Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Friends,
Been a while since I posted. But it’s been on my heart to make another post. Rather than provide links or articles, I just wish to let it all out and try to draw a common thread.
Firstly, and time will tell whether I am wrong, I am suspicious that the Luciferian globalists running the world- the same creatures that gave us the era of Covid and associated tyranny- might be preparing something big for 2024.
My concerns are borne mainly from similar-type predictions from independent news sources which I respect, as well as apparent ‘predictive programming’ from the globalists themselves; primarily in the form of ominous statements from globalist institutions and western politicians apparently priming the public for what’s in the works.
I do not know for sure exactly what form such a false-flag event may take, but it could have repercussions on a global scale similar to the broad measures which were put into force under the banner of fighting Covid.
One potential scenario is a colossal cyber-attack; not the kind that cuts off our power for a few hours and causes us short-term inconvenience. Rather, we’re potentially talking about something on a scale that could bring society to its knees on a long-term basis.
It would not be limited to, but could include the following: long-term loss of power and everything associated with this, erasure of anything digital like bank accounts (other accounts and work files too), various means of transportation indefinitely out-of-order, potentially severe restrictions to internet access (A POTENTIALLY KEY FACTOR), etc.
Spin-off factors that would result from this could include but not be limited to a broader breakdown of the social fabric, and reciprocal top-down martial-law tyranny which the establishment media would tell us is good and righteous, meaning that anyone who dissented or even questioned it a little bit must be evil-incarnate and cut off from society.
Of course, such an attack would be blamed on the usual suspects (China, Iran, North Korea, Russia…) but the real culprit would be clandestine western government/intelligence/media/military elements with the power to carry out such an event, pull off the cover-up and scapegoat one of the aforementioned countries.
Please note, I do not for a second believe that this is exactly how such an event may pan out this year. I’m not a prophet, and my great hope is that 2024 will pass without major incident, let alone such a potential cataclysm. But there is real fear among independent thinkers that something big may be planned this year, and some believe it could be a cyber-attack basically along the lines of what I just outlined.
Are the globalist (New World Order) types capable of carrying out something so insane and evil? Of course, no question. Why would they do such a thing? I answer this question with another question: Why did they foist the Covid-hysteria on the world for over two years non-stop? My simple answer to such questions is that, while the anti-Christ leader is not yet on the scene, the dark forces running this world are furiously setting the scene for his future arrival (whenever that may ultimately be).
On a specific level, independent media sources and voices have blossomed in a way that couldn’t have been possible without the internet. Getting the internet under control (i.e. ultimately ridding it of independent outlets and voices) is an urgent priority for the globalist agenda.
This is one thing that could potentially be undertaken under cover of such a cyber-attack. Another factor is that we are entering a multi-polar world. While the USA would still appear to be the most powerful nation on the planet, the military-industrial complex based in Washington is now challenged in a major way.
The Ukraine War is currently on a trajectory that does not look good for NATO, and other flare-ups, particularly around the Middle-East, appear to show waning US-dominance. It is not only in a military sense, but also a diplomatic and an economic one. A cyber-attack false-flag event could provide a pretext for dramatic escalation against Russia, or whoever the pre-determined scapegoat may be.
Add to the mix our fraudulent democratic system. I personally refuse to vote as I do not believe in the system. What you choose to do is your own business. As someone who would vote neither Biden nor Trump, I can still objectively say with confidence that the last US election (2020) was rigged on an industrial scale. There’s just too much evidence to deny this.
If you take exception to this statement, I merely draw your attention to the fact that the US government has interfered in dozens and dozens of elections across the globe in recent times. In some of these cases, the soft approach was abandoned for more direct approaches, like the sponsorship of coups and undesirable elements to carry them out. This is objective, verifiable fact. So, knowing that the US government regularly interferes in the elections of other countries, do you really think they wouldn’t interfere in their own elections? I mean, please.
Similarly, they have also killed (or had killed) leaders of other countries when they saw it fit to do so. In like manner, the leader of the US itself in the early 1960s was also killed by clandestine elements of his own government. This is globalism pure, the very nature of the New World Order. Leaders need to be malleable puppets, whether in the collective West or elsewhere. If not, they simply have to be removed.
