the vampire could win a grapple or two, break the grapple to then make an offense.
Some vampires even wanted to turn into Werebats to grow stronger...in the war against the Werebears.
Dr.Denthor talked about the Were-scorpions that infested Egypt many, upon many years ago...The Were-scorpions were at war with the Werespiders...
The good Egyptians used the Were-scorpions while the bad Egyptians used the Were-spiders...
The Were-beetles were also used by the Egyptians...
but they were used to face the Were-mantis's...
There was also a battle between skeleton warrior's in armor of the Egyptian King who was good...
who had a Mummy whom was the prince...
Prince Entip...against the Wraiths...
Luckily these skeleton warriors had flaming Entip Arrows,
Swords with flames all around it...The Wraiths though could move quickly...
A few of these lycantrophies like the insects morphed magically rather...
though the Werebears went through psychical transformations.
Were-lions you get the strength of the lion. Were-Eagles you get the vision of the Eagle. Werepanther you get the Stealth of the Panther. Weresnake-you get the speed of the snake. Lycanthropy is a delusion that one has become or assumed the characteristics of a wolf or other animal.
The Were-Eagles gathered around, formed an army to fight the Weresnakes...
The Nosferatu clan was trying to make a comeback...in Long Island, New York...
they had been attacking the city...and causing a disturbance...
The Suns team recruited more people to join their squadrion in the war against the vampires. Werepanthers were also used to face the vampires...
There was a few fights between the Werepanthers, Werewolf's...
but they knew the vampires where their main enemy...
The Vampire queen known as Sandra told her fellow vampires to not lose this war and that the Werepanthers were retreating for their were only ten left...
they went underground...Sandra was like but the Werewolf's are really taking it to us, we might see defeat if the war keeps going this way.
Werewolf's are made when a werewolf bites a victim not no ordinary wolf. A werewolf...a cursed wolf...The Werewolves are using crossbows, ultra violet lights to defeat the vampires. The Vampires are using silver swords, silver bullets...
This war is getting pretty intense, has been...the Werewolf's and vampires have been fighting back and forth for weeks using strategy, a lot of dialogue...
We must defeat the Werewolf's said Sandra!...then the lycan leader said to the others we must not relent show them no mercy! slay them all! and slay them with stakes too!
The Werewolf's were told to finish the war then they would receive the vaccine-cure...
A new leader for this war who's name is Michael which is half way over.
Amber a werewolf who is friends Michael. Taren a female warrior for the humans...was seen firing arrows at four vampires coming her. She then let's out an outcry, "Take that, that you shall not cause another plague."
Then Michael says you vampires who keep claiming victims cause you need blood to survive your kind is a threat to the human race.
We cannot have everybody be vampires there would be no more humans left if so...
Michael then says...we werewolf's shall have that vaccine and we shall be were's no more. Michael, Amber then went out to slay vampires that was their mission to annihilate all vampires in sight. You could see werewolf's biting vampires, hitting them down like like no tomorrow. Werelions are seen roaming around, waiting for the Werehyena's that are looking to take them out. Though Werelions stayed together close ready for battle, this was their strategy. The Werehyenas are coming we must out wrestle them for their jaws are strong. All of us Werelions must go for the neck...for the Werehyena's must not be given a chance to bite. The Werehyena's arrived they started running at the Werelions.
The Werelions moved out of the way, then leaped on the Werehyena's and started slashing at them, then started biting them on the neck but quite a few of the Werehyena's turned them around, from the ground took out six Werelions. This was turning out to be an all out war, a fight for survival. If the Werelions, Werebears were to win they'd have a vaccine ready after the war is over. There are three vaccines one for the Werewolf's, one for the Werelions, one for the Werebears. The Werepanthers came out of hiding for there was only ten left cause of this war. Their stealth was great but facing vampires didn't help...A were panther said to another were panther we must stay alive we must stick together. So the Werepanthers stayed together, awaited for the vampires to come for them.
They came, they started firing at the Werepanthers but they missed a lot, for the Werepanthers moved out of the way. The Werepanthers then slayed the remaining Vampires. The Werelions managed to defeat the Werehyena's but their was only a few Werelions left...The few remaining Werelions went into hiding, remained there until they were to receive the vaccine. There were also not many Werebears left infact near the end of the war there was only two left...they were strong but the Vampires used their weapons to defeat them. The rest of the Werewolf's finished their war with the vampires and all that was left was vampire/zombie hybrids which Monsters corp created.
The vampire/zombies must all be destroyed and taken out along with the Monsters corp facility base.
The Suns squadrion made a status report. Michael, Peter, Daniel, Amy, Johnathen fought the Nosferatu and obliterated them, thanks to the Suns they Nosferatu was no more. Johnathen died fighting a general vampire named Seth. Seth was determined to take out the Suns squadrion. Seth was not of the Nosferatu but of the last vampire clan on Earth. Micheal, Peter, Daniel, Amy all mourned Johnathen's death. The zombie/vampires are almost no more, for the Moons, Suns squadrons have been taking them out.
Trish, Dominic, Ryan, Heather, Anthony of the Moons squadrion are at the base of where Incubus the monster is waiting. Incubus the vampire/zombie recently confronted Ryan.
Ryan got to him first but he dropped a key right before the corridor to face Incubus which Anthony would later pick up. Heather was injured a little, she sought medical attention which Trish gave to her. She gave her ointment, anti-syptic, bandaged her up...
The Monsters corp was failing, the F-9 virus was destroyed for Victor who had black hair, was really smart was thinking of making a super human. Though his experiment went wrong, created the monster known as Monster X.
You see his laboratory equipment, glass experiment bottles fell on him...and he became Monster X.
Victor became Monster X though most of Monster corp has been destroyed by the Suns squadrion. Anthony ended up facing Incubus, Monster X though before he faced Incubus he came across the key which Ryan had dropped for a vampire/zombie bit him. Anthony picked up the corridor key, went to face Incubus he had flame rounds, ice round, lightening rounds. Anthony then looked upon a monster like never seen before this vampire/zombie was way bigger than the average vampire/zombie.
