Inspired Messages
The Top Awaits You
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book on Inspired Messages titled The Top Awaits You written by Author Ayoola Adelaja. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Inspired Messages
The Top Awaits You
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book on Inspired Messages titled The Top Awaits You written by Author Ayoola Adelaja. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this The Top Awaits You E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
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Table of Contents
#1 - The Easiest Way
#2 - The Top Awaits You!
#3 - The Solution
#4 - What You Hear
#5 - The Pathway of Favour
#6 - Planning is Winning
#7 - Do Something Now!
#8 - The Power in Separation
#9 - Discovery
#10 - Catch This!
#11 - The Well of Life
#12 - Shine!
#13 - Things You Must Know
#14 - Laws of the Spirit
#15 - Let the Spirit
#16 - Blessing of the Moment
#17 - You Are a Seed!
#18 - Do You Have Faith
#19 - The Benefit of Focus
#20 - Information
#21 - The Mark of Distinction
#22 - Weapons of Victory
#23 - Look Beyond
#1 - The Easiest Way
#2 - The Top Awaits You!
#3 - The Solution
#4 - What You Hear
#5 - The Pathway of Favour
#6 - Planning is Winning
#7 - Do Something Now!
#8 - The Power in Separation
#9 - Discovery
#10 - Catch This!
#11 - The Well of Life
#12 - Shine!
#13 - Things You Must Know
#14 - Laws of the Spirit
#15 - Let the Spirit
#16 - Blessing of the Moment
#17 - You Are a Seed!
#18 - Do You Have Faith
#19 - The Benefit of Focus
#20 - Information
#21 - The Mark of Distinction
#22 - Weapons of Victory
#23 - Look Beyond
#24 - Ways to Multiplications
#25 - Agents of Change
#26 - The Word
#27 - Are You in the Go
#28 - What is Next
#29 - The Wind Mind
#30 - God!
#31 - What Do You Believe
#32 - Work Out Your Salvation
#33 - We Must Emphasize This-
#34 - Living a Victorious Life
#35 - Kingdom Tools
#36 - The Mind of Christ
#37 - Your Thoughts
#38 - The Secret of Living
#39 - The Corner Stone of Faith
#40 - Basic Principles of Prayer
#41 - Resisting the Devil
#42 Nothing Shall Be Impossible
#43 - Fighting Against Waste
#44 - From Glory to Glory
#45 - The Time of Life
#46 - Walking in His Glory
#47 - Make Room(s) for Him
About the Book
#25 - Agents of Change
#26 - The Word
#27 - Are You in the Go
#28 - What is Next
#29 - The Wind Mind
#30 - God!
#31 - What Do You Believe
#32 - Work Out Your Salvation
#33 - We Must Emphasize This-
#34 - Living a Victorious Life
#35 - Kingdom Tools
#36 - The Mind of Christ
#37 - Your Thoughts
#38 - The Secret of Living
#39 - The Corner Stone of Faith
#40 - Basic Principles of Prayer
#41 - Resisting the Devil
#42 Nothing Shall Be Impossible
#43 - Fighting Against Waste
#44 - From Glory to Glory
#45 - The Time of Life
#46 - Walking in His Glory
#47 - Make Room(s) for Him
About the Book
I acknowledge my mother whose care cannot be equaled by any being on earth. I acknowledge my fiancée, Sade Awe whose love has been a light to my life. I acknowledge my pastor and father, Amos Adetunji, by whose voice I found the true words of knowledge that changed my life. Lastly I acknowledge all my friends, whose encouragement and criticism added strength to me. Ultimately, I give thanks to the Almighty God, my Strength, my Hope, my motivation, my reward, my only master and love. Thank you Jesus.
I dedicate this book
To the Glory of God,
My Joy, my Motivation,
My only Mentor and Reward.
I love you Lord!
The Easiest Way
The easiest way to pulling open the curtains of heaven to bring in the showers of blessings is through knowledge and understanding. Thick understanding will grant you quick access into the strong house of blessings. Understanding opens the eye to see "as we ought to see" and when you 'see' you will be "free'. [John 9:41]. Your Freedom is guaranteed by your vision.
For us to get new instructions and understanding we must be ready to 'be taken out of touch.' What I mean is that you must be ready to leave your present convenient zone. Stay out of touch with the people you've always known for a while. Go out of touch, but stay in touch with Jesus. [Prov. 18:1] You are not just called to be a worker you are called to be a thinker. You can't make news amidst the noise. You need to separate yourself to Jesus, to think upon whatever you have and don't have. Your thought is the incubator that births your destiny. Encounter with God comes by total separation to Jesus and for Jesus.
It takes quality digging and meditation on the scriptures to have an encounter with God. [Sam 30:6] The way to see clearly is to fasten your look very well on the subject. Then put some labour into what you have seen. The kingdom is a place of seeing what belongs to you. Look deep – that is the way to understanding. Look to see the secret of promotions; the secret that hides breakthrough. Look with zeal. It is either you change or start seeing well or your life remains in chains.
Encounter with God comes by total separation to Jesus and for Jesus.
The Top Awaits You!
Everybody craves for the top but only a few gets there. All does not see the path to value, only a few find it. But the truth is that the top is vacant and you are mostly sought to take the post. The bottom is always crowded because majority lives with an average mentality. Jesus is the only sure way to the top and these are some of the elements He expects to find in you.
Only a very few desires to be great, Majority dream up to an average level. You will need genuine desire to be what you want and take up your place at the top.
Desire moves you and everything around you. Many people want to talk with their mouth; only few moves with their desire. Talk and walk with your mind. Desire wakes up your reasoning. Life will prove stubborn to a weak mind, but can never stop a strong-minded visionary. If you desire God enough, God will desire you. Never you do anything that you don't have any desire for.
Until that thing gains entrance into your heart it cannot give you any treasure. Nothing moves God unless if it comes from the heart. Until a thing possess and you are obsessed with it, it cannot give you any possession.
Every man that will excel does whatever he is doing because he loves it. That is, you are seen as a slave to the course to which you are committed. Have love for God; allow that love to transmit to His people and to reflect in your service.
God almighty these things I desire so greatly before the end of this month: that Your words will bear results in my life. That Your purpose and will for my life be given an oiling for exploits. In Jesus name!
The Solution
Until you know the benefits of knowing Christ you will and can never be really excited. The knowledge of Christ is an entrance into life. (Prov. 26:2) Christ is the course and foundation of life, so without a deep understanding of Jesus, your future is not in view. Jesus is the way to life and Jesus is the way in life. (Job 8:12&13). No matter how fast you may run if you are not on the right way you can't get to the destination. (John 11:9). When you don't know the way all you do is exhaust your energy.
