A Covenant of Promises

Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book Come Up Higher - Chapter 3 - A Covenant of Promises written by Author Diane Jurino. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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A Covenant of Promises

Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Come Up Higher - Chapter 3 - A Covenant of Promises written by Author Diane Jurino. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this A Covenant of Promises E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.

2Corinthians 1:20 "For all the promises of God in Him [are] yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."

We inherited a covenant of promises through our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Not only do we have grace and mercy in our time of need, but we have also received the full remission of all our sins. We have been released from the death penalty to eternal life. We are now righteous in God's eyes, and we have become joint-heirs with Christ to all the promises of God. When the Lord sees us, He sees the shed Blood of Jesus and regards us as His very own sons and daughters.

We can approach the throne of grace with every need and be assured that the Lord will hear all of our prayers for ourselves and for others. No need is too great, nor any complaint too small for Him to respond. He is ready and willing to meet all of our needs in abundance, and promises that He will never leave or forsake us. We have all the vast resources of the universe available to us, and the Lord will generously supply all that we require to be successful in every area of our lives.

We have a bright and wonderful future that we can expect to receive one day very soon. It will be the fulfillment of our divine destinies. The Lord will usher heaven itself into the earth realm through our efforts, so that we can be together with Him for all eternity. We will be key players in the Kingdom of God and teach all men how to dwell in love, peace and unity as brothers. The Lord will be glorified in us and we will be generously rewarded for all of our efforts on His behalf.

Hebrews 8:6 "But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises."

Christ is our mediator and high priest and He always intercedes for us. We can be sure that we will have all of our prayers answered if we make our requests known to God and pray in Jesus' name. The Lord is diligent to respond to us; and if we have faith, we will receive all that we ask of Him. He will not allow us to be ashamed, and He will never leave us empty-handed.

He has given us His mercy and compassion, and forgiven all of our sins. He will lead and guide us in all that we do, and supply all that we require to be happy and healthy in our lives. He will defend us against all of our enemies and vindicate our honor. He has promised us that He will gather us into the Kingdom of God, so that we might enjoy eternal life and all its blessings.

Very soon now, we will dwell in the actual presence of the Lord for all of eternity. We will see our God face-to-face and He will take an active role in our lives. His greatest desire is to be a Father to us and to supply all our needs even before we ask Him. We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, health and longevity, joy and freedom in the Kingdom of God.

2Corinthians 7:1 "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."

However, must strive for holiness and perfection if we wish to dwell in the very presence of the Lord. He cannot abide with evil or anything that is defiling. We must be very certain that we maintain our righteousness at all times. We cannot be rebellious and sin if we hope to please God. We will have to sanctify ourselves of all our carnality and selfishness.

If we make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God, we should be quick to repent and renounce all our sinfulness. If we are sincere, He will promptly forgive us and restore our righteousness once again. The Lord even promises to blot our sin from His memory and make all things new. He wants to be in a continuous, intimate relationship with us.

We must never ever take our right standing with God for granted. We were bought with a dear price - the very Blood of His Son. Although our faith in Christ has made us blameless in His eyes, we cannot deliberately transgress any of the Lord's commandments. He expects us to do our part and remain righteous. We must always walk in love and obey Him.

If we imitate the laid down life of Jesus Himself, we will be disciplined and godly in all that we think, say and do. We will voluntarily serve the Lord and His people with joy and gladness in our hearts. We will fulfill our divine destinies and bring in the Kingdom of God, as we are ordained to do. Nothing will be impossible to us in the days that lie ahead.

Great and Precious Promises

2Peter 1:4 "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

We are righteous by the Blood of Jesus Christ and justified only by our faith in Him. We will ultimately overcome the world, our flesh and the devil and be like Him in every way. If we imitate His laid down life, we will walk as He once did and escape the corruption that is in the world. We can be more like Christ Himself and emulate His perfect obedience at all times.

The Lord has promised to send His very own Holy Spirit to us, so that we can grow and mature in the things of God and become holy and perfect, just as He is holy and perfect. Spiritual fruit will emerge in our lives and assist us in becoming spiritually mature. The manifestations of the Holy Spirit will be given to us, so that we will be better able to serve God and others.

Divine callings and eternal destinies distinguish us as the sons of God. We will be totally sanctified and consecrated for the Lord's eternal redemption plan. We are the Body of Christ on the earth. We will receive a full impartation of the Lord's very own anointing power and authority, so that we can perform miracles, signs and wonders to attract all men to our faith.

We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, heal the sick, deliver captives free of enemy oppression and even raise the dead back to life. We will tear down all demonic strongholds that impede our progress and interfere with heaven coming to the earth realm. We will set men free in the truth, so that they can enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy all of its blessings.

John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

Christ promises us that we will do even greater works than He did on the earth, since He has gone to be with His Father. We will walk exactly like He walked and fulfill His ministry, as He has commissioned us to do. We will see into men's minds and hearts, preach the Gospel and give them hope and confidence for the future. We will heal all the sick and afflicted, cast out demons, and even raise the dead back to life.

We will reorganize all world governments to establish fairness and equality on the earth, so that all men live free of fear and oppression. We will replace ungodly leaders with those who truly love others and care for their welfare. We will restore all of creation back to its original beauty and balance, so that there is no more decay, death and destruction in nature. We will speak to seemingly impossible situations and they will comply with our commands to line up with the Word and the perfect will of God.

The earth will be totally changed to conform to Kingdom principles of peace and order, righteousness and justice, love and unity. We will prepare the way of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that He can return to rule and reign in His everlasting Kingdom as it has been planned from the very foundation of the world. Heaven itself will be ushered into the earth realm and the Kingdom of God will be a veritable paradise.

2John 1:8 "Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward."

