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This little runt

Postby visi » Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:07 am

I now have a pup, that I didn't want
my daughter said come on Dad, he is the runt
I looked him over ,and said why not, so off for some chew toys
that I bought.

As I was driving home, I began to think, my goodness
I dent want this runt. I should have been more blunt
But, hey who else would want this runt.

My heart took a change, as I thought about this
what if God would have said this about me, when I first found
a light. No, thanks I don't want this runt. Look at him, he is tiny
and probably wont turn into much.

So I now have a puppy, thats laying on my lap, that I don't really need
but, I remembered, there are so many the feel Christ is one that they don't really need, but He still got on the cross, and his blood covers all our need from this our lives get all there need

So sleep little puppy and worry not, for Ill be here for you, cause your not
the only runt, that has a need.
Seek first the Kingdom of God... means in all things seek God. If you dont see God... look again cause what your seeing, and who your following might not be God at all ... Think about it? Wishful thinking does not equal .... GOD .
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Posts: 29
Location: Kentucky
Marital Status: Widowed

Postby Guest » Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:11 am

awwww Visi,

The sweetest poem!!!!! Dont forget his shots.
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Postby splash » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:28 pm

Awww that's sweet visi...

Hide your shoes and use that sour apple spray on the furniture legs.

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Postby JCsmediator » Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:27 pm

hahahah splashess s puppy proof house ...
visss awww so cool to write about ur runt I think ur awesome in how u felt ...

ty for sharing ... I love that *hug* *Cross*

and rememeber to give him a huggy from me and bite his ear and if you ever get married take my advice dont pet the wife and kiss the dog on ur way out the door ... *ThumbsUp*
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Postby Guest » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:27 pm

Love your poem and it's meaning visi! :)
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