While I personally view both Biden and Trump as undesirable, there is one that the globalist government/media/military complex would clearly prefer to have as the ‘winner’ of the 2024 US election. And a massive cyber-attack could provide an ideal cover to pre-determine the result of the fraudulent election, whether it be between these two candidates or even if one of them had been swapped out by then.
Overall, while most people are still under the spell of the Beast Empire agenda as it’s unveiled before us, there is growing dissent and deepening fault-lines across various sectors of society. Such a false-flag event like a huge cyber-attack- just as was the case during the Covid hysteria- could empower the establishment to double-down on full-scale tyranny and subdue any possible dissent with even more brutality than we saw from 2020-2022.
And to top it all off, even though I don’t see how just yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if the globalist-governmental ‘response’ to a such a false-flag event could be used to hasten abolition of cash, with heightened talk of a little ‘mark’ (possibly a micro-chip with our own unique barcode) which could be inserted into our forearms or even foreheads and would thus enable us to do all of our transactions with a simple scan of our wrist or head, thus ensuring our own ‘security’.
That’s all for today. Yes, there’s been quite a bit of speculation in this post. But I would call it ‘educated’ speculation. I know for a fact that the people running our world are evil, sick, literal paedophiles who hate humanity and wish to subjugate it and rule it with total disregard for human rights.
Our politicians are generally selfish and egotistical beyond belief, as are their secretive globalist puppet masters. Moreover, mainstream media is the mouthpiece of these people- nothing more, nothing less. Government-paid scientists are generally cut from the same cloth as mainstream media, and are no more worthy of our trust.
There is only one who is worthy of our total trust. This, of course, is Jesus.
Until next time.
Been a while since I posted. But it’s been on my heart to make another post. Rather than provide links or articles, I just wish to let it all out and try to draw a common thread.
Firstly, and time will tell whether I am wrong, I am suspicious that the Luciferian globalists running the world- the same creatures that gave us the era of Covid and associated tyranny- might be preparing something big for 2024.
My concerns are borne mainly from similar-type predictions from independent news sources which I respect, as well as apparent ‘predictive programming’ from the globalists themselves; primarily in the form of ominous statements from globalist institutions and western politicians apparently priming the public for what’s in the works.
I do not know for sure exactly what form such a false-flag event may take, but it could have repercussions on a global scale similar to the broad measures which were put into force under the banner of fighting Covid.
One potential scenario is a colossal cyber-attack; not the kind that cuts off our power for a few hours and causes us short-term inconvenience. Rather, we’re potentially talking about something on a scale that could bring society to its knees on a long-term basis.
It would not be limited to, but could include the following: long-term loss of power and everything associated with this, erasure of anything digital like bank accounts (other accounts and work files too), various means of transportation indefinitely out-of-order, potentially severe restrictions to internet access (A POTENTIALLY KEY FACTOR), etc.
Spin-off factors that would result from this could include but not be limited to a broader breakdown of the social fabric, and reciprocal top-down martial-law tyranny which the establishment media would tell us is good and righteous, meaning that anyone who dissented or even questioned it a little bit must be evil-incarnate and cut off from society.
Of course, such an attack would be blamed on the usual suspects (China, Iran, North Korea, Russia…) but the real culprit would be clandestine western government/intelligence/media/military elements with the power to carry out such an event, pull off the cover-up and scapegoat one of the aforementioned countries.
Please note, I do not for a second believe that this is exactly how such an event may pan out this year. I’m not a prophet, and my great hope is that 2024 will pass without major incident, let alone such a potential cataclysm. But there is real fear among independent thinkers that something big may be planned this year, and some believe it could be a cyber-attack basically along the lines of what I just outlined.
Are the globalist (New World Order) types capable of carrying out something so insane and evil? Of course, no question. Why would they do such a thing? I answer this question with another question: Why did they foist the Covid-hysteria on the world for over two years non-stop? My simple answer to such questions is that, while the anti-Christ leader is not yet on the scene, the dark forces running this world are furiously setting the scene for his future arrival (whenever that may ultimately be).
On a specific level, independent media sources and voices have blossomed in a way that couldn’t have been possible without the internet. Getting the internet under control (i.e. ultimately ridding it of independent outlets and voices) is an urgent priority for the globalist agenda.
