Spiritual Battles
Quintaria VIII
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book Spiritual Battles - Quintaria VIII written by Author Dominic Homan. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Spiritual Battles
Quintaria VIII
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Spiritual Battles - Quintaria VIII written by Author Dominic Homan. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Quintaria VIII E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
Check out Dominic's other related books:
Prelude to Quintaria
Quintaria II and III
Quintaria IV
Quintaria V, VI, and VII
Quintaria IX
Eriemumps: A Christian Four Book Series
Quintaria is Trademarked by Dominic Homan
Quintaria™ Bliss Kliss™
The Angel
The Canine Cub
Aqua Creature
The Teddy Bear
Quintaria is © copyrighted since 2003 and lasts 50 years...

Table of Contents
Quintaria VIII Prologue
Chapter 1 ... Slaying the Greed Demon
Chapter 2 ... The Wrath Knight
Chapter 3 ... The Sloth
Chapter 4 ... The Gluttony Goblin
Chapter 5 ... The Envy Empress
Chapter 6 ... The Lavishing Lust
Chapter 7 ... Pride
Chapter 8 ... Deslore, Drew
Chapter 9 ... A Tale of the 9th Order
Chapter 10 ... Radiance...Radiant Ray's Shine
Chapter 11 ... The Mystical Musical
Chapter 12 ... Beaver's Endeavors
Chapter 13 ... The Sharkman Soldiers of Chris vs The Skeletons of Zatan
Chapter 14 ... The Brave Raven
Chapter 15 ... Kozamoti Bird of the Elements
Chapter 16 ... The Bulls of the Taurus King
Chapter 17 ... The Dogs of Leon
Chapter 18 ... The Eleventh Elven
Chapter 1 ... Slaying the Greed Demon
Chapter 2 ... The Wrath Knight
Chapter 3 ... The Sloth
Chapter 4 ... The Gluttony Goblin
Chapter 5 ... The Envy Empress
Chapter 6 ... The Lavishing Lust
Chapter 7 ... Pride
Chapter 8 ... Deslore, Drew
Chapter 9 ... A Tale of the 9th Order
Chapter 10 ... Radiance...Radiant Ray's Shine
Chapter 11 ... The Mystical Musical
Chapter 12 ... Beaver's Endeavors
Chapter 13 ... The Sharkman Soldiers of Chris vs The Skeletons of Zatan
Chapter 14 ... The Brave Raven
Chapter 15 ... Kozamoti Bird of the Elements
Chapter 16 ... The Bulls of the Taurus King
Chapter 17 ... The Dogs of Leon
Chapter 18 ... The Eleventh Elven
Quintaria VIII Prologue:
Nothing is lost. The Iron Cross is here...an armored warrior cyborg half human... with Iron cross's for eyes...an Iron Cross that is unbreakable near the center of his heart right in the center. An armored staff cross...with a dagger at the tip of the staff... 7 deadly sings Greed, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Slothfulness, Lust, Pride. Wrath is bad for Vengeance is only God's, remember though shall not kill Someone spoke of the Death penalty. 8 really good reasons to support the Death penalty... it is not vengeance or wrath it is justice It stops forever the destructive activity of the individual. It has allowed the perpetrator time to repent and die at peace with God. It gives recognition to a sense of justice in the world. It gives the individuals and community harmed by the act a sense of closure and safety. It sends a message to others that the particular activity has dire consequences. It reestablishes a sense of order in the world. It reestablishes peace with God when humanity disallows grave injustices to continue festering through acts of giving only token punishments for grave offenses against God and man. The concept of spiritual values of justice being of greater importance than humanistic values concerning limited life is reinforced. Thou hurting someone to begin with is an act going against God... So therefore hurt yourself instead of someone else. Though why not seek help and not hurt yourself and that means not hurting others...
Castles in the sky...castles made of air not sand live on for eternity. So I created the 7 lively virtues Creed/faith, Love... a family's love, a woman's love...Humbleness... originally this book titled...The Dancing Swords&Lance Giving/Offering...Moderation...Honesty/is the Honey Mercy...are the 7 Lively Virtues... In order... Creed, Love, Giving, Moderation, Honesty, Mercy, Humbleness Chivalry, loyalness...in the Quintaria wars against the dark knights which were possessed by Maurdon, the Witch Emperor...
