Verses in Poem

Verses in Verse

Bible Verse Poems

Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book of Verses in Poem titled Verses in Verse a collection of Bible Verse Poems. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Verses in Poem

Verses in Verse

Bible Verse Poems

Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book of Verses in Poem is titled Verses in Verse a collection of Bible Verse Poems. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Bible Verse Poems E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.

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Verses in Verse
Verses in Poem
Bible Verse Poems


God made the Earth, and God made the Heaven
How many days did it take? Less than seven
The very first day, God said "Let there be light"
So there was a daytime, and also a night

The second day God made the sky very grand
And on the third day He made oceans and land
He made all the plants, all the flowers and trees
For food and for shade and for beauty were these

And on the fourth day God created the sun
Set it up in the sky, but He still wasn't done
The moon shining bright, He put up in the sky
And the stars in the night, He set those way up high

You may have the idea, the fifth day God's wish
Was to fill up the ocean with all kinds of fish
And then after that He made all kinds of birds
They all just appeared at the sound of His words

On day number six God made cattle and beast
And all of the creatures, from biggest to least
God said to His Spirit, "Now let us make man"
To rule all he made on the earth, was his plan

And God saw that all He created was good
He gave all a blessing, as only God could
And then up in Heaven, day seven He blessed
On that Holy Day, God decided to rest

Adam & Eve

The first two people were Adam and Eve, that lived upon the land
God put them in a lovely place, and gave them one command
"Eat the fruit of trees and such, there is a big supply
But this one tree, don't even touch, for if you do, you'll die"

The devil heard and made a plan, to hide inside a snake
Told Eve that he heard God demand, "The apple, do not take"
The snake then told her with a smile, to take fruit from the limb
"See, God knows if you take it and you eat, you'll be like Him"

She picked the apple, took a bite, and gave some to her mate
They figured out it wasn't right, but now it was too late
"What have you done, why do you hide?" God asked about their shame
"It was the serpent" Eve replied, "That snake is who I blame"

"Upon your belly will you crawl, and dust is what you'll eat"
God told the snake "Now this is all, because of your deceit
Man will rule above his wife, she'll have a child in pain
And man will work hard all his life, for anything to gain"

So this is how it all began, they fell for satan's trick
Don't listen to the devil's plan, do your arithmetic
The world is full of right and wrong, and we will have to choose
Since time began, it's still the same, if we choose wrong, we lose

Cain and Abel

This is the story of Abel and Cain
The story is true, the words will explain
The Bible says, and you can believe
They were the sons of Adam and Eve

Cain was a tiller of the ground
And he gave God some fruit he found
Then Abel gave a sheep to Him
Not just something off a limb

Now Cain put on an angry face
Because his gift took second place
He killed his brother after that
Then God asked "Where's your brother at?"

Cain answered with his voice aglow
"I do not watch him, I don't know"
The Lord asked Cain "What have you done?
A punishment is what you've won

Away from me you'll hide your face
Forever running place to place"
This punishment was hard to bear
For Cain, so he told God in prayer

When people see me run and hide
They'll try to kill me, Lord" he cried
In his voice the Lord could hear
His anger now had turned to fear

So God gave him a mark to show
While Cain was running to and fro
That anyone who touches Cain
Will suffer seven times the pain

Noah's Ark

Here's a story you may know
It happened a long time ago
When all the earth turned very bad
So bad that even God was sad

A man named Noah loved the Lord
So God gave him a great reward
He spoke to Noah "This is God"
And Noah answered with a nod

"The people on the earth do wrong
I'll put them all where they belong
They curse, they steal, they kill, they fight
It's not a very pretty sight

I do not like the way they lie
I've had enough, so they shall die
I'll bring to earth a great big rain
And it will flood 'til none remain

Now build an ark of gopher wood
Make it strong and make it good
Your family will help you build
With animals it will be filled"

They put a window in the top
They worked so hard, they didn't stop
People laughed and mocked the crew
They didn't know what Noah knew

When finally the ark was done
And clouds began to hide the sun
The animals came to the ship
They all were ready for the trip

When Noah saw them all arrive
God told him "Keep them all alive"
So two by two they climbed aboard
For they were led there by the Lord

Now just as God had closed the door
The rain began to pour and pour
The water it began to rise
There never was a flood this size

For forty days and forty nights
The water reached amazing heights
The people drowned upon the earth
Their lives were not a penny's worth