This is one thing that could potentially be undertaken under cover of such a cyber-attack. Another factor is that we are entering a multi-polar world. While the USA would still appear to be the most powerful nation on the planet, the military-industrial complex based in Washington is now challenged in a major way.
The Ukraine War is currently on a trajectory that does not look good for NATO, and other flare-ups, particularly around the Middle-East, appear to show waning US-dominance. It is not only in a military sense, but also a diplomatic and an economic one. A cyber-attack false-flag event could provide a pretext for dramatic escalation against Russia, or whoever the pre-determined scapegoat may be.
Add to the mix our fraudulent democratic system. I personally refuse to vote as I do not believe in the system. What you choose to do is your own business. As someone who would vote neither Biden nor Trump, I can still objectively say with confidence that the last US election (2020) was rigged on an industrial scale. There’s just too much evidence to deny this.
If you take exception to this statement, I merely draw your attention to the fact that the US government has interfered in dozens and dozens of elections across the globe in recent times. In some of these cases, the soft approach was abandoned for more direct approaches, like the sponsorship of coups and undesirable elements to carry them out. This is objective, verifiable fact. So, knowing that the US government regularly interferes in the elections of other countries, do you really think they wouldn’t interfere in their own elections? I mean, please.
Similarly, they have also killed (or had killed) leaders of other countries when they saw it fit to do so. In like manner, the leader of the US itself in the early 1960s was also killed by clandestine elements of his own government. This is globalism pure, the very nature of the New World Order. Leaders need to be malleable puppets, whether in the collective West or elsewhere. If not, they simply have to be removed.
While I personally view both Biden and Trump as undesirable, there is one that the globalist government/media/military complex would clearly prefer to have as the ‘winner’ of the 2024 US election. And a massive cyber-attack could provide an ideal cover to pre-determine the result of the fraudulent election, whether it be between these two candidates or even if one of them had been swapped out by then.
Overall, while most people are still under the spell of the Beast Empire agenda as it’s unveiled before us, there is growing dissent and deepening fault-lines across various sectors of society. Such a false-flag event like a huge cyber-attack- just as was the case during the Covid hysteria- could empower the establishment to double-down on full-scale tyranny and subdue any possible dissent with even more brutality than we saw from 2020-2022.
And to top it all off, even though I don’t see how just yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if the globalist-governmental ‘response’ to a such a false-flag event could be used to hasten abolition of cash, with heightened talk of a little ‘mark’ (possibly a micro-chip with our own unique barcode) which could be inserted into our forearms or even foreheads and would thus enable us to do all of our transactions with a simple scan of our wrist or head, thus ensuring our own ‘security’.
That’s all for today. Yes, there’s been quite a bit of speculation in this post. But I would call it ‘educated’ speculation. I know for a fact that the people running our world are evil, sick, literal paedophiles who hate humanity and wish to subjugate it and rule it with total disregard for human rights.
Our politicians are generally selfish and egotistical beyond belief, as are their secretive globalist puppet masters. Moreover, mainstream media is the mouthpiece of these people- nothing more, nothing less. Government-paid scientists are generally cut from the same cloth as mainstream media, and are no more worthy of our trust.
There is only one who is worthy of our total trust. This, of course, is Jesus.
Until next time.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Friends,
There are many things for us to discuss regarding the New World Order, otherwise known as the globalist agenda or Beast Power.
You would no doubt be aware of many of these ongoing factors, and I wish to bring up some of these with you in the near-term.
Today, however, is a long-overdue post about a topic (namely, a person) that I commented on in this forum several times last year. If you are not new to this forum, you might remember earlier posts on Torben Sondergaard, a Danish pastor hounded out of his homeland by the government/media complex in that nation (and maybe you’ve heard of his case elsewhere, anyway).
If you’re not familiar with him or his case, here is a very brief rundown:
Though the globalist Danish authorities attempted to justify their persecution of this man and his ministry through carefully couched (and self-righteous) terms, the real reason for their hatred of this man was ultimately his faith in Jesus Christ (and associated ministry).
I may be mistaken, but I believe that it was around late-2019/early-2020 when he (along with his family) fled this persecution to the USA. This had followed several years of escalating persecution against him and his ministry in Denmark, through co-ordinated government/media attacks.