If we are faithful and true to our divine callings and humbly serve the Lord and His people, as we are destined to do, we will receive generous rewards when the Kingdom of God manifests. The Lord will boast of us to all creation and appoint us as kings and priests of His people. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory, and rule and reign with Him over all the nations of the world.

The Lord will take vengeance on all our enemies and uphold our cause. He will make our names a praise on the earth and we will have the heathen as our inheritance in the uttermost parts of the earth. We will judge both men and angels and be fully vindicated in their sight. We are sons and daughters of almighty God Himself and He will fellowship intimately with us for all of eternity, as He has promised.

The Kingdom of God will be our inheritance for our devoted service to the Lord, Jesus Christ. He will make certain that all of our needs are met in abundance. In addition to all the blessings that everyone shares, we will be just rulers and capable teachers of all men. They will walk in love, peace and unity through our efforts, as we enforce Kingdom principles of fairness, equality and justice.

Covenant With God

Romans 11:27 "For this [is] my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."

The Lord has promised that He will forgive all our sins. We have been restored to right standing with God and our fellowship with Him is secure. We have grace with Him; when He sees us, He sees Jesus in all His righteousness. If we sin after receiving our salvation, we should always repent and renounce all our sinfulness. The Lord will be quick to restore our rights and privileges.

We are even assured that the Lord blots all of our sin from His memory, as if it never existed. He views us as His very own sons and daughters, just as He does Christ. We have peace with God and can expect Him to hear all of our prayers and meet all of our needs. We are in covenant with Him, but our responsibility is to believe in His Son, walk in love and keep all the commandments. We can never deliberately transgress His law and hope to remain righteous in His eyes.

The Lord will actually take up residence on the earth very soon and be a personal God to us in His everlasting Kingdom. He will be free to bless us and He will fellowship with us intimately, as He always desired. There will be no more separation between God and mankind ever again. We will walk together in the cool of the evening, as He once did with Adam in the Garden of Eden.

Our birthright as the children of God is to be in dominion over all things in this world now and for all of eternity. The Kingdom of God will be our legacy for righteousness and obedient service to our Creator. We will be blessed beyond all our expectations and dwell in love, peace and unity with both angels and men. There will be nothing good that is denied God's people in the days ahead. We will live long and strong and see our offspring for all generations to come.

Hebrews 10:16-17 "This [is] the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more."

Very soon now, the end-time harvest of souls will be fully gathered into God's Kingdom as He intends. There is a day coming when all men will know the Lord, from the least to the greatest of us. He will put His laws in our hearts and write them on our minds, so that we always obey His commandments. We will walk in total righteousness and love for Him and for others, as He requires.

When the Kingdom of God is brought in, there will be no evil that is present there to defile or harm us in any way. The Lord will take vengeance on all of our enemies and banish Satan to the bottomless pit. Sin will be a thing of the past; we will be totally obedient to all of His laws. He will blot out all our sin from His memory. We will all be holy and perfect, just as He is holy and perfect.

Those of us who have been faithful to serve the Lord and His people will have eternal rewards for all of our efforts on His behalf. We will judge both men and angels. We will even be appointed kings and priests of God and rule and reign with Christ over all the nations of the world. The Lord will boast of us to all creation and we will share in Jesus Christ's very own honor and glory forever.

Ezekiel 37:26-27 "Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle shall also be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

The Lord will make an everlasting covenant of peace with us that can never be broken. He will be our God and we will be His people who are called by His holy name. He will take pride in us over all the nations of the world, and multiply us on the earth. The Lord will actually dwell with us in the Kingdom of God, and take an active role in our lives for all of eternity as He intends.

He will supply all of our needs temporal and spiritual - according to His riches in glory. All the wealth of the universe is being stored up for distribution to God's people, and it will be lavished on us when we get to His Kingdom. We will not even have to ask Him for His blessings; they will be shared with us in abundance. We will receive all that we desire and be eternally grateful.

We will have peace and prosperity, safety and security, health and longevity, joy and freedom in the Kingdom of God. Men will all be righteous and dwell together in love, peace and unity. No evil will harm us ever again. We will enjoy our lives and the Lord will bless our families for all generations to come. He will boast of us to all creation as His very own sons and daughters.

Mercy and Compassion

Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

We have the promise of God's help in our time of need. The Lord will always be loving, merciful and compassionate towards us. We are now righteous through our faith in Christ's atonement on our behalf, and we can approach the throne of grace from a very favorable position. We are actually seated with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of God Himself.

It is no longer necessary to cry out to God and beg Him for His help, as if we were strangers. We simply make our needs known, and believe that they will all be met in abundance. The Lord stands ready to provide all that we require to lead healthy and happy lives. He will make certain that we have all the resources we need to be successful in everything we do.

We are not alone in our tests, trials and tribulation in this life. The Lord will assist us in all that we encounter. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us, and He will always be with us in all that we must endure. If we are strong in our faith and patient to see the manifestations of His glory, we will soon be totally vindicated by the Lord before men and angels.

He will give us a just recompense for all our efforts on His behalf, and restore anything that we have lost over the years. We will not suffer from pain and sorrow indefinitely. He will requite our enemies and blot out all of our unpleasant memories. We are His very own sons and daughters and we will be elevated to positions of praise, honor and glory in the Kingdom of God.

Nehemiah 1:5 "And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of Heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love Him and observe His commandments:"

The Lord is ever merciful to us in our time of need and quick to forgive us when we miss the mark. We have the gift of grace when we sin and fall short of His glory. He will always hear our prayers of confession. If we are sincerely repentant, He will forgive all our sins and restore us to right standing with Him again. He even blots our transgression from His memory.