And then God sent a big old wind
You should've seen how Noah grinned
For they were all inside the boat
One hundred fifty days afloat

One day Noah sent a dove
Out of the window up above
The dove returned to Noah's hand
No place to rest her foot on land

Noah knew the land was dry
The third time that he let her fly
If she could live on earth he'd learn
There'd be no reason to return

The animals he let go free
And all of Noah's family
They left the ark where it was at
Upon a mount called Ararat

Then God said He would set a bow
Up in the sky for all to know
The rainbow is His special sign
Above the clouds you'll see it shine

The colors will remind Him how
He told old Noah of His vow
To never send again a flood
To put an end to flesh and blood

The Tower of Babel

Nimrod was a hunter, who had a perfect aim
He said to all the people, "Let's make ourselves a name"
The people really liked him, he had a lot of tricks
He said, "Let's build a city" So they made a lot of bricks

They liked all his ideas, So he said, "Let's make a tower"
This made him feel so special, to think that he had power
Nimrod climbed upon the tower, did something very odd
Pulling back upon his bow, he shot an arrow at God

He thought he could reach Heaven and the Lord was really mad
So God destroyed the tower, Nimrod's plan was very bad
So he gave them different languages, so they couldn't make their plans
And scattered them around the earth, and back in the Lord's hands

The city was called Babel, as you could hear the sound
Of all the people babbling, with their tower on the ground
God's plan was for the people, to fill up all the earth
Not to stay together in the city of their birth


Abram was a goodly man
His life was always spic-and-span
He had a wife, he had no child
But when he thought of God, he smiled

God told Abram "Get your spouse
Leave your father, and his house
I will show you where to go
To a land you do not know

I will bless you, you will see
You, and all your family
Those who bless you, I will bless
And those who don't, will get much less"

Abram took Sarai, his wife
Left their home to build a life
Took with them his nephew Lot
And many other things they brought

People, riches, cattle too
As they went everything grew
Lot had people, flocks and tents
They all grew bigger as they went

They found the place where they would live
The place God promised He would give
But soon because of all their stuff
The room they had was not enough

People then began to fight
Abram said "This isn't right
To stay together isn't smart
It would be best to live apart

Look around us here and there
There's plenty land for us to share
Pick a place for you to stay
And I will go the other way"

God said to Abram "Look around
The land I promised, you have found
And everything that you can see
It will yours, forever be

Your family will grow and grow
So many you could never know
I'm giving you this great award
Because of your love for the Lord"

Abraham and Sarah

Now Abram and Sarai were old
But still they had no child to hold
Her hope was gone, her faith was weak
Finally she had to speak

I'll have no children, I'm afraid
So I am giving you my maid
They had a son, named Ishmael
Sarai sure didn't like him well

The voice of God, again it came
"Abraham shall be your name
I still have good plans for your life
And Sarah you shall call your wife

She will have a son for you"
There is nothing God can't do
"Isaac, will be called his name"
Straight from God, the news it came

The promises I made to you
Will pass to Isaac, it is true
He'll be born this time next year"
Then God's voice, it disappeared

He told Sarah all he heard
And she thought it was all absurd
And then three men came by one day
Two angels and the Lord were they

This time Sarah heard it all
The smile she had, it wasn't small
She laughed inside, to think someone
At her old age could have a son

The Lord He spoke to Sarah now
And told her He would keep his vow
"Why do you laugh at what you hear?
There's nothing God can't do, my dear"

The Lord told Abraham that day
"The folks in Sodom don't obey
We will go to see that place
And see if they deserve my grace"

Abraham stood in the way
He had something he had to say
His nephew Lot lived over there
He asked the Lord to hear his prayer

What if fifty there are good
Will you save them if you could?"
The Lord looked at the sweet old man
And said to Abraham "I can"

"What if forty? Twenty? Ten?
What will my good Lord do then?"
"This promise now to you I make
I won't destroy it for ten's sake"

Sodom and Gomorrah

Now Lot was sitting at the gate
When the angels came, the hour was late
Lot said to them "Come wash your feet
We'll make you food and you can eat"

Inside his house the angels went
But soon some evil men were sent
To find out who the angels were
And hurt them too, Lot was sure

So Lot refused to let them in
He knew those men were full of sin
He went outside and shut the door
Hoping they would stay no more