However, in this globalist, Luciferian world the tentacles of Satan have a wide reach, and the same spirit of persecution that hounded him in Denmark followed him to the USA. Around mid-to-early 2022 he was abruptly incarcerated by US authorities on obviously trumped-up charges, and was kept prisoner at a government facility in Florida for over a year.
He was finally set free in mid-August 2023, and was deported back to Denmark. This would initially appear to be a case of ‘Out of the frying pan, into the fire’. However, according to the linked article I will provide for you at the end of this post, after his deportation from the USA to Denmark he was allowed to leave for a 3rd party country (I don’t know where).
The case of Torben is not particularly high-profile, not surprising in our hyper-atheist/secular western culture which would much prefer to get on its high-horse over the trendier issues of the day. The piece I’m about to link is indeed not current, as it’s from mid-August last year, following his release.
But if you wish to find out more about Torben and his ministry, as well as how things have worked out for him since he was set free, I’m sure it would not be hard to find a current update with the right kind of google search, or targeted perusal of associated social media.
Link below: ... lease-pray
There are many things for us to discuss regarding the New World Order, otherwise known as the globalist agenda or Beast Power.
You would no doubt be aware of many of these ongoing factors, and I wish to bring up some of these with you in the near-term.
Today, however, is a long-overdue post about a topic (namely, a person) that I commented on in this forum several times last year. If you are not new to this forum, you might remember earlier posts on Torben Sondergaard, a Danish pastor hounded out of his homeland by the government/media complex in that nation (and maybe you’ve heard of his case elsewhere, anyway).
If you’re not familiar with him or his case, here is a very brief rundown:
Though the globalist Danish authorities attempted to justify their persecution of this man and his ministry through carefully couched (and self-righteous) terms, the real reason for their hatred of this man was ultimately his faith in Jesus Christ (and associated ministry).
I may be mistaken, but I believe that it was around late-2019/early-2020 when he (along with his family) fled this persecution to the USA. This had followed several years of escalating persecution against him and his ministry in Denmark, through co-ordinated government/media attacks.
However, in this globalist, Luciferian world the tentacles of Satan have a wide reach, and the same spirit of persecution that hounded him in Denmark followed him to the USA. Around mid-to-early 2022 he was abruptly incarcerated by US authorities on obviously trumped-up charges, and was kept prisoner at a government facility in Florida for over a year.
He was finally set free in mid-August 2023, and was deported back to Denmark. This would initially appear to be a case of ‘Out of the frying pan, into the fire’. However, according to the linked article I will provide for you at the end of this post, after his deportation from the USA to Denmark he was allowed to leave for a 3rd party country (I don’t know where).
The case of Torben is not particularly high-profile, not surprising in our hyper-atheist/secular western culture which would much prefer to get on its high-horse over the trendier issues of the day. The piece I’m about to link is indeed not current, as it’s from mid-August last year, following his release.
But if you wish to find out more about Torben and his ministry, as well as how things have worked out for him since he was set free, I’m sure it would not be hard to find a current update with the right kind of google search, or targeted perusal of associated social media.
Link below: ... lease-pray
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi All,
Been a little while since the last post. I have come across another article from Christian news source, ‘The Trumpet’. It touches on the insanity of the Corona-era, namely the behaviour of the government/media complex.
Germany is obviously a globalist vassal state. It was not the worst-behaved nation during the Covid-era (this title belongs to China, Australia, New Zealand, parts of the USA, et al), but it was still appalling (like almost every country).
Though none of the monsters (from the various governments, establishment media, government-paid scientists, etc) who gave us the Covid lockdowns have been held accountable, information has started to come out (even begrudgingly admitted in certain segments of media) indicating that the overall response to the Coronavirus was much more deadly than the virus itself.
The broad Covid insanity has been covered extensively in independent/libertarian media, and also in this particular forum.
I don’t like to flog a dead horse, but on the other hand it’s critical that we remember that Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), and that he is in charge of our ruling authorities across the globe (Ephesians 6:12).