Our God is not easily fooled; He looks on the inner man of the heart. He knows if we are contrite and truly love Him. He is also infinitely compassionate to our human frailty and understands our tendency to walk in the flesh. That does not give us permission to willfully sin and break His commandments. We are obliged to sanctify ourselves and come up higher in our walk with Him.

If our hearts do not condemn us, we have peace with God and enjoy an everlasting covenant with Him. He will be our God forever and we will be a people called by His holy name. The Lord has a great plan for the redemption of all men who walk in His ways. We will have many blessings as a result of our relationship, and inherit all the benefits of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

Jude 1:21 "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."

We do not have an option. Our futures are not negotiable. We either walk in love and righteousness at all times or we will be denied entrance into the Kingdom of God. The Lord has no obligation to bless us if we are rebellious. We either do things His way or we will be expelled from His holy presence. It is only by the grace and mercy of our Lord that we have been saved.

We should love the Lord and give Him all the deference and respect that He deserves. We must also love others and treat them, as we ourselves would hope to be treated. If we do these things we will satisfy the full requirement of the law of love that Jesus Christ taught us. If we walk in love, we will never break the Ten Commandments because that violates the law of love.

We have been promised eternal life through our faith in Jesus Christ. He became a curse for us and died to save us from our sins. We have been spared the penalty of death, and we can look forward to living long and strong in the Kingdom of God. We will be transformed from our corruptible bodies that are subject to death, and given new, resurrection forms that live forever.

We will have many blessings in the Kingdom. The Lord will take vengeance on all our enemies and vindicate us before both men and angels. We will enjoy health and longevity, peace and prosperity, safety and security for all eternity. The Lord Himself will take up residence with us and provide all of our needs, so that we are healthy, happy and prosperous all our days.

All Needs Met

Philippians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Our God is wealthy beyond our wildest imagination. He has all the vast resources of the universe at His disposal. The Bible tells us the Lord "owns the cattle on a thousand hills." He is ever ready and willing to supply all that we need to be healthy and happy in this life. We only have to pray and make our needs known, and He will generously supply all of them.

We should give the Lord thanks and praise even before our prayers are answered. We know that everything that we require will be given to us according to His will. The Lord will never cause us to be ashamed or leave us empty-handed. He has promised to be with us in all that we do. He supernaturally enables us to be successful and meets every need.

It is God's greatest desire that we fellowship intimately with Him, so that He can be our source for all good things. He wants us totally dependent on Him, instead of independent and struggling on our own. Like any other good father, the Lord wants to provide for His family and bless them in abundance. We should have no worry or concern for material needs of any kind.

We are actually forbidden to allow the cares of this world to influence our lives negatively and cause us undue stress. We are to cast our cares on God, because He cares for us. He has created us so that He can bless our lives, and will never forsake us in our need. He stands ready to supply all that we require to be prosperous in this world and in the Kingdom to come.

Ephesians 1:17 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:"

The Lord will supply all of our spiritual needs, as well. He gives us His guidance and direction by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us. He grants us wisdom and revelation, so that we can understand the deeper things of God. He gives us spiritual attributes that we can adopt as our very own, so that we are more effective in our relationships with others.

His Holy Spirit convicts us of all our sins and helps us to sanctify ourselves, so that we can achieve spiritual maturity. We will eventually become holy and perfect, just as He is holy and perfect. One day very soon, there will be no more physical separation between God and man. We will all know Him intimately; His laws will be written in our minds and hearts for all of eternity.

The Lord will withhold no good thing from us; He freely supplies us with everything that we need to be victorious in every area of our lives. If we are consecrated and dedicated to His divine service He will grant us a full impartation of His very own anointing power and authority, so that we can walk as Christ Himself walked on the earth during His ministry.

Nothing will be impossible to us. The Lord will empower us to be His ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. We will overcome all evil with good and prepare the hearts of all mankind to receive their King. We will walk in the supernatural realm and work miracles, signs and wonders to attest to our faith. The Gospel will be preached with fervor, so that everyone has an opportunity to be saved.

Matthew 6:31-33 "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

When we put God first in our lives and pursue love and righteousness at all times as we should, He will make our needs His top priority and make certain that we receive all that we require. He delights in the fact that we depend on Him and He will never ever disappoint us. He will always supply our basic needs and wants, and often gives us far more than we could ever imagine possible. The Lord is ready, willing and able to be our total source for all good things.

We should not permit the cares of this world to overcome us in any way. We should totally trust in God to supply all of our needs. He will make certain that we have everything that we require to lead healthy, happy lives. His promise is that He will never leave us or forsake us, and that He will be with us until the end of the world, as we know it. The Lord has a perfect plan in place for our eternal well-being and He will not disappoint us for our faith in Him.

As heaven is ushered into the earth realm in the Kingdom of God, the Lord will distribute all the wealth of the universe to His people. We will never experience poverty or lack ever again. He will anticipate all of our needs even before we ask Him. He is never stingy to provide for us. He is extravagantly generous when it comes to His people, and we will enjoy abundance for all time. We will have peace and prosperity, joy and gladness for all of eternity.

Luke 12:48 "...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

God's people are blessed to be a blessing to others. We should lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters and minister to a world that is desperate for the good news of the Kingdom of God. We should preach the Gospel with power and conviction, so that we can set men free from oppression and bondage to their sins. We are ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and all of its many benefits. We are also joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to all the promises of God.

However, to those whom much is given, much is also expected. The Lord requires that we share His blessings with others and help to alleviate the pain, suffering and lack that much of mankind is experiencing. We should be quick to meet the needs of others in any way we can. If they are sick, we should minister healing to them. If they are oppressed of the devil, we should cast out demons. If they have temporal needs, we should be ready to assist.