All around the house they stood
Waiting there to do no good
The things they said were so unkind
The angels made them all turn blind

They said to Lot "Get out of town
The Lord is gonna burn it down
Hurry now and don't look back
While the city turns to black"

Lot took his daughters and his wife
They understood "Run for your life!"
His wife looked back and for her fault
She turned into a pillar of salt

Abraham and Isaac

Sarah and Abraham had a boy
Isaac was their pride and joy
The Lord told Abraham one day
"Take Isaac now, do as I say

Take the child that you love
To a place I tell you of
Give him back to me to keep
Like you would a lamb or sheep"

Isaac said "It's very odd
We didn't bring a gift for God
I see the fire, I see the wood
But now a lamb would sure be good"

"Listen, son" said Abraham
"God will give himself a lamb"
He took his son without a fight
And tied up Isaac good and tight

As Abraham picked up the knife
To give the Lord young Isaac's life
A voice called out to Abraham
He answered quickly "Here I am"

The Lord said "Do not harm your son
The test I had for you is done
I know you love me, this I see
That you would give your son to me

Just then, behind old Abraham
Stuck in a bush, there was a ram
Abraham unloosed it's head
And offered it to God instead

A Wife for Isaac

When Abraham was very old
His oldest servant, this he told
"Now Isaac isn't married yet
A wife for him, you'll go and get

From my home town the girl must be
But Isaac will stay here with me
God will send an angel too
To help with what you have to do"

So off he went with this in mind
'A wife for Isaac, I will find'
The servant prayed when he got there
"Lord, Please grant this, my master's prayer

Send a girl, and so I'll know
When she comes up to say "hello"
From the well she'll bring a drink
'The camels also thirst', she'll think"

While to the Lord, the servant talked
Up to the well, a girl she walked
She held a pitcher with her hand
In front of him she came to stand

She gave the servant water first
His camels next, to quench their thirst
The servant knew she was the one
He'd found the girl, his job was done

Isaac knew right from the start
She'd be the one to steal his heart
Rebekah was the young girls name
And Isaac's wife she soon became

Jacob and Esau

Isaac and Rebekah's twins
Is how this story all begins
They didn't really look the same
And very different, they became

Well Esau was born first you see
All red and hairy as could be
When Jacob came, the story's told
On Esau's heel, he had a hold

One day Esau came home ill
After hunting meat to kill
He said to Jacob, "Give me food
So I can have my strength renewed

Jacob said "I'll give to thee
But first your birthright, sell to me"
So, Esau sold his birthright to
His brother for a bowl of stew

Isaac lived for many a year
His eyesight wasn't very clear
He called to Esau, "Bring me meat
The kind I like so I can eat"

He said to Esau, with a sigh
"I want to bless you, before I die"
Rebekah heard what Isaac said
But wanted Jacob blessed instead

She made some meat and sent him in
With goat hair put upon his skin
So Isaac gave his blessing then
And Esau had just lost again

His hate for Jacob burned inside
Rebekah sent him off to hide
She sent him to her brother's house
To maybe even find a spouse

Jacob's Ladder

That day that Jacob went away
At night he found a place to lay
He used a stone that he had found
To make a pillow on the ground

A dream he had, erased his frown
God's angels going up and and down
A ladder that to Heaven, led
With God standing above, He said

"Your father's Lord is who I am
And I'm the God of Abraham
The land where you laid down to sleep
I'll give it all to you to keep

Your family will grow until
So many, all the earth will fill
From north and south and east and west
And from you, all the earth be blessed

I will protect you far and near
And bring you back again to here
You will not be alone my son
'Till all I've told you has been done

When Jacob woke, he said with fear
"I didn't know the Lord was here
How awesome is this place so great
It must be truly, Heaven's gate"

He set his stone up on the soil
And poured upon the top some oil
He promised to the Lord above
And in his voice were hope and love

"If you will keep me in your care
With food to eat and clothes to wear
And bring me back to Isaac's door
You'll be my God for evermore"

Jacob and Rachel

Jacob travelled to Haran
To see his uncle named Laban
There was a well out in a field
And with a stone, the top was sealed

He saw three flocks all lying down
When he was near his uncle's town
He asked the shepherds there to tell
If with Laban, that all was well

"His daughter, Rachel will be here
The time she brings the flock is near"
The time for water was getting late
But for the girl they had to wait

