Spiritual Kingdom Book
Prelude to Quintaria
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Spiritual Kingdom Book
Prelude to Quintaria
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Spiritual Kingdom Book - Prelude to Quintaria written by Author Dominic Homan. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Prelude to Quintaria E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
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Quintaria II and III
Quintaria IV
Quintaria V, VI and VII
Quintaria VIII
Quintaria IX
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The Angel
The Canine Cub
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It's only the beginning ...
Prelude to Quintaria
by Dominic Homan
Table of Contents
Notes from the Author
Chapter One - The Thieves
Chapter Two - Lord Zoltar's Reign
Chapter Three - A Giant Hammerhead Shark
Chapter Four - The War Against the Mer-People
Chapter Five - The Steel Wielder
Chapter Six - The Lands of Starr
Chapter Seven - The Warrior's of Ravenstar
Chapter Eight - Deslon! The Great!
Chapter Nine - Captain Blackfist Joins Vampyric
Chapter Ten - Lord Zoltar's Kingdom
Chapter Eleven - The Emerald Tavern
Chapter Twelve - The Moon Princess
Chapter Thirteen - Ordimus the Protector
Chapter Fourteen -The Beariens
Chapter Fifteen - The Darkstar Rostan
Chapter Sixteen - Mysticwolf and the Young Warrior
Chapter Seventeen - There is the Plane of Harmony
Chapter Eighteen - The Seven Shards of Evil
Notes from the Author
Chapter One - The Thieves
Chapter Two - Lord Zoltar's Reign
Chapter Three - A Giant Hammerhead Shark
Chapter Four - The War Against the Mer-People
Chapter Five - The Steel Wielder
Chapter Six - The Lands of Starr
Chapter Seven - The Warrior's of Ravenstar
Chapter Eight - Deslon! The Great!
Chapter Nine - Captain Blackfist Joins Vampyric
Chapter Ten - Lord Zoltar's Kingdom
Chapter Eleven - The Emerald Tavern
Chapter Twelve - The Moon Princess
Chapter Thirteen - Ordimus the Protector
Chapter Fourteen -The Beariens
Chapter Fifteen - The Darkstar Rostan
Chapter Sixteen - Mysticwolf and the Young Warrior
Chapter Seventeen - There is the Plane of Harmony
Chapter Eighteen - The Seven Shards of Evil
From the Seas of Quintaria to what became a gigantic in sized ocean had tales of Mer-people and they had a Sea-King' of their aquatic lands.
In the beginning' there was a clan of thieves a guild that was set on capturing' the ever so powerful Orb of Thunder. They tried quite a few times and failed they tried several times to get past the guardian of the Orb of Thunder. It was once stolen but before the epic novel of Quintaria a warrior named Sharaun from a clan of Siberian tiger warrior's named the Tigereans took it back, returned it to Quintaria.There is the Plane of Harmony which has a female named Vanessa she is like paradise with her humble beauty that was used when Sharaun ended up fighting The spirit walkers "the Undead" who had unfinished business ended up fighting' against Darklord's army. These spirit walkers were people, or knights who would not rest until they were avenged. There was also seven Shards of power that had to be destroyed. The Shard of Lust, the Shard of Fear, the Shard of Wrath, the Shard of War, the Shard of Elfindel, the Shard of Vampyric, the Shard of Darkness...
Near the end of the story It's only the Beginning' the seven shards were destroyed by a Tigerean named Sharaun. Queen Elfindel a warlock-witch was able to resurrect
The Shard of Elfindel, the Shard of Vampyric, the Shard of War, the Shard of Darkness...so four out of the three shards came back but once Queen Elfindel, Vampyric were slayed in the last battle the four shards shattered.
Now before the lands of Machindon was a great steel wieldier named Machindon he named the lands of Machindon after himself, became corrupt and wanted to rule as king of his own lands and to build an army of machines in knights armor. Machindon became the the Machine-King and it was cause of this that the Decron's came to be so that the Machidon Knights would not over throw any of the lands in Quintaria. The T-7 Series were also created to stand up to the ever so growing legions of Machindon Knights which are also known as demon knights.
The Darklord of the Hellfire Kingdom made those evil cyborgs come to life with his black magic. Norgred the great which is called the purple wizard for his purple cloak made the Decrons, T-7 Series come to life with his white magic and thus gave them an essence. The Lands of Espitinu and Machindon are far away from the Elven and Dwarven lands and for good reasons.