We should feed the hungry, clothe the naked and lend to those in need. We cannot out-give God; the more we help others, the more we will be blessed ourselves. He has given us all good things, so that we can, in turn, bless others and show ourselves to be the sons and daughters of almighty God Himself. In the Kingdom of God, there will be no poverty and lack of any kind. All of mankind will share equally in eternal blessings of health, happiness and prosperity.

Prosperity With a Purpose

Deuteronomy 29:9 "Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do."

Jesus came to save us from our sins and to provide us with life in abundance to the overflow. With His victory over sin, death and the grave, He gave us back our original dominion over the entire earth that Adam lost to Satan in the Garden of Eden. We have now regained total control over all of nature and all matters pertaining to the welfare and behavior of mankind.

If we remain in covenant with the Lord and walk in His ways, we can be assured that all of our needs will be met in abundance. The Lord will provide us with all good things - both temporal and spiritual. He is ever generous to His people and He will equip us to obtain unlimited financial resources. We are highly favored by God and He will prosper us in all that we do.

It is the Lord's greatest pleasure to provide for His people. He wants to be a Father to us and make certain that we are healthy, happy and blessed, so that we can be a blessing to others. He has no lack of resources; He will move heaven and earth to supply us with everything that we require. If we are faithful to Him in implementing His plans, we will be generously rewarded.

We will receive blessings now and in the Kingdom to come. The Lord will make certain that all our needs are met in abundance. He will boast of us as His very own sons and daughters. We will share in Christ's honor and glory and even be appointed kings and priests. We will judge both men and angels and rule and reign with Jesus Christ over all the nations of the world.

Ecclesiastes 5:19 "Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this [is] the gift of God."

God's Word says that the wealth of the wicked is being stored up for the righteous. One day in the very near future, the Body of Christ will recoup the wealth and resources that the Lord originally intended for His people. We will never experience poverty in our lives ever again. We will be blessed without measure, so that we can be a blessing to others, as well.

There is never a permanent loss in the lives of God's children. Although we all go through tests, trials and tribulation, we emerge far better than ever before. The Lord will make certain that He restores everything that we have lost or had taken from us. We will be in a distinct position to minister unselfishly to our brothers and sisters who are in need of any kind.

The people of God will control all the wealth on this planet and be overwhelmingly generous in sharing it with others. We will become clearinghouses and distribution centers for the Lord's wealth, so that we can minister to the needs of the disadvantaged the world over. We will feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless, so the Lord is glorified.

So too, there will be no poverty and lack in the Kingdom of God. The Lord will anticipate all our needs even before we ask Him, and supply them abundantly. He will shower us with blessings, so that we never go without any good thing. We will have endless peace, unlimited prosperity, safety and security, health and longevity, joy and freedom for all of eternity.

1Kings 2:3 "And keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to walk in His ways, to keep his statutes, and His commandments, and His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:"

If we adhere to the Lord's commandments to us, and walk in total righteousness and love for Him and others, we can expect to have all of our needs continuously met in abundance. The Lord has promised to prosper us in all that we do. He will lead and guide us by the power of His Holy Spirit, so that we have the wisdom and understanding to solve even the most complex problems.

He will endow us with creativity so that we can come up with novel business ideas and innovative inventions. God's people will be leaders in every area of expertise and highly favored in the marketplace. We will shine with the light of His glory and overcome all obstacles in our paths that would interfere with our achieving the dreams, goals and visions we have for our lives.

Our God is proud of us, and delights in the success of His people. He supernaturally empowers us to perform even the most difficult tasks on His behalf. If we are willing and obedient to serve Him and fully sanctified for His plan and purpose, He will give us a full measure of His very own anointing power and authority, so that we can excel in everything that He assigns us to do.

We will have unlimited favor with God and with man. Nothing will be impossible to us. We will change the entire world and prepare it for Jesus Christ to return for His rule and reign. Nations will come to know the truth as a result of the works that we do on behalf of the Lord. We will bring peace, order and stability to the earth and improve the lives of all of mankind in the process.

Psalm 1:3 "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

We will be prospered coming in and going out; everything that we put our hands to will prosper and succeed. We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and win souls to the Lord in huge numbers. We will heal all the sick and deliver the afflicted from enemy oppression. We will even raise the dead back to life once again and destroy all enemy strongholds that impede our progress or interfere with our efforts.

The Body of Christ will appropriate full power and authority to set all matters straight on the earth, even before Jesus returns to rule and reign in His Kingdom. We will take over world politics and restructure human governments and their economies to line up with Kingdom principles of peace, righteousness and justice. We will restore all of creation to its original beauty and balance and establish order in nature.

There will ultimately be peace and unity on the earth and total stability in the natural realm. Our goals may be divine in origin, but all of our efforts will be successful. We will prepare the way of the Lord, so that Christ can return to us. He will share the Kingdom of God as His eternal legacy with those who have faithfully served Him. We will be blessed for all of eternity and prosperous beyond our expectations.

The Blessing of Good Health

3John 1:2 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

Man is a spirit that lives in a body and has a soul. When we are born again, our spirit man is renewed, but it is always at war with our body and soul - our mind, will and emotions. The Lord desires that we prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers. We have to deliberately put our soul under His loving control, so that we can enjoy good health and prosperity.

The Lord wants all His people continually healthy and vigorous. We are temples of His very own Holy Spirit, and when we are healthy we can serve Him with energy and vitality. Sickness and death do not glorify God, nor do they come from Him. They are demonic in origin and are never part of God's perfect will for our lives. His will is that we be whole and intact, lacking nothing.

We should treat our bodies as sacred temples. The Holy Spirit will take leave of unclean vessels. We must forego all bad habits and avoid behaviors that threaten our health and well-being, and subdue our flesh to line up with the Word and will of God for our lives. We need to pursue health and wellness at all times, and do all we can to prevent illness and premature aging.

