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Family Exercise

Postby goldieluvs » Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:46 pm

Hey everyone! My dad was sent home with instructions to eat healthier and to exercise. He has a heart condition. My mom wants me and her to start walking of an evening and inviting him along. I have been convicted for a long time now about various bad habits.

When my mom first said this i was like oh where am i gonna find the time? Well, I am gonna make time. I believe this is coming from God to 1. begin treating my body as His temple as He dwells in me. 2. A chance to be supportive of my mom and dad maybe helping us all. 3. a chance to talk about how God has worked in my life to bring healing and understanding and share a lil of Him. So, now i am psyched about this. Course i will have to get to where i am able to breathe in order to talk lol but that will come if we just keep at it.

I am hoping to start by end of the week. I say that instead of tomorrow as i am currently sick. Some sort of cold or something. I have many projects lined up and am realizing that this is a full time job in and of itself. I am also reminded that Paul and the apostles did jobs to keep theirselves up so as not to be a burden on the churches. So, I am feeling good about this and just wanted to share.

luvs u all
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Postby lizzie » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:32 am

Aww goldie that is just awesome sis *hug*

Have ya started yet missy lou?

I know it can be hard to find the time... or sometimes we just dont wanna find the time rofl

But if u think of it this way...

We may spend 30 - 60 mins watching tv or just doin nothin during the day.

Just 30 mins a day can keep our hearts healthy.
Tv just rots the mind :roll:

Sounds like an easy call huh. But gettin motivated and stayin motivated is important. I know sometimes i work out for weeks on end, then just stop and months go by. Makes it harder to start back and get into routine again.

But it really is all about making it part of your routine. And it truly does help your energy level and makes ya peppy lol

Luv u sis, get to steppin! *hug5*
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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:34 pm

aww ty lizzie, nope haven't started, i got some kinda hacking cough thing going on. Maybe this weekend. My mom hasn't brought it back up. But if nothing else, then i can always take Annie for a walk, Shes in poor health and a lil exercise might do her a lil good. Shes a lil older with a thyroid condition and so is heavier than she is supposed to be even tho i measure her food. Unfortunately i havent been able to afford the vet so no meds. poor thing. Trying to be a good momma to her though even wif limited funds. i put some herbal stuff for overall health in her food she is just so pitiful. Now Sierra would zoom around full speed ahead and i would feel bad to not take her with me, but Annie needs it more. Thanks for bringing it back to my attention. I dunno how i missed this before. Also, theres a chance i could lose my job, so am trying to get my medical stuff taken care of first. Things like dentist, glasses, etc. So, while havent started yet, and if mom doesnt want to or cant then i can always take Annie for a walk down the road i live on. MIght do her and me some good.

Ty sis and luvs u. and yep i need to get a stepping and maybe teach her to go fetching rofl.

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Postby --- » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:53 am

That's great goldie. Before school started i took my 80 year old grandpa to the gym everyday. He didn't like get out but once he got there he was happy to be there. It just taking the first step of getting out and exercising after that it's not big deal.
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