The Lands Of Starr is where the Pegasus and Unicorns are... the Unicorns were in a war with the Goblins of Gobellion wanting their magical horns for their own use but the people's of Starr would have none of it. The warrior Ravenstar of Raventha was in a war against the VultureKing and his army...
The raven warriors of Raventha had ravens all throughout the lands of Raventha.
Notes from the Author:
The Beariens a race of bear like beings all the way from grizzly bears to black bears to brown bears they wield their battle Axes of Bearien. The Mer-people of the seven seas of Quintaria and the Sea King Tridon was in a waragainst the evil sea monsters that Queen Elfindel had created because of her rage.Lord Zoltar had a long reign and was a threat to Quintaria for quite a long time until he was slayed by Mysticwolf. You see right before they faced off against each other for the first time that's when the young warrior got his powers from legendary Mysticwolf he was first a myth but the myth was to be true he was very powerful and anybody who claimed his power which was to be the young warrior would be very mighty.The Seven shards had to be destroyed and they were by the warrior Sharaun andfrom the White Guardians of Quintaria to the purple cloaked wizard Norgredthe darkness would have a fight they would never forget. It was cause of Vampyric, Queen Elfindel that the darkness was growing stronger throughout Quintariabut the Guild of Light would stand strong with no fear against the Darkness and now since you've seen my marvelous story Quintaria the prelude to this wonderful noveldoes not have to be written but just by the Prologue, by these Notes from the Authorwill give you a wondrous glimpse at what happened in the prelude to Quintaria.
Chapter 1
The Thieves
The Orb of Thunder was located not charted within the map of Quintaria...A guild of theives set out to capture the Orb but the guardian of itCaptain Blackfist was seen holding the orb. The SeaKing casted a storm throught the seas for the theives somehow managed to capture it this time around. Sharaun ended up locating the Thieves on a ship calledThe Crimson Tide...he faced them all and slayed thirteen Theives and thentook back the Orb of Thunder. The Orb was returned to the Plane of Thunder.The Plane of Thunder then was restored and Sharaun was dubbed a hero and was rewarded 12,000 pieces of Quintaria gold. Sharaun then went to The Emerald Tavern and purchased an Flame Sword which had the power of fire around the sword and he also purchased some warrior armor.Sharaun then went around exploring near the Emerald Tavern were he met a Dwarf named Kemilon they talked and talked. Sharaun told Kemilon about his journey that lay's ahead. Then Sharaun had to go and when he was walking around he sawan Elf selling Quintaria weapons, healing potions, mana potions which he neededcause Sharaun was not a wizard but he was still allowed to learn a magic skill.
Sharaun bought some healing potions and some mana, then bid farewell to the Elfthe Elf's name was Jarlos. Farewell Jarlos take care...same to you mighty warrior...
Chapter 2
Lord Zoltar's Reign
Lord Zoltar started his reign five years ago...but only in Egyptia which is like ancient Egypt but is Egyptia...Lord Zoltar and his Egyptian Staff of Horus...was seen I'am ruler of all Egyptia! Lord Zoltar then spoke of the legendary talesof a once lost Egyptia.
Hathor Protector of Women
Ptah Creator of Heaven and Earth but he was no creator of heaven and earth cause he's not God the father the Almighty only in Egyptia do they believe such as Ptah.
Min God of Fertility and Harvest
Amun The Father of Life
In Egyptia they think of Amun as the father of life but throughout the rest of Quintaria, Amun is considered a false god.
Montu God of War
Horus Solar God of War and Childbirth!
Ra The Sun God Khnum
Ram headed God of Fertility Anubis
God of Funerary matters
Isis Mother of all Goddess's and Nature
Seth - God of Chaos and Destruction
Thoth-God of Wisdom and Writing
Sekhmet-Lioness Goddess of War
Ma'at-Goddess of Justice and Order
Neith-Goddess of the Warrior Nephthys Sister of Isis
Mistress of House Sebek Crocodile God of Fertility Osiris
God of Vegetation and Regeneration
Lord Zoltar appreciated Egyptia and Ancient Egyptian history for Egyptia is his beloved lands.