In short, Satan is in charge of our governments, the mainstream media, the military, the police, the government-paid scientific community, etc, etc, etc. Yes, without a doubt there would be good INDIVIDUAL people within these institutions. But these are the exception. As a whole, these institutions are run by Satan and his servants. I recently heard it said, ‘Good people don’t (tend to) seek power’. I think it’s a key quote (while remembering that there are always exceptions).
It’s really important that we remember these things as the New World Order ‘Beast Empire’ takes shape before our eyes.
Anyway, now to the article; another exhibit with undeniable evidence that the (human-run) state is NOT God, and must be regarded with utmost vigilant scepticism.
A lot of what is stated in the article is already common knowledge for anyone interested who has an independent mind to think for themselves. But here are some key takeaways:
- Following a lengthy lawsuit, over 2,000 (partially redacted) previously classified pages from Germany’s Coronavirus response team (i.e. the government itself) were released.
- The documents had been kept hidden by the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s version of the CDC in the USA).
- As revealed by the documents, the politicians deliberately withheld certain pieces of information from the public.
- The official risk assessment from the institute was upgraded in mid-March 2020, and there is evidence that this was NOT independently done by SCIENTISTS, but ultimately done at the behest of POLITICIANS.
- In hindsight, it has become clear that this upgrade was undertaken to clear the way (legally) for coming authoritarian measures and mandates.
- Science, while often talked about, was not a motivating factor behind these measures. In fact, the measures generally tended to go against science. One example of this was the mask mandate (particularly the FFP2 masks). It is now known that not only were these masks virtually useless, but that numerous corrupt politicians in Germany had financial interests in the procurement and mandating of these masks, and thus raked in piles of money.
- Corona was no worse than the regular flu, and closing schools had NO EFFECT on combatting the spread of the virus.
- By the end of 2020, less than a year into the so-called pandemic, the team (i.e. the German government itself) conceded that (at least) some of the anti-Covid measures were more severe than the virus itself, and that lockdowns/mandates would kill more children than the virus. But in true satanic style, the government/mainstream media continued to insist on the lockdowns/mandates, and censor/shut down anyone who would dare offer an opposing viewpoint.
- Towards the end of this article in The Trumpet, it is rightly concluded that the responses to Covid never had anything to do with science at all, but were all about the growing authoritarianism and corruption of the globalist New World Order empire.
That’s my summary of the article. But if you wish to check it out for yourself (including links contained within if you wish to research it further), click the link below: ... xpose-lies
Been a little while since the last post. I have come across another article from Christian news source, ‘The Trumpet’. It touches on the insanity of the Corona-era, namely the behaviour of the government/media complex.
Germany is obviously a globalist vassal state. It was not the worst-behaved nation during the Covid-era (this title belongs to China, Australia, New Zealand, parts of the USA, et al), but it was still appalling (like almost every country).
Though none of the monsters (from the various governments, establishment media, government-paid scientists, etc) who gave us the Covid lockdowns have been held accountable, information has started to come out (even begrudgingly admitted in certain segments of media) indicating that the overall response to the Coronavirus was much more deadly than the virus itself.
The broad Covid insanity has been covered extensively in independent/libertarian media, and also in this particular forum.
I don’t like to flog a dead horse, but on the other hand it’s critical that we remember that Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), and that he is in charge of our ruling authorities across the globe (Ephesians 6:12).
In short, Satan is in charge of our governments, the mainstream media, the military, the police, the government-paid scientific community, etc, etc, etc. Yes, without a doubt there would be good INDIVIDUAL people within these institutions. But these are the exception. As a whole, these institutions are run by Satan and his servants. I recently heard it said, ‘Good people don’t (tend to) seek power’. I think it’s a key quote (while remembering that there are always exceptions).
It’s really important that we remember these things as the New World Order ‘Beast Empire’ takes shape before our eyes.
Anyway, now to the article; another exhibit with undeniable evidence that the (human-run) state is NOT God, and must be regarded with utmost vigilant scepticism.
A lot of what is stated in the article is already common knowledge for anyone interested who has an independent mind to think for themselves. But here are some key takeaways:
- Following a lengthy lawsuit, over 2,000 (partially redacted) previously classified pages from Germany’s Coronavirus response team (i.e. the government itself) were released.
- The documents had been kept hidden by the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s version of the CDC in the USA).
- As revealed by the documents, the politicians deliberately withheld certain pieces of information from the public.