Jesus says, "I am the prince of peace". The more you grow in Him the more your life conforms to His peace.
Christ is the only way to favour in life, so stop struggling with life. Just love and have the knowledge of Him. The knowledge of Christ is the substance of faith. You cannot stop the inflow of testimonies in a life that is constantly having revelation about The Christ. He is the beginning of life, the transformer of lives and the end of it. You don't have to struggle with the crowd, learn the Phoenician woman's secret and go forward for the hem of His garment. Grab a revelation abut the greatest give of life Jesus.
No matter how fast you may run if you are not on the right way you can't get to the destination.
What You Hear
We hear negatives things because we have been programmed the negative way from our childhood. A long time ago someone designed the only solution to the problems of mankind, but up till now the problems of the crowd lingers. It is because the crowd, though know about the solution, but refused to stay with the solution – Jesus Christ. We are easily distracted by our exploding world of lies. The more you are with Jesus [His words]; the more Jesus becomes real to you and in you. Your life then becomes a testimony of His glory.
The power in the words of God does not come by imitation; it comes by staying with Him and His words. The power does not come by cramming it comes by staying.
How many victories will you record before you believe Him? The Lord prepares us for victory by giving us testimonies. If anyone has to remind the devil of the victories of God in your life, it is you.
God moves at your tears, your heartfelt prayers offered with passion. When all you have is a way before you, then for that you will be ready to do anything. A prayer that moves your heart will move God.
If anyone has to remind the devil of the victories of God in your life, it is you.
The Pathway of Favour
Your weakness attracts the favour of God. Where you are weak ask God for strength [it's your right] and the power of God will manifest better in that area. Anytime you recognize a weakness in your life that is when you are standing on the pathway of favour.
* THE PATHWAY OF UNDERSTANDING: - A wise man is strong and good understanding opens the way for favour.
* GIVING: - Everybody loves a giver. Giving open up the way of favour to you. Your time, money, smiles and everything is very much sought for by somebody.
* LOVE: - 1 Sam 30:11-12. When you open up your heart with love to everybody, favour opens up to you. Do you want love and favour from any man; love that person, pray for him/her in love.
Your time, money, smiles and everything is very much sought for by somebody.
Planning is Winning
- You can't live amidst noise and make news.
- You'll never know how blessed you are until you start planning with what you have.
- Be adequately informed on the subject matter.
- The journey of success begins with purpose.
- Planning is the arrangement of factors and facts in order and manner to activate a purpose.
- Planning is the product of reasoning.
- Reasoning is the act of rational, logical and analytical thinking.
- Planning therefore is the application of rational, logical and analytical thinking in the pursuit of an actual purpose. Planning is the trademark of thinkers.
- Planning is approaching your set goal with appropriate counsel.
- Every great man obeys the fundamental law of planning which is separation.
- Planning is winning. So plan with the knowledge of Christ?
Read – [1 Cor. 2:16, Job 8:7, Prov. 5:22, Matt. 15:29, Matt. 13:29, Prov. 24:3-5]
Do Something Now!
The man in you only needs a demand to actualize his full potentials. I want to believe that Joseph could have remained a dreamer for as long as he remained in his father's compound. He could have gone on frustrating his jealous brothers with his buoyant' dreams and desires. But the truth would have remained that the unfueled dream and desire of a man is a good example of a fiction. It will die as each day passes by. The fuel of dreams and desires is 'work.'
Be committed to your dreams. What you are committed to you become creative in. Many times we pray for the heavens to open and for showers of blessings to come down because of what God's word says in Phil.4; 19. But brothers we will only be praying amiss if we don't understanding what the heavenly blessings of God demands. They demand work!
Nothing works more than work. Nothing beautifies more than creativity. You have to place a demand on the unused, dormant abilities of God already longing for expressions in you. There can be no expression without the decision to put yourself to work.
Purpose basically and essentially needs pursuit to get result. A purpose without results brings only insults. Don't be afraid of doing something about that desire and dreams of yours. But may I just stress it here a little that God only rewards and backs up the man who's living and walking is at the centre of His ultimate will for his life.
The Power in Separation
The celebrations and dances and shouting those accompany a good report are usually unspeakable. Man gets exited when he has discovered or seen the realization of a dream. We rejoice for all these and I know God also rejoices when this happens. The father says, "... It is meant that we marry." However friend, today I show you how to excel above the crowd and the common ways of man.
I have discovered that great man of the bible; even those of our societies and world, are men that knows "how to see". God is excited when you are happy, but much more when you invest your life and excitement in the 'essentials'. It is important that in the midst of celebrations we discover realities.
Sometimes ago, when oil was discovered in Nigeria, there were celebration; pictures were taken people drank and eat. But who could tell that barely 40 years later Nigeria would find herself where she is today. The only memory we have of that day was the suffering of the masses. The leaders then lacked insight. Today Nigeria is in an unimaginable depth of debt.
If at the time you celebrate your tenth; fifteenth or twentieth birthday somebody told you that you would still be where you are, would you have believed? John Mason asked, " would the boy you were be proud of the man you are?'
Moses was a man trained in the king's palace as a prince and most likely a future prime Minister in Egypt. He was having a swell of a good time. Moses could have chosen to remain on that part. But the greatest leader was made out of him when he chose to move away, apart from the celebration of the palace. He went unto his people, looked upon them and saw what many could not see. Men that have a heart after God are men who are sensitive enough to the heartfelt burdens of God for His people. Because of the burdens of the people Moses could no longer celebrate.
At a time Israel was horrified by an experience. The hearts of men failed them. Even the king became afraid. But in that same country lived a young shepherd boy, who discovered himself, his God and the love for his people, by removing himself into the bush from the celebration in his father's house. His name was David.
Just when God needed a man sensitive enough to bear his passion, David made himself available. He saw a rattling fool blaspheming the God of Israel and his anger was kindled against the enemies of God. He ached for the glory of his God and the freedom of his people in his generation. Men who have succeeded in making positive marks in this world are men who in the midst of celebrations were able to look, see, and feel the burden of the Holy Spirit. They are sensitive to the will of God for his people. These were men who only want to live for purpose and not for currency.
In my mind, I have walked through life and have seen that only few have visions that are God oriented. Only a very few desires and labour for a change in the state of the people. Many lives have lost tracks of their existence, they now chase only after shadows. A shadow that our societies now represent. This is evident even in the church.
Child of God, are you ready to be part of history, as many have only chosen to get blown away by history? What do you see in the midst of the celebrations? Success can be a deceit to progress if not well understood. The top you are embracing now is but a bottom to another top. Look beyond the noise and choose to make news. Choose to make good news.
