Diane's Poetry


by Diane Adele Strong

An oasis in the desert
Living Water at Christianity Oasis

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Quench your thirsty soul!
An oasis in the desert

Diane's Poetry
by Diane Adele Strong

Schmoopie ...

Shmoopie with Nose in the Air


"I said it once, and I'll say it again -
I absolutely refuse to associate with any cat
who doesn't use a deodorized litter box!

Shmoopie with Happy Face

Shmoopie Wisdom ...
Being a feline, I'm clever ... that's true,
but sometimes my lack of compassion shows through.
I must confess that ... as attitudes go,
mine needs improvement - I guess that it shows!
But I won't give up - I'll hang on - you bet -
'cause you and I know ...
God's not through with me yet!"

"In the true spirit of humility, let each regard the
other as better than and superior to himself..."
Philippians 2:3


Diane Adele Strong

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