While they talked she brought the flock
Then Jacob rolled away the rock
They gave some water to the sheep
He kissed her and began to weep

"I'm your Aunt Rebekah's son"
It seemed that Jacob's heart she won
To her father Rachel ran
And told him all about the man

Rachel and Leah

Rachel had a pretty face
Full of beauty and of grace
Her sister Leah couldn't say
That she was blessed at all that way

With his uncle, Jacob stayed
He worked but he was never paid
"What kind of payment can I give
While here under my roof you live"

Jacob answered to the man
"I'll do for you, all that I can
For seven years I'll work for free
If you'll let Rachel marry me"

So Jacob worked his very best
And brought to Laban his request
"I've given seven years of life
Please give me Rachel as my wife"

So Laban made a great big meal
To celebrate the marriage deal
But when the light of day grew dim
Leah was sent in to him

When Jacob woke to his surprise
He didn't see his Rachel's eyes
He saw Leah there instead
And sadness grew inside his head

Jacob said, "What did you do?
You see that I have worked for you
You said that Rachel I could wed"
And back to Jacob, Laban said

"It is the custom in our land
To give the older daughter's hand
Before we give the younger one
To marry off to anyone

For seven days with Leah stay
Then Rachel I will give away
I'll give the daughter you adore
And you will work seven years more"

His love for Rachel was so great
So Jacob said that he would wait
And after waiting seven days more
He married the girl he waited for

Jacob Goes Home

God blessed Jacob very much
With many children, flocks and such
He took his things he worked to earn
And went where God said he'd return

Now Jacob worried in his head
That Esau still would want him dead
He sent some gifts, for it was smart
To soften up his brother's heart

On their way they stopped one night
And Jacob wrestled with God 'til light
God blessed him 'cause he'd done so well
And changed his name to Israel

Jacob then got quite a scare
Four hundred men with Esau were there
Jacob thought there'd be a fight
But Esau ran and hugged him tight

They made their peace and all was mild
Soon Rachel had another child
He was Jacob's twelfth born son
Twelve Tribes of Israel had begun

A Coat of Many Colors

Joseph had eleven brothers
His Dad loved him more than the others
He made his son a coat to wear
The others thought it wasn't fair

The colors of the coat were great
The other boys were filled with hate
They didn't like it, not one bit
That Joseph was the favorite

Joseph had a dream one night
He told his brothers with delight
We each tied up a bunch of hay
My bundle stood up right away

Your bundles stood there all around
And bowed to mine down to the ground
The brothers hated Joseph more
A lot more than they did before

Then Joseph had another dream
He told his family with a gleam
Eleven stars, the moon and sun
Obeyed me, each and every one

One day when Joseph went to find
His brothers who were so unkind
They saw him walking and they said
Let's kill the little dreamer dead

We'll put him down a deep old pit
And that will be the end of it
If anybody asks, we'll say
A beast has eaten him away

His brother Reuben disagreed
With all the others' evil deed
His little brother, he tried to save
But the others sold him as a slave

They took blood from a little goat
And sprinkled Joseph's special coat
They took it to their Dad and lied
And Israel cried and cried and cried

The Butler and the Baker

To Egypt Joseph went and then
Those people sold him once again
The captain of king Pharaoh's guard
Bought Joseph, and he worked real hard

Joseph knew the Lord real well
The captain of the guard could tell
So knowing that the Lord was there
He put his house in Joseph's care

Things were going very good
You'd never really think they would
But someone told a horrible tale
And Joseph ended up in jail

The butler made the Pharaoh mad
The baker too was just as bad
So into jail they both were sent
And this is how their story went

The two each had a dream one night
They both awoke in quite a fright
"Tell us what they mean" they said
With both their faces full of dread

So Joseph asked "What have you seen?
And God will tell you what they mean"
The butler told him right away
To hear what Joseph had to say

To the butler Joseph said
"Don't worry now inside your head
For three days you will wait and then
Be Pharaoh's butler once again

Please tell Pharaoh, when you're there
My being here just isn't fair
I've done nothing to deserve
The punishment that people serve"

Now when the baker heard the news
The same kind he could surely use
The things that Joseph heard him tell
Would clearly not turn out so well

Joseph gave him his reply
It must have made the baker cry
"Within three days for you I see
That Pharaoh hangs you on a tree

