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Don't Know

Postby Angelbaby5460 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:31 am

Don't Know

I'm trapped inside
Between two lines
Not knowing weither to stay
Or run away and hide
But I don't know

I'm crying inside
Between those two lines
Knowing I want to run away
But also stay
But I don't know

I'm trying to find the courage inside
To try and stay and pretend everything is ok
But they know it is not because my attitude has changed
I'm not trying to look mad or act sad
But I don't know

I'm trying to be me
So maybe I should leave
But then again I could stay till the end
Once again and make new friends
But I don't know
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Postby --- » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:25 pm

I know how you feel. Storms of life come and go, but some scars stay. It's hard for them to heal. But they can, and Jesus can help make them heal. He can make you not look like what you've been through. I'm still learning to trust him.

Your sis,
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