Chapter 3
A Giant Hammerhead Shark
There was a tale of a giant Hammerhead shark The Jarcken!protecting the waters, a treasure called The Yentrosa!The Yentrosa! is a chest filled with diamonds, emeralds, ruby's, sapphire's,crystal's, topaz's...it also has the amulet of Yentrosa! which has the powerto keep you forever youthful...The thieves sailed The Crimson Tide!in search of The Yentrosa! including Captain Blackfist who sailed The Onyx!but on their way they faced the Jarcken! Blackfists Pirates, the these fought each other with cannons, rifles, gatiling guns. They even clashed with Swords of The Pirateright in the middle of the battle the Jarcken came up from under the watersis gigantic Hammerhead is seen! oh no! said one of the thieves of the Crimson Tideit's the Jarcken! both the thieves and Captain Blackfists pirates fought The Jarcken! but his pirates didn't fight long he made them set sailin Quintaria there are the 7 seas. Blackfist was intent to get the treasure of Yentrosa! Blackfist had his eyes set on raiding Mystic of the Xenthorpe but his main goal is to getThe Yentrosa! which is on an island known as Yentrosa! The Island of Yentrosa!Blackfist said to stay on the Onyx and now as I make my way to The Yentrosamy work, my piracy has finally paid off. The Yentrosa! is mine! I Captain Blackfistwill be forever youthful!
Chapter 4
The War Against the Mer-People
The Mer-people of the seven seas of Quintaria and the Sea King Tridon was in a waragainst the evil sea monsters that Queen Elfindel had created because of her rage.The mermaids hid from the sea monsters while the Mer-men fought the evil sea monsters.The Mer-men used their Tri-Staff's which they used as piercing weaponsTridon the Sea King's staff has that the power of electricity!they fought the evil sea monsters and even a huge octopus! was seen!which Tridon battled the Octopus they grappled and fought and foughtTridon was bear hugging him and then he pounded him with his forearms,and then used his Tridon spear to wound him and then finished him off with his Tridon Staff which he used the power of thunder to defeat the huge Octopusbut Elfindel had sensed Tridon's victory so she unleashed the Man O' War!a huge Man O' War! appeared from underneath the waters once the Sea-King sawthis he summoned his people's they all had Tridon Spears. The huge Man O' Warslayed six Mer-men but the other's used their spears. Tridon then went underwater and got the Spear of Tridon which he threw into the Man O' War's body with that you could can hear the monster dying from the mighty spear. A victory celebration sounded off as they all rejoiced and then the mermaids came up and they hugged each other.
Chapter 5
The Steel Wielder
Now before the lands of Machindon was a great steel wieldier named Machindon he named the lands of Machindon after himself, became corrupt and wanted to rule as king of his own lands and to build an army of machines in knights armor. Machindon became the the Machine-King and it was cause of this that the Decron's came to be so that the Machindon Knights would not over throw any of the lands in Quintaria. The T-7 Series were also created to stand up to the ever so growing legions of Machindon Knights which are also known as demon knights.
The Darklord of the Hellfire Kingdom made those evil cyborgs come to life with his black magic. Norgred the great which is called the purple wizard for his purple cloak made the Decrons, T-7 Series come to life with his white magic and thus gave them an essence. The Lands of Espitinu and Machindon are far away from the Elven and Dwarven lands and for good reasons. The Darklord Gendon had the Machindon Knights fight the Decrons he sent them into the Forest lands where the Forestmen are.That's where the Forest Kingdom is filled with many pine trees, oak trees...These arrows are called Forest Arrows they aren't that special like the others but they are still good. The Decrons of The Forestmen were in a battle against the evilMachindon Knights. They exchanged punches, they clashed with their swordsthe Decron Swords met the Machindon Swords until the Machindon Knights were driven back to Espitinu.