- The official risk assessment from the institute was upgraded in mid-March 2020, and there is evidence that this was NOT independently done by SCIENTISTS, but ultimately done at the behest of POLITICIANS.
- In hindsight, it has become clear that this upgrade was undertaken to clear the way (legally) for coming authoritarian measures and mandates.
- Science, while often talked about, was not a motivating factor behind these measures. In fact, the measures generally tended to go against science. One example of this was the mask mandate (particularly the FFP2 masks). It is now known that not only were these masks virtually useless, but that numerous corrupt politicians in Germany had financial interests in the procurement and mandating of these masks, and thus raked in piles of money.
- Corona was no worse than the regular flu, and closing schools had NO EFFECT on combatting the spread of the virus.
- By the end of 2020, less than a year into the so-called pandemic, the team (i.e. the German government itself) conceded that (at least) some of the anti-Covid measures were more severe than the virus itself, and that lockdowns/mandates would kill more children than the virus. But in true satanic style, the government/mainstream media continued to insist on the lockdowns/mandates, and censor/shut down anyone who would dare offer an opposing viewpoint.
- Towards the end of this article in The Trumpet, it is rightly concluded that the responses to Covid never had anything to do with science at all, but were all about the growing authoritarianism and corruption of the globalist New World Order empire.
That’s my summary of the article. But if you wish to check it out for yourself (including links contained within if you wish to research it further), click the link below: ... xpose-lies
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello again Everyone,
I haven't posted in this forum for about a month, and was keen to get back to you. There will be very little writing from me today, only a recommendation and a link to a video packed full of thoughtful analysis of the current state of the globalist agenda, particularly the US-led western empire.
There are some caveats which you should be aware of before you click on the link. They are as follows:
- It's an interview between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and there is sporadic vulgar language. The 'F' word is used approximately one-to-two dozen times. I would usually not link to content which contained vulgarity, but I believe we are at a point-in-time (and a state of the world) where one could feel inclined to tolerate some vulgar language in exchange for some critical insights.
- The podcast episode is about three hours long. It's a big investment of time, but I recommend you either prepare a pot of tea or coffee, kick back and listen/watch. If you don't have the time, leave it running in the background while you're doing something else. I believe it will be worth your while.
- It's not what I would call 'Christian' content (Rogan is more of an open-minded agnostic type, while Carlson is creationist). However, I believe that these men are on the right side of history and I hope that both get to know our God and His son, if they haven't done so yet.
From my point of view, these are the three major caveats. But I encourage you to give it a shot anyway. Some of the topics covered (in no particular order) include:
- The UFO phenomenon, good and evil, inside job/false flag events such as the murder of JFK and 9/11, the scary and sinister nature of the deep state/intelligence services which run our mainstream media and politicians, the transgender agenda, Satan, our sick society at large, the military-industrial complex, the generally perverse and wicked nature of our human leaders, etc, etc, etc.
If you want a deep and intensive insight into the current status of the New World Order globalist agenda- from two flawed yet honest independent sources- click on the link below:
I haven't posted in this forum for about a month, and was keen to get back to you. There will be very little writing from me today, only a recommendation and a link to a video packed full of thoughtful analysis of the current state of the globalist agenda, particularly the US-led western empire.
There are some caveats which you should be aware of before you click on the link. They are as follows:
- It's an interview between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and there is sporadic vulgar language. The 'F' word is used approximately one-to-two dozen times. I would usually not link to content which contained vulgarity, but I believe we are at a point-in-time (and a state of the world) where one could feel inclined to tolerate some vulgar language in exchange for some critical insights.
- The podcast episode is about three hours long. It's a big investment of time, but I recommend you either prepare a pot of tea or coffee, kick back and listen/watch. If you don't have the time, leave it running in the background while you're doing something else. I believe it will be worth your while.
- It's not what I would call 'Christian' content (Rogan is more of an open-minded agnostic type, while Carlson is creationist). However, I believe that these men are on the right side of history and I hope that both get to know our God and His son, if they haven't done so yet.