It is important that in the midst of celebrations we discover realities.
Every great man or woman today is where he or she is by discovery. Discovery is work and is available only to those that work it out, and put it to work. Discovery is in separation. Discovery is sitting down and saying to yourself, "Hidden in the words of God is something God meant to transform my life with". Until you accept that you have little or nothing you don't embark on the ever fulfilling mechanize of discovery. What you have not discovered remain covered, and can't be recovered. It will remain covered, untapped, untouched, unused and unseen. The secrets that are meant to promote you are hidden away in some mysteries, it is left for you to dig deep, search and sweep. There is power in discovering the words of God meant for you. Move closer to him.
Catch This!
Jer. 6:16, Matt. 9:23-25
Look from the place where you are. Don't leave out the present, look from what you have and see what you are going to have. The Lord says you have no limit henceforth. When you look to the west, the east, the north and the south, there will be blessings waiting for you. There will always be a land waiting to be conquered and a blessing for you to explore. There will be no limit to your rising, In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Jer. 17:23-26
The Well of Life
When God is set to bless a man He can use anything as instrument. God thirst a man's heart when He's about to do something in his life. His living water in you increases the thirst, which eventually break open your follow ground bringing out the hidden treasures in you.
FAITH: Matt. 9:20-23
Faith is the great sledgehammer that smashes the rocks in life to cause the release of living waters. The miracle gotten by faith makes whole. It takes faith to draw from the well of salvation. You tap good things by having faith in the only source of all good things, which is God through Jesus Christ.
GLADNESS: Matt. 14:13-15, Isaiah 12:3
The reason why you find frustration in almost everything you do is because you approach everything with complains. What you have presently is the very thing God wants to bless. Thank God for what He has given you. A happy heart is full of ideas and good reasoning. Luke 15:11, Isaiah 61:3b.
Every star that has ever shine came as a result of prophesy. Lives that will shine therefore have to discover a particular word of prophecy said about him or her. God give a particular word to any man that is going to shine in a generation. Luke 4:16-18. That word then gets you focused.
If you base your life upon any other foundation apart from the word of God you or bound to fail. "No other foundation can any man lay except that which has been laid." Your purpose is the means to your destiny. You can only discover what your purpose is through the words of God. Heb. 11: 17.
Every life that will shine must first die. Death to this world and the things of this world. You must be regularly dying to the world. Death brings multiplication. To be a shining star you have to be obedient.
These Things You Must Know About the End
Result is not free neither is it cheap; you must be ready to pay the price. You must be prepared for success mind the cost of the end; it is the only thing that will justify your abilities. What you put in, how much you put into the beginning of a project will determine what you'll get out of it. What will determine the beauty of your end is the cost you placed and invested into it.
How much do you value your end? If you place a great value on your end then you will be ready to pay whatever cost is placed on it. Never you abandon the project God has placed in your hand. Focus the result of the end. Jesus said, "... to this end was I brought forth". Nothing good comes without pressure. There is a responsibility in your hand. Your preparation counts. It takes a committed learner to make a winner.
Consider organize yourself before stepping out to walk. When you lack the ability to plan with what you have. You definitely become a slave to the enemy.
Laws of the Spirit
Men don't want to walk in the spirit because of their ignorance of the laws of the spirit. The laws of the spirit set you above the physical laws of man.
The law of the spirit brings life to all. The law sets limitations against something that will definitely lead to death. The spirit gives life, the letter killeth. Operate with the higher law of the spirit to live above the common ways of man.
This law lasts and lasts and makes other laws ordinary. It is in God's glory to hide things because in their revelations is the promotion of God's children and the church.
What will make you a God over the situation of men is hidden in the revolutions in the words of Christ.
"He makes them God unto whom the words of God came". Every divine revelation you have of God will automatically earn the markings of heaven. The words of God works more when the trouble is greater and the enemies are many. Anytime you are confused lay your hands on your head and declare that the revelations of God's word should shower down on you.
THE LAW OF FAITH: - Heb. 11:6, John 11:42
If the just must live above the laws of man [John 11:42], then the just must be ready to live by faith; and if the just must live by faith, then the just must make faith a life style.
God will never bless you above the level of your obedience because in the real sense of it your lifting lies in your obedience. The words may not sound logical and palatable, but obedience to it places you on the right track of promotion.
Let the Spirit
It takes a diligent heart to hear God's voice. To enjoy the blessings of God we need to be led by the spirit. The how, the way and the knowledge that can take you to the fulfillment of your destiny on earth is the Holy Spirit. Develops a relationship with the Holy Spirit. You can't have Him and remain under. You belong to the top. Your opportunities are tied to the Holy Spirit. The only bridge and connection between where you are now and where you wish and desire to be is the Holy Spirit. When you allow Him to speak more to you often, your speed increases.
However, it does not take so much to be led, but patience is required. John 2, Isaiah 30:15. If you need uncommon result then you need uncommon leading. Wait patiently for His leading. If you can wait more you will hear more. God's voice is sometimes hidden in patience. It is the man that is prepared to wait that eventually wins the race.
If you are shallow in the word you will find it difficult to be led of God. The leading and instructions you need are already written down in the bible. 1 Sam. 3:12. The leading of the Holy Spirit is imbedded in the words of God. Discover the worth of the scriptures in your life; test every spirit with God's word.
Praise is a defense; it creates an edge around your life. The machinery that stares the Holy Spirit alive in you is praise. Sing more and more spiritual songs of praise.
God's voice is sometimes hidden in patience.
Blessing of the Moment
The past is gone and no one will be able to get hold of it. The future is still ahead and the we have no hold of it now; but there is something we a very sure of enjoying, and that is today. There is opportunity in now!
The easiest way to blessings is by making up your mind on what you want to do with the hour. Get information about what you are doing and what you want to do. Eccl. 11:7. Information lead to creativity and transformation. Linger still until you get information on the problems. There are different people on earth: while some sees something and ask 'why? Other sees nothing and asked 'why not? Persist to get the needed information. You can only get knowledge by being inquisitive.
Work your memory to remember the victories on the past and take you toll on today with the strength of your testimonies. Memory sometimes is more powerful that knowledge. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring the relevant things that you need into your mind. Luke 24:44.
You Are a Seed!
Every great thing in the ministry has a beginning. Every great man of God began his ministry unnoticeable, but with a full awareness of his ability to grow. It takes the man that forges on to have the dream accomplished. It takes a man of decision to stand in the time of temptation.
God needs a man, but not just any man. He need a man full of priority and sold out for Christ. There is a portion of God's garden that is meant for you to till. You must come to a level that the Jesus you know you can die for.