All that Joseph said came true
The Lord told him, that's how he knew
The butler never told the king
What Joseph said, no, not one thing

Pharaoh's Dream

Two years later Pharaoh had
Some dreams he thought were very bad
He wished to know what it all meant
So for the wise of Egypt he sent

An answer true they could not bring
They could not tell him anything
And then the butler, believe it or not
Remembered what he had forgot

He told king Pharaoh all about
How Joseph could, without a doubt
Put an end to all his woe
And tell him what he'd like to know

So Pharaoh sent for Joseph fast
He didn't want the dreams to last
The king told Joseph he had heard
He could be trusted for his word

"The truth you hear is not from me
The answer is from God you see"
So Joseph heard the king explain
The dreams that caused him so much pain

"A message to you God has sent
What He will do is what it meant
For seven years it will be grand
With plenty food throughout the land

The seven after will have none
Not enough for anyone
Put somebody wise in charge
To save up food when crops are large

Then you'll see when times are tough
Egypt will have quite enough"
The king thought all of this was grand
So he let Joseph rule the land


In Egypt it was clearly seen
King Pharaoh, he was very mean
God's children were the slaves he had
And they were treated very bad

For each of us, God has a plan
And Moses was a Hebrew man
God sent to Egypt, you will see
To go and set His people free

He saw a bush on fire one day
The voice of God was there to say
"Go get my people from the king
I will help you do this thing"

So Moses went to tell Pharaoh
"The Lord says 'Let my people go'"
The kind did not want to obey
The things that he heard Moses say

So God helped Moses show the king
And bad things started happening
Whatever Moses said came true
When God's wish, Pharaoh wouldn't do

His water soon he could not drink
And God sent frogs that began to stink
The king begged "Take the frogs away
And all of you can go your way"

But then the Pharaoh changed his mind
And God thought this was not so kind
So God sent lots of bugs and flies
Because of Pharaoh's mean old lies

Moses told the king to hear
That what God wants is very clear
But Pharaoh used the same old lie
And god made all his animals die

His people all got itchy sores
And fire came down from Heaven's doors
Then locusts came and darkness too
But with the king, God wasn't through

When Pharaoh still would not agree
To let God's people all go free
Every first born in his land
Would die as it was God's command

When Pharaoh saw God's anger grow
He finally let God's people go
Then changed his mind up once again
And chased them with an army of men

Moses led them through the sea
God made a path, dry as could be
Then closed it up on Egypt's men
And they were never seen again

The Ten Commandments

When Moses led God's people out
Of Egypt, they began to pout
No food or water there was found
So God made bread fall to the ground

God made the water very clean
And many miracles were seen
But they grew tired of traveling
And waiting for what God would bring

One time when Moses heard God call
Him to a mountain very tall
The rules to Moses, God would give
The way he wanted his people to live

The Ten Commandments, they are known
And there He carved them into stone
"I'm the only God, you see
And you should pray to only me

Respect my name in what you say
And don't forget the Holy Day
Obey your parents all the time
And do not kill, it is a crime

Don't take another's husband or wife
And do not steal or lie in life
And all that is your neighbors stuff
You shouldn't want, I'll give enough


God made Samson really strong
He gave him hair so very long
And if he cut it, he would be
Like anybody else, you see

A lion roared at him one day
He killed it with his hands they say
And later, after it had died
He saw some bees and honey inside

He told a riddle that was funny
About the lion, the bees and honey
The answer nobody could guess
It all turned into quite a mess

His wife found out the answer true
And gave it to the guessers who
Had tricked her into finding out
This made Samson mad, no doubt

He lit three hundred foxes tails
And through the corn he watched their trials
The people who had tricked his wife
Got angry and they took her life

He killed them all, he was so mad
For killing his wife and her Dad
He went away up on a stone
To be all by himself alone

Some people tried to turn him in
But in the end, Samson would win
They took some rope and tied him tight
They didn't know of Samson's might

He broke the ropes and found a tool
It was the jawbone of a mule
And with his anger once again
Samson killed a thousand men

People wanted to find out
What Samson's strength was all about
A woman named Delilah told
That Samson's secret could be sold

She tricked him into telling her
His strength was from his hair for sure
She took the money that they gave
And while he slept, his hair she'd shave

They poked his eyes and in his pain
They put on him a heavy chain
They put him in a jail but then
Forgot his hair would grow again

