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My Heart Cries Out

Postby Sylvia » Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:05 am

I sit in the reception area at the Methadone Clinic. I am waiting for my son to come down the stairs after he doses. I watch the people pouring in and out of the clinic. A guy comes in, he looks like he could be an athlete. A young couple with a baby come in. The Dad tenderly puts the babies jacket on before both he and the babies Mother go upstairs to dose. The baby is left with the receptionist who is trying to take care of the baby and answer the phone and talk to people who are coming in the door.
A girl I know comes in, she was one of them who was doing heroin with my son the day he overdosed. Since his overdose she has come to the clinic too.
She gives me a big hug and a smile.
My son had told me about a girl he knows who is pregnant and on heroin. She had been on the phone with him crying earlier. I talk to them about her.
They said if she comes in they could find help for her. When we leave my son calls her to tell her.
A woman about my age comes in. She got hooked on pain pills after having surgery. She tells me her story.
By the way, my sons therapist is well known by us. A coincidence? Not with God! He was also a therapist years ago for my youngest son who is mentally disabled. He worked with my youngest son and still sees him.
We didn't know he was working at the Meth Clinic.
The door to the clinic continually opens and closes as people file in.
My heart cries out to them. People from all walks of life. There is no set type of person who can be controlled by drugs. I sit and pray for these people. Help me Lord to some how be used by You while sitting quietly in the reception room.
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Postby susidivah » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:37 am

Amen Sylvia... addiction does NOT discriminate...

Satan does not pick favorites nor cares about affluence, race, physical appearance...

And neither does our Lord :)

Thank you for sharing this for I know many in the physical world who continue to have stigmas and stereotypes about all types of addicts. Important to remember although we all also have Free Will, we have HIS Will and power to overcome... all of us.

Love you dearly Sylvia sis!
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