Chapter 1
Slaying the Greed Demon
There is demon named Mammon...we must slay him... He's of greed... There is magic in the Angel's wings... I give her flowers... Here's money said this one royal guy in Quintaria to the Mysticalwolf Warrior... Okay and now I give to the peoples less fortunate. This one knight Matthew, said to this one other knight in battle I shall not kill you but let you go, renounce darkness... They go, to fight him...The warrior Marc, Luke go fight the Wrath Knight... No longer shall wrath, or anger rule people...
The Helium Knights...were seen...
The Heart of Gold...The Silver Soul...The Sapphire Soul...
The section of dark hyena's of red...versus the Heavenly Hyena's
But there were only one clan of good ones...
The Wolfmen saw them...
The Wolfen, the clan of good Hyena's took on the red eyed hyena's...
The good ones had glowing blue eyes...
The Wingless griffins, Wingless dragons held a meeting
The Winged griffins, Winged dragons flew around protecting Quintaria
The wingless ones protected their own strong hold's...guarded them...
Chapter 2
The Wrath Knight
The Wrath Knight I slay you...says Marc, Luke... Anger is bad...yelling is wrong...Marc who... well his name is just Marc the Maroon knight... I use my lance says Domenic, Dante uses his and they charge into battle with other dark knights and their lances. The good knights used their lances and hit the opposing lances Then wacked them off, then thrust their lances to the ground Wrath be gone...God's wrath shall show...you calm yourself...
The sikk prophecy of the Demon shall not be full filled shall not says GOD and his chosen one's warrior...Dante...Domenic holds a meeting with the Cross Cricket, The Iron Cross...the moon maiden...and Deslon wearing his Cross with Deslore...
Drew was with Destiny, Devin...Deslon is eternal and so is his family children of GOD and or people of GOD that shall always be protected and loved... May your family be happy and comforted in the lord's glory and grace...
The big good Wolf was seen...and the dingos...of Domenic's rule...his keep...
His fortress from the Land's of Mystic to his fortress he rode...on his Pegastrite and saw his platinum dragon Dragolite...
The Dingos flying dingos fought the vampires with swords, axes...and hammers...
They had their weapons too...the villains...
The supposed clan of vampires of light whom feed of light...need it...
don't need blood...fought the dark ones...
He needs a love...she needs a love...
Deslon by now was old but looking pretty good for his age, died of old age... But his spirit was a new and was young again...
8th book technically...the evil almost subsided...no more dark lords no more dark stars
A neutral star a Raven star...
Chapter 3
The Sloth
The Sloth your lazy worm...yess...slithers...I tempt people to be lazy...
well don't says Dante...dang it...arrgh says the Sloth... The warrior slays the worm cuts him in half... now and soon the devil/satan will be sorry, well probably not who knows but one thing is for sure this time he wont be sparred...it is time to lock up the beast again... The evil beast that is for the other beast fought him as well but a third beast A blue beast named Blood Beast of light for blood is originally blue not red
The Iron Cross gathered is iron soldier's of iron...
Jesus appears shakes Domenic's hand...good job...
You were destined like Dante to be the chosen warrior for GOD, the Shepard the Savior, the divine Son...so Jesus you had a goatee do...your father doesn't have facial hair... Not crazy...I saw God, Satan tempted me first then God showed his power...
Michael the Arch Angel saved Me... Be my sunshine angel woman...be my best companion, box for me, show your might
My knights of Quintaria...
Chapter 4
The Gluttony Goblin
Well gluttony goblin what do you have to say for yourself well sire...
I know you know goblin of gluttony eating more than you should and not sharing as well not saving is a sin I shall eat the world says the gluttony goblin 8 is my number... He wields his axes! He is not overweight just well ugly... Dante uses his mystical war hammer...and slays the goblin and knocks him out...
Domenic became protected in God's helmet, God's armour, God's shield, God's sword There was a Light Reaper Cloth of Light Domenic put that on, he was to face the Reaper in his cloth of darkness. Domenic's staff of white not a wizard by the way out shined the
darkness he was to live many years, will. He was 7-0 at Majestic Clash...the majest knights full filled the Platinum leader the Platinum knight now the Palladium Platinum Knight of Light was at his strongest okay maybe a half wizard but he didn't take no oath to be a a wizard or elf. He is a marvelous great warrior.