They had a feast to celebrate
What they had done with all their hate
They brought him in and laughed and joked
At the man whose eyes they poked

They leaned him on some pillars there
And Samson bowed his head in prayer
He prayed to God "Please make me strong"
He knew these people all were wrong

"My eyes they took, I cannot see
My Lord I ask, remember me
Let me die with them this day
Please give me back my strength, I pray"

So God gave Samson back his might
To pay them back for taking his sight
He pushed the pillars down inside
And all including Samson died

David and Goliath

A man named Jesse had a son
He loved God more than anyone
Gold told the Prophet Samuel
He'll be next king of Israel

His name was David and you'll see
The apple of God's eye, was he
His older brothers served the king
While David practiced with his sling

There was a giant Philistine
His height they say, was nine foot, nine
Goliath was his name, we hear
He filled God's people up with fear

"Send a man for me to fight
Choose one with a lot of might
If any one will be so brave
And win the fight, I'll be his slave"

David brought some corn and bread
For his three brothers to be fed
And heard the fuss Goliath made
Instead of leaving, there he stayed

When all the soldiers would have quit
David wasn't scared one bit
Goliath laughed to see the boy
Made fun of him with lots of joy

He said "I'm fighting for the Lord
I'm here to fight without a sword
He chose five stones out of the brook
And with his sling, his aim he took

He hit Goliath in the head
And watched him as he fell down dead
Goliath's army didn't stay
They turned around and ran away

Daniel in the Lion's Den

In days when there were queens and kings
Their servants took care of their things
Presidents and princes too
Had different jobs that they would do

King Darius liked Daniel best
He was in charge of all the rest
The other servants weren't glad
That Daniel had the job he had

They couldn't find out anything
That he did wrong to tell the king
They told each other "nothing's odd
We must find something about his God

They finally figured out a way
They knew that Daniel loved to pray
They told the king and he agreed
A brand new law is what they need

"The law will be for thirty days
Whenever anybody prays
It must be only to the king
Not to God or anything

If anyone does not obey
And prays in any other way
We'll take him to the king and then
We'll throw him in the lion's den"

They snuck up quiet as a mouse
While Daniel prayed inside his house
They took him to the king and said
To the lions, he'll be fed

The king no longer liked the deal
With Daniel as the lion's meal
He said to Daniel "Do not fear
You know the Lord is always near"

All night long the king felt sick
The next day he went very quick
To check if Daniel was alright
And he was in for quite a sight

Daniel's voice was very clear
"My God has sent His angel here
The lion's didn't get one bite
The angel closed their mouths up tight"

So Daniel got out of the den
Gave glory to the Lord and then
King Darius told everyone
Daniel's God is the only one

Jonah and the Whale

A place called Nineveh turned bad
And this made God so very sad
The Lord told Jonah "Go and tell
Those people, they're not doing well

Jonah didn't take the trip
Instead he hid on board a ship
So God sent wind so very strong
Into the sea for Jonah's wrong

Jonah didn't even know
The wind came as he slept below
The captain woke him up to say
Get up quick, and start to pray

He told them all what he had done
Then Jonah said to everyone
Throw me now into the sea
The storm is all because of me

They tossed old Jonah overboard
And begged forgiveness of the Lord
Once Jonah was over the rail
He was swallowed by a whale

He was inside three days and nights
All wet and cold and dark, no lights
He prayed when he was in the fish
God must have heard old Jonah's wish

The whale spit Jonah out on land
And God gave Jonah His command
"Go to Nineveh today
And I will tell you what to say

Because of all their evil ways
They'll be destroyed in forty days"
So all the people there turned good
And God was happy that they would

But Jonah got all mad within
Because the Lord forgave their sin
He asked the Lord to let him die
And built a booth so he could spy

He wished to see what they would do
Would Nineveh, to God stay true?
God grew a plant to hide the sun
Jonah was glad for what He'd done

God sent a worm then, to attack
The plant was gone, the heat was back
God sent a strong east wind and then
Jonah wished to die again

The Lord said "Deep inside the fish
'Please Lord forgive me' was your wish
When people don't know good from bad
I give them all the chance you had

Jesus Is Born

An angel of God named Gabriel
Was sent with some good news to tell
To Mary who would soon give birth
To Jesus, the Son of God, on earth

