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Angel Encounter True Story

Postby Angelwings » Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:04 pm

*Halo* In the fall of 1996, I was on my way home to Nampa, driving on I-80 from Boise, Idaho. It was sometime after 10 pm and I had just left the chapel of a medium security prison. We had had a great service. God had moved mightily and I was so excited!

The flow of traffic was heavy - about 70 mph. Suddenly I noticed that cars ahead of me were suddenly changing lanes, swerving erratically. Before I knew it, I was driving headlong into the back of a school bus that had just merged into traffic. For some reason the bus crossed over into the middle lane at a crawl. The other cars ahead of me were able to swerve around it, but I had no where to go. A pickup truck, oblivious to the predicament ahead of me, came flying past my car close to 90 mph. To avoid crashing into the back of the bus or moving into the path of this speeding pickup, all I quickly cranked the steering wheel to the right, as far as it would go, slammed on the brakes, and shouted out the name of Jesus. The car slid sideways, as the headlight beams of fast moving traffic blinded my eyes. I turned the wheel to the opposite range, and did a complete 180 in the middle of the interstate, sliding again, and shouting the name of Jesus. Somehow, to my amazement, I was able to drive out of what could have been a horrific car crash. I prayed to God no one would smash into the slow moving bus!

It was all a whirlwind; it was surreal, like a dream. How did I get out of that? The world around me kept moving like nothing had ever happened, yet I felt like I had crossed in and out of some kind of parallel universe. I was in shock and had to pray for God to help me drive home. I had a few miles left to go, and I was profusely thanking Jesus for allowing me go home that night to my three children. I also had to wrap my brain around the other thing that occurred in the car. During the peak moment of God's divine intervention to save my life, while I was cranking the wheel of the car and shouting out the name Jesus, it was if time had stood still when I saw an angel sitting next to me in the car. He was sitting quietly, with his hands resting on his lap. And even though I always imagined that they would dress like modern man, he was wearing a robe. He had the face of a man, with normal male features, but above his temple and forehead, his head flanged out into the shape of a crown. I'm not saying that he was wearing a crown, rather, his head opened up and out like a crown. He was not a solid 3D figure, but was more in an outline form; the color of mist. The crown like flanges wisped out and then vaporized. He just sat there the whole time, quietly, next to me, shoulder to shoulder.

Later that night at home, still shaking my head in utter amazement. I began to ask God about the Angel. Why was he so still? I mean, you would think he would have been doing something dramatic, like maneuvering the car around, or covering me up with wings or something. And the shape of his head ... ? To this day, I really don't understand all of what this angel was, but there are some things that God showed me later. He reminded me that there are different angels with different assignments. He said that the enemy was very upset with me that night at the prison because of the breakthrough we had had at the services. Satan was trying to kill me. God told me that the angel I saw was not the only one that was on assignment that night. The Lord showed me that the warring angels fought for me, before the accident had even begun to occur. The Lord said that the angel I saw was the angel He had assigned to me, to assist me in ministry - he works as a messenger angel. He hears only what God says and that is why his head is flanged open, as it were towards heaven, hearing and speaking only the Words of the Father. He assists in sending out words of wisdom.

And I believe he did just that! Only God could have given me the wisdom I needed to handle that car like a stunt woman from Hollywood in a scene out of Vanishing Point! I have a hard enough time parallel parking! On the outside of the car was another story as he kept it from rolling and hitting numerous cars that were all around me. The second miracle that night was that my spun out tires made it all the way home. The next morning in the driveway they were completely flat! Praise God for his mercy endures forever!
Deana True Story *AngelYellow*
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Posts: 710
Location: Louisiana
Marital Status: Married

Postby Psittac » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:59 pm

wow that was a great story! thank you for sharing it. I truly believe in angels and this story gives me a better glimpse at them.
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Postby Guest » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:45 am

wow thats amazing story thank you for sharing
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