Chapter 5
The Envy Empress
Dang it...he doesn't want what I want... Nooo...The Envy Empress fights Dante...with a sword whoa... C'mon Dante fight me and then when I win you shall be mine. Want more Dante...lust...greed...did I tell you Empress the greed demon is slayed is no more...The Gigantic Giants fought the Big Bee's but they lost their stingers and died The Hornets of Heaven and a clan of bad hornets of hell fought one another... The fallen hornets not as much as the, fallen hyena's... The Titan like Titanium warrior's not men fought the bad villians...
The big like giants actually bigger...fought this demon black dragon beast.
Chapter 6
The Lavishing Lust
The Lavishing Lust put some dust on the warrior And tempted. Here is more than one woman do you want them all or can you be loyal to one I can and I will be loyal to one. Really warrior??? Yes... The light is not fed on per say but is needed by this one race and they will do anything to defend it...as well humans...and the knights...and the creatures of the light... Here is candy will you eat all of it, or save it for later... Mom saved some candy for me for later from this place in asia... a sibiling went there...and yes I care for her...and I told her my realm means everything to Me.
The Wolves of Wooven was seen the Horses of Hooven was seen The astronomers saw the stars in a new few...of an opal, an onyx...
The aqua mariners and their jet rode off into the waters of Quintaria they saw the beautiful water dragons the aquatic creatures of the bay's and the rays
The Purple Dragons, the Code they stood by and their royal and loyal...beings the Leaf...of Purple, Red...of not a maple but an Oak...an Elm tree...was seen...
The Leaves of the Tree's were like stars... Dreamin, weavin the streams of time...may I have a beautiful beauty that I can kuss/kiss
and hold to dream of...to cherish.
I'm 26 it's 2009...and one day when I'm old...I want a million flowers when I pass years from now...okay half a million...flowers, carnations...at my grave so in 2061...
Okay maybe 500,000 thousand flowers...with a golden ribbon...
With a cross...but that's years from now said Domenic...Dante said your well worth it... Don't worry my friend that's not for a long time...
we fought side by side together like brothers
To Die with Christ but Not Alone...
to have been a part of Christ in my life for nine decades I hope and desire my realm with last and all its places live in harmony...
Chapter 7
Pride is okay as long, as it doesn't turn to arrogance you never have to worry about that Domenic nor do you Dante... I lite candles one big white one, one olive color candle... Pride is for those whom lose sight of their destination of their horizon... Though you are so handsome...yea well thanks but Im with someone already... Leave demon and never come back... I saw God on my ceiling he was bald but with long hair to his shoulders of the back on his head...like Thunder...then I knew his one and only Son Jesus is the Son of Thunder, his eyes like electricity...electrifying...riding on a white horse. Satan and his plan...then some fool, idiot, or moron put the devil's number on cement which I asked to be taken off the ground as soon as possible near the church. Satan go ahead sit on your throne of hell for one day hell fire and brimstone will vanish The woman said to Domenic I love you...but you are taken kisses his cheek... The dancing swords fight the orcs...the Owl's return and fight the orc's...
Synopsis: No one is creative as me, or compassionate about GOD, Jesus Christ
There are his follower's, knights, etc...but to the highest of Love, that's me Dominic A. Homan and with God's love, will he helped me make a world, with it's own places...QUINTARIA 1 not the prelude was published in 2003... I was doing stories about knights since 1999...2002 I graduated from high school...
So a Dog of Darkness was seen gave in to being black mailed by a demon...
Remember the all dogs go to paradise/heaven, well hey you told him you didn't want in anymore weren't a part of it anymore. He was deceived a prime example of why not to trust a demon... Slay the evil slay the demons...there were some demons far east...
The West was good...The North was good...the South not soo good... The East more darker yes... King Wolfira was seen a warrior Wolfman that could turn into a marvel monster
With wings and breathe radioactive breathe he fought the Sloth, the Wrath Knight... The Lust Queen...
The Ace Ant, Overlord took out the bad queen ant... and made his own coloney...the King Hornet...was seen...
Slither the Snake was seen his head guillotined...the other snake twin...by the warrior.