It is important to note that when the chosen people came out of Egypt, there were no sick and infirm among them. So will it be when heaven is brought into the earth realm. The Lord will deliver us from this Babylonian world system and bring us into His Kingdom healthy and whole, as He created us to be. There will be no disease, decay or death in the Kingdom of God for all of eternity.

Psalm 103:2-3 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;"

If we do become ill and our health is in jeopardy, we can always claim our Biblical promises for good health and wellness. The Lord does not make us sick; disease comes from Satan, the enemy of our souls. He is out to steal, kill and destroy us any way that he can. We should always resist him in his diabolical efforts and claim the blessings of good health instead.

Health problems are sometimes due to disobedience in our flesh and souls. Perhaps we have bad habits and addictions that cause us to become ill. Maybe we tend to fret and worry, and get run down - in body, soul and spirit. We must always repent of all known sin that may have afflicted us, and ask the Lord to heal us according to His promise. He will deliver us from all our diseases and give us perfect health again.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit of God and we should treat our bodies as if they were sacred vessels for His use. We need to eat right, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly to stay strong and healthy. We should be prudent, temperate and discipline ourselves. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we can discover healthier health habits and apply them to our lives.

Isaiah 53:5 "But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed."

Jesus bore all our infirmities and carried our diseases to the cross with Him. He not only paid our sin debt for all time, but by His suffering we were healed from all our infirmities, as well. We can lay claim to total healing by the Blood and in the name of Jesus Christ. We should confess that the same power that raised our Savior from the dead, gives life to our mortal bodies.

We have access to that same resurrection power that brought Jesus back to life again, but we must believe that we receive it. It is dynamic for creating life under all situations and circumstances. The Lord wants us healthy and well, so that we can serve His people. We should remind Him of His promise of good health, and rest assured that He will fulfill it totally and completely.

Our bodies will function perfectly as long as we are balanced and disciplined. Our youth can actually be renewed and restored, if we are focused on the Lord and present ourselves as living sacrifices in His service. If we put God first in all matters, He will keep us in perfect health and wellness. There is never a reason why we should suffer in our mind, body or emotions.

We were created in the very image and likeness of God Himself. He is whole and perfect, lacking nothing. We should appropriate our divine promise of health and wellness at all times. We are destined to live forever in perfect health in the very presence of almighty God. All that we need do is have faith and patience to see the benefits of eternal life manifest in our lives.

2Corinthians 4:13 "We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;"

If we confess health and wellness, vitality and long life, we will see those things materialize in our lives. However, if we are focused on disease and death and speak negativity to ourselves and to others, we will have what we speak. We must never assume ownership of a disease or affliction of any type, by calling it "my illness" or discussing it at any great length. That gives it increased power to destroy us

The enemy gives us symptoms of disease, but we do not have to accept them as our own. We can combat all his efforts to bring illness and infirmity on us. These are unclean spirits that respond to our commands to leave us. We can plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over our bodies and claim Biblical promises of health and wellness instead. So too, our minds and bodies will function perfectly if we present them as living sacrifices to the Lord for His service.

We should focus on God's promises of health and longevity and pray for the coming of His Kingdom to the earth. Illness will never be present in the Kingdom of God; nothing defiling will ever disturb our peace and well-being ever again. We will have new resurrection bodies that live forever free of disease, decay and death. Even the dead in Christ will be raised back to life again, so that we can all be together.

The Gift of Eternal Life

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

We are forgiven from our sins and justified only through our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He paid our sin debt in its entirety. We have actually become new creatures in Him. We were born again by water and the Holy Spirit of God. We no longer have to worry about spiritual death and separation from God. Our right standing with Him has been restored forever. We are actually seated at His very right hand in heavenly places with Christ Himself.

We have been redeemed from the curse of death for our sins and promised eternal life instead. Physical death should not trouble us any longer. We will one day put on glorious, incorruptible bodies that are free of disease and decay and live forever in the presence of our God in His eternal Kingdom. The dead in Christ will also rise from the dead back to life once again. Death will then be totally defeated and put under the feet of Christ, as He promised.

John 3:15 "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

We need not fear physical death or spiritual destruction of any kind. We have the promise of eternal life for our faith in Jesus Christ. Our bodies will be totally redeemed as our spirits have been. There will never be a separation between the Lord and man ever again. We have been reconciled to Him and we will be with Him for all of eternity.

The greatest feat that the Lord has performed since the original creation was to raise Jesus Christ from the dead. The very same creative power that was used to raise Jesus will be employed for the transformation of our physical bodies when the Kingdom of God is ushered in to the earth realm. We will be supernaturally changed in our very essence, so we live forever in the actual presence of God.

We will put off our corruptible flesh and all of its disease and decay and be completely metamorphosed into glorious, resurrection bodies that are like that of Christ Himself. Even the dead in Christ will be raised from the dead. The Bible tells us that we will all put on the imperishable; see Him face-to-face as He is; and be like Him in every way.

Jesus Christ took the sting out of death for all time with His resurrection from the dead. Death will ultimately be swallowed up in total victory. The enemy will no longer be able to defile God's people with disease or affliction of any kind, nor will he be able to destroy our bodies and souls. We will have continuous health and wholeness and enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

John 10:28 "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."

We should earnestly expect and eagerly await the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to effect our total redemption in spirit, soul and body. In His infinite mercy and compassion, He will cloak us all with eternal life. Our mortal, decaying flesh will put on the incorruptible and live forever.

The Bible tells us that we will all be changed in the "twinkling of an eye" when Christ returns. We will put on new, glorious, resurrection bodies that are impervious to disease and death. The dead in Christ will be raised and we will all dwell together in the presence of our God for all of eternity.