From my point of view, these are the three major caveats. But I encourage you to give it a shot anyway. Some of the topics covered (in no particular order) include:
- The UFO phenomenon, good and evil, inside job/false flag events such as the murder of JFK and 9/11, the scary and sinister nature of the deep state/intelligence services which run our mainstream media and politicians, the transgender agenda, Satan, our sick society at large, the military-industrial complex, the generally perverse and wicked nature of our human leaders, etc, etc, etc.
If you want a deep and intensive insight into the current status of the New World Order globalist agenda- from two flawed yet honest independent sources- click on the link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello Friends,
I’ve lately noticed more noise around the move to a digital currency, which would go hand-in-hand with the eventual abolition of cash.
This would be a critical hurdle for the globalists to jump as they continue to prepare the way for the arrival of the anti-Christ, and seven-year tribulation period outlined in the book of Revelation (as well as in other parts of the Bible).
Needless to say, it would not yet be possible- on May 3rd 2024- to mandate the Mark of the Beast. The anti-Christ has apparently not yet risen to power (though he may well be already walking the earth in the background, quietly waiting for his Satan-inspired cue to make his move).
But if cash were to be literally phased-out/abolished, and all transactions digital, we would effectively be living in a globalist police state, in which we would no longer be able to make private purchases. Furthermore, as with the Canadian trucker protest, anyone with dissenting opinions could be cut off from their own bank accounts and banned from making any purchases.
From here, it would only be a very small step indeed for a charismatic global leader to arise and- with a great pitch and reassuring smile- inform us that plastic cards were being phased out, and little chips/marks (to be implanted in/on forearms or even foreheads) PHASED IN.
I am obviously not a prophet but, like almost all people, like to think of myself as above average intelligence. My feeling is that the window of anonymous transactions is closing. In fact, the word in the globalist vassal state corporate laboratory known as ‘Australia’ is that cash could be well and truly a thing of the past by 2030. Other countries would naturally follow.
If you think that you may like to make some anonymous transactions before the abolition of cash, I encourage you to act sooner rather than later. The kinds of things I am thinking about here, of course, are wholesome and perfectly legal things, but ‘wholesome and perfectly legal things’ that you would nonetheless MUCH PREFER to be kept confidential from an increasingly evil, draconian global police state.
One basic example is gold. If you feel the need to buy a decent amount of gold and keep it hidden or stored somewhere safe, would you prefer: a) to purchase it sooner rather than later with cash, and thus keep it more-or-less confidential; or b) wait until the abolition of cash, then try to purchase it digitally in full view of the Luciferian New World Order police state authorities?
Gold is just one example from countless. I’ll leave these thoughts with you, but refer you to a brand-new article from Australian mainstream media. It’s called, ‘Call Out Cashless Businesses’ group urges Australia to boycott major supermarkets on May 4.
While I respect the efforts of the activists, they are clearly swimming against the tide. Their call to boycott a pair of supermarket chains on a specific date is more token than anything. Moreover, the article comes across as a fairly bland affair based on the business/financial details associated with the move, and involved parties.
While there appear to be short-term assurances that the supermarkets involved have no immediate plans to fully abolish cash-based transactions, we are informed in the text of what happens to be clear momentum across the broader Australian community to do away with cash altogether in as little as two or three years from now.
There is naturally no alarm expressed in the piece at such a prospect; we are only told the bare, dry details of the consumer habits that have supposedly led up to this point, and the purported benefits and conveniences associated with the move.
At one point of the article, the reader is told that the move to a cashless society is ‘inevitable’.
Link to the article is below: ... 3f66d2426a
From the bland nature of the aforementioned article, we move onto another report, this time from It is also a new article, and is titled, ‘Central banker tells WEF that Covid helps with the transition to a cashless society’.
There are various associated links and videos within the piece for you to delve deeper into the topic, and it’s too much for me to summarize here and now. But if you don’t have the time to check any of it out, the title of the piece captures the general thrust of it.
In short, the creepy demon-worshipping globalist paedophile warmongering ‘elites’ (parasites) want to utterly abolish cash, and are thankful that they’ve been able to accelerate this push under the cover of Covid-19. Further to this, they are (rightfully) confident that most people won’t have any complaints about it.
To my mind, this makes perfect sense because the Bible points out to us that most people will ultimately choose to take the Mark of the Beast when told to do so by the system and its figurehead, the anti-Christ:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13: 16-17)
In the several video grabs around the end of the article, we are reminded of the total dystopia associated with the introduction of a completely digital currency.
