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a sin i want to lay aside

Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:30 am

...let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us,....

i want to STRIP OFF and THROW ASIDE the sin of gluttony which is DEFTLY and CLEVERLY CLINGING and ENTANGLING me !!

its not that i don't know what to do. i do. i've been on many diets and i have lost weight on every one of them; lots of weight; every diet was successful!! ... i just revert back to gaining .... this has shown me that it isn't so much to food itself, altho that is important as well. its my relationship to the food .... why i eat. i don't want to 'diet' i want to change my perspective.

i was starting to loose weight ... but then i quit smoking and my weightloss has stopped ... and my gluttony is being exacerbated it. i wish that loosing weight was like quitting smoking .... you don't have to learn how to smoke properly ... you just have to STOP doing it. not that it was easy, addictions are very personal and hard. however, this gluttony is actually worse for me than the addiction was to smoking.

seee, how easy i fall into blaming something else for it!! OMG .... its time to stop. i want be able to loose the weight and enjoy all His food that He has given ... the way He meant it to be enjoyed ... without over-doing.

i am opening up here because i need help in this; it will help me to be accountable to you here. these are the parameters that i've set for myself.

1. to workout every day
2. to walk every day
3. to eat ZERO inverted sugar
4. to organize my food for myself for the day as i have a blood sugar problem (this is a big key for me)
5. DO NOT eat while on any screens (watching tv/computer/movies)

i am giving you permission to hold me accountable in these areas; please ask me.

in order for this to be effective for me i am going to put my measurements here .... i don't go by weight loss, size is more important to me. right now i am a size XL or about a 16/18 depending on the make of clothing .... i want to be size m or about a 10/12 by mid summer and by the fall early winter, i want to be a size s ... about a 6/8.

i have been a size small, many times; my frame is small and i am little ... this isn't unreasonable or unhealthy for me. which brings me to my final point .... its about health also. carrying extra weight is hard on my back and joints .... as i age, i want to able to be physically fit and mobile.

upper arm - 13 1/3 "
waist - 38"
hips - 46"
thigh - 26"

i'm not looking for maximum shrinkage .... just a slow progress, as i learn.

thank you for your help.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:10 am


Wow takes alot of courage to do what u just did! i commed you! you can do it, i know u can. You can do all things through Christ who strgthens you!! i will hold u accountable!

Gbu sis!

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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:44 am

awesome sis! I need to lose weight too, i wanna quit smoking first tho,. I will check with you and encourage u on ur journey

luvs ya
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:10 am

AWWWWW ... ty both


thank you for stepping out to let me come under you in this accountability !!

quite honestly as i was writing that ..... i was .... eating ... my breakfast.... please forgive me!!!!!

its not that eating at the computer is sin, its just that ..... well, ... for me it IS .... right now anyway.

LORD God, Father of creation ..... help me to honour YOU in this.
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Postby Dora » Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:36 pm

Wow Lion, this is awesome.
I too need to eat better.
But not sure I'm ready to have someone push me. *Whistle*
Not so much for the weight but for my sugar as it has been all over the place and effects my relationships and my work here.
Let alone the major fact that when your sugar drops low it kills brain cells, not at all a good thing when I need all I can get.

I'm behind you sis.
This is spuring me on to take better care of myself. Thank you *hug*
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Postby flutemusic67 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:28 pm

Pine wrote
Let alone the major fact that when your sugar drops low it kills brain cells, not at all a good thing when I need all I can get.
rofl Ya nutter!

Lion, most of us have this struggle! I have type 2 diabetes and was so bad over the holidays. But on the 31st, I said enough! Have not had any 'sweets' since January 1st!

My resolve is fading and frankly, I need prayer.

You are a brave and humble soul for sharing. I venture to guess many of us have too much pride to do so. God bless you and give you strength to continue.

Love ya!


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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:55 am

So sis, how we doing on this area? Staying strong?

Im praying for u!! I know its a hard thing to do. Keep courage and faith.

love ya lots

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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:31 am

its going GREAT ... you've already helped me 2X!!!! i was at the 1$ and i wanted to buy chocolate bars SSSSOOOOOOOO badly ... (i don't how your dollar stores work in the states, but here in canada, we can by two regular size chocolate bars for 1$ !!! ... they are the hardest stores for me to go in ...

so, i went to the bathroom first, when i got in the mall and prayed before i went into the store .... i chewed a peice of spearment gum and.... thought of you guys as i walked into the store, that i'd have to admit that i failed already .... *rofl*.... thank you for being an encouragment for me ...

...*hug* ... *hug5* ... *Hug9*

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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:32 am

*Lion* and the *Mouse*

*scratches head ---> isn't this one of aesop's fables??

