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saw this sign...

Postby Timothy » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:08 pm

"Children are living messages we send to a time we will not see."
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Postby Lani » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:18 pm


How true is that .... a living, walking, breathing message...

Built up by the things we teach them,
Things worldly influence sneaks in also..

Which is why it is so important for us as Parents to make sure we are the forefront at that defense... Faith should start young, during that innocence so that it has time to grow and strengthen into a solid shield for what lay ahead.

It's reminds me of that poem...

Children Learn What They Live
by Dorothy Law Nolte

If children live with criticism,
they learn to condemn.

If children live with hostility,
they learn to fight.

If children live with fear,
they learn to be apprehensive.

If children live with pity,
they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

If children live with ridicule,
they learn to feel shy.

If children live with jealousy,
they learn to feel envy.

If children live with shame,
they learn to feel guilty.

If children live with encouragement,
they learn confidence.

If children live with tolerance,
they learn patience.

If children live with praise,
they learn appreciation.

If children live with acceptance,
they learn to love.

If children live with approval,
they learn to like themselves.

If children live with recognition,
they learn it is good to have a goal.

If children live with sharing,
they learn generosity.

If children live with honesty,
they learn truthfulness.

If children live with fairness,
they learn justice.

If children live with kindness and consideration,
they learn respect.

If children live with security,
they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.

If children live with friendliness,
they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

They see everything we do; even when you think they are preoccupied, or sleeping or not aware... They know all to well. Lessons start at birth. Their ideals are molded from the very first breathe, and what they see, feel, and learn growing up will mold how they think, act, and teach as they grow.

Makes you stop and think doesn't it?

Awesome post Brother Timothy!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Peace and Luv in Christ
*BlessYou* Lani

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Postby lizzie » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:01 am

Brother timothy, that made me go 'Wow' :) amen *angelbounce*
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Postby smalltowngirl743 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:36 pm

Awesome Timothy!

I've never thought of our children that way before, but it's so true.

Thanks for sharing brother...God bless you and your own messages!!


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Postby mlg » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:29 pm

Timothy what a blessing you have shared here :) Thank you so much...

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:58 pm

I like that Tim :)
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Postby Paz.Amor.Musica » Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:11 am

i like it too(:
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:26 pm

aww thats cool :)

Thanks for shareing timothy!!

Love ya
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