Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for sharing random thoughts and discussions on anything that comes to mind and heart.


Postby unicorn » Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:00 pm

is anyone ever on here?
i dont see new posts.
is there a certain day or time that anyone is in chat. whenever im on, no one else is here.
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Re: anyone?

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:19 am

Hi unicorn,

You make a valid point. I think that there's a lot of traffic going through this site, but it goes in fits and starts and at times it feels as if the place is a bit empty.

As for myself, I'm often posting on a couple of little forums down in this section of the site.

Feel free to write me if you're up for a bit of dialogue, or even a PM.

God bless you, and I hope things are okay (or even better than okay).
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Re: anyone?

Postby unicorn » Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:17 pm

Thanks for the info.
God Bless
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Re: anyone?

Postby Christianity Oasis » Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:53 am

Our mandatory renovation of the Christianity Oasis interactive area (Forum and Chat Room) had us limit access to the Christianity Oasis forum to make extensive internal changes to meet new Internet protocol and in particular to protect the members and guests in these trying times filled with scammers, spammers and other types of predators.

During this time, we granted what is called "read only" access for new guests which allows them to read the forum posts without having to register. New guests can still register if they choose to do so, but the new required protection has them jumping through hoops and providing information which many Christians do not like to share. I actually do not blame them.

Most of our members and guests now prefer to hang out in our Christianity Oasis Community as compared to chat rooms and forums. They are able to enjoy the Christian activities and entertainment such as studies, programs, games, books, etc. without all of the drama which is abundant in today's forums and chat rooms due to constant gossiping, disputes and worse. Even "Christian" chat rooms. Tsk. Tsk. Very sad, but true.

However, it's all good because we have tens of thousands of members and guests spending time at Christianity Oasis each month, partaking of the absolutely awe inspiring Christian resources within and communicating with us via email (

We thank and praise God for revealing this productive and peaceful procedure of reaching and teaching.

Luv all of ya
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