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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:28 am



So proud of u sis!!!!

*WooHoo* *Cheer3* *Handshake* *TreeDance* *Buddy* *PowerOfPrayer*

Keep up the excellent work!! and when i say work I know when it comes to eating healthy it realy is work, doesnt come easy!!

God bless u sis

love ya lots!

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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:51 pm

awww sis its ok,, we gonna do it together. Rome wasnt built overnight, so we cant always change our habits overnight either... just keep trying sis and i keep *pray*

Luvs ya lots!

PS Jill, how ephesians going for ya???
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Postby JCsmediator » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:02 pm

amen! This is very cool and soooo well needed too ..

ok I have one and I will share a lil first before I start and ask yall to please understand I cry over this and have and do keep trying daily and is very hard for me to over come ...

That I even questioned if It was put on me like a thorn in the flesh to keep me close to God but I Love the Lord and I really don't think anything can seperate me from my love and wants to please Him and Him only ...

Now I know that we all fall short and that is expected cuz it says we will be I am talking where this has shamed me and made me a feel like crippled and makes me feel really bad and like I am struggl'n tooo to beat this cuz I hate it ...

and before I start I like to say want to say WTG Lion!!!
And to ALL of yall, I too suport ya! amen

ok here I go....well I wrestle with FEAR!

I have had a baaaaa'd chldhood and it crossed into my marriage of me being fearful ...

I suffer and wrestle this spirit of fear all my life ...
examples of fear different names same spirit ...

Fear of not being able to breath that was my first crippling fear I was 15 almost 16 ...But Praise God He Deleivered me! Lots of prayer and going to emergency room being told i was not having heart attack or anything like that but was possible having spats of anxiety ...

Next I suffered Fear of dying ... my sister died and I lost it and went right into fear of death and then my neice her daughter died 3 months later and again I went into more fear of dying I was in bad shape I lost weight and looked aged and had bags under my eyes cuz for anyone who wrestles this knows it not only takes s toil on ur mind but ur health as well cuz you can't sleep or eat and even have a social life cuz yu are so afraid you will have a breathing attack right then and there so you land up isolating urself and the cycle was AWEful!

But Praise God He Deleivered me!

Then I wrestled Fear of being around people cuz the fear from the anxiety not being able to breath brought on the fear of dying and the fear of dying brought on the fear of being around people I explained a lil on that but it sooo had me isolated cuz when I was confronted with any one talking to me I just felt this overwhelming feeling of run LOL I laugh now sorry cuz its not funny when ya don't know what ya going thru and ya lose all control and ur mind is just in freak out mode 24/7 and you them become embarrassed cuz ya don't want to act this way in front of any one sooo ya make evey one around ya uneasy to cuz they sense ya strugg'n and don't know from what or what to do ...

But Praise God He Deleivered me!

Then I went right in to Phobia modes and didn't know what was wrong with me and I could not sit in crowds of people cuz the fear from the anxiety not being able to breath brought on the fear of dying and the fear of dying brought on the fear of being around people and the fear of being around people brought on the fear and now phobias of crowds and not going out of my home making me feel like I could not breath again but I had control over the fear of breathing just felt like it in the fear of this phobia crowds and felt like every one was watching me its really baaaa'd what one can go thru when ya mind is under attack ...ya feel so helpless and numb and scared and wonder why and am I crazy and what is happening to me and wiill this ever stop ...with lots of prayer and on my knees from my heart crying out to God...

But Praise God He Deleivered me!

Then I went from being ok to just one day fearing people but in a whole different way ... (like judging but not and just satan used alot of my past that made me angry about the way the world was and the way people act sooo I gave it to God) but fear just knocks and we have to be ready to fight ... spiritual warfare is allowing God to take it and just oding my part and my part is where I say fight and know we have that Power same Power Jesus gave us thru the Holy Spirit sooooo I rebuke alot! I say I will live in the victory!
as I will keep workin on this one now my fight is the enemie trying to bring me down but God has our back to make thru in His Grace!

Sooo when ya feel them fears comming on know God will and can deliver you and I say is it Gods timing??? Cuz if he delivered me, I may be out there serving when He may want me here ?
Why I was delivered from some faster than others, I can't blame God...
But I don't say He hasn't healed me cuz he has all of us at the cross...

I just don't understand why this is taking me this long but I am trusting in Him and in HIS be still and know I am God script and praying every day for change and healing and I do go out and not afraid to be out when even back then I would not even go out of my house so I stiill am over come the others past fears I can sit in crowds and be my self just this one has really messed with me ... FEAR!

ty GB baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yall ur sis JCs
Last edited by JCsmediator on Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:15 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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