He used all his rounds and took out the Incubus vampire-zombie.
Anthony finishes off Incubus he had to go, to this Ultra violet ltd ray light which healed him it was red in color.
He used all his flame rounds, grenade rounds though he got a refill of each for their was ammo for grenade rounds, flame rounds, ice rounds...he made his way to Monster X, was fully prepared for this upcoming scene.
Anthony had to run around quite a bit but not too much, when he had enough space he fired his flame rounds, grenade rounds, lightening rounds. After Monster X fell over dead their was a scene wear a rocket launcher appeared on wall near the elevator.
He picked it up and then all of a sudden Monster X appeared to be alive, got up and started walking towards Anthony. Anthony the co/leader of the Moons squadrion quickly equipped his rocket launcher, fired taking out Monster X in one hit. Anthony then got on a jet which was his only way out from this madness, he used the rocket launcher and destroyed Monsters.corp.
The Moons, the Suns were given medals for their valor, courage they were honored for taking out the vampires, vampire/zombies. The Were's got their vaccines and they lived happily ever after the peoples of New York City, America.
Notes from the Author:
Why did it have to be Werewolf's to be popular among horror fans
why not Werepanthers, or Werehyena's...you see this book is mainly about Were's meaning man-beasts versus the vampire plague...
There is an evil corporation named Monsters.corp which created the monster.
Incubus and a mad scientist named Victor created Monster X which ended up being himself. Two squadrons trained and ready for combat needed to take out the vampire/zombies and Monsters.corp...
Cast of Peoples
10 People who became warriors...
Anthony... Melenia... Ryan...(casts out)... Kasey... Jarred...(casts out)... Claire...(casts out)... Eric...(casts out)... Richard... Davin.... Andrew...(casts out)... Damion
This is the ultimate war between vampires and werewolf's
The Vampires have become a problem they start infesting New York City and they have caused the E-Virus Evil outbreak On the planet Gengoth there was a base named Teikaun where Werewolf's stayed that was their domain but the Vampires tried to destroy it
The Vampires have caused the black plague and the Werewolf's drove them away back to Gengoth this war is the war to end all wars between vampires and were's for it is the only known trance of these monsters as of 2006 The Were's on Gengoth are winning against the vampires on Earth they caused an outbreak the E-Virus Evil which has turned everyone into vampires and they must slay and get the cure that was being worked on to reverse the E-Virus Evil
The Vampires are being taken on by people who have took a stand to fight and they became warriors and vampire slayers.
The warrior's of light unite !!!
On a very important note Were's do not like being were's...
You see the only evil Were's in alliegence with the vampires were the Werehyena's...
With the forces of good and evil shall be no more...
The creatures of the night must be stopped at all costs and we shall go on to victory and we shall fight this war with pride and honor.
The creatures of the light and the warrior's of the day shall take it to the vampires and they shall hunt and slay them.
They will fight till each and every single vampire is no more.
Werepanthers are those who take the form of a panther blessed with lycanthropy by Lupus, Wild God of the Beasts. As with most lycanthropes, they resemble anthropomorphic versions of their animal - panthers, in this case - more than anything of their original form. The Werepanthers dwell, as most lycanthropes do, within the Lupine Hunting Grounds.
Werelions even fought the Werewolf's but not for long...as they had to fight the vampires...
The Werewolf's then made a packed with the Werelions and together they fought the Werehyena's...
They even fought with swords...well the Werelions and Werehyena's fought with swords the Werewolf's just with their hands and with their jaws...
Weretigers, were bears came from Asia, Africa werehyenas, Central America, werecoyotes, and New Zealand werelizards. Werewolf's came from Europe...
The Werecoyotes fought the Werelizards, the Werewolf's fought the vampires.
The Weretigers also fought the Werelizards...for the Weretigers helped the Werecoyotes.
A long time ago these were's helped fight along side with good to slay evil...like in feduel japan. To help slay the evil in Central America from their corrupt ways back in the time of the Aztecs. In Africa Werelions were used to protect them against the evil were hyena's. The Werewolf's defeated the vampires and ended the plague!
Notes from the Author, Part 2
Werewolves are men who change into vicious often man-eating beast looking like wolves but they look more beast than animal. They turn into wolfmen during a full moon. The first half of the name, "werewolf", comes from the Teutonic wer, meaning "man"; therefore a werewolf literally means "man-wolf". Although this is the most common belief in lycanthropy, there are numerous others that describe the voluntary or involuntary transformation from man to bears, big cats, hyenas, and other fierce creatures.
Often, werewolfism is passed on through tainted blood and can only be ended in death. It is said that shooting using silver bullets is very effective in killing werewolves, anything silver for that matter. Even a pure silver sword can kill a werewolf.
Werewolves were primarily sighted in various rural parts of Europe. However, their presence and the appearance, sight of other were-animals has also been seen in North America and other regions of the world. This includes Asia (were-tigers & bears), Africa (were-hyenas), Central America (were-coyotes), and New Zealand (were-lizards). These are were's as they use transformation...
History & Origin
The belief began in the lycanthropy figures in Greek mythology, where Zeus, furious when he learns that Lykaon served him and the other gods human flesh, turns Lykaon into a wolf. This is mythology at it's best but this is not true at all...
Asgard, the popular belief that Vikings used bears to become were's...hence werebears...
Despite this modern belief that werewolves are nothing more than characters in the horror movies, there was a time that they were feared as a real-life menace.
In the 16th centurary there was a lot of fear of were-wolves, in actuality they feared beasts that were nothing more than assumptions to be real when infact they were not. Werewolf's we see in moves never existed...
