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Postby Leaps4Joy » Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:22 pm

Thursday April 23,2009

Today at school was a piece of cake rofl
Maybe not that easy but close to it....
We didnt do much cause we had testing yesterday
and the teachers wanted to know how it went.. lol
it was pretty easy actually rofl
Thank goodness! I get my results in a few months...
*Pray* I did good on them.... then I dont have to change
my Sophmore schedule around....
We shall see what his will is!

We got 21 days left! wahoooooooooooooo

I got my application turned in today so lets *Pray*
I can get somewhere wit this...
TIs gonna be either in child development, computer technology,
or a secratary... soooo we shall see... lol

Would love to get into Child Development to go along with
what I would love to do after high school which is become a
2nd grade teacher..
So we shall see... there are some places that are looking for
full time ...

School grades are sooooooooooooooo much better!
I am a Honor Student! wahooooooo
Got a 3.33 GPA out of 4


Im out for now ...
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:11 pm

April 27,2009

Today went back to school after a fun/Long weekend...
We didn't do much at school though...
Won't do much tomorrow either, cause we get out early..
waahoooooooooooo! *band*
Teachers can be mean at times....
They kicked me into the hallway for the 3rd time now
for coughing.. rofl
They say its a distraction rofl
Now Im known as a distraction ...
But ya know what thats ok! *run*

17 days till the Gathering! *Guitar*
28 days till school gets out! *Whistle*
51 days till the BIG TICKET *angelbounce*
72 days till I turn 16! *HappyBirthday*

365 days till this time next year! rofl

Im gettin really really really
excited about this gathering!

Its gettin sooooooooooooooooooooooo close!




psst. I miss tres :(

Love ya all!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat May 02, 2009 10:28 pm

May 2,2009

hmmmm I'm not reallly likin this week...
It was quit boring at the beginning of the week.
Although I got all of my grades up for sure now
and now I got A's and B's which is good..
I'v been sick on and off coughin and what not
since before we went on vacation to tres's
takin med. for that....
Thursday night rolled around and as I was doing
a program for pine, my eye starting burning
and watering really bad... Well this time of year
my allergies are really out of wack so parents
and I are just thinkin that its allergies.. Nothing
new... Later that night it was still burning and
watering worse then ever, but it was bright red..
thinkin that i was on the computer to much, my
dad said that I should get off and see what happens..
so I did..
Friday morning rolls around and its still the same,
waterin and red as ever.... I went to school because
we thought it was allergies.... 1st hour teacher
which is spanish asked me If I was ok and I said yeah
that I would be fine it was just allergies..
I made it to 4th hour.... Which is my Computer class
and she noticed I was havin issues lookin at the computer
and squinting a lot... she asked me if I was ok...
I said yeah but I need to go see the nurse..
Because it was really bugging me and maybe she knewsomething
that I could do..
She looked at it and said that I could NOT go back to class
and that she would be callin my mom because she believed
that I had a bad case of pink eye...
Well after sitting in the nurses office for well over and hour
and missing lunch,,.. My mom called her back and said that
she was comin to get me and that we would be going to the
doctor... My mom didnt have lunch either and the nurse told
her that she didnt allow me to go to lunch becasue I couldnt
get anyone else sick with it..
So my mom took me out to eat and then we hit the doctor's
office... Iv never seen so many people freak out like they did.
We didnt finsh up at the receptionest desk when they called
me back... We went back there and she said that it was
one of two things... Pink eye or a viral eye infection..
Mom asked her about the coughin and what not for well
over month....
She said she didnt know what it was.... Said she would give
me some med. and see if that helped and if not to come back
and see her and that she would look into it more then..
She gave me eye drops and said that I needed to take them for
7 days.... that if my eye looked beter monday that I could
Return to school...
*Pray* that I can go back..
Not sure that it is gonna happen.. unless it starts lookin better
tomorrow.. But we serve a God who works mericals!