Chapter 6
The Lands of Starr
The Lands of Starr is where the Pegasus and Unicorns are ... the Unicorns were in a war with the Goblins of Gobellion wanting their magical horns for their own use but the people's of Starr would have none of it. The people's of Starr were riders...riders of Unicorn's...The Orc King of Orcen sent his Orc's to fight the the people's of Starrcause they have gold that the Orc King wants.The people's of Starr have Starr Arrows, swords and when the Orc's of Orcenmade their way to Starr they were ready for the fight they were ready for the battle.The Orc's said lets crush these people lets bring them down to their kneesand then all who are left whom refuse to join Vampyric will be slayed.Meanwhile...Hedon the preying mantis...a big preying mantis...is seen in his lair...and a rider of Starr took his Pegasus to where Hedon lay's. Gabriel had to go through a forest with many trees which he had to slaya lot of goblins. Though with his Starr Arrows, his sword...he managed to slayall the goblins that came in his way. Hedon was known to have eaten any intruderwho didn't know about him and his lair though infact recently the warrior's of Starr had to go into the Mantis's burrow, they were in an all out battle against the big sized Mantis's there was a queen but Hedon managed to escape and during that battleThe Queen Mantis was slayed by Gabriel. I'm coming for you Hedon!and you shall be no more.Once Gabriel reached the outer part of Hedon's cave therewere big preying Mantis's awaiting something to come near their caveso they could take any prey that came near by. Gabriel saw the big preying Mantis's and they looked right back at himwith a glare they wanted to feast on him but Gabriel would have none of it.He then flew his Pegasus to a hilltop and then went down to meet the preying mantis'sGabriel was in for a fight he was a well known warrior within the Land's of Starr.Take this you vile Mantis's slash, thrust, slash, thrust and Gabriel kept doing so the warrior even was surrounded outside the cave and used his skills to slay the Mantis's outside the cave and when he went inside he was met by many Mantis's.
Then Gabriel took out his golden broadsword and slayed all the Mantis's in sighthe had to or else there would be nothing left of him if they had got a good grip of him.He had to go quite far infact it was a long way to Hedon's lair but Gabriel fought onuntil he reached the lair of Hedon. Gabriel must have slayed over fifty Mantis'sonce he reached the lair he was lucky to find some water that was from Starrfor when the warriors of Starr had went to slay the Queen a warrior had diedin battle and left some water behind in bottle. Gabriel said thank the Heavens...Gabriel then threw down the bottle and went into Hedon's lair and faced himHedon! I have come for you! show yourself! Hedon shows himselfstomp, stomp, stomp...you could hear Hedon walk...the really big preying mantisthen appears before Gabriel. C'mon and fight me Hedon show me what you got!Hedon then starts slashing his arms around he also knocked Gabriel down once and Gabriel had to dodge quite a few times. Gabriel then slashed one of his legs which made Hedon shout in pain then he thrusted his sword into Hedon's body, then sliced him with it, then chopped off another leg Hedon was in agony now.
Then to finish Hedon off he thrusted his sword into his heart. Starr could now shout it out loud. Pegasus's flew with their bridles, saddles, the Unicorns too they took The Quintarians, Quintarians on saddleback these mystical horses one with horns one solo horn and one with wings these special horses aren't ordinary horses Deslon talked to 12 Pegasus's, and 7 Unicorns Ceslin was laying down though keeping eyes an eye on the Goblins of Gobellion they attacked though they lost.
Pegasuses was seen flying with their human masters, Unicorns were flashy graceful beauty and speed flash speed not too fast for the human not blazing fast.
Chapter 7
The Warrior's of Ravenstar
The warrior Ravenstar of Raventha was in a war against the VultureKing and his army ... the raven warriors of Raventha had ravens all throughout the lands of Raventha. The Raven Warrior's were prepared for battle and fault the Vulture Warrior'sin a battle they had a battle that lasted an entire day from dusk till dawn...They fought and fought each other in an epic battle...they used Raventha Spears, Raventha Axes against the Vulture Warriors Scavenger Spears, Scavenger Axes. These Vultures are The Vulture Warrior's of Vampyric and they are in a war against the Raven Warrior's of Raventha.They clash and they thrust each other with their special weaponsfor Vampyric! one shouted! and on the other side for Ravenstar!You could see swords clash against each other, spears flyingyou could hear the battle cry's of the Raven Warrior's these Vultures of Vampyricshall die or retreat. The battle continued there was even in air battles they were grappling each other in the air and some even crashed to the ground.The battle went on until the remaining Vulture Warrior's fled for they were defeated in this battle.
Chapter 8
Deslon! The Great!
The mighty wolf whom is highly appreciated in Quintaria is just adoredby all. Two guests have arrived in the castle of Mystic. Michael, Daniel, Michelle who came from Starr...were shown to Deslon...this is Deslon I've heard so much about you...You're that flying talking big wolf aren't you yes I'am and I'm a little shyBut I have gotten used to humans now a lot of misperceptions have come about us wolvesthere is even this rumor of werewolves in Quintaria but until we have word that there is one...that's all it's going to be until then. If you ask me I hate werewolves their curse came from a gypsy who was upset at the corruption, the lack of care that this Earth was being shown and how one town, or village became corrupt. Norgred was told by Deslonthat Damien The Dark had challenged him to a wizard battle.Damien The Dark...challenged a great wizard of good that is highly respected and thought of throughout Quintaria. Damien The Dark is an evil sorcerer whomade an alliance with Queen Elfindel. See Elfindel is actually a warlockbut a witch in disguise. Norgred at met Damien in The Castle of Darkit was very dark inside but lucky there was light to guide him.
