Christianity Oasis Forum
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July 25
Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was
using him to rescue them, but they did not.
-- Acts 7:25
Timing is everything. Well, not everything, but an important
thing. God's plan and power provide us with everything. Finding his
timing for that plan and power is crucial. When Moses took it upon
himself to redeem God's people, he failed. After being humbled in
the wilderness, God called him back to deliver the people at the
divine moment and according to the Almighty's plan. The results led
to the Exodus -- the redemption and rebirth of God's holy people.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am often impatient and frustrated by
having to wait. Forgive me, dear God, for trying to rush your
timetable and for assuming my plan is your plan. Please give me
wisdom to know what do, where to go, and when to act. In Jesus'
name I pray for this patience and wisdom. Amen.
Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was
using him to rescue them, but they did not.
-- Acts 7:25
Timing is everything. Well, not everything, but an important
thing. God's plan and power provide us with everything. Finding his
timing for that plan and power is crucial. When Moses took it upon
himself to redeem God's people, he failed. After being humbled in
the wilderness, God called him back to deliver the people at the
divine moment and according to the Almighty's plan. The results led
to the Exodus -- the redemption and rebirth of God's holy people.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am often impatient and frustrated by
having to wait. Forgive me, dear God, for trying to rush your
timetable and for assuming my plan is your plan. Please give me
wisdom to know what do, where to go, and when to act. In Jesus'
name I pray for this patience and wisdom. Amen.
2 posts
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