The med. she gave me for coughin has some strong stuff in
it and really makes ya sleep....
Iv slept on and off all day today....
With my mom wakin me every 3 hours to give me some eye drops...
I be sooo happy when this is over with rofl

12 days till the gathering! wahooooooooo

soooo close!

im a bit sad that I still cant sing for Praise and Worship :(

But there must be a reason why....

Well thats all for now!

*gonna kidnap tres and run wif her*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun May 10, 2009 1:14 am

May 10th, 2009

Pink eye is all gone,.... I think rofl
Still takin eye drops till tuesday/wednesday I believe
just to make sure that it all goes away and I dont
get it again...
Friday my cousin whom I am really close to came
and got me... I hadnt seen her for years!
But have talked to her for a few months on the phone..
She's so nice.....
We have a lot of fun together...
Lot of cryin
Just good ol' times...
Was supposed to go back home with my parents after
we were done at Chucky Cheese, but she wanted me to
stay again and so did her kids... So I talked to my dad
and he said that it was fine and that he didnt care..
So im still there... lol
Kids are to cute...
my cousin is in her 30's a lil odd for someone my age
to have a cousin that old but she and I are close...
She wants me to come stay with her when she has surgrey
so I can help take care of her 2 boys because they seem
to listen to me more then other people....
soooooooooooooooo shes gonna let me know when it is
so I can make plans to come stay and take care of the boys....
Also gonna stay 10 days with her in June..... *Guitar*
We are close indeed! :)
going back home tomorrow.... :(

Plus side....
thats all for now..

I'm out! *run*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat May 23, 2009 3:13 pm

May 23, 2009

Haven't wrote in here since the weekend before the gathering so I thought that it was about time to write some things down..

The gathering was great.... I wasn't around much more just looking over everything I guess, im not a people peerson so standing back was the best thing that I could do... I miss you all so much! I had fun when I was with everyone... I loved hanging out and talking to the ones that I did...For those of you that I didn't get a chance to talk to im sorry, again I am NOT a people person, and this last weekend I had a few other things going on... Satan was trying to get me down.... I would like to say thanks to Momof3 and MLG for being there and talking with me when I needed them the most.... Thank you to the ones that tried helping.... It wasn't because I didn't want to talk to you all, because I would love to.....
It is easier for me to some then it is others....

MTJ and Momof3 had a great time hanging out with the two of you... What a great time that was....
Flute and Skrubby thanks for lettin me hang with ya'll when I wasn't with momof3...
Flute thanks for being there and listening to me as well and walking with me... was so nice! *hug*
Pine and Cubby, I had a great time with you all and then you all coming back to the house was great as well......

Oasis and Phan, thanks for all that you all do..... If it wasn't for you all and doing your calling we wouldn't of even had this gathering...

Flo thanks so much for askin me to go to the mall with you all, and shareing ya blanket... I had a great time at the mall with the teen girls... having lunch with them and then walking around was so nice! Thanks again.....

MTJ.... I love ya sis I had a great time hanging out with you this past weekend more then ya know....

Momof3 Im not even sure what to say to you.... THanks so much for ALL that you done, for me to list it would take me forever..... Thanks so much.. ya helped soooooooooo much, and thanks for letting me stay with you Friday night, and talking with me.... greatly appriciate it..... LOVE YA TONS! *hug*

For the rest of you..... I had a fantastic time this past weekend... I know I wasn't around many of ya but I was there and I was watching....

Tres, thanks for being willing to talk on Friday night... LOVE YA SOO MUCH! *hug*

Again thank you all who came and made this possible.. I am looking forward to next year! :)

I'm still working on getting back on my schedule and working out these issues that I had.....