Of all the possible types of transformations, the werewolf is the most common in Europe, probably because the wolf was the predator most feared by the Europeans. Medieval and later chronicles describe werewolf attacks on humans during hard winters and wartime. The development of the concept of werewolves may also be attributed to the vicious warriors in northern Europe, known as wolfmen or berserkers. These notoriously murderous and feared men clad themselves in suits made from wolf pelts.
At the same time, the belief began that honoured ancestors would become wolves after death in Germany. Consequently, names such as Wolfgang, began to spring up in hopes that the wolf spirits would enter them and give the soldiers strength and courage. Ordinary wolves are shy and beautiful creatures and are respected...they are as important as the Indians...
The Indian and the wolf are close...only a werewolf...a cursed wolf...
Is a were...they have no similarities were wolves are a work of fiction and nothing more...
Other than the growing relationship between wolves and med-evil Europe, that there were medical disorders that occurred from time to time that may have furthered people's fears. These made victims of the illnesses appear to have characteristics of werewolfism, or convinced that they had become animals. The first disease is called porphyria. It is characterized by yellow, hairy skin that is extremely sensitive to light, forcing the sufferers to go out only at night or risk tissue damage. Wolf's never had a recorded attack on a human yet in movies they are feared creatures. Wolves and Werewolf's have nothing in common... Ulcers may also cause their hands to become deformed and paw-like. Even their behaviour becomes erratic and red pigments appear in their teeth and urine. The result is a convincing "werewolf" all this is what makes a werewolf.
Sometimes hallucinogens can also play a part in creating werewolves, either through self-administered forms or poisonings. A man with ergot poisoning reportedly escaped from seven straight jackets, lost all his teeth biting through a leather strap, and bent two iron bars on the hospital window while trying to flee from a tiger he believed to be chasing him. Werewolf salves have also been concocted that make people feel as if they were transformed into wolves, the only way you can be turned into a werewolf is if you are bitten by an actual werewolf but remember werewolf's don't look like wolves truly.
All about Vampires
The vampire, a creature of the night that rises from the grave to feast on the blood of the living, has terrorized the minds of people of every culture around the world for centuries. Although vampire legends has existed since ancient time, it was not made popular until the novel Dracula by Bram Stroker was published in 1897. Since then, the figure of the vampire can now be seen in all forms of media available including movies, books, and card games. Vampire bats are known if they bit you, you become a vampire.
Variations of the vampire myth can be found in every culture around the world, but those from Slovenia are the most prominent.
There are many variations to the appearance of the vampire. Its form is seen to be human, but can so appear grotesquely distorted, with long nails curved like claws, bloodshot eyes, and deathly pallor. The popular, modern depiction of a vampire is a tall, thin, aristocratic man, dressed in a black suit and a long black cape. He has retractable fangs that are used to the blood from the neck of its victims. He can be a deceiver, luring his young victims through sexual attraction and desire.
Vampires appear undead in their graves, their bodies completely fresh with no traces of decay or rigor mortis (the condition after death which involves the stiffening of the body). There are even signs of rejuvenation like hair, nail, and skin growth. Fresh blood is often seen around the mouth area.
They come out at night from their graves between nightfall and down, hunting down innocent victims to drain their blood. Some vampires in Poland and Russia appear from moon to midnight. Not all vampires drink blood, but steals things that are perhaps even more valuable to a human, such as youth, hope, and love. They have the ability to fly, as well as to change forms into a bat, or other animals, and to mist. They are able to control creatures like rats and wolves, and the elements. Some have the ability to turn invisible.
In most vampire legends, they are required to sleep either in coffins, or return to their graves. They have a need to return to the earth of their homeland each night, or carry their native soil around with them. They cannot cross running water, see their reflection in a mirror, or enter a place uninvited.
Vampires from Different Cultures
Although the more common vampire lore is confined to the resurrected corpse of male humans, there are other variations from different cultures. The Malaysian believed in the penangglan or the langsuir, a female vampire that preys on houses where a birth has taken place, which led to the custom of hanging up a branch of thistle in order to trap her. Some believed that these vampires must place the throat of their victims to the back of their necks to feed, and therefore prefer infants and children. They are credited with a fondness of fish.
Civatateo are Mexican vampires that have the magical powers of a priest. They are noblewomen who died during childbirth who stalk travelers at crossroads and haunts temples and churches.
In the Malay Peninsula and parts of Polynesia, they have a vampire that is conceived as a head with entrails attached called the penangal who attack human and their blood.
The Manananggal is the Filipino version of vampire, and is said to be unwilling or unable to touch the tail of a dried stingrays.
In Slavonic countries, the vampire is said to have only one nostril, and possess a sharp point at the end of its tongue, similar to the sting of a bee.
To Become a Vampire
Vampires are believed to be created in a number of ways. It could be a child born under certain omens, someone who committed suicide or came to a violent end, or have been cursed by their parents or the Church. It is a common practice in England to drive an ash stake through the breast of all suicide victims until 1823. A cat, other animals, even a young boy, jumping over a corpse would turn it into a vampire, as well as a bird flying over it.
According to the Servians and Bulgarians, unclean spirits enter into the bodies of criminals and other evil-natured persons, who then become vampires.
Even inanimate objects can turn into vampires, including pumpkins, watermelon and other fruits left out past a certain amount of time, door latches that are left unlatched for too long, as well as dogs, horses, sheep, and snakes.
In Transylvania, it is believed that whoever was killed by a vampire will become one.
Protection from Vampires
Holy symbols are often used for protection against the vampire including the cross or crucifix and holy water. Garlic is the most popular vampire repellent, and hawthorn and mountain ash (rowan), is also used. Some believe that the scattering of seeds is also a good defense because the vampire would become so involved in counting every single seed that they would allow its target to escape.
The Wallachians believed that the dead can be prevented from returning to life by driving a long nail through the skull of the corpse and placing a thorny stem of a wild rosebush upon the body. One way prevent a person from becoming a vampire is to rub the body with the lard of a pig killed on St. Ignatius's Day. For vampire detection, they place a young boy on a black horse and walk them around the cemetery. If the horse refuses to pass over a certain grave, it means that a vampire lies within it.
In Poland and Russia, it is believed that one may become immune from the attacks by eating bread made with flour mixed with the blood of vampires.
To Kill, or slay a Vampire
The various methods of destroying a vampire include cremation, beheading, exposure to sunlight, and driving a stake through the heart. Other ways are to touch it with a crucifix and drenching it with holy water and garlic. It is also believed by some cultures that by stealing the left sock of a vampire, filling it with stones, and then throwing it into a river would destroy the creature.
Dhampirs are believed to be a vampire's child and are the only people capable of seeing invisible vampires. Therefore, they often lend out their services as vampire hunters., a vampire can be destroyed by trapping it in a bottle and throwing it into a fire. This is accomplished by chasing it with a picture of a saint to a specially prepared bottle baited with the vampire's favourite food, for they believed that vampires only have a thirst for human blood when their human food supply ran out. Once the vampire is inside the bottle containing a fragment of an eikon or holy picture, it will be trapped inside.
The vampire is one of the oldest and most global myths of all. There are variations of creatures who rises from the dead to drink the blood of the living in almost every culture around the world. However, the vampire lore of the Slavic people are the most prominent.
The word 'vampire' comes from the Slavi word 'obyri' and 'obiri' which evolved into the Bulgarian word 'vampir". It is also believed to have to be derived from the Servian word, 'wampira'. Another name for vampires is 'Nosferatu', which might have originated from the Greek word 'nosophoros' meaning "plague-carrier", or that it evolved from the Old Slavonic word 'nosufur-atu'. Russians, Morlacchians, inhabitants of Montenegro, Behemians, Servians, and Arnauts know the vampire as wukodalak, vurkulaka, or vrykolaka, which means 'wolf-fairy'.
The origin in the vampire has been credited to Greek Christianity, but references of this myth can be found in earlier times, in Chaldean and Assyrian tablets. It is believed that the early vampire legends were developed to explain things that nature could not, like mysterious deaths and wasting diseases. For instance, the Greek vampire lamiani attacked babies and pregnant women so that miscarriage and still-born can be explained.
The Romans believed that the dead bodies of certain people could be raised from their graves by magic, as long as the body was not decomposed. The only way to prevent this was to cremate the remains.
From Greece and Rome, vampire lore spread throughout Austria, Hungary, Lorraine, Poland, Romania, Iceland, and the British Isles. It reached its height in the period from 1723 to 1735, when a vampire-related epidemic broke out in Hungary and Servia. The belief continued to gradually spread to the rest of the world, including the Asian countries and Africa.
In countries that believe suicide victims become vampires when they die, the myth is used to help the love ones cope with their deaths. By performing the vampire rituals to destroy the corpse through staking and cementation, for instance, it destroys the dead person's psychological attachment to the living, allowing his family and friends to cope with their grief and move on.
British author Bram Stroker popularized the vampire in his 1897 his novel Dracula about a Transylvanian vampire. The character of Count Dracula was supposedly based on Vlad Tepes, Romania's fierce warrior king. He ruled Walachia in the 15th century as Vlad III. He earned the nicknamed Vlad the Impaler because of his habit for impaling his enemies on wooden stakes and then beheading them. He was the son of Vlad Dracul, and the rightful holder of the name Dracula, for the name means Son of Dracul. It also means son of the dragon or devil. However, Vlad did not have any vampiric tendencies besides his barbarism, evilness.
Before Stroker, vampire literature was rare. The most popular pre-Dracula stories include Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Varney the Vampire by James Malcolm Rymer, and The Vampyre: A Tale by John Polidori.
Interesting Facts
Blood is extremely fattening- a litre can provide approximately a thousand calories of high-fat, high-protein nutrition.
Porphyria is a rare medical condition whose sufferers display certain characteristics very similar to vampires. Its victims cannot make an adequate amount of blood, and one treatment is to give blood to the patient. However, this is done through injection, and not by ingestion. Porphyria suffers are also very sensitive to light, and burns severely in the sun. Therefore, like the vampire, they tend to avoid sunlight.
The novel Dracula was prevented from being published in Romania until 1993, because Vlad The Impaler Tepes, the actual character Count Dracula was based on, was a respected historical figure in Romania. The vampire concept surrounding the character caused it to be banned under communist rule. Many were slayed by Vlad Tepes though he was eventually killed for his high crimes. Though remember Dracula is just a fictious character just like wolfmen.
WELL THIS HAS BEEN MY STORY ON WERE's AND VAMPIRES AND the thing on Werewolf's and Vampires are details to what made them be such horror figures in movies
Once upon a time there was a Darklord named Undertaker of Quintaria. He wears a black cloak is skeleton like with a scythe. The Funeral director Quintaria's undertaker genernic term for policemanof dead people. He was a hybrid though he was known as The Phantom lord and the immortal Phenom! he was to rule. The Netherworld...and the realm of Darkness. The Undertaker has become very powerful! He would have an army of darkness, an Army of the dead he would rule all the dead, he would be their leader he would have one powerful servant though whom is also an entity. As you can hear the thunder and the essence of smoke, or fog and wind comes across the lands a deathly grim has come upon the lands. He had an executor and had a brother named Rain but he made them Rest In Peace.
The Undertaker waged war against the outworld...the leader of outworld was Rain his brother whom was once at his side.
The order realm was led by Saidus the Thunder God.
The Chaos realm or the realm of Wrath was lead by Wui Ski, Zhan Rumg...Shunnik was also a loyal servant of The Undertaker though later Shunnik would betray the Undertaker and they would fight!
The Angel's clan the In Qui were battling a demon clan for their were two demon clan Types. Angel's clan is an enemy to the Eyrex, the Eyrex clan is an enemy to the Sidewinder ninja clan. The Space ninja's clan are allies with the Star-five's clan. Mantis X is an enemy to the Star-five clan, the Wasp cyborg ninja clan is an enemy to the Shadow ninja clan...
The Shadow clan, DOM's clan symbol Moonlight, Wolf Moon Clan, the Beetle clan, the Sun Dragon clan, Infinity cyborg ninja clan...
Villians are The Wasp clan, The Nebulis clan, the Red Dragon clan
8 ninja clans and 5 cy's
Gujo the Wind God
Wui Ski, Zhan Rumg, Shunnik, the Demon King have all waged war their is one God, one Goddess these four have defied the two head figures they are from Under realm.
Wui Ski, Joru, Zhao Zen...are from Outer realm properly known as Distant.
Space's enemy clan is the Vextor.
Star-five is an enemy to the Mantis' X clan.
The Shadow Clan is an enemy to the Wasp clan.
There is also a clan named Celtica they're a ninja clan.
Trish and Amy were a team they sought to bring King Domenic to a place they called home but King Domenic saw that it was weak and pathetic he was such a king.
King Domenic and his Delta cross the Domenic cross there was also a celtic ninja clan they wore celtic cross's though Domenic wasn't a ninja, he was to become a powerful lord.
Niteshade was someone not to mess with he brought someone known as Pitch Black who would make a few of the land's pitch black and they would need fire, light's so that they may see.
There would be no queens as King Domenic was tired of waiting she would be his slave! and she would humble herself or be banished!
Saidus of the order realm was seen with his staff his eyes glowing yellow.
He was preparing for his battle against the realm of Wrath and Zham Rung, Wui Ski.
Wui Ski's eyes glowed red and Zham Rung's glowed orange.
The Undertaker then left Trish and Amy's fate up to King Domenic...
The king wanted nothing to do with them! so he banished them!
Then suddenly a force to be reckoned with came about.
King Wicked! and he said listen to me I shall rule these land's!
Domenic said you shall no I shall rule! King Domenic and King Wicked faced each other.
King Domenic won! I shall sacrifice someone her name Candice Danielle and Gabrielle.
King Domenic put the two females, or so called divas unto his symbol! Now bow down to your savior of Vesgoth! Darkness is covering the land's! King Domenic would sing for fun to himself but cant cause he somehow got sick but since recovered! never to kiss again! King Domenic! then created three legendary birds Artisun, Flamnes, Sparkdis.
A bird of ice, fire, thunder! and a beast of the sea part bird, part dragon his name Neslia...the sea monster the legendary bird dragon!
An entity named ...Daniel said he is the man, the master, the ruler of the world though he does King Domenic's bidding for Domenic is the true master of Vesgoth!
Though the King of Vesgoth decided Daniel would be sacrificed and that Daniel would be a part of Domenic by consuming his powers, essence so Daniel was no more after the sacrifice!
The Grim Angel saved Domenic from Abaddon...with his Angelic Dark sword...
The dark cloaked warrior saw...With his two scythes he slayed the Angel of the Abyss.
The Evile fallen angel demon Shaytan was seen...Michael fought him, won.
Lucifer fell from the sky like lightining...
His false light no more...
Prologue: Through the wonders of another world Christiano.
The Iron cross, Cross Cricket, Grasshopperman looks like an angel with wings my grandma said. The Blue Bullet don't use your bullets they could hurt or harm someone.
The Christian Dragon fought the evil black dragon which was causing confusion in the world. The Angels of Angeleon was seen...Leon the Magnificent was seen...
Leon the Light Domenic's dog. It says in the bible that the Wolf, the Lion will walk along side the sheep one day for they will no longer have the desire to eat, or kill.
When Adam, Eve sinned the world changed. Man used to be able to communicate with the animals. The demons of destonia was seen.
Domenic looked into the future 2010 it would be the turn of the century a new decade.
The knights of Christiano was seen...Quintaria was a book I published at Lulu.com
I sold 26 of them and published it in 2003 I got over 100,000 views as e books at this one Christian sight. God blessed me extremely and I acknowledge my blessing.
I wrote Quintaria and it means the World to Me. For the glory of Jesus Christ, GOD the father I do it for the sake of good in God's name.
The Cheetah' bear's were seen...colors were seen dreams full filled hero's being born.
In the sake because the darkness is growing in the world you acknowledge that right???
World war III on earth by 2012, or 2013...the World needs something to be inspired by.
Something to hold on to, something to cherish something to hold true.
Tolkein was a Christian but why for Frodo...C.S. Lewis was a christian apologist.
No wardrobes no closets...no kids...no magic schools...for wizardry...
A wizard of mine was for the light, solely for the light only.
Armageddon, Apocalypse??? Why??? Jesus shall come again and I even think now spiritually he is coming...life is a test.
The life as we know it will fade away into a better light so that we may take flight into a bright light full of joy and peace.
God come to us...The Father watch over us spare the world. No meteor's no comets...
Chapter 1
Prevention is the Key
The Prevengers are seen
USA warrior
Horse rider
Elephantman Tristan Jones
Falconman Erin Dill
Titanium Wolf
The Love Machine
The Hammer 12 string lightweight bass guitar weilding strong guy
The Z-Men, the D Women...
10 women, 4 men...
Women Warrior's with swords fighting in the name of Christ...they wore crosses...
Fighting to keep God in America. Proof of God exists and the Ten Commandment's are Real...
Armageddon VS the 7 trumpet Angels
ApocArmagelypse...VS...The Prevengers
This monster of evil was seen the Prevengers fought the evil monster, slayed him...
They worked as a team to defeat the evil. Domenic said good job my hero's.
Now Jesus is your Yeshuastar...your Yeshuahero not just you superhero's are needed.
Yahwehstar GOD, the sun a v5 star, the stars of yellow, the stars of white.
And the Incredible Seven, the Magnificent Four...and the Astonishing Amazing Eight...
And the The Brightener's...fought the Demons of Destra...
Gigaman, Wolfman, Vision Woman,
Blaze, The Purple Light...Ravenman, Ravengirl...
The Angels of Angelica and Angeleon got together...
A woman touch my heart say you love me take a small cross let me teach you as I wear my cross, the Music that has healed me. I wanted to do a rock band, remember besides Jesus's love, mercy, wrath...he died for our sins, one shouldn't sin...
Though condoms protect abstinence??? Yes??? Also marriage is for man and woman.
Why can't they accept their civil unions. 5 places already enough is enough...
They need to reverse it. Their rights is not marriage...for 6,000 years not 6 million it has been about man and woman, woman and man.
Chapter 2
Ancient Mystic's VIA!
Subtitle-The Mystic power
The Wolven whom was of myth and legend was to be born again as Dominic he was lord of the Wolf land's and he had a Goddess.
He was extremely smart and had a sixth sense he cared for his people's.
The Wolven had a lover named Moonchild The Dog Woman, the Sea Dolphin were the original warrior's of the super group to the people's of the Sea Dolphin were the two males of the group and Moonchild, the Dog Woman were the female's of the Mystic clan of Via!
There was a war against The Darklord Gendon! and Darkstar Stanli!
The Gorilla, the Mexican warrior of ancient Mexico in 2008 took over...
The third and fourth warrior's position in the group!
These warrior's went back in time to the 1400's!
the Sidewinder Snake whom was a warrior was a warrior in kabuki make-up driving the battle tank called Rockin Thunder!
The group! Creatures of Icon Naval defended their strongholds against the demons of Gendon! What was once a neutral group now are considered sellouts to the trade!
The Beagle a crusader known for his companionship with the Magenta warrior was told Sand troopers were trying to invade Via!
Chapter 3
The Shark, the Astrobear Would Be the Fourth and Final Replacements and Original Warriors!
Meanwhile back on Earth 2008
Ravenman, Raven girl...
THE END then says WOLFMAN we can rule as one WE can conquer the world and grow an empire.
WOLFMAN says to GIGAMAN show the End the exit to his doom!
The Dream Protector's
The Dream King
The Singer-He can hypnotis you with his singing, The Painter
The Charismatic Dancer, Mr.Romance Novel were seen defending New York against the
Dream Eater's! GOD gives dreams not the devil...not everything is c to the c or d to the d
or a to the a...
Fight the good fight!!! Always! Angel by my side now and always...
The red orcs of Reorcen was seen...
They fought the Christian Elv's...remember all dark magic practice's, perverts will go to hell. Keep the commandments true as well...
Fight with all of our might!!! Till the end of the world as we know it.
Chapter 4
Many Artifacts Would Be Along the Way!
The Wolves of The Wolven, the Violet Wolfchild, The Wolfman, the Cosmic wolf formed an alliance against
the Dark Wolves whom Satria possessed.
Aliens with tails for whips! Are also part of this evil wizard's army.
That have two legs not four are seen, they were created by Satria!
The Wolven would find many artifacts such as the elegant chess board made of gold and
silver and the King's Crown of Satria, the Queen of Satria's goblet and royal crowns.
The Wolven discovered many stone artificats that if placed into a carving would open
special doors. The Castle of Satria is big!
The Wolven has a castle too! The Wolven is a warrior majestic and hypnotizing!
he has a love! and he has his army of Wolves. The Wolven is lord of the Wolf land's,
the prince was to fall in love with his queen. Satria made a statue! of himself!
Chapter 5
Went on a Mission Mysticwolf, LightAngel, Bearman, Pyrofalcon, Spike, the Celtic Warrior
Spike had his legion of armored spiked warrior's! though Satria had his own armored knights with spikes on them!
Ah my warriors I remember you...for Christiano!!!
For Christ...there is no lost symbol it is found in the hearts and minds of the true believer's and faithful. The Good people...will always live on...
Jesus never had kids never married...angels and demons in this story they fight each other unlike that one movie. That one machine which is a danger to the world instead of researching nuclear they made a dooms day device...
Chapter 6
The Black Forest of Black Ants
They took on the red ants and won.
The Grim Reaper came but a warrior with a sai...and beams from his eyes
Took on the Grim...and arctic mist...
For the LOVE of GOD, Jesus Christ!!!! A princess, a love soo true...
Was to love him.
The Epic Guardians
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The ArcticEagle, The Angel, The Ram, Yellowjacket
are The Epic Guardians of Heaven
Yellowjacket is a guardian incase of a war and to slay any demons
The ArcticEagle is the leader cause he can breath arctic breath
The Legacy of Razien
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The Vampire Hunters known as The Zarafen
the Zarafen are the Soul Warriors as they are called
the Soul warrior weapon that Razien would wield would be
a key benefactor in taking out the Vampires of the Night
the extra dimensional demons and Cain was to be the one
who was to battle Razien in an epic battle
There would be the Fire reaver, ice reaver, earth reaver,
air reaver, light reaver, dark reaver, th lightining reaver...
Razien is a Zarafen warrior a Soul warrior, a vampire slayer
Believe Listen Inside Self Spirit
Monday, September 4, 2006
The Bliss Warriors !!! have come superhero's to the world like The Mystic
The Wolf, Moonchild, The Gorilla, The Blue Jay, The Manta Ray, The Canadian
their enemies Oblivious, The Annihilator
Oblivious then enters the scene I sense some warriors
are trying to protect Paradise and are trying to prevent my rise, though I want my
kingdom known as Oblivterion...
the Annihilator is seen in his fortress I'am The Annihilator and I want to
annihilate the BLISS warriors from existence that shall not happen The Wolf
says we shall protect Paradise the Moonchild whom is actually a grown young
man says to The Annihilator
you have to get through us first and that will be no easy task we are defenders of Paradise
Wish the new Heaven, new Earth would form...and GOD the father, Jesus being there and prayer which is important...
Chapter 7
The Battle for Salvation No More Damnation Except for Demons
Meanwhile the Cosmicwolf was doing data collection in an area he had his telepathy, also a radio device! There were many devices...and monitor's with a research computer outlet
The Cosmicwolf was talking to the Wolfman! The Wolfman's main weapon was the Killer7 ray gun! which fired like an uzi!
The Violet Wolfchild was seen running from the Satria statue! Then after dodging falling pillars that came crashing down! Then the Wolfchild had to take out the lock on this door
He did with his Violet ray gun! and then was chased on a runway! Where water and a tower surrounded him! The runway collapsed! he dove for the cliff...he caught and grabbed on and started to climb up for if not he would have fell to his doom!
Meanwhile the Wolfman was going through zombies! Like no tomorrow!
he used this elevator shaft platform then these bridge like platforms! and an elevator to ascend higher in the tower! Then he ran up four stairwells
There was an evil plant monster with vines for arms! The Wolfman had to take him on!
The Wolven stepped in as the Wolfman was taken out he was okay just wounded for the evil plant monster was almost dead! The Wolven fired his mystic rocket launcher! At the plant monsters mouth! Which had Satria on top of it's mouth and with that Satria was no more!
FOR CHRIST for JESUS CHRIST!!! hail GOD the father, and respect Jesus
The Wolfman and Dingo bingos fought the evil...witch...
LIFESTAR battle station, POWERSTAR ships
Christiano o' Christiano' The Titanium Cross. The Uranium Cross was seen
Red orcs were seen Satan was to fight Michael the arch angel one last time
Dracul came back to slay the Ottoman empire...which had returned
Blue goblins were seen the blue dragons stopped them.
The Red dragon of the Red Empress Witch said get behind me
The White dragon three headed beast took on a decagon dragon evil beast 10 heads!
But had the help of 3 headed cheetha which took on a 2 headed bat.
The rats of rateron were slayed.
Synopsis: Shitan I mean Satan was slayed throughout the Universe
Michael the Arch Angel, the Cherubim Gabriel, the Seraphim Raphael with six wings a healer angel healed those whom need to be healed the heart broken, the needy. the Orangutan, The Otter, the Ox,
the Owl warrior, the Opal Onyx warrior...Ostrich Flash...
Yes Domenic you're a committed Christian says on his site
he was not agnostic but his mother was...
Prologue: Build a cottage says the prince
then a warehouse, an inn you can see them at work...
Then an inn, a tavern...
and a feasting hall, an embassy
an academy for the school of Mystical Dragons
barracks for the soldiers, a light tower...
the Lieutenant stayed in the light tower
and the admiral stayed in charge of the academy
The Forge was leaded by the General
the Beacon was assembled with the amulets of Zeio
A stable for the mythical horses
workshop for the dwarves and for the band MM Above
The Relief station for the Sergeants soldiers
Soul Spirit Animals
Deslon The Wolf , Ceslin, The Bear, Reslin the Tiger, Kensli the Gorilla,
Kento the Hyena, Grindo The Dingo and they all talk to each other...
The Tree changers, or morphers were seen not ents no but utrees.
Half of what that was dominic jareth von human devil betrayer.
Yea but Dominic A H Homan is of Good of the Light
I don't fail that's not an option.
The Good Walrus's fought the bad beavers...
The shark faced the whale woman...
Half of what no that's not true...
Dominic The Dingo Kingo was seen.
He was playing a bango while having a mango while doing the tango
Deslon The Wolf , Ceslin, The Bear, Reslin the Tiger, Kensli the Gorilla,
Kento the Hyena, Grindo The Dingo all had meeting a council. On the Square table
On the Triangle Table...on the Oval table...
THE Scorpion beetles, the Flower Beetles, The Stone Soliders, Stone Gargoyles friendly looking...The Sun Stone was most important, so was the Stone Soul emblem, gem...
THE DUKE of Dernap...was seen...man how was your nap...did you tap the doorway?
Need a map? No gap...between us love...zap you with my love shock you...
Out of my life...and into a world of fantasy...salvation or damnation your choice...
THE CREATURE OF THE BLUE LAGUNA The Wowmy, The Dreculi, The Skeleton of Skele...The Walrusman, The Falcon was seen...The Phantom Platinum.
The Incredible Woman The Irresitible woman princess was seen...ooh could you be my love...
The Goldrag dragon the WHITE DIAMOND was seen...THE EMERALD ELEPHANT was seen.
The Welsh Witch...was seen...The Dutch Duke...was seen...
Paul the Persecutor was the false light...
During the 8th
Deslon The Wolf , Ceslin, The Bear, Reslin the Tiger, Kensli the Gorilla,
Kento the Hyena, Grindo. The Order of Angels was seen the celestial beings some were female they gissed, blessed. A meeting this time with Angels...
and 9th book...and beyond
THE DOGMEN OF DOGNES...was seen...Deslon...talked to him in spirit...
Cause Drew, Deslore, Devon, Destiny...
Dontello, Ceslin's son Collin, Reslin's son Randall, Rover...Kensli's daughter, son
Kendra, Kondok Gorilla's of the Kingdom of Kensli.
Deslon The Wolf , Ceslin, The Bear, Reslin the Tiger, Kensli the Gorilla,
Kento the Hyena, Grindo all appreciate their offspring, each with a magical aura, emblem...of power, love...
When Dominic The King of Quintaria was seen...and his mighty sword.
For Quintaria, he sings to Deslon and sees an image of him, from his old age even in the
spirit world...he has an energy which makes his hair black and young again...
A blonde haired woman was seen, kisses Dominic on the cheek...
Deslon says still I may only appear from time to time female angels maybe? Women?
So not half of that but you want so you that Heaven someday well you will, you have your
soul. Probably of old age someday years from now.
The nurse sharks harmless sharks...are seen...
The Griffin Jriffon...was seen...a falcon like cheetha...
The bears of Ceslin, Collin were seen
A black haired women sees him talking to the animals of soul...
She kissed Devin's son Donetello...The Wolf...
Leon...Leon Leonardo...how are you...my friend...ruff ruff good...
Raphael the female Angel...said here rest against my breasts he smiled and laid against
her chest. Michalangelo was seen a great warrior a marvelous warrior...
The Whales were seen of the Whale Wizard Im back not much was known about the
Whale Wizard. The Staff of the whale wizard was seen. A red haired woman was seen
come with me for awhile Dominic...she unveiled to him her region of the lands of
Whale Wizard sent Whale Woman...to Dominic...he was traveling the seven seas...
again...he rode on her back but then once reached the fist shore, second, third, then fourth
and five, six, finally the seventh shore, she turned back into human form.
The Red Wizard, The Fire Witch they're back as well as Elfindel for a third time,
Vampyric...slay them we must from the first book they return in book four.
The Red Wizard was in book two, three...
Rostan Darkstar with a bit of yellow on his star, chil had some yellow...
The Darklord came back as Gandon. Gandon was sought after by the Knights of Quintaria.
Rostan was seen Gandon! look! Elfindel is back Queen Elfidenl for final third time, so is
Vampyric. But their plan backfired. Dang it this cat creature isn't working anymore he
likes cats but...yea so anyways, space...alien ant is failing me...
The Stone soliders protected the SUN STONE, THE STONE OF SOUL...
Vampyric, the vampires...were seen...
They saw the flying Grasshopper...and the Cricket Crusader...with his cricket
sword...the noises of the cricket the vampires those blood suckers, parasitis should be no
more. The Roaches of Roachan...was seen...The Grasshopper was seen...
The Cricket Crusader is wearing his cross...Scorpion beetles are seen fighting the mantis's...The Flower beetles are making The Flower region of Quintaria shine...
Domiforest, Quintaria forest...
The Hyena Kento, Dingo Grindo...he is grinning...
Kento is laughing, smiling...and playing with the kolas, the kangroo's they can box...
Donetello was seen playing with a smaller wombat wolf...
Deslon would be very proud of Donetello...
Vampyric fought with his vampyric sword along with the army of Vampires
Walrusman, his walrus warriors, the knights from all of Quintaria...was to fight
Rostan, Gandon again, elfindel, vampyric, the red wizard, fire witch...
The Whale Wizard fought the Shark Sorceress...
They had crossbows, spears, shields, swords broadswords, long swords, mystical axes,
mystical hammers... The Femur's big giants...
Black beauty a horse was seen...
The White Walrus was seen time to ride me on the ice...
into The Ice realm of the Icefields.
The Dwarves were mining in the fields, the caves of the Ice realm
The Ice dwarves...
The Snow Elves were seen of the Snowmen and they were friends...
Icetopolis, the Ice dragons Arctic dragons which breathed arctic mist...
Snowlian...was seen...a place a region full of snow...and snow utrees...
Arctic Angels were some half of them female...
The Windingeos fought the wombats again...in a war...
The Dingos helped the wombats....smaller wombat wolfs...
The Fallen Red Forests of Roses were seen the Roses grew arms, legs...
The Orange Orge, Orangetang...was seen...
The Eleventh Elven of Time Tower was seen The Three Tree fortress's were seen
The fig wig trees were seen more utrees not ents not.
The Sandmen, Pumpkin people, snowmen were seen, sun walkers...
The Moon quarter moon, half moon not cresceant, harvest moon walkers were seen
The Ravens of Raventha and their haven or sanctuary...for salvation through a Cross symbol...that they found...
The Creature women, the Mummy woman...
Bulk Hulk don't sulk...the skulkers returned to face bulk hulk...
The Demurs Lemurs were seen...
The Oracle machine...was seen...The Ostrich flash was seen...
The Frog flash was also seen...The Sword fish was seen...The Rhino'Ram was seen
It's a rhino ram hybrid...
Vampyric was seen slayed...
Then Queen Elfindel screamed...enough with the lie...enough pie...I wanna die...
But...you should...and while Vampyric was sleeping...Queen Elfindel drove a stake into
his heart the color of black I mean brown but half of it was regular color red...
Gandon was seen...and Rostan...Rostan slapped Elfidel we had a bit in common...
Gandon laughed at the dead vampyric yea in hell because Gandon the Darklord was
slayed in battle by the Grasshoppers Grinder axe...Gandon had an axe too...a regular
The Fire Witch said the fortress of hers went up in flames cause of the fire arrows of Fierenestra.
Fire Witch was slayed by an Orange fire dragon Orango...
The Red Wizard, sent the red head...
For Honor For Dignity for Class for Integrity!!!
Re harvest your energy GOD...
GOD AND HIS BLACK HAIR not grey anymore was seen...
Animals of Quintaria...you have done well...
Dominic was the one who slayed Gandon, the darklord...and Vampyric...
With HIS QUINTARIAN SWORD, QUINTARIA SHIELD...then finished him off with his
THE CARDINAL was seen, The Bliss Bird, The Rainbowbird Mystery legendary
mystically magical was seen.
THE CARDINAL Baroness Bralin...she fought satan...with her sword...of God...and
shield, armor...of God no not armor literally...
The Blue jay was seen gay marriage is wrong...
AND YOUR full figure your body...
THE HYENA Kento, the DINGO Grindon was seen
Dance with my lance said...Dominic...The Wombat wolves went into their holes and went down a pole...
Their was gap between a couple lands but which God easily moved from a QUINTARIA rare quake...a few Angels moved it...with the help of Quintarian Giants...
The Quintaria Qiant...was seen...
The dwarves with beers, elv's with wine the wizard was dancing with staff...
THE TRINITY BLESS...says Dominic...
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