Chapter 9
Captain Blackfist Joins Vampyric
Captain Blackfist captain of The Onyx! has got a proposalto join Vampyric cause after all it was Blackfist who lent Vampyricone forth of his crew but Vampyric bit them and they became The Pirates of Vampyric!Captain Blackfist joins Vampyric but under one conditionthat no vampire nor even Vampyric himself is ever allowed to bit him nor the restof his crew. Vampyric accepted the offer they all set out for the Jewel of Xenthorpe.The Jewel of Xenthorpe was taken by the young warrior Dante back into Mystic.Xenthorpe was located in a cave located in a mountain known to all as Jewel Mountainfor the wondrous jewels, treasures inside the Dwarves of Quintaria love mining for treasures. The Pirates of Vampyric, Captain Blackfists pirates arrived in Mysticthe fought the Mystic's which were like an Elvish race. They fought, fought each other quite a few Mystic's died but a lot of Captain Blackfists pirates were slayedeven the Pirates of Vampyric which were killed with Mystic Spears whichthe young warrior Dante had ordered specially made with a wooden tipon the spears. The Mystic's even guillotined some vampires. Vampyric and Captain Blackfist retreated to the seas but they had to usehorses to get back to their ships The Vampyren! And The Onyx!
Chapter 10
Lord Zoltar's Kingdom
Lord Zoltar is shown and his kingdom amazingly wondrous.I'am Lord Zoltar lord of Egyptia...but I shall make...this guy Victor the Egyptian Wizard my servant...no you shall make me king...I won't accept any less my lord...my master I shall do your bidding but I want Egyptia as mine to rule along side with you. I shall make slaves of Egyptia and they will be workers, servantsto my rule. Many tried to oppose Zoltar but they met their death.Lord Zoltar even had an engraved image of himself...that said Hail Zoltar! Zoltar was a pharaoh among pharaohs but he didn't dress as a pharaoh...He was on a quest to become immortal and all he need to do was to perform a ritual but first he needed a golden rod which had an inscription on it.
Chapter 11
The Emerald Tavern
A place where all come to have a place to stay and rest, or stay and have a drink. The Emerald Tavern is royal and is filled with emeralds. The cost to stay is 10 pieces of gold... The Elv's, Dwarves of Quintaria know about the Emerald Tavern there is also a shop there where you can buy weapons, sell weapons, upgrade armor, or sell armor. The peoples of Starr knows about The Emerald as well the Emerald is beloved by many and it's a favorite place among Quintaria. There even was a woman with black hair wearing a green dress very sexy she is yet tempting at the same time.
The Emerald Dragon is seen and the Emerald princess the Dwarves whom love to mine emeralds search the caves into the woods, into the secret doors, to the emeralds where picks, shovels are seen for mining. Branthrack the base dragon was seen...tan like...yea not burnt sienna though or raw umber...but a base tan color dragon. He was the first and most majestic dragon of them all.
The Sun dragons prepared for the return of Rostan and the orcs, goblins of orckob...
The Owls took on some orc's...with their talons and beaks they took the orc's to the ground.
The Griffins picked up the Goblins in the air flew with them and dropped them into the fire.
The Wraiths were fought by the Ravens of Raventha.
The Dolphins of Desire were seen in the waters of Deith.
The Moon Kingdom
The Moon princess was seen and the half moon prince was seen he took her hand in marriage.
The Moon warrior's, the shining moon guards in shining armour are seen.
The quarter, or full moon, harvest moon's were their favorite types of moons
The lunar wolves were shown...and moonchild was shown...come to me come to me Moon princess though he was not a child but someone of great power.
The Moon dragons were seen...and they told of the Sun dragons of the Sun...
The Heaven's from above sent true warrior's down to Quintaria...
The Wolfin warrior's, the mystical wolves of Nioteri was seen.
The Giga knights, Titan knight's were seen with some chainmail...to protect the people's of Quintaria.