There will be no disease or death in the Kingdom of God. All of creation will be vibrant and alive. The plants and animals will be in harmony with one another; there will be no decay and destruction that taints Kingdom life in any way. We will enjoy our lives in a literal paradise on the earth.

There will be no evil that defiles or harms us in any way in the days to come. No temptation to sin will cause a separation between God and man ever again. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God and we will be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

He will protect, defend us and take vengeance on all our enemies. Nothing will disturb our peace while we are in His presence. He will rule with a rod of iron to make certain that Kingdom principles of righteousness, fairness and justice are enforced to ensure the integrity of Kingdom life.

Kingdom Promises

Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."

The Lord created us so that we could bring Him pleasure and companionship. We are the "apple of His eye," His greatest achievement. He calls us His beloved and considers us to be His very own sons and daughters. It is His deepest desire to be in intimate fellowship with mankind, and to provide us with all temporal and spiritual blessings. He will soon gather us into His everlasting Kingdom, so that we can actually be with Him for all eternity.

Our divine inheritance awaits us in the Kingdom of God. Our names will one day be a praise on the earth, and the Lord Himself will boast of us to all creation. We will be kings and priests of God and help to judge both men and angels. We will and rule and reign with Christ over all the nations of the world. Men will finally come to know the Lord and walk in love, peace and unity as a result of our efforts on their behalf.

The Kingdom of God will be a veritable paradise, the perfect habitat for both God and man to enjoy. The Lord Himself will dwell with us and we will be the people called by His holy name. Nothing evil will ever harm us or interrupt the serenity of the Kingdom. Christ will rule with a rod of iron to make certain that we are safe and secure for all of eternity. We will experience peace and prosperity, joy and gladness, health and longevity all the days of our lives.

1Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."

We can only imagine what life will be like when we enter the Kingdom of God. We already know that we will be healthy and live forever in God's presence. We can also expect prosperity for all time. The Lord will supply all our needs and anticipate all that we require to be healthy and happy. He will take vengeance on all our enemies and destroy all evil off the face of the earth, as He promised.

There will be safety and security in God's Kingdom; nothing will harm or defile us ever again. We will dwell in love and unity with all men; there will finally be peace and justice on the earth. We will have glory and honor for our former shame, and the Lord will blot all sorrow and pain from our memories. We will have joy and gladness all the days of our lives for generation after generation.

We will build beautiful homes to lodge our large families and grow crops for our food. All of nature will be beautiful and bountiful and we will enjoy the peace and serenity of Kingdom life. We will interact with both men and angels, and the Lord will turn our language back to a pure one that is easily understood by all His creatures. We will all worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth, as He so desires.

Those of us who have served the Lord faithfully in introducing His Kingdom will enjoy all the many promised Kingdom blessings in addition to eternal rewards. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory, and rule and reign over all the nations of the world. We will be kings and priests of God, and have the heathen for our inheritance. Our names will be a praise on the earth for all time.

2Peter 3:13 "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new Heavens and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."

The Kingdom of God promises us that all things will be made new, just as they once were in the Garden of Eden. We will not even remember our former pain and sorrow. The dead in Christ will be raised back to life again. Our bodies themselves will be changed and live forever free of disease and death. The Lord will take up residence with us and be a Father to His children.

He will take an active role in our lives and fellowship intimately with us, as He always desired. He will provide all our needs and anticipate all that we require to lead healthy, happy and prosperous lives. We will enjoy all the wealth that the universe has to offer us and never suffer poverty or lack ever again. No man or devil will take from us or oppress and exploit God's people.

All men will walk in love and righteousness in God's Kingdom, or be expelled to the lake of fire for all of eternity. There will be a zero tolerance policy for sin of any kind. Christ will rule with a rod of iron to ensure that fairness and justice prevail for all eternity. There will finally be peace and stability on the earth, and we will give God all the thanks and praise that He deserves.

Jeremiah 31:34 "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

We will no longer have to teach men about the Lord or share our faith with them. They will embrace the truth that sets them free for all time. Everyone whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be saved. The full end-time harvest is being brought in, so that all who enter into the Kingdom of God are totally righteous and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus Christ Himself.

All men will know the Lord, from the least to the greatest of us. His laws will be written in our minds and hearts. We will give Him all the praise and honor that He deserves. We will all be godly and worship Him in Spirit and in truth, as He desires. We will celebrate His Sabbaths and feast days with joy in our hearts, and never experience separation from our God ever again.

When heaven comes to the earth realm, we will dwell in love, peace and unity and interact with both men and angels on a regular basis. The Kingdom of God will be universal and comprised of people from all tongues and nations. Men from all over the world will come together and keep company with the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament saints for all of eternity.

Isaiah 65:22 "They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree [are] the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."

Life in the Kingdom of God will be beautiful and bountiful for all mankind to enjoy. It will be expansive and idyllic, as it once was in the Garden of Eden. We will build homes to shelter our families and no one will ever take our property away from us. We will long enjoy the works of our hands and be in harmony with one another and with all of nature.

Jesus Christ will be a righteous King and make certain that there is peace and prosperity for all residents. We will have all of our needs met, even before we ask the Lord. There will be no poverty and lack. We will have all the vast resources of the universe at our disposal. No one will be greedy or selfish; all will share equally in the Kingdom blessings.

We are promised a household salvation, as well. Many of our friends and family members, who have previously rejected the Lord, will be won to our faith, so that we can spend all of eternity with them in the Kingdom of God. The Blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin and restores our righteousness, so that we can be reunited with one another forever.

Mankind will eventually learn to dwell in love and unity in the actual presence of God Himself. There will be only peace and prosperity for God's people. Nothing that is evil or defiling will ever taint the serenity of Kingdom life. Christ will rule with a rod of iron to ensure that we are free of fear and molestation. It will be heaven on the earth for us for all time.

