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A Prayer to Remember that God is Love

Postby saint701 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:23 pm

*AngelYellow* I will tell you what I thnk is going on all over the world. People are beginning to understand and realize the world is a mess, we are a mess, and all of us need God to straighten us out to whatever degree required. God is love.

The first prayer I put up on here was a paraphrased prayer of abiding in His love covering the gospel of John chapters 14 through 17. If a person will begin there, add the other prayers, and pray them daily for self, friends, and family, the Holy Spirit will begin to operate on the praying individual, changing them one messed up place at a time, to whatever degree that individual will allow Him. He has done that with me, and let me tell you, I had no idea my trash can was that full!

If you do not have the time to pray all else I have written here, give Him place through this small prayer EACH DAY.

Father, we praise you today, we worship you, we give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you, we praise your Holy name. Oh, Father, we recognize the failing of our human love, our natural love, and our physical love. So often we fail, Dad, because we take no thought for your love. We need your agape, Dad! We need your charitable love in us this day, and ask you for it. Please correct me each day in all ways that I do not live out of your love in all ways. I love you, Dad. Please correct me in all ways I lack understanding of how to live life in your Love each day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
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