Link below: ... s-society/
I’ve lately noticed more noise around the move to a digital currency, which would go hand-in-hand with the eventual abolition of cash.
This would be a critical hurdle for the globalists to jump as they continue to prepare the way for the arrival of the anti-Christ, and seven-year tribulation period outlined in the book of Revelation (as well as in other parts of the Bible).
Needless to say, it would not yet be possible- on May 3rd 2024- to mandate the Mark of the Beast. The anti-Christ has apparently not yet risen to power (though he may well be already walking the earth in the background, quietly waiting for his Satan-inspired cue to make his move).
But if cash were to be literally phased-out/abolished, and all transactions digital, we would effectively be living in a globalist police state, in which we would no longer be able to make private purchases. Furthermore, as with the Canadian trucker protest, anyone with dissenting opinions could be cut off from their own bank accounts and banned from making any purchases.
From here, it would only be a very small step indeed for a charismatic global leader to arise and- with a great pitch and reassuring smile- inform us that plastic cards were being phased out, and little chips/marks (to be implanted in/on forearms or even foreheads) PHASED IN.
I am obviously not a prophet but, like almost all people, like to think of myself as above average intelligence. My feeling is that the window of anonymous transactions is closing. In fact, the word in the globalist vassal state corporate laboratory known as ‘Australia’ is that cash could be well and truly a thing of the past by 2030. Other countries would naturally follow.
If you think that you may like to make some anonymous transactions before the abolition of cash, I encourage you to act sooner rather than later. The kinds of things I am thinking about here, of course, are wholesome and perfectly legal things, but ‘wholesome and perfectly legal things’ that you would nonetheless MUCH PREFER to be kept confidential from an increasingly evil, draconian global police state.
One basic example is gold. If you feel the need to buy a decent amount of gold and keep it hidden or stored somewhere safe, would you prefer: a) to purchase it sooner rather than later with cash, and thus keep it more-or-less confidential; or b) wait until the abolition of cash, then try to purchase it digitally in full view of the Luciferian New World Order police state authorities?
Gold is just one example from countless. I’ll leave these thoughts with you, but refer you to a brand-new article from Australian mainstream media. It’s called, ‘Call Out Cashless Businesses’ group urges Australia to boycott major supermarkets on May 4.
While I respect the efforts of the activists, they are clearly swimming against the tide. Their call to boycott a pair of supermarket chains on a specific date is more token than anything. Moreover, the article comes across as a fairly bland affair based on the business/financial details associated with the move, and involved parties.
While there appear to be short-term assurances that the supermarkets involved have no immediate plans to fully abolish cash-based transactions, we are informed in the text of what happens to be clear momentum across the broader Australian community to do away with cash altogether in as little as two or three years from now.
There is naturally no alarm expressed in the piece at such a prospect; we are only told the bare, dry details of the consumer habits that have supposedly led up to this point, and the purported benefits and conveniences associated with the move.
At one point of the article, the reader is told that the move to a cashless society is ‘inevitable’.
Link to the article is below: ... 3f66d2426a
From the bland nature of the aforementioned article, we move onto another report, this time from It is also a new article, and is titled, ‘Central banker tells WEF that Covid helps with the transition to a cashless society’.
There are various associated links and videos within the piece for you to delve deeper into the topic, and it’s too much for me to summarize here and now. But if you don’t have the time to check any of it out, the title of the piece captures the general thrust of it.
In short, the creepy demon-worshipping globalist paedophile warmongering ‘elites’ (parasites) want to utterly abolish cash, and are thankful that they’ve been able to accelerate this push under the cover of Covid-19. Further to this, they are (rightfully) confident that most people won’t have any complaints about it.
To my mind, this makes perfect sense because the Bible points out to us that most people will ultimately choose to take the Mark of the Beast when told to do so by the system and its figurehead, the anti-Christ:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13: 16-17)
In the several video grabs around the end of the article, we are reminded of the total dystopia associated with the introduction of a completely digital currency.
Link below: ... s-society/
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi again,
You may have heard about the attempted assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. This happened yesterday and it initially seemed that he wouldn't pull through.
As it