The time to sow may not be very attractive but you have to sow any way and anyhow. Everything great in life is obtained from God and it is obtainable by you.
Learn to be peculiar. Until you celebrate your peculiarity you may never amount to anything. Stand up to stand out.
Then go ahead to tell others about whatsoever you are in Christ. If you keep quiet the glory may fade away. Water someone so that your water may not stink.
There is a portion of God's garden that is meant for you to till.
Do You Have Faith?
If your answer to the above is yes, then let me ask you, 'can you wait?' Be ready to start every endeavor in accordance to God's instructions. Imagine a race: it begins with a set – set – set and Go! Imagine a man, who took off before the whistle, got to the middle as at the time everyone was just taken on the track. You will accept that man will get to the finish line first. But then you can be sure that man got counted out earlier at the start of the race. There is a time of incubation and a time of manifestation.
How can you claim yours is different when you are doing thing the same way others are. For the assignment of 40 years God trained Moses for 80 years.
Your result in life is a function of how much time you have spent in God's presence; how much and how long have you walked with God. God alone know how to work with the rich colours transforming it into a miraculous.
For the assignment of 40 years God trained Moses for 80 years.
The Benefit of Focus
Everything in the kingdom has a price. You don't move until you know the benefit. It is not the beauty that matters, but the focus. Matt. 9:36. One of the things that give happiness in life is your achievement. So many lives are not excited because they are not or wrongly focused. Your life has been clothed with gifts, opportunities and blessings, but without focus you may loose eventually. If you are on wrong tracks you will land in a wrong destination. A miserable man is an unfocused man. Until you give your life a meaning you don't get all the things that have been accrued to you. The reason makes the plan.
Focus gives planning to you life. Nothing motivates a man more than his focus. The problems we have are problems of planning; focus helps us to plan. Give your life in the line of your focus. Your life, physical and spiritual, automatically moves in the direction of your focus.
Focus gives you power to endure. Heb. 12:2. The journey to the top is an upward task let the joy at the end lead you on to that top. A focused man does not need to be convinced before he does the right things.
Focus makes you forget the errors and failures of the past. A focused man is never a failure. A man of focus does not dwell on how many times he has tried; he reaches out continually for a future glory and prize. Don't consider the praises of the people until you have gotten exactly what you want.
The major problem of the mind is, 'to choose a destination'. Give your mind enough reasons why a thing must be done and your mind will begin to work out ways to accomplishing it. Focus motivates you to action. Stay focused! You must always be having a developmental project for yourself on which to spend your time and money.
When a man is looking around for the encouragement of others it is because he has lost his focus.
Focus also reduces wastes. Trim your life to suit your focus and dreams. Pay importance to the things that add value to your life. Go for your focus and it will promote you.
Information doesn't come to you; you have to go for it. One of the ways you get information is by asking. It is not just what you are doing that matters but how you do it. If you cannot explain what you are doing it shows you don't have the knowledge of what you are doing. Then information must be sought for.
You must compliment what you have learnt. Be exceptional in your area of strength. Connect information by enjoying debate and rubbing minds with others. Promote competition.
Action speaks louder than words; daze your critics with your results. Information, secular or spiritual turns the counsels of the enemies against you into foolishness.
It is not just what you are doing that matters but how you do it.
The Mark of Distinction
The only thing that makes you distinct is your difference. Celebrate your difference and your peculiarity. I'm redeemed to be peculiar on earth. Nothing brings out a difference except if it is uncommon. Your deep love for God and your deep interest in what you are doing will show and mark a distinction in your life. It doesn't as much take time to be distinguished; it only takes love and interest.
The way you do what you are doing will make a difference in your result. Let your work complement your confession. Heaven pays quality service to those who find joy in hard work. The payday will always reveal an idle man. Put in quality time, stay with it until you are known for it. Time has the ability of perfecting you.
Thereafter, your gratitude to God will determine your altitude in life.
It doesn't as much take time to be distinguished; it only takes love and interest.
Weapons of Victory
Every achiever must first face one problem or the other; it takes a strong and wise man to see opportunities in problems. Mat. 14:23-31. Faith is to a Christians what an eyeglass is to eye defects.
It takes faith to see. Faith is the opposite of fear. Faith is the substance of your future aspirations. The good things you get in life are determined by the height of your faith. But faith only comes via the words of God.
The word of God creates gap between people. The difference between two individuals is not actually in their height, complexion or language, but in their information or word level. Value God's words. Peter prayed, longed, begged and thirsts for it. If you are able to hear God the world will hear you.
If you are tired of carrying your life by yourself then please drop it in God's hand. Whatever finds its way into God's hand automatically becomes a mighty weapon, a miracle. God will always give you a choice; either to succeed or to fail. Philemon 1:14. Analyze your choice and choose the one that leads to life. But know this that "the flesh profited nothing the spirit leads to life".
Sometimes we need to change our position for our destiny to change. Sometime we need to change our habits. Change is a mystery for victory. If you refuse to change you will be changed by circumstances.
Praise is the dress code into the banquet of winners in the kingdom of God. Praise God with testimonies and thanksgiving.
Look Beyond
Luke 8:42-43
Your position on the ladder does not matter, overtaking is allowed. Ignore your liabilities, disabilities, complains, circumstances and problems. Focusing you disadvantage cannot take you to the top; you need to celebrate your advantages. Don't consider what you are loosing and what you have lost consider what you still have. Only the tough ones move on in unfavorable circumstances. You must have shock absorbers; it helps you to over take easily.
You get to the top by what you know that other doesn't. You must have value for knowledge. Envy knowledge and not material things. Don't struggle with position struggle for knowledge. Grace increases by knowledge. You cannot be priced until you have pressed. Your pressing will prove your thirst for Jesus. 1 Cor. 15:9. It is your pressing that determines your prize.
Ways to Multiplications
We are all born with opportunities. Opportunities of life, breath and so on, your location is an opportunities. Gen. 13:14. Don't complain about what you don't have think and use the opportunities that you have. Start from where you are and with what you have let even your enemies refer to you as a hard man and a good user of opportunities. God sees you as an opportunity for a revival and a breakthrough in the world and life of his people. We are all product and results of opportunities. The time, the strength and the relationships you have are all opportunities.
The secret thing about opportunities is that they are tuned. How you use, when you use and what become of your opportunities will determine what you become in life. Opportunity is like a season. Life is in seasons; take an advantage of your season. John 9.
Work brings expansion. Work with the things you have. Work gives your life a meaning. When a blank space is in your environment you must prepare yourself to fit into that position. How relevant are you in your immediate environment? It is not your presence alone that matter but your input.
Agents of Change
It takes a force to have a change. Until power is deposited and explored you remain stagnant. Change is not a matter of who you know in the secular world, it is a matter of your decision and your ability to exert force.