An angel spoke to Joseph too
And told him that the news was true
He talked to Joseph and he smiled
Hearing about the Holy child

They had to go to Bethlehem
A place so very far from them
But at the inn they couldn't stay
Because they had no room that day

So in a stable that same night
Our Lord was born, and a star so bright
Was twinkling high up in the sky
Some wise men knew exactly why

So following the star they went
They knew the King of Kings was sent
They brought him frankincense and myrrh
And gold, to give their new Savior

So that's how Jesus' life began
It all was part of God's great plan
To save His people from their sin
And everlasting life we win

When Jesus was Twelve

Long ago in Jesus' day
The Hebrews had a holiday
They celebrated full of glee
The day that God had set them free

Jesus, Mary and Joseph went
Praising God, their time they spent
Their friends and family went with them
To celebrate in Jerusalem

On their way home to Nazareth
They asked the people they were with
"Have you seen Jesus anywhere?
We cannot find Him here or there"

They went back to Jerusalem
For three whole days they looked for Him
They found Him in the temple where
He talked with all the teachers there

They all were so surprised because
Of how so very smart He was
Mary said to Jesus, "Son
Why did you do what you have done?"

He said "Why did you look for me
I have a job to do, you see
I stayed behind because I knew
I have my Father's work to do"

Mary kept this in her heart
His teaching there was just the start
He went back home with them to stay
And he grew smarter every day

Jesus is Baptized

Jesus went to Jordan where
His cousin John was preaching there
He told the people how to live
So that their sins, God would forgive

Some people asked him "Who are you?"
And John said I will tell you true
Someone who's mightier than me
Will baptize people differently

I'm not good enough perhaps
To loosen Jesus' sandal straps
The Holy Spirit and fire he'll use
To baptize those who God they choose

When Jesus asked John to baptize Him too
John said, I should be baptized by you
God's Spirit came down like a dove
And God said "This is my son who I love"

The Devil's Tricks

Out in the wilderness was where
Jesus went to God in prayer
The devil thought that he was quick
And tried to pull a mean old trick

"If you are Jesus" satan said
"Turn these stones here into bread"
But Jesus didn't fall for that
He left the stones where they were at

"Man doesn't live on bread alone
But from God's Word, and not your own"
Then to the temple top he took
And said to Jesus "Take a look

If you are Jesus, jump from here
God will save you, do not fear"
Jesus said, "You should not test
The Lord your God, above the rest"

Up on a mountain top so high
The devil told the Lord a lie
"If you will bow and pray to me
I'll give you everything you see"

The Lord said "satan, go away
To God alone is who I pray
So satan left and angels came
The devil knew he lost the game

The Apostles

When He was thirty, the Lord began
To tell the world of God's great plan
The twelve apostles Jesus knew
Saw miracles that He would do

Peter, James and Andrew too
Philip, John, Bartholomew
Matthew, James and also Thomas
Simon, Thaddeus and Judas

They saw Him heal the sick and blind
And all He did was very kind
They heard the Lord as He would talk
He made the crippled able to walk

He taught how people all should live
How they should pray, and to forgive
The twelve apostles heard Him teach
And all He taught, then they could preach

The Lost Sheep

A group of sinners gathered near
Jesus wanted them to hear
Some others couldn't figure out
What Jesus would talk to sinners about

He knew that sinners need to know
The things that He was sent to show
He used a story then to tell
How being good will turn out well

If you had owned a hundred sheep
And one got lost, wouldn't you weep
And look for it until you found
It was back home all safe and sound

And would you call your friends to say
I'm happy I've found my sheep today
The sinners are the same as sheep
God wants to have them back to keep

The story means, if no one tries
To help the sinners become wise
They just might stay forever lost
God wants them back, no matter the cost


Jesus knew that He would die
He told His friends the reason why
God sent His only Son to give
His life for us, so we may live

He is called the Lamb of God
You may think it is very odd
But God was really very nice
To give him as a sacrifice

The way it happened, you will see
Some people who did not agree
That Jesus was God's only Son
Were wrong about the Holy One

They nailed Him on a cross one day
And thought that He was gone to stay
But three days later, as He said
The Savior rose up from the dead

He told before He died about
Someone He'd send to help us out
The Holy Spirit is His name
Like God and Jesus, He's the same

He's here with us, within our heart
To help us choose things that are smart
So if in Jesus, you believe
He will never, ever leave

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