From 99-02 we The Ring series, a tale of a lion, a robe with children...
Inspired but totally different...in 2003 I did QUINTARIA...
Chapter 8
Deslore, Drew
They retired and and gave Devin, Destiny the leadership, or
to protect Quintaria. Deslon was the first big good majestic wolf
that could fly. A cross for the D wolves. Phoenix my phoenix has a
cross, a bid made of flames of the sun.
Quintaria Book 8.
Chapter 9
A Tale of the 9th Order
Matthew Domenic's son...took over...
in the Decade of Adventure not in the 9th order The false gods of hiarchy learned just like the Grekter's...that their gods such as Seus...was false. GOD the father, the Son of God of mankind's hope...and of their salvation...
Egyptia, Celtica, Grekter all had princes, so called gods but the false gods were slayed
By the Army of Christ...The Army of Quintaria...Quintarian laws, rules...order...
Honor, and all the fun action that takes places, festivals. The 9th order begins! So now the 9th order to counter The Solar Flare Wizard, Solar Dragon, Mercina which has a rose, the Blaze Boulder minions, the Masquerade Mercenaries fought them... The Dogs of Culture...were seen...the culture of The Land's of Mystic...
The Shadow warrior's were seen the fighters fought the demons once again...but of a different land, a different clan... The Pearl Princess was seen...come my dear the oRder begins go to your small palace...
and think there...Shadow warrior said to the pear pretty faced woman...you must be protected from Darkemp... A long ship was seen the warriors were to set sail on a journey to the land's were the Creatures are fighting these demons they will help...them...the Quintarian knights...
Chapter 10
Radiance...Radiant Ray's Shine
The Sky dragons are seen...The Radiant dragons were seen...The Radiant Rooster appeared...now morning new day...new dawn...new day a bright light shines
Sea Creature's of the Aquatic World... The Creature Woman is with his band...a sea creature not a mermaid... Sea creature, Aqua creature... These marine life exotic beings walked with their love and outlook that a higher power craeted them...Whaleman, Dolphina was seen...
Chapter 11
The Mystical Musical
The former King set up a Musical...
Even a doll that lights up...from a Musical Box...she looked like a phantom prancing cat...
What a rock opera what performance they do such grand theatre...what a singing band... So electrifying this band is great and in the Land's of Mystical a memorable musical was put on...
Back to the Order...The Knights of the Cross table...
Order order in the kings council...we must slay Mercenia's Brimstone Blaze Boulder minions... The Skeleton's of Skelentoer, of Skele...mountain...the Dwarves fought them...
The Dogs of the noblemen remember man's best friend...The guard dogs of the Godly kingdom...was seen remember in my first book The Light Angel's...yes...
The Land's of the Godly kingdom...to Heaven's Gates...a link...a portal to HEAVEN...
So in this land the gates...into Heaven...you go...GOD the father's Heaven the creator of the Earth, The Universe...it links to Heaven a vast light is seen a tremendous light A terrific lift a magnificent a marvelous a divine light shines upon through that gate A light that doesn't run on energy...but heavenly light...from a young Sun... That is reborn through the Cross Phoenix...though I don't believe in reincarnation
NO I DON'T...You have one LIFE...ONE LIFE...to live so live it many years
The Dingos VS the Windengo's
The real Dracula was a Christian warrior whom fought the muslims...
The Dingodrac Wolfin was seen THE DINGO...was seen his bass guitar to shine another wondrous bright light...against the dark sounds of the demon wrath, the darkest star...
of them all...The Batven returns and is slayed...though the Bat King knew of the monster...The bandit outlaw star...fighter for the dark side was seen...
The Egyptia rulers were seen for there was no queen of Egyptia The Pharomaon...Prince was seen, Princess for now GOD the father was their center of attention not some
The Oxmen of the Egyptian Prince was seen...The Oxmen was seen..
The Ocelot wild cats were seen...they roamed the lands The Egyptian King and the Oxmen fought the wicked egyptian...slayed him... The Frontier Foxmen of the village of Foxmen...
they were harmless like the cheetah cats...No ms...hm...said the Cheetha King we must protect our people from depression The Lightining Space being...saw...that they were truly corrupted the Bat King, the Bandit kid...I mean basically he was a deceiving little moron...