It is not enough that you know something is good, but it is better to have the understanding the advantages and principles that made it good. Every one at the pool of Bethesda had a problem or the other, but only a few had the power and understanding to live above it.
Pains are inevitable. You either take the pain of discipline or take the pain of regret now! Don't misunderstanding the place you of pain. Paul says, 'I put myself under pressure lest...' If failure pains you will run away from it. Pain is a disorder and can effect a change.
If you what something done right; if you what a change do it yourself, don't wait for somebody or some season. Move to effect the change. Assume the state of responsibility. Don't be too polite to make decisions. The number one product that is mostly manufactured in the world is excuse. Influence your world and don't allow your environment to influence you. The only thing Jesus Christ offers you is the words, you are the one who will do the rising, holding on to his words.
The Word
1 TUN. 1:18
The prophetic words spoken about you are not meant to be slept on; the devil will contest it all the way. It is left for you to fight your way through. The spiritual war is a war of words; you can only win by confessing the words. Say it until you see it happen. Wage a good warfare by the words of God through you mouth; this is the good fight of faith. God has placed the words of power in the mouth babes. With your mouth confession is made unto your deliverance. When the word of God and problem come in contact one has to break the other; the bible says, "but the scriptures cannot be broken."
Are You in the Go?
"On your mark! Get set! And Go!"
And the race began. Muscle glitters in the afternoon sun as strong and able athletes made for the final crossing lines ahead. A few seconds later and it was over. Six athletes had crossed the finishing line. Jubilation and celebration followed. A winner had emerged. But afar off were lane 2 and 6 athletes. The two were wearing sad faces. They did not even start the race with others.
Lane 2 athlete had complained of a bad leg and his companion blamed his hearing disability. But the truth is they were not in the Go! -So could not win the race.
'Come, be my disciples and I will show you how to fish for people". [Emphasis mine] Matt. 4:19. The Christian race starts with 'come'. If you are a Christian today know that your salvation started with an embracing call to service.
However in Matt. 28:19, the Lord ended His ministry on earth by committing it into our hands with a 'Go'. The president of the ministry, at 'the last board meeting' said, 'go and make disciples of all nations...'
Who are those expected in the 'go'? They are the same who were in the 'come!' Many of us are in the come but not in the 'go!' There is something wrong with that because it makes the calling incomplete. Paul said in Phil. 3:12-14, that he strain to reach the end of the race. How do you win a race if you are not in the 'go!' And this is responsible for the frustrations and dejection of many saved Christians today. Paul said, 'how would they believe if no one preached the gospel to them.
You and I have been sent has lights unto the gentiles. If you are not as important then the Lord needed not to have made the statement referred to as the great commission. The truth is that your salvation is incomplete until you join the train. And race for the finish line, you have no excuse whatsoever.
It takes a man who is in the go to common the signs. "And those sign shall follow them who believe..." Those who command the sign are the moving ones. They move and the signs follow".
What is Next?
There is always a next stage. A lot of us have remained on the same spot because of the inability to hear the Lord's instructions; so many do not know when to move. We need a hearing hear and a discerning heart and spirit from God. Ask God what the next thing and point of action is. Matt. 12:20.
You have been committed into the calendar of the kingdom. At the junction of genuine decision, the enemy always strike. At the path of germination the enemies always raise a barrier. Be awake lest the enemies sow the wrong seed into your life. Find the right thing to do and stay with it while the hour for it last. Promotion is in discovery. The value you place on God's word will determine how much you invest into it. The purpose of God needs and takes research. Make up your mind, the task ahead requires determination.
The Wind Mind
Phil. 3:13, 14
Warfare are the things, we must encounter in the journey of life. Our strength should therefore by used in the direction of winning the battles. The greatest battlefield of a man is the heart. If you loose your mind you will definitely not have good news to tell. Every attack is against the mind. At every point in time there is a war going on in the mind. God will not remove the battle from your mind; He will however teach you hoe to overcome those battles. In the process of praying you must not loose your mind. Pray intelligently. The heaven is loaded ready to release blessings from heaven open you, the only barriers you. The capacity and the content of his mind determine the life of a man. The quality of your mind is determined by the quality of the words of God you carry. Your beauty is not on the outside but on the inside, your heart. What makes a man to win?
Everything that set a man up is the heart. Everything that pull a man down is the heart. If you can't win the battle of your mind, you loose every other thing.
A winning mind is the quickened mind, a seasoned mind John 6:63. Constantly season your mind with the words of God so that it won't go out of hand. Keep your spirit alive by a constant life of worship to God. You can't be a word addict and still lack insight to the situation of life. The word of God sharpens you mind. Rub your mind with the greatest behind the scriptures, the mind of Jesus. Luke 8:28, when there is something concrete in you, you will draw attention to yourself. What you need is an understanding that is greatest than what is obtainable outside.
The winning is an exerted mind. Gen. 13:14. You need a mind that is lifted above sorrow and pity. Until your mind is lifted you will not see very well. Your attitude determines your altitude. Your future is what you make of your now. Let nothing keeps your spirit down. Your out look determines your outcome e. it is not the position, it is the look. Let nothing keep your spirit down.
The winning mind is the seeing mind. If you can't see good things your can't get there if your imagination can affect your emotions, your feelings your character and your mood, then it must definitely have the ability to affecting your position and taking into God presence. Impossibility and possibility exists in the mind. God told Abraham, "You must see what others can see. Heavy eye brings close mind your power is in your focus". A winning mind sees impossibility. The environment from which you are viewing it determines the color of the thing. Locate yourself in God's words and from their view your life, and you will see how possible your dreams are. What you focus have the ability to over shadow your mind and testimony. You need to see correctly to get corrected.
God will not show himself to you as great until you see him as great. He is God all by himself. God does not need a proof to tell you He is great; He already is. The heart is very powerful. When your heart is right your success is right. Every sin a man commits is a self-destruct thing. The devil, only uses your in-built power to brings you down, even your gift and potential. A child of God is not expected to work hard, try hard and so on to stay away from sin; he already has.
What Do You Believe?
What you and I believe makes the difference in our lives. You accomplish only as much as you believe. No man gets to rise above the level of his faith. Matt. 9:28. When you believe you are justified for a miracle. John 6:27. The instrument of your believe is your heart. What your heart feeds upon determines what you believe; and what you believe eventually determines your experience. Every man is a product of his belief. What and whom you believe will dictate your impacts in life.
Your belief is determined by what you see, what you hear and what you know. God will not do anything without your mind. Your faith is the agreement sheet between you and God, guaranteeing your miracle. Nothing moves God more than faith. The Christian life is one that evolves great things continually in accordance to the measure of faith that Christian possesses. All things are yours but they are only accessible through faith in Christ Jesus. Heb. 11:11.