The Ultra knights in armor were seen and the Barbarian warriors were shown...they fought the necromancer's.Meanwhile the chosen one Dante was asked if he was sane and he said yes why of course...
They were victorious against the Hawks...which the bad wizard Erin sent... but the good falcons aka hawks of Heaven were seen the black bears, their leader Ceslin was seen for Deslon the big magical wolf was seen. We love God the father of the Universe, the life giver and the eternal omnipotent God as well his Son Jesus Christ. Deslon was the one who told Ceslin all of this to respect others and especially if you don't know them. Especially if you haven't even met the person how do you know don't judge lest be judged yourself.
Rocktop was seen! hello their yes but call me Rock Monster of Edenia, and the Talk Tree of knowledge though the other tree's are for you people's a second chance maybe. Actually this tree is only for knowledge so unless you seek knowledge this time God has sealed of this tree until you need me for advice only and wisdom.
Meanwhile the Sun was shown and all the sun dragons like phoenix's their bodies is made up for legendary flames their spirits to fly and roam around the sun.
Rostan was seen! Darkstar for the last time give it up you are no match for me Dante we shall see. The Horse goddess was seen! You defeated Gendon in one battle and then later on their was to be one last battle against Darklord Gendon but as for Rostan the great. You're not great Rostan...What!?...
The Knights of Helium were seen and the Hydrogen Knights of Water, Ice.
The Knights of Iron, The Knights of Titanium were seen and the Solar knight's, Lunar warrior's...were seen...
The Shadow warrior was seen come out of the shadows now said the Wizard of White Krystal into the light you fought the darkness enough in darkness many quests for the good of Quintaria not hard...but yet still at hand, oh though not easy either. On the defense the Knights of Red are here...and the Pitch black onyx knights are here.
Send the Opal warriors and the Ocelot prince...to check on what's happening...
The Golden knights, Silver knights, Bronze knights were seen protect Quintaria from the femur's and the dark knights of Rostan and Gendon...
The Puseblade's aka mystical swords, mystical shields, mystical glowing purple, or green bow's and arrows are seen flying across the battle field good versus evil.
Chapter 12
The Moon Princess
The Moon Princess was seen in a palace...wearing blue...very sexy and very beautiful...The Moon Princess was only a myth within Quintaria...but she came to be real the story was true...she had a kingdom...The Plane of The Moonthe kingdom is a magical plane... that takes place on a moon but not of Quintaria... It's a realm outside of Quintaria...but is linked to Quintaria...The young warrior Dante was told by Norgred to see The Moon Princess Valerie...he went to see her she was so beautifulbut she was being held hostage by The Black Knight...he was a knight in pitch-black armor. He fought the Black Knighttill he was knocked down then he took his Sword of Valor and hit him with itnow the princess is free the young warrior said and they kissed you can marry meand be a part of my kingdom but he couldn't marry too much war going onthe young warrior said now your free then if I shall part from you warriorthen I shall give you a compassionate kiss so they kissed. The young warrior then left the Plane of The Moon back to Quintaria.
Chapter 13
Ordimus the Protector
There is this protector from the heat for those in needand who want the sun to be covered by the clouds...Ordimus The Cloud like god is seen he's nice and friendly...but is very magical...and is very humble...Ordimus The Kind is what is name should be...people don't worship Ordimus but they love him...and ask for his shield so that the skies may be covered from the heat...in Quintaria they worship God the creatorof life, the creator of Heaven.Pyrofalcon otherwise known as Son of The Phoenix...was a Sun Falcon to many times he got upset and it was so hot...he didn't mind he was one with the Sun. Though if it would get too hotOrdimus would cover the sky, shade the peoples of Quintaria.
Chapter 14
The Beariens
The Beariens a race of bear like beings all the way from grizzly bears to black bears to brown bears they wield their battle Axes of Bearien. The Bearman is a warrior among warriors...he is the leader of the Beariens...they were in a battle against The Lizardmen of Reptilious...The Beariens had quite a battle against the Lizardmen many Lizardmenwere slayed with Bearien Axes the rest retreated back to Reptilious their leader was quite furious. Kemilon head of the Dwarven council and Jarlos head of the Elven council went into Bearien and fought along side with the Beariens Kemilon's Axe was very special and Jarlos's Arrows were special arrows indeed infact magical. They fought and fought but there was none of the Lizardmen left to slay and cause of this The Lizard-King will be very upset to find out none returned... The Bearman said thank you Jarlos, thank you Kemilon... you are both greatly appreciated and thought of by us Beariens.