The Dingos fought the Windengo's grrr...grrr....
The Masterdon's and The Mammoth's and Gigantic Giants fought the Titanium Titan's...
They made sure the Titan's became good again...Darkemp...possessed them...
Chapter 12
Beaver's Endeavors
The Bad Beavers fought the good beavers...the bad beavers tried to build a damn...
But it was too late...or was it...they retreated...aren't they tired of doing that What a lost cause...bad bad beaver said the King...picked him up with his majestic silver glove, threw him out...infact he threw him into the river of Riverian...
Their coustin the Otter folk...of Ottomeo...The Oxmen, the Otter's, the Owl's were seen...
Writing this story a Tale of the Ninth 9th order Yes...and proud of it...GOD said you earned it as long as it makes you happy...
You don't do something that doenst make you happy.
Oh don't cry me love just a small tear...
The Ocelot cats were seen they protected the peoples from the demons, the fire ants They breathed arctic mist...bad beavers don't side with the dark emperor...Darkemp... Darkemp...was a male emperor remember the witch emperor warlock...
Chapter 13
The Sharkman Soldiers of Christ VS The Skeletons of Zatan
The Sharkmen of the ocean of Burnite was seen...they came to land to fight the Skeletons
But the Sharkmen had lungs, gills...they clashed the skeltons with swords, their swords clashed against the Sharkmen's. Meanwhile...
The Ostrich ran a race against the The Frog they became friends...
Actually the Ostrich was a bird that was to look upon the evil the dark side...
The Alligator's of Alveore were watching for the Skeletons...
The Sharks guarded the waters that led to a Society of Sharkmen...
They were tiger sharks...The Skeletons fought the Sharkmen with swords
both clans had swords... The Moon Maiden, The Sunshine Angel were seen...Sunshine Angel during the day
and Moon Maiden at night...she was wrapped like a mummy... The Oni Demon's
The Oni a demon was seen a small clan of orc's were seen the owls fended them off
The Oni's fought the Oxmen...they waged war...why I don't know...for a lost cause...
Chapter 14
The Brave Raven
The Brave Raven was to set out on a journey and deliver a message to Matthew the Son of Domenic. Domenic's son...The King of Quintaria soon to resign or retire if you will or shall say...
Chapter 14 continued... Quintaria-A Decade of Adventure-(more Adventures more Decades) Through God's love, Christ's care for me, my girlfriend more decades to come...
A decade of adventure...Domenic/Dominic left QUINTARIA for good but it always be in his heart, mind from time to time...Domenic pronounced, or made it known an announcent a special one at that for he was re-nouncing his kingdom but he will always watch over Quintaria, may God as well watch over it... Matthew you shall be prince and king when the Eleventh Elven happens... The Dwarves also slayed Decagon a ten headed black dragon...
Domenic builds a ship that can go into a place...into a space...
where he can restore the harmony to Earth...he builds a magical ship that will be in the air...magically...but with show twilight, wondrous lights...but where he can work To restore order...Matthew his Son is to take over...QUINTARIA... To help Quintaria...
Femur's, lemur's, demur's were seen...The Gorilla's of God fought them...
Femur's are a combination of orc's goblins, giants...
Demur's are demon monkies...some foreign aliens took on the Preyian's...
The Demur's sent the foreign aliens from the demon realm...
The Horses were seen in stables...The Orange Ogres good, or neutral orge's fought the small clan of orc's that were left...
Chapter 15
Kozamoti Bird of the Elements
The Bird of Hope, Desire....Kozamoti bird of Thunder, Fire, Ice Phoebus Phoenix legendary Wolf legendary bird THE CRICKET wears his Cross...
They all get together and fight with the Orange Orge's against the Orc's
The white owls invade the orc's strong hold... The Air ships of Angels were seen they fought the Sandmen...the Snow men are seen...on near Linnendul...during the winter...
The Sandmen became sand demons...
The Golden Astronaut, The Shadow Woman, The Dog Woman
Were seen the Creatures of this wondrous light.
Chapter 16
The Bulls of the Taurus King
The Taurus King, his bulls were friends with the Oxmen and they fought the Oni demons The Angels fought the demons....