Work Out Your Salvation
A lot of people are deprived because they can't see. Until you see a promise you can't receive it. You must see your prayers for them to work. Elijah laughed the prophets of Baal scum because he was already seeing fire. He understood the way God works. WHAT YOU SEE WITH THE EYES OF FAITH GOD IS UNDER OBLIGATION TO PERFORM. John 6:46. When you ask based on knowledge no power on earth can withhold your answer. What you know and believe will determine what you get. Knowing what is good is the foundation of good thing in your life. Many people are poor today, even in church, because of their choice. What do you think is good?
To have break through you must stand-up. Gen. 39:3, Gen. 37: 3-7. Standing up means dreaming new dreams. What made Joseph great were his dreams. If you can dream a better tomorrow you will have a better tomorrow.
You need to come out! Be extra ordinary. Let someone that is meeting you for the first time say, he's never met anyone like you? Only a distinguished man is handled the post of power and honor. Be distinct. Celebrate your difference not your similarity. Do that thing that is uncommon. Our call is a call to be different and unique. Discover that thing the world lacks and come out with it to meet the demand of the world. You are not demanded for until you are unique.
Lastly, stretch forth-spread your wings. If you want beautification then you must desire to stretch and to be stretched. You must be willing to pay the price. Your responsibility for greatness is the WORK.
We Must Emphasize This...
What you hear determines what you become. The light you take in determines the life that you carry. Hab. 2:3, Luke 8:18. The word that you hear is a seed, when it gets sowed into your heart, you will bring forth a corresponding necessary products.
How you see Christ, what you see of Him determines what you know of Him, which eventually determines what He makes of you. When you lack the vision of an end you will end up nowhere. Write the kind of life you want for yourself on your mind. The more complete you are the less active you become. There is a gift in you are yet to discover, the devil knows this too.
Living a Victorious Life
It is certain that there will be storm and it is also certain that you will overcome them. You have been so designed to fulfil some particular purpose and so, for that reason, no storm can overcome you; the purpose must be established. You have been equipped to overcome them all.
No matters who you are there will always be a time of storm, such time prepares your heart for a greater tomorrow. You can't achieve greatness cheaply, but don't allow the devil to over estimate your problem. Storm itself is an evidence of victory. "God is going to use every of your weakness as instruments of enlistment for you.
Every time there is a problem in your life gather proofs that God can and has solved similar problems for others. The devil finds it difficult to resist proofs and testimonies. See what God is doing in the lives of others and be eager to get your own.
Discover the promises and words of your own in the scriptures. Don't get moved only because others are moved, get moved up to the extent that it moves God. There is an instruction for every move. Once you hear His instructions in His words your problem becomes solved. His words make us lord over storms. Every star in life has a connection with God through His words. The only limitation you can have is the one set by the level of your faith. You can't be greater than your faith, just like you can't build a sky – scrapper on strip foundation. The words and promises will remain dormant without faith.
Kingdom Tools for Advancement
Your advancement is just around the corner, but most people lack the tools to enter into it. Only a man that is without enough tools turns and looks back. What you carry, the tools, determines how thick you are and makes the difference in your life.
Daily instructions from God are very important. When Jesus Christ prayed, 'give us this day our daily bread', the lord meant 'give us our daily instructions'. His instruction must become our most needed bread. Psalm 16:1, Isaiah, Matt. 4. Every advancement in the life of a man can be traced to God. Daily loaded with God's instructions, you will become a superman. You enter your rest the day you enter His instructions for your life. His instructions are in the manual of 'life', the 'bible'.
Your faith is to your life as your cloth is to your body. You cannot get any favour or go anywhere without your faith Jesus Christ emphasized it. It takes faith to take risk, in which case it is no longer risk, but a strange move 'in God'. All men of faith are like mountains. It is not your knowledge and understanding that is lacking, it is your faith level that is low. Does your faith have foundation? You cannot venture on the adventure of faith without a worthy word. God will only perform to the level of what you know and believe he can do. Faith must be complemented by a corresponding step of action. Moses had to step into the river before the river parted. In God actions are weighed. The first step is always the hardest. Never you underrate yourself and the things God has given you. Thank God for where you are and what you have and move on. All the beautiful things around you come from nothing (only God can do a thing like that).
Let your faith be focused on Jesus and you will not listen nor see the wind when it becomes boisterous. Have a fixed faith.
Before God hear you publicly He must have heard you privately. Never you be afraid of the enemy. These are your enemies' shortcomings: (1) God is with you and no them (2) There is a whole in his head uncovered, an opportunity in his head; you only need to hit that target (3) Every calculation of the enemy is faulty.
The Mind of Christ
If your mind is not the mind of Christ it doesn't matter who you are, you just won't matter on the long run. Having the mind of Christ is acknowledging and agreeing with him about His words and the works of His hands.
Living in righteousness grants you access to having the mind of Christ. When you love what he loves and hate what he hates then you are a step further into having his mind for every sin you commit you kill your senses.
The mind of Christ is not shallow but deep. Gracious and glorious are the words of Jesus Christ and it is so because He is and dwells in His words. Daniel 9:2, "Deep calleth unto the deep."
Your Thoughts
Men think impossibilities too much that is why only few exploit is wrought through us. Open up your heart to God's ideas. Success is your portion and it is not enough that you pray for it, you must know the requirements of success. It is not all working that makes a man successful; your thinking will cause you to be celebrated. No man will be successful without knowledge. Success in life is a product of discovery of secretes and mysteries. Wisdom makes fat. Go for the awareness of a thing and you will deliver in that area. It is not enough that you have knowledge; you must move to make that knowledge deliver. It is not enough that you have opportunities you must seek a way to enter into it by understanding. Every knowledge and words of God must be processed to produce. Reasoning does the processing. Whatever the level of your understanding is, it goes a long way with your success. Begin the process from where you know. There are so many front liners in lives that are on the wrong tracks they end up confused seeking someone to help them.
The Secret of Living
There are so many that are alive by sight but in the real sense of it they do not exist. A living man enjoys the fruits of life. John 6:47. The secret of living is the word of God in you. It is the only vital thing. John 1:3. Your life insurance is the instruction from God's mouth. It is not how much you look physically but how much you see and have within. It is not what is on you that matter but what is in you. Before you dance outside let it be that you have danced inside. Your mind cannot be completely blocked; something is either flowing in or out of you. When you lack instructions from God all kinds of evil will flow into you. It does not matter your status with God, you are as naked as a street whore in the devils vineyard.