Luke 18:7-8 "And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the Earth?"

We have eternal callings that must be fulfilled, so that we can prepare the earth for the Kingdom of God and the rule and reign of Christ Himself. We have to walk by faith and not by sight in the days to come, and prevail in all matters. When Jesus Christ returns, He should find us fulfilling His very own ministry on the earth, as He has commissioned us to do. We must be found faithful to our Lord and Savior and glorify Him in all that we think, say and do.

The Lord has heard our cries for deliverance. He will take vengeance on all our enemies and vindicate us before both men and angels. He will not forsake His elect who have been devoted to Him and loyal in His service. We will no longer be scorned or ridiculed for our faith. The Lord will boast of us to all creation. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory. The people of God will all be grateful that we ushered in His eternal Kingdom on the earth.

Jesus will appoint us kings and priests of God, and we will rule and reign with Him over all the nations of the world. We will have the heathen for our inheritance in the uttermost parts of the earth and enforce Kingdom principles of fairness, justice and equality for all men. We will judge both men and angels and be mediators for God's people. All men will look up to us, as they do Christ Himself. We will teach them how to walk in love, peace and unity.

There will be safety and security, righteousness and justice, health and longevity for all those who dwell in God's presence. Christ will make certain that no evil ever defiles or harms us ever again. He will banish Satan and all his minions to the bottomless pit where they belong. We will have no more pain or sorrow, oppression or bondage of any kind. The Lord will blot all that from our memories. We will experience only joy and gladness for all of eternity.

Fairness and Equality in the Kingdom of God

Matthew 20:14-16 "Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen."

There are some who feel that it is unfair that the Lord invites all men into His Kingdom, and treats all the loving and righteous equitably, regardless of whether or not they are seasoned believers. Perhaps we think that we should receive preferential treatment, because we have believed longer than others and served the Lord faithfully over many years. This is wrong and selfish thinking; it smacks of pride and arrogance and our God will not tolerate it.

The Lord is not interested in those who give lip service to their faith, yet continue to walk in the ways of the world and are jealous and envious of others. He calls that hypocrisy and He is a just and fair God. He will not tolerate a phony or permit the unrighteous to inherit His Kingdom. Only those who are sincere, righteous, pure in heart, and have a personal relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, will be able to dwell in His holy presence.

Our omniscient God sees the inner man of the heart and will decide who is eligible to spend all of eternity with Him. There are those who were first that will be last in the Kingdom of God because of their attitude of self-righteousness. Pride and arrogance will lead to their demise. None of us is inherently deserving of eternal life, yet we all will share equally in its blessings because Jesus Christ died for the express benefit of all men, women and children.

Conversely, there are many who are called into the Kingdom last, who will be first in the Lord's eyes because of their child-like innocence and trust in Him. He knows who is truly sincere, humble in heart and contrite in spirit. All believers who are righteous and loving are entitled to eternal life and all of its many blessings. It is not the Lord's desire that any man perishes. He makes the invitation to receive His Kingdom available to all of us.

Deuteronomy 16:20 "That which is altogether just shalt thou follow, that thou mayest live, and inherit the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

The Lord knows what is in the heart and mind of a man and judges who is righteous and worthy to receive eternal blessings in the Kingdom of God. He is no respecter of persons; He loves each of us with a deep, abiding love. However, not everyone who claims to be a Christian will enter into His loving presence. He cannot dwell with iniquity of any kind. If a man defiles himself, he will be on the outside looking in.

There can be no hypocrisy or jealousy in God's Kingdom. He will not tolerate critical, judgmental attitudes in His people. All of us have fallen short of the glory of God. He will permit no envy, strife or division to contaminate us in any way. We will have to be uncompromisingly righteous and loving in all that we think, say or do. If we fail to obey all of His commandments we will be banished to the lake of fire.

If we refuse to walk in love, mercy and compassion for others, we will be humbled under the mighty hand of God. He will not tolerate anyone who is haughty and self-righteous in His presence. We all fall short of the glory of God and require His mercy and grace to be restored to righteousness. If we think we are better than others and fail to repent of our arrogance, the Lord will exclude us from His everlasting Kingdom.

Isaiah 2:11-12 "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the LORD of hosts [shall be] upon every [one that is] proud and lofty, and upon every [one that is] lifted up; and he shall be brought low:"

If we look down on others and are proud and arrogant, we will be humbled. Only those with sincere and contrite hearts will inherit the Kingdom of God. We will have to be genuinely loving and diligent to remain sin free. We cannot ever take advantage of our promises; we must zealously guard our thoughts and attitudes to remain in right standing with God. We are righteous only by our faith in Jesus Christ, not through any works. He alone deserves to be praised and exalted.

All of us miss the mark and sin from time to time. It is part of the human condition, no matter how hard we try to be totally righteous. We can never judge, criticize and condemn others for their sins. Sin is sin, and pride and arrogance are as evil as any other acts in the spirit or the flesh. We should imitate the life of Jesus Christ Himself. Only He was able to operate in total perfection as a human being. Anything good that we do is a result of His divine anointing power that operates through us.

If we walk as Christ walked the earth - in humility, love and obedient service to others - we will be found worthy of our calling and a sure entrance into the Kingdom of God will be granted to us. We have divine destinies to fulfill in implementing the Lord's eternal redemption plan. There is no time for petty differences or meaningless controversy among us. We should strive for love, peace and unity at all times, and grow in spiritual maturity until we reach the full stature of Christ.

Ezekiel 33:17-19 "Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby."

While some will complain that others are treated more fairly and equitably than they are, it is the Lord's prerogative to bless and withhold blessings as He sees fit. He will tolerate no compromise in His people. His ways are above our ways. He alone sees the inner man of the heart and can judge appropriately. Many who appear to be unworthy to men, will be honored and exalted by God. Those who are righteous in their own eyes will ultimately be debased. Our God abhors pride and arrogance.

