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What in the world is going on?

Postby lizzie » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:29 pm

I seriously dont know what to say about the following article. My mind is just baffled over the fact that people could be so heartless.

Richmond, California (CNN) -- October 28, 2009

Investigators say as many as 20 people were involved in or stood and watched the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside a California high school homecoming dance Saturday night.

Tell me, do these people who stood by and watched this girl being brutalized not have mothers and sisters and nieces and aunts?? What kinda of world do we live in where its considered acceptable to stand and witness somethin like this and say and do NOTHING???

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Postby HolyGhostFire » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:57 pm


thats so very sad to heat


wat kind of world do we live in????

u would just stand by and watch


thats such terrible news

I Hope the 15 yr old is ok

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Postby lizzie » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:12 pm

So do i effly

These people have no idea what they have done to this girl. Apart from the physical , this girl is gonna be traumatized mentally and emotionally and will never be able to forget what was done to her.

I pray that she is able, if not now, later on, to find healing in the Lord.
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Postby praisetheking95 » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:11 pm

That is awful!!!!
How could they not do something! :O :(
...I can't believe that!

I really hope that girl is ok too!

amen lizziee...
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Postby Paz.Amor.Musica » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:02 pm

Wow, that is very shocking, but I can't say I'm too surprised.

So many cruel and stupid people out there, sadly.

But still, wow. :(

Prayers go out for the girl.
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Postby bigred29 » Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:15 am

Is this yet another sign the end is drawing near? Or is it just more proof of how jacked up the world really is??

I mean...really. Somebody could have stopped it or got beat up trying. The fact that nobody tried bothers me. The fact it happened in the first places hurts me. Those involved will have to awnser for it in due time. I just pray the young lady wiil be ok and find strength in HIM.
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Postby comfy » Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:47 pm

According to reports, she left the dance, early, and got away from where there was supervision . . . to a location on school property where there were people who were drinking; and she had been drinking with them for a while before the vicious and very damaging assaulting got started. It went on for two and a half hours. Word of mouth by overhearing converstion clued someone to call police, in case there had been something happening. They found her under a picnic table, and helicoptered her for critical care. But she is out now, I think. Prosecutors are especially serious about seeking a life sentence for one of the guys, a legal adult, and also life sentences for certain younger guys, too.

So . . . that is inexcusable, but it looks like it was in a setting away from school supervision. She walked away from the safety zone, and joined in drinking. At least one rapist may have known her personally. Ones were reported to have been laughing. It looks like the school grounds is pretty big and they were not near the dance where just anyone would have seen what was happening, like just around a corner of some back door. Everyone at the action could have been bonded with each other, so peer influence would keep them from getting help. One kid reportedly was scared of getting beaten up for doing anything.

According to my little bit of research, this school has a big campus, with not all areas covered by security cameras, but some are, I guess. The main amount of students are Hispanic, and success in main subjects is under about twenty percent for things like English and Math, etc. But the school has had super-star champion teams in sports; then the coach stopped games in order to push kids to get better grades, and he was condemned for that > people ganged up on him for seeking what is good for the students. I have been with sports teams > ones can function as gangs against those who do not conform. This ganging up sort of a thing is part of how people in this world do things.

So . . . like I say . . . no excuse . . . but that is how people in this world do things. Notice how family members and friends and even medical professionals can gang up on an unborn child, and kill the child just because the mother doesn't like how her child might become. So, she is killing who she fears her child will become. This is *legal* in the U.S.A.

So, this is how this world does do things, not just in that incident.

prayer can beat this kind of a thing
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