Every man has a belief system and your being alive is a product of your belief system. This is how to wrought the works of God, by changing your belief system. You live by faith, you die by lack of faith. It does not matter how holy and vibrant you are in God, if you refuse and lack the faith that brings prosperity, your life will be characterized by frustrations. You are as small as your faith and as big as your faith. The size of your faith matters a lot. John mason said, "The major ingredient that is responsible for lack of joy today is faith".
Give thanks: There is nothing we have that we have not received. The only way to live is to appreciate all he has given us. Until you are full of thanks you can't be full of life. Have privileged mentality.
Also you need to condition your heart more than your hear. The words of God are the conditioner that acts like salt in your heart. It seasons your heart against damage and spoil. The real you is in you. The condition of your heart will determine the value the word of God takes in your life. Your heart must be conditioned for fruitfulness. The heart determines the act. Unbelievers, the poor and the unhappy rich man all have the same problem: - they have 'heart diseases'. How many acres of your heart have you allocated to the words of God. They will determine who you will become tomorrow. You must have the impartation of God's word before you can have manifestation. Don't waste the values and substance of your heart on riotous thinking.
It takes time to serve God. It is labour to have faith. It takes work to know God. You will only receive miracles in proportion to your understanding. The level of your understanding determine how outstanding are in life.
The Corner Stone of Faith
With faith we please God, but it takes holiness see God. God is pleased and is set to please us when we have faith, but for us to be easily located by God's blessings we must be holy. Even though a man has faith, if he dwells in sin and is not holy, he will not be able to see God. Seeing God has to do with revelations and inspirations. The foundation of faith is holiness and holy living. The word of God is foundation on holiness.
Only those who are ready to die for Christ will shame the devil with this fruit of faith. The gift of faith will not find a place in your life until you allow something to drop from your life. The children of Israel could not operate in faith because they still have the picture of Sodom in their mind. They had Egypt hidden somewhere in them. You cannot have darkness in you and cast out darkness. Faith is needed to bring something out of nothing. A holy faith is needed for you to shine a light in this word of darkness.
Basic Principles of Prayer
God is a God of principles. Most of us have problems with our prayers because we lack the basic principles of prayer. Let us learn from the woman in Luke 18:1-3.
- The woman in this passage had a legal right to go to the judge John 1:12. Until you discover your right you can't claim it. Prov. 11:7, John 8:32.
- The widow desired justice. Mark 11:25-34. The problem we have today is weak desire. Desire gives you a hot persistence. Desire gives you a directed pursuit. Mark 5:25.
- The widow pleaded her case. She did not grumble. You need word preparation before you embark on the pursuit of prayer. Isaiah 43:26. Stuff your heart with relevant information that will help communicate you desire effectively to God. "How forceful are the right words".
- The woman acted in faith. Faith is that thing you need to deliver into your hands that which you have prayed for. Faith is not anxious, faith waits. Heb. 4:2.
Resisting the Devil
The only language the devil obeys is forceful resistance using the weapon of faith.
The devil likes darkness, he prefers ignorance, and these are his weapons. When you have revelations of the words of God there is illumination of God's light on you and the devil will flees that.
The less you know about yourself and right in God the more you talk about the devil.
You need proof, evidences and strong reasons. 2 Cor. 3:1 Once you know your right and you have proof to claim it, you have it. Testimony and the words of God are strong weapons resisting and binding the devil.
Resist the devil with the courage of the spirit of God in divine knowledge.
Nothing Shall Be Impossible
God opens up revelations bit by bit. If your response is good God will release more promises to you. Isaiah 43:18 you must be considering every word of God that comes your way. Every given miracles is born from insight. In the world seeing is believing, but in the kingdom believing is seeing. We don't all see the same way. One of the greatest tragedies is to allow someone else to see for you. What you believe and whom you believe determine what you see. What you see is also based on your desire. You attitude to your desire and the words of God determines your altitude. Allow the words of God and the Holy Spirit to determine control and direct your desire. What makes possibilities impossible is doing nothing. Faith is corresponding action towards a particular target. Luke 1:39. The righteousness of the righteous is in doing something. Exo. 14:15
Fighting Against Waste
You must love and acknowledge God. You must learn to give to God in love. The proof of love is in giving. God love and gave and gave until one day he gave himself. This is the principle of having. If you don't give enough time to God, you will always have 'no time'.
Purpose help you to fight against wastage John 1:19. This is the key to distinction in life.
You must give time. In life if you move too quickly you will get to an end too quickly and you will meet with misfortunes.
Any speed you take outside God will either be too slow or too fast. What you need is divine speed and divine direction. Lastly you must learn to gather the scrap; the pieces that remains. Don't underrate the scrap they most times are much more than what you invested. Let nothing be wasted. Have profit mentality. Don't mind the fragments. Maximize what you have, your potential. Don't imitate anybody. That little gift in you will take you to a top most height.
Before you can have divine location you must first have divine direction. Your promotion is dependent on your location. A lot of people are frustrated today because they are not where they should be.
It doesn't matter where you are what matters is 'is that where he wants you?' Every man can be the best if he is where God wants him to be.
Wait patiently until you are sure you have a divine signal to move from God. Learn to be in communion with the spirit of God, then you will develop the ability to pick easily heavenly signals.
No matter how highly anointed you are your moving up is a function of your hearing what God is saying per time about you. Rom. 10, Acts 8:30-34
DIVINE COMMUNICATION: Rom. 10-11, John 6:45
The Time of Life
It does not matter what you are passing through; things might look difficult and impossible, but at God's appointed time you will automatically become strength and a miracle. Every man that matters is a man that waited for the appointed time of God. The appointed time is what the bible calls the time of life. When you are able to discern the time, miracles become cheap. At the appointed time, you don't have to be in haste; God won't be in haste to perform miracles in your life. Time come one after the other in a divinely arranged order. Before you enter into the time of fulfillment you must first of all pass through the time of cleansing and transformation. If God should visit a man without repentance I don't think there will be any survivor.
The next time is the time to see. There is the time to see uncommon vision. Isaiah 43:49. When you repent you are divinely endowed with the ability to see what others can't see. Success is seeing possibilities while others can't. The highest from of understanding is vision.
There is the waiting time for the promise to mature in you for it to birth a lasting miracle. Don't change in your waiting period you are not wasting. Wait fore the vision to mature in its place. Rom 4:18. Hope against hope. Your trust and faith is best tried during the waiting period. Prove your faith by patiently and joyfully waiting. Don't consider your physical state give glory to God. God allows us to pass through some circumstances that eventually push us into the next stage.
Then comes the time for harvest. This is not the time to fold arms. Harvest comes by labour and is labour in itself. At harvest time, even when it looks as though you are not favoured show favour. Harvest comes after sowing what you value. When God speak to you take it as a seed; accept his word and his messenger; believe and confess the word; and then actualize the words of God. There is harvest at the turn of every time. The time of harvest ushers in the time of enthronement.
"My time of harvest has come, it is time to get enthroned, in Jesus name." "HALLELUYAH"
The most dangerous man on earth is the man whose time has come.
Walking in His Glory
Critics cannot deny result. John 7:20-23, Heb. 1:5. When you see glory there is no way you won't experience it. You belong to a kingdom of everlasting victory in Christ. Dan. 2:44. This is the only kingdom that cannot be overcome.
Everything that happens to us, if we can see clearly, has a potential glory in it. Lazarus died and yet Jesus saw glory in that dead situation that He kept on talking about it. Daniel saw this glory and experienced it. It is not only a matter of location it is also a matter of revelations.
The glory is not for all but those who are genuinely located in him; genuinely born again. It takes our being born again to have Christ in us, and the bible says, 'Christ in us the hope of glory'. John 8:52. Daniel 1:8.
In Israel there are barriers and rules, but in Babylon anything goes. The foundation is built on character and integrity. Your determination to uphold the glory will determine the extent to which the glory will go. The reason why many are not shining is, because many do not want to pay the price. Be a committed learner. You were born a prince to ascend the throne you must therefore learn the act of a king. A star is always a learner.
You can never work for everything in life. You must ride on the wings of favour. One of the keys to enjoying the first position is favour. Behind every glorious story is a favour. Favour increases as your "word" level increases. Psalm 102:13, 14. The key to enjoying God's favour is in carrying the passion and compassion of God in you with love. Dan. 11: 17.
Wisdom is having an understanding of life issues in lined with the judgment of God. Life is in riddles, but with God's wisdom you solve them all, and move to the top of life. Wisdom will multiply whatever you have at hand. Wisdom will bail you out. With wisdom what is at hand is more than enough. Wisdom is practical and requires that you go for it! Wisdom allows the countenance of a man to shine. With wisdom your glory will never fail or fade.
It takes time to access the divine revelations of God. What you see that others don't see determines the level of your shining. Divine revelation is invisible and will make you invisible. Wisdom is necessary for planning but divine revelation is necessary to work and operate in the realm of God's children. Divine revelation has potential power. Revelations catapults above the situations of life. Mark 4:11. You must unravel the mysteries of life with God given revelations. Divine revelations promote and provoke divine miracles.
Celebrate your past testimonies so much that no complains can come near you. Over emphasis the things God is doing in your life. Don't abort your miracles by mouth of complain. No matter what you pass through in life always know that God is eternally committed to love you and make you happy and fulfilled. If you have lost everything but your life then God still have a plan for you. Always give him thanks. Moses despite his zeal lost all because he failed to give thanks. God told the children of Israel to position themselves in praises.
Trusting God is saying, "I know God will do it, and if he doesn't I will still trust him." Mark 9:23. Your faith determines the extent the glory goes with you on earth. The substance of faith is the words of God, the evidence is the proof and testimonies and revelations. Testimonies are living tissues they have the ability to reproduce themselves.
Make Room(s) for Him
It was the cold of the night as it was assumed. Many shepherds had retired rearing for the rest of the season as sheep's now depend on hays cut from the farmlands. At this particular time, some wise stargazers were busy going on a journey, traveling to who knows where. These unique and sensitive wise men were the only ones in the whole of the earth who picked the sign of a newborn king. Why were they the only ones?
I think one the reason goes down to their expectation. They most likely had the scriptures and know that the time was near. So they had occupied their mind of expectation with the thoughts of a coming king. And for this reason God chose to reveal the sign and power of the moment to them. In other words they had made room for him. Despite the cold night they chose to watch the night looking for Him. But lo, to their utmost surprise, the king was to be given birth to in a manger.
Why was Jesus born in a manger? Was it because there was no room in the inn Joseph took Mary to? Or was it because they were in a hurry? Or could it be because God intended to use it as a sign of humility?
Jesus was not born in a manger because of any of the above reasons! The bible says the room keeper had rooms but not one for them! The bible also says they were not in a hurry because they took their time to get to an inn and were not asked to wait, but turned down. They had no room for them! It was not a sign of humility because Jeremiah says the only sign of humility is the fact that Jesus would enter His city, Jerusalem - the places of his throne sitting on a colt. He was born in a manger because the innkeeper had no room for them.
Many of us Christians would remain irrelevant and will fade away with time until we create a room for Him. People of other religions are finding it had to break away and come to Him who is the truth because they have no room for him.
Many times we are faced with the instructions to carry out a task for the Lord to our discomfort, but with one excuse or the other we escape been stressed for the Lord. We find it had to follow heartedly because we have no room for Him. We have time for other things, we have money for other things and we have strength to do other things, but have none of these for Him. We have no room for Him!
Jesus was heavens vision two thousand years ago. Then God sought a willing man, a willing woman, and a willing innkeeper to help birth the vision into the world. Well, the man, Joseph and the woman, Mary, had rooms for the vision; the wise men had rooms for Him; but the last person, the innkeeper, had no room for Him.
When you refuse Him, and create no room for Him, favour will elude you and history will forget you; just like favour and history has no place for the innkeeper.
Today people from all over the world gather at Christmas time in a very significant church in Israel to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The church is standing at the exact place where the manger used to stand two thousand years ago. Where the inn was located, no one could tell; and the name of the innkeeper no one knows.
Today God has visions, dreams and purpose He intends to achieve, he seeks men available and up to the task. But, how many are ready to go all the way with Him; how many have rooms for Him!
About the Book
Tools for Advancement is a book written to challenge the ignorant and idle mind of many youths about the significance of God's words to the absolute and unhindered success of in this generation. The book contains a compilation in the form of nuggets, short, but powerful and light shedding notes.
"Adelaja Ayoola has endeavored to show, through this book that no man can separate true success from God's words and principles." Anonymous
"This breath taking adventure will get you gasping for breath as you go through every page." Ayo Adelaja
"...This is a book that promotes righteousness, unlike many other motivational books." Tomilola Awe
About the Author
Adelaja Ayoola is a born again Christian brother with a heart for souls. He is the set man of the Watchman Ministry International, a growing ministry with the vision of standing against the common and the uncommon ignorance that is eating away the destiny of God's people. He is a motivational speaker ho believes in the power hidden in the individual that has discovered God. With poetry as a hobby, the International Society of Poets nominated him for the award of the poet of the year 2003.
Adelaja Ayoola is a prolific writer, an aspiring architect, a motivational speaker and a counselor.
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