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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:21 am

ok i said the pledge this morning and u know the first thing this morning i had to deal with was my daughters school. She cant go to school until the other school sends her transcripts. i got angry and irritated because she needs to be in school and her school should of had the paperwork in july .

so how do u not complain about that?


the test *Whistle*

but Hes teaching me ;)

by being diligent!

i am a diligent woman i proclaim it.

God put on my heart today about slothfulness.

sloth~ an animal , large as a housecat , the slowest moving animal on earth.. walks 1 km wld take a month. they move slow because it is a defense against predators. the predators cant notice their movement.

slow slugish lazy

tomorrow is the only day of the year that appeals to a lazy man

im lazy in some form or fashion, if u think bout it the whole society looks for the easy way out, the most convient, dish washers, washing machines, drive thrus (u dont even have to get out the car).

spiritual laziness or your busy but your spiritually idle.. you can be busy and still be lazy

there is that word again


be fervent and diligent in the things of God.

balance yr time

eager to do something battles laziness

when yr in love in the first stages of love , the hrs fly by.

Romans 12:11
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Proverbs 26:14
As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:59 pm

ok i did say the pledge again tonite and i was convicted because as i let the Holy Spirit search me i found areas where i had complained about relationships.. uck ... ok but im learning so tomorrow will try again..

i did get angry too this morning and if i wld of just stayed calm and waited i wld of saw that everything was going to be ok. the school finaly got her transcripts.. so instead of getting angry i should of just remained calm and trust that it was in God's hands. :oops:

what else?

well a few personal areas as well that the Lord brought to my attention that i will not discuss here, but pray about and see where He leads me.

tomorrow is a new day day one not too bad i think

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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:42 pm

wow this is harder than i thought

Hes realy showing me bout myself, i knew he wanted me to do the sos program but i had no idea that i was going to have to face some of these things. Its ok Hes with me...

said my pledge this morning, i caught myself in complain mode a few times today

things i complained about
I complained to God "why do u want me to share my past? i dont want to feel uncomfortable, i like keeping things tucked away"

~ i know He knows best and if He is telling me that i need to do this i must be obedient and do it and trust He will help me through, there is obvious things there that i need to let go. He is helping me with this. Thank U Jesus

I complained about me being at work for 16 hrs and cming home to my apartment unclean, not the way i left it. Dishes stacked up in both sides of the sink, crumbs n the counter and kitchen table...

~i need to set chore lists so these kids pick up the slack, its not fair to me that i work and do all the cleaning.

I complained about the bathroom tub being filthy (it was terribly filthy and i had just cleaned it the other day)

~i need to call the landlord and get someone over to fix the drain, slow drain so soap scum gathers at the bottom

let see...

ya thats it, buts its enuff.. i realize i cant be perfect but i want to get this under control and its a daily battle i suppose.

Not complaining is HARD! << complaint rofl gee whiz cant i kick this?


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Postby Dora » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:35 pm


That's all you complained about? Sheesh sis! I got you waaaaaaaaaaaay beat! *Whistle*

I joined CAC
That is Complains Anonymous Club but fell of the wagon this past weekend.

Jill you crack me up!

*squirrel crashed a journal party* *run* *scurries back to den in fav tree*

Love ya sis *hug*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:14 pm

ya that was my first half of the day pine!

other things i complained about and caught myself in:

my daughter missed the bus and was late to her first flute private lesson by 5 minutes (gasp i try my best to be on time)

then had to take my son to football practice and he saw a bug and screamed and scared me half to death and i had to finally pull over and scoot the bug out the car on the highway geessshhhhhh!

so then we were late to football practice i complained about that as well as my son being a baby cause hes scared of a lil old beetle and supposed to be a football player.

k thats it

try again tomorrow


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Postby Dora » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:23 pm


a little beetle? :roll:

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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:00 pm

said my pledges this morning and have had a wonderful day so far!

I havent outwardly complained about anything today, in my mind i have tho :(. Its a process.

But i think alot of it has to do im at work today and not at home with the kids so dont have anyone to complain about or to *Halo*

i did tell the kids that i expect the aptmnt to be clean when i get home in the am. so we shall see.

My daughter went to her 2nd day of high school today. She missed the bus again and i wasnt able to pick her up cause im at work but she did get a ride home from a friend. She has no choice but to be more active now. the last several months shes been secluded and depressed most of her time she spent in her room and didnt associate much at all. Because of her inactiveness she has gained some weight and i feel she is very insecure at the moment. I have tried to encourage her when i go to exercise she gives in and says no i dont want to.. she s seen how ive been losing weight and i told her i wld help her, but she dont want to try.. she goes without eating in school because i think she is embarassed to eat in front of others she comes home from school starved and eats. Yesterday she was so tired from school after her flute lesson she fell asleep. its going to take her some time to get back into the swing of things and im hopefull she will improve as she gets back to a normal routine... i worry bout her getting back in contact with the other kids who led her astray but i had to send her back she wasnt doing good being isolated like that, i did what i thought was best at the time and i feel terrible for what she has been through i just hope and pray she will get better.

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Postby flutemusic67 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:35 pm

She plays the flute!


Wish I had known! We could have had a nice chat.


Keep encouraging her. It is very difficult to get started.

Love you, Jillybean!

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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:04 pm

yes flute indeed!

we both play the flute and she is learning to play the piccolo its in the shop at the moment, under warranty thank goodness... but hopefully she can teach me how to play the piccolo a lil better than i do. She is very excited that they let her in the marching band being she didnt go to band camp this summer. The band director was sympathetic with her having a ruff year lst year and let her join. SO tha t is a blessing because usually they dont let them if they havent attended, she will not be able to march on the field during games tho being she doesnt have enuff practice.

ty flute fr your reply love u much my sis!


hey maybe we can do a trio!
that wld be fun!
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Postby flutemusic67 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:52 pm

Oooooooooooooooo! How exciting!


I have trio books and duet books! We could double up on duets if we want.

What kind of flutes and piccolo's do you have? I have an Armstrong-french style, professional flute that is sterling silver. It's a great flute! I have a Gemeinhardt piccolo that is made of grenadilla wood and has no mouthplate, just the mouthhole. It's a great piccolo, but the mouthhole can hurt if you don't have good embouchure or tense up.

This is sweeeeeeeeet! *ohyeah*

Luv you!!!

My resolution for today, next month, and years to come is to be further from the world and closer to the Word.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:06 pm


we have a gemeinhardt flute i think and im not sure bout the picollo we just bought it and its a black one not metal it was a cheapy one, but it works just the same!

yes that wld be awesome sis! im a lil rusty im gonna have to practice up



oh yes and i made it today without outwardly complaining! oh ya oh ya woo hoo .. Hes the man Hes the man!! does the Daddys lil girl dance woot woot ! now the test when i get home in the am ....dum dum dum... do u think the dishes will be washed? the apt descent looking?? stay tuned .... rofl i crack myself up tee hee
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:01 am

ok said my pledge this morning

sunday night i got frustrated, angry and complained.

problems at work arised and got to complain mode, but i handled it alot differently than i usually do, so that is a good thing, that means im learning.

today is a new day.

Spent alot of time with the Lord yesterday, read some of revelations and some of matthew . Had a wonderful time in communion with Him. i wrote and encouraging letter to a friend as well.

not alot to write about here today i guess

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