Chapter 15
The Darkstar Rostan
Darkstar Rostan is seen in his Toxidareon castle then over where Darblake is,is his fortress. and his black dragon not The Black Pearl but just BlackPearlthat's his name BlackPearl. Rostan controls a section of black dragons, crimson dragons which equals to twenty five black dragons and twenty five crimson red dragons.Once Darklord Gendon found out about Rostan he wanted to form an alliance for it was Gendon who controlled the rest of the black dragons, crimson dragons.Though also as well Queen Elfindel controlled mainly the crimson dragonsand Vampyric controlled the black dragons...The White Guardians of Quintaria, the yellow dragons of Jenotha...set to battle the legion of evil dragons. There are also blue dragons, purple dragons, ice dragons that are good dragons. Rostan also had majestic lookingcyborgs he created in knights armor called the T-7 Series but he sent them to Espitinu which then the T-7 Series took over Espitinu.
Chapter 16
Mysticwolf and the Young Warrior
The Young Warrior had set out on a journey to challenge Mysticwolfwho is not scary at all but who has mystical powers. If the Young Warrior was somehow able to defeat MysticwolfHe would can The Amulet of Mysticwolf...making him one with Mysticwolf...thus giving the young warrior all his powers.Lord Zoltar you shall pay! so he goes on an adventure...and he travels through the Lands of Mystic once he gets back and tells Deslon of his victory and that he has claimed the powers of Mysticwolf the legend.He battled some Goblins of Gobellion who were told by Elfindel thatthe young warrior was on his way home to Mystic.Lord Zoltar you shall pay and so shall the Egyptian King...I banish you from Egyptia Victor! what! You can't do that to me!yes I can and I just did!...I shall comeback...I swear...I will find my way back into Egyptia you watch...and with that the young warrior had him arrested...Nooo! You shall pay for this! I don't think so...Lord Zoltar then speaks let Victor back into Egyptia...and I'll give you anything you want...No! he will not be set free...then you shall die young warrior...then I shall die with honor...so be it...then...ah but you see I have the powers now of the legendary MysticwolfI managed to defeat him! you what! yes and I took his sword! The Sword of Mysticwolf! then to the death we shall fight...Lord Zoltar withdraws his Sword of Egyptia! and they clash swordsprepare to meet your end Lord Zoltar well prepare to meet your death young warrior.So they clash and they clash and it was a good battle indeed...Lord Zoltar used his Ancient Egyptian Staff of Horusto magically knock down the young warrior named Dante but thewarrior got up and fought on until Lord Zoltar was slayed with the Sword of Mysticwolf! While Lord Zoltar and Dante foughtVictor had escaped! And he killed the guards watching him he used his Egyptian Witchcraft to kill them but depending if he's an Egyptian wizard that practices white magic, or a wizard that practices black magic is a different thing all in itself. This Egyptian Wizard is an evil wizardof black magic. Once Dante got word from his fellow warrior's which serve him as fellow knights that Victor escaped he was nowhere to be seen but was hiding in Zoltar's fortress underneath Zoltar's throne room which leads to a secret passage their he regained his plans and then used his black magic to create slaves and possessed them to do his will. The Egyptian King needs to realize that those in slavery will cry for a heroand that they would be freed from his power in Quintaria everybody has free will.Nothing's predetermined and it's live free or die cause what is life without freedom.
Chapter 17
There is the Plane of Harmony
... Which has a female named Vanessa she is like paradise with her humble beauty that was used when Sharaun ended up fighting the Darklord's Army. The Darklord Gendonwas contempt with the fact that his Hellfire Kingdom was his own to rule and that all whoare in it bow to his every command.The spirit walkers "the Undead" who had unfinished business ended up fighting' against Darklord's army. Shauraun got the Axe of Valor to use in his fight against Gendon's army...Meanwhile...in the Land's of Angelic...Gabriel, Michael, Anthony...are seen head of the Angelic race they'rehead of the Angelic Warriors they're the head warrior's of the LightAngels.They were in a battle against Damien The Dark, even Demonitewho is a demon monster. There was a huge battle Anthony fought The Dark Wizardto a stand still, Michael slayed Demonite the demon monster. Gabriel was the one who slayed many demon fighters of Damien's they were his minions and servants.There was an epic battle between Michael and Demonite and they battle unfolded and it became intense Michael then used his Angelic Sword and thrusted it into Demonite and then used two Angelic Arrows and both arrows flew into Demonite's heart.Anthony said to Damien The Dark you challenged Norgred the great! The purple wizardto a wizard battle twice the first time you won and the second time he won well nowyour end is near. So Damien The Dark uses his dark powers against Anthony.Anthony counters by flying out of the way and blocking it with his Angelic Sword.Then Anthony takes his sword and blocks some more until he starts slashing Damien The Dark he is losing power. Damien tries fighting back he gets a few hits inNooo! this can't be happening! Damien The Dark tries to block cause he is dying.Anthony then finishes him off by thrusting it into his chest.Damien The Dark was defeated and a call of joy was heard from the peoples of Quintaria.Anthony, Michael, Gabriel were all thanked by the Lands of Angelic, by many throughout Quintaria.
