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Texas schools to teach the Bible

Postby mlg » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:01 pm

This story is about a new Texas law going into effect this year at nene's school. I'm concerned that the teachers who are required to teach the Bible may not have the heart knowledge of Jesus, causing more harm than good.

What do you all think?

Texas public schools required to teach Bible this year

Posted: Aug 14, 2009 05:48 PM CDT

Updated: Aug 17, 2009 11:59 AM CDT

By Sara Story - email
Posted by Michael Hetrick

WHITEHOUSE, TX (KLTV) - The school year is almost here, and if literature of the Bible is not already offered in your child's school, it will be this fall.

Books are a common sight in classrooms around the nation, but the Bible is one book that is not. Come this fall, a Texas law says all public schools must offer information relating to the Bible in their curriculum.

"By the end of the year, what they begin to realize is that it is pervasive. You can't get away from it. The kids came back and were like 'It's everywhere,'" said John Keeling, the social studies chair at Whitehouse High School. Whitehouse already offers a Bible elective. "The purpose of a course like this isn't even really to get kids to believe it, per se, it is just to appreciate the profound impact that it has had on our history and on our government."

The law actually passed in 2007, but this will be the first school year it is enforced because the bill says, "The provisions of this act pertaining to a school district do not take effect until the 2009-2010 school year."

This has gained mixed reactions from East Texans.

"I think it is a good thing because a lot of kids don't have that experience, and they already want to take prayer out of school as it is, and you see where our kids are ending up!" said Tyler resident Laura Tucker.

Tyler resident, Havis Tatum, disagrees with Tucker.

"I don't want anybody teaching their religious beliefs to my child unless they want to send their child to my house and let me teach them my religious views," said Tatum. "There is no difference."

School officials said schools have not enforced the law because of confusion over the bill's wording and lack of state funding.

For now, each school district must find a way to fill the requirement before the seats are filled with students.
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Postby JCsmediator » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:00 pm

amen I pray Gods WIll be done Holy Spirit use it for His Glory! IJNA
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Postby Guest » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:42 am

This is great and all but let me open up this discussion,

Isnt this like bible beating?

What would happen if your school decided that all Islam should be taught how would you all feel then?

I dont argee with this teaching in public schools, I dont feel that anyone should be forced to learn especially if your of another religion.

Im afraid this will open doors for other religions to be taught to our next generations.
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Postby JCsmediator » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:31 pm

amen flo good point too I like to share a lil something when I was in my twenties just seeking God I allowed an elderly couple to come share with me in my home and was always there weekly too and I asked if I could read out my King James and they had there own bible called the Holy Scriptures which I didn't know there was more than one bible till one day we came across a script and they shared God and Jesus was not one and that Jesus was just a prophet and as I disagreed and kept studing with them some more I came across more and more that I had been taught and as nice as they was and sad it was to have to say good bye...

I know I had some knowledge but I too believe the Truth does set us free ...( Holy Spirit is the one that teacheth )
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Postby Paz.Amor.Musica » Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:38 am

when i first started reading what flo said i was confused
wondering why she'd say that
but then when i got to then end and thought about it i totally see where she is coming from
and i agree
i think it will open doors to other religions being taught
and also, i know i don't like how they force other things on us
so it would be like forcing christianity on someone too
maybe it should be an option, parents can sign their kids up or something idk
but i don't think they should force it on all the kids
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