If the wicked will repent, turn from his sins and change his ways, then he will be saved. However, if the righteous are tempted to sin and persist in doing evil, they will perish. The Lord is not willing to relax His moral absolutes in any way. We must follow all of His commandments and demonstrate love for Him and for others at all times, in order to enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy its benefits. We should walk circumspectly because we are being held accountable to godly standards.

The Lord is eminently fair and just in His dealings with His children. He treats us with love, mercy and compassion. He is not prejudiced or biased in any way. It is not His desire that any man should perish and be denied eternal life. But only the loving and righteous will receive perpetual blessings in the Kingdom of God. He will not lower His expectations for us. Those who have unselfishly ministered to others will also receive eternal rewards for their faithful service to the Lord and to His people.

Eternal Rewards for Divine Service

2Timothy 1:9 "Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,"

There was a divine plan in place for our eternal well-being from the foundation of the world. The Lord wanted to create a people that would be totally like Him in every way. He desired intimate fellowship with mankind from the very beginning. He will soon gather us to Himself for all of eternity and lavish all the wealth of the universe on us as His beloved children

But first, we have important work to be done. We must share our faith and turn the hearts of all men back to their God. It is His greatest desire to be reconciled with all of humanity. We will heal the sick, set captives free of demonic oppression and raise the dead, so that they can join us in the Kingdom of God. Nothing will be impossible to us as we serve the Lord.

We have important callings and divine destinies that must be fulfilled in the days that lie ahead. If we expect to receive eternal rewards in Christ's Kingdom, then we must first become servants of others, as the Lord has directed us. We cannot be selfish or unloving if we wish to see our God. He is not mocked; He wants us to follow His law of love totally and completely.

The people of God have to be uncompromisingly righteous, plus loving, merciful and compassionate to others. We are each being held accountable to the Lord for our works in the flesh. Our thoughts, words and behavior must all be above and beyond reproach in these last days. We are to serve others, as the Lord directs us, and implement His eternal redemption plan.

Deuteronomy 12:9 "For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which the LORD your God giveth you."

The Body of Christ has a very busy schedule in the days to come. We must be sanctified and consecrated for the Lord's purpose and forego all our own plans. We should preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all men, so that they have an opportunity to be saved. We will baptize all those who turn to the Lord, and bring in the full end-time harvest of souls.

We will work miraculous signs and wonders to attract men to our faith. We will heal the sick from all their afflictions and deliver all captives free of enemy oppression. The dead will be raised back to life once again, and we will tear down all demonic strongholds that would interfere with heaven coming to the earth realm or impede its progress in any way.

All world governments and their economies will be challenged to see if they employ godly standards in dealing with their people. Only fairness and justice will prevail in the Kingdom of God. All men will be treated with dignity. There will be no more conflict or war, no greed or exploitation of others. Mankind will learn to dwell in love, peace and unity.

In return for our devoted service, we will receive many blessings and eternal rewards in the Kingdom of God. The Lord will take vengeance on all our enemies and vindicate us before both men and angels. He will boast of us to all creation and distribute all the vast resources of the universe to us, so that we can share in them equally and lead prosperous lives.

Revelation 1:6 "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen."

The sons of God will be revealed for all of creation to see. We will rise up in the anointing power and authority of Jesus Christ Himself in the days to come. We will impact the entire earth for the Kingdom of God and take dominion over all world governments and finances. We will restore all of nature to its original beauty and balance.

We will be appointed as kings and priests of God and mediators for His people. We will be judges and rulers in God's Kingdom, and make certain that justice and equality prevail for all. We will teach Kingdom standards of righteousness, peace and godliness, and ensure that all men know the Lord and His way of doing things and being right.

Our God will take vengeance on all our enemies and be eminently proud of us. He will boast of all our accomplishments on His behalf. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory, as we rule and reign with Him for all of eternity. The Lord will make our names a praise on the earth, and we will be godly role models for all of His people.

Revelation 3:5 "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels."

We must come up higher in our walk with the Lord and assume our important roles as His sons and daughters. We have divine destinies to fulfill in the critical days to come. All of creation is waiting for us to be revealed, so that we can share the perfect liberty that we enjoy with all men and even nature itself. We have been given divine power and authority to abolish evil.

Believers will overcome the world, their flesh and the devil in the days to come. We are taking back total dominion over all matters in the earth, as Christ has instructed us. We will reorganize and restructure all world governments, so that they line up with Kingdom principles of righteousness. We will help to re-create all of nature, so that it is restored to its original perfection.

We will prepare the hearts of all men to receive their King. The entire world will be renewed for His rule and reign. There will be no more evil anywhere on the face of the earth; Christ will destroy it in the wrath of His coming. Satan himself will be banished to the bottomless pit, so that he can no longer torment God's people or bring devastation and destruction to the world.

Jesus Christ will share His honor and glory with all those who serve Him in ushering in the Kingdom of God. He will praise us for our faithfulness and we will rule and reign with Him for all of eternity. We will be kings and priests of God and judge both men and angels. We will be given the heathen for our inheritance and be just rulers and capable teachers of all mankind.

The Lord will permit us to govern all the nations of the world and make certain that Kingdom principles are always in full operation. We will enforce love, peace, and unity on the earth and ensure that all men live free of oppression and exploitation. There will be no more war, conflict or violence any longer; there will be fairness, justice and equality in God's Kingdom for all eternity.

Topics for Discussion

  1. Great and Precious Promises
  2. Covenant With God
  3. Mercy and Compassion
  4. All Needs Met
  5. Health and Wellness
  6. Eternal Life
  7. Kingdom Promises

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