LOVE YA ALL! *hug*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Thu May 28, 2009 8:23 pm

Thursday, May 28, 2009

We are getting closer and closer to finals and I am getting
more and more stressed.... Im leaning to the Heavenly Father
that he will give me the strength that I need to pass these tests
and to do good on them so I can move on and get the credits I
need for this year...
We walked up to my aunts today, she lives up the street....
It was good to sit down and have a good conversation with her
and my mom. We talked about all kinds of things.... My sister had
her son, and my brother and my uncle were outside mowing the
lawn lol So it was just us older females so it was nice....
We have been having some issues with my sister lately doing
things that she isnt supposed to, and its really pulling the whole
family down.... We are trying to stand strong and remember to
love her no matter what..... Things right now with her are really
tough with her, and they arent sure that she is going to pass this
school year, but again we are standing strong as well as we can...

I go to the doc. tomorrow to find out what is wrong with my chest/lungs
and hope and pray that all is ok....

I got 5 more days of school! *angelbounce* and we busting a pinata
in spanish class on monday.... wahoooooooooooo *Guitar*

Test in Bio. tomorrow and IDK if I will even be there to take it depends
what goes on at the doc. office...

Pray is something simple and they can fix it easily but I know that it
is all in the Lords hands....

I got almost a month till I turn 16! *Guitar*

ok Im out rofl

Love ya all!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun May 31, 2009 2:25 pm

May 31,2009

hmmm I FINALLY got caught up on sleep this weekend
after the gathering... Been so busy since the gathering
till this weekend... Was my only open weekend in a long

Doc. didnt really tell me to much, I go in on Wed. for testing
so they can either figure out what is wrong, or eliminate most
of the possibilities that could be causeing what is going on.
If nothing shows there then I go in for an Ultra sound so they
can look at my gallbladder... he said he believe it is my gallbladder
but needs to make sure before he does anything about it...

This weekend has been a great weekend actually....
Lot of good family time when my mom isnt at work....
So over all its been good..

Going into my last week of school...
I go monday and tuesday
Miss most of the day Wednesday
Thursday im there for hours 1 and 7
and Friday im there for 2,4,6
then im done with school for this year...

Moving on to be a sophmore next year! *help*

Hopefully it will be better then it was this year,
but we shall see..... His will be done...

Well thats all for now...

TONIGHT! *Guitar*


I learned how to make my own comments sooo off I go to make
more! *angelbounce*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:38 pm

June 2, 2009

Its late.... I can't sleep unless my mom is home
and well she isnt home... she working right now
should be home soon though...
Tomorrow should be a fun day...
i got the testing up at the hospital in the morning
at 8:30 and cant eat anything till about noon or
so.... so it should be interresting rofl
Today was my last full of day because of missing tomorrow
and then thursday and friday are finals days..
and those days we get out at 1:45
I cant believe school is almost done... It just seemed like
last month we were starting and now its the end, and
im known as a Sophmore now! :roll:
Not that It feels any different....

Im leavin friday for 10 days.. and wont be back till the 14th
we leave again the 16th bright and early to head to MI,
and then we get back the 21st I think, and then I leave
again the 25th to go stay with my cousin whom is having surgery..
I come back the 3rd, have the 4th of July with the family...
my 16th bday is the 8th.....
I have my luau party the 11th
and then back to my cousins I go...
In Aug. we are going to go see tres and family! wahooooooooooo
Cant wait till then! *Guitar*

Well maybe I should go get something small to eat and drink
before midnight hits and I cant have anything to eat or drink
till tomorrow about noon... ohhh that dont sound to fun.. . lol

Write more when I know more about testing!

GBu all!

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:19 pm

June 4th, 2009

Second to Last day was today,
I took 2 finals today :)
Spanish and Algebra...

Spanish went really well and I got a B
on my final, and ended up with a B+ for
the year..... Which is great ....

Algebra today, I made my teacher cry :(
I gave her a gift today, because this is her last
year... she is retiering which is really sad... But
she's been teaching for well over 30 years....

Testing was yesterday as well....and that was some nasty
stuff that is for sure that they made me take....
Things went easier then I thought that it would be....
thank goodness....
IDK if you would say that it was good or bad...