Chapter 18
The Seven Shards of Evil
Sharaun was on his last mission to destroy the seven shards...
The Shard of Lust, the Shard of Fear, the Shard of Wrath, the Shard of War, the Shard of Elfindel, the Shard of Vampyric, the Shard of Darkness...Sharaun had to enter 7 planes he had to destroy each shard to move on to the nextuntil he reached the very last one if he died all hope was lost. The Shard of Lust was located in the Plane of Lustwith many possessed females they were possessed by demonsas well as lust for war...Sharaun fought many demons in this planeand then at the end of this plane he destroyed the Shard of Lust...
The Plane of Fear...
Sharaun had a challenge to face Wraiths that looked like Reaper'sBut Sharaun feared not cause that's why he was chosen to goon this sacred mission to destroy the seven evil shards.He destroyed all the Wraiths with his Flame Sword and then at the end of the planethe Shard of Fear layed before the mighty warrior. Sharaun destroyed it and then he was taken to the next plane the Plane of Wrath.The Plane of WrathThe Plane of Wrath was filled with Wrath Warrior'sSharaun ran across many Wrath Warrior's along his way...Sharaun is very experienced now and he slayed all the Wrath Warrior's and gained even more experience. Sharaun then destroyed the Shard of Wrath and went on to his next mission to destroy the next shard.
The Plane of War...
This Plane was known for it's war that was going on...Sharaun had to help destroy six cannons.There was also a knight called The War Knight...The War Knight had challenged Sharaun he used his speed,his Tigerean Axe to destroy the War Knight. Then behind the War Knight was a door leading to the Shard of War.Sharaun destroyed the Shard of War and was transported to the Plane of Elfindel.
The Plane of Elfindel
The Plane of Elfindel had evil elv's that swore themselvesto Queen Elfindel she used it to escape from Dante.Sharaun also faced Queen Elfindel and made her beg for mercybut Elfindel had the plane collapse...Sharaun managed to escapethe plane now what lay next is the plane of Vampyric.
The Plane of Vampyric...
The Plane of Vampyric was possessed with many vampires of Vampyric.The Vampire-King was already there cause he knew Sharaun was coming for the Shard of Vampyric. Sharaun fought Vampyric in an epic battleSharaun won but Vampyric had retreated from his plane back to his fortress.
The Plane of Darkness...
Sharaun defeated Vampyric but he was was not slayed he was not truly defeatedhe was defeated in battle but he still lived. This plane is has no light whatsoeverand is completely dark no lanterns no torches except for the one he foundin the Plane of Vampyric for he was foretold not to enter the Plane of Darknesswithout a torch. Sharaun found a secret passage in the Plane of Darkness whichthen gave him Glow of The Night it's called Ethereal Glow magic it was the only thing he was allowed to know of magic cause he wasn't a wizard or anything like that.Sharaun then found the Shard of Darkness but he had to defeat a black dragon first.The area was not completely dark and had some light Sharaun dodged his flame attacks from his breath he even had his Tigerean Shield and used it to block many attacks.Sharaun slayed the black dragon with his Tigerean Axe. Then Sharaun destroyedthe Shard of Darkness and then he transported back to Quintaria.No more planes, no more evil shards for they all were destroyed by Sharaun.Elfindel has gone mad and Vampyric trying to find a master plan but we have not heard the last from Queen Elfindel, Vampyric.The Seven shards had to be destroyed and they were by the warrior Sharaun andfrom the White Guardians of Quintaria to the purple cloaked wizard Norgred.
The darkness would have a fight they would never forget.
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