The Clan of Christian Elv's The Christian Elv's...a clan the other's believe in God
but the Christian clan of Elv's do the non elven Christian clans
Like when they are preached to of the lord's divine mercy and coming
But not all can be forgiven there is a certain point...where the line is drawn... Armageddon Angels Angels that are tired of the lameness, to be a better Earth...
Chapter 17
The Dogs of Leon
Leon the Magnificiant went with Domenic on his journey to the balance realm The tower of time, the tour of time...is seen...
The Light Might Night The Light shines threw with might and in the night...
But that doesn't take much energy...illumious...light white magic...grey magic...
Never black magic...The Dark star Rostan was seen Queen Elfindel...was punished earlier on for evil magic...for there is good magic... The DI Revolutioner's Are here to make a better world...
Life star ships, power ships...star savers...well giga not mega...nor super... The DI revolutionary's are seen The DI base of of the DI general...
of the captain...
The three robots A bronze one...a silver, a golden one The golden one...
Was this cool cyborg that could roll around like a rover...
Chapter 18
The Eleventh Elven
Majestic knights Quintarian Knights of the Quintane an order of the knights The Quintarian new king Matthew...is Domenic's son...
The Elv's of Linnendul, are seen archering for the 11th hr, 11th day, 11th month and 11th year of the elven Christian get together where a fourth of Quintarian's from each land get together. the dwarves are mining their caves for GOLD...
The White Dragon with three heads had a heart of purity...a kind loving dragon Matthew's plan the Son of Domenic As you know it was Domenic though threw the help of GOD the father Quintaria happened...and was formed threw his power...Jesus his son you know wars, pain Jesus died for that...mother earth has been mistreated we need better energy, better environment... The Dingo Dogs are seen...
The pusle blades are seen...and the Pumpkin People, the Mummified Creature of the moon, a leaf, celtic to be exact. The Hound of Protection protects the Shadow princess
Sandmen VS The Snowmen
Raven safe Haven Phantom bandtom woman was so pretty!
Majestra Majestra an orb I mean a planet...that was invisoned by Matthew's son...
Domenic...an Orb...a mysterious mystical magical orb...with music playing when you touch it which lead to the planet Majestra some sin occurred but when they found out about Jesus this prophet... QUINTARIA AND The Majestic Knights
2012 to 2053...
The Promising Salvation of the World
basically after the Eleventh Elven...after 2013...
I know QUINTARIA brought you a new place to put your mind at ease From this world Earth, but where is the Heart where is the Truth... People say...Jesus was 2,000 years ago it's tradition it's a custom... I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, or a woman and a man... God created the Universe, the Earth, Jesus was man's savior... The Majestic Knights...This book is something I did in 1999-2002... but Im revising it. GOD come the New Heaven, New Earth take control... You love us. What is wrong with some people why cant they just live their life maybe they can now. Quintaria was in 2003...QUINTARIA is a KINGDOM within MANY LANDS Anyways The Majestic Knights of a Planet called Majestra Heart of Gold...
and The Silver Soul
The Silver Soul is what you aim for...soul is the goal...
The Dakleuim, The Liberion fought one another...somehow the planet Majestra links to Earth I mean like Earth is needing Majestra. Godly in values, they heard of Jesus. Though of course Majestra is a fictional planet came to life...it's visible to those who want to believe, need to acknowledge a higher power, true salvation. My artwork, my story writings have been my Life, have been my Work...
Have been my pride of course some pride is okay...it's what I was made to do...
I don't care for rock and roll...like I used to...
I like to rock but roll well that's another story
So locally he rocked the city with his theatre play...I did...
Though a new light I want to shine...QUINTARIA shall last as books that
Shall be remembered, as legendary, important to teaching mankind, helping them live better lives. I put a smile on their faces, it will forever do so...
MAJESTRA...was shown in a telescope...hey look it looks a bit like Earth...
Their was a space ship taken but knowingly they saw GOD, he was always present never to be touched hurt all powerful GOD OF THUNDER...the real God of Thunder... God the father...they learned and eventually knew God will come someday the right time will be known...
DEVIN AND DESTINY howled and Ceslin the bear... the black bear...was seen...
The Phoenix wearing cross flew into the Sun...with a cross in the middle as a relic as a symbol of sacrifice, love, pain for the world. Though GOD the father creator of Earth, it's warrior's... through a portal to QUINTARIA.
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