They didnt find anything with the swallowing..
but that brings up issues with other things, he "said" that
not finding anything this time, brings up things are are
going to be worse...

Im leaving tomorrow for 10 days.... *Guitar*
Going to my cousins... whom is 31 ;)
We get along great and she wants me to come stay with her
and I could use some time away from home that is for sure...

Testing for what is going on can't be done till after we are back
from MI..... soooo I *Pray* all goes well till I get back from there
and then we will start back up with the rest of the testing that my
reg. doctor wants to get done....

All in All... things are going good right now...
A lot better then they could be right now that is for sure..

Well im out of here for now...

Mom and I are going to go shopping for my Birthday stuff right now


Shopping here we coming!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:00 pm

June 7th, 2009

School is done!
We go back the 21st of Aug.

I am not at home right now...

On my first round of vacation right now!

Left Friday and have to go back home next Sunday...

My cousin and I are having a great time together,
and her husband is something else... he loves picking
on people rofl

and there was something that happened when I was here
last time and now he wont leave me alone about it rofl

They want me to go swimming but its TOOOOOO cold!

That water is only a lil over 60 degree's so I have NOT got
in that pool yet and dont plan on it either unless it gets
warmer rofl

We leave next Wednesday for MI to go up with Pine and
Cubby and family for the concert in MI and to spend time
with them! *band*

I cant wait!

Mom and I got a lot of the party stuff bought at several different
stores the other day

Well we are getting ready to head out to the river! *Guitar*

I shall write more sometime this week!

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:46 pm

June 13, 2009

I must go home tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it.
But I really don't have a choice but to go....
I am looking forward to Wednesday and going to Michigan to
go see the festival with pine and cubby.....
After that I am hoping that my parents will allow me to come
back to my cousin's house so I can be with her during her surgery
that she is going to be having the 26th. If I do come I will come to
her house on the 25th.....
Spending some time with my cousin was great, and I wish it would
have lasted a bit longer.... But I am thankful for the time that the
Lord has given us to spend this time together.
We did have a day where there was an issue, but I think with that
issue that it actually brought us closer then we were before....
Not saying that we weren't close before because I know we were.

5 Days till the Festival!
25 Days till I turn 16!
28 Days till my Birthday Luau!

I am looking forward to turning 16 not that it will be too different then
15, but with 16 I can get my license in September, and I am allowed to
do more things then I was before...

Here in the last 10 days or so I haven't been in chat as much and ohhhh
am I missing it.... After I get back from Michigan I will be back in action!

Well I'm out of here for now... Will write more soon! *run*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:45 pm

Wednesday June 24, 2009

Well its been awhile since I posted someething here....
I have made it home, to Michigan, and then back to my
cousins house again after being home for a few days... lol
Michigan was amazing! I loved it there! I want to go back!
Not just for the festival but being able to hang out and talk
to snowy, pine, cubby, and some other kids it was great!

Here is a pic. of Switchfoot and then of Disciple's lead singers...



I had so many pics. well over 200 rofl

Now that I am at my cousins again.... We are tryin to spend some time
together before she goes in for surgery on Friday... we are gonna spend
some time swimming after it gets dark tomorrow rofl cause we both are
sunburnt and it is way to hot out there to go swimming.....
I shall go back home July 5th so I can be home for my 16th birthday.
I will return back here sometime after my birthday party on the 11th...

They have finally gave me a diagnoses on all the issues that I was having
they have now decided that I have a bad case of Acid Reflux and have me
taking med. all the time so this will not happen... Experimenting with it...
I stopped taking the med. and I started chocking.. I started taking it again
and it all seemed fine.. so I do believe they know what it is...

We are supposed to go to Ky to spend some time with tres and family
before school starts back up again... its gonna be so much fun!

We did get my report card in the mail the other day and I am
right where I am supposed to be.... Nothing below a C- although
I wish I didnt have the C's at all but that doesnt always happen.
Will have to work harder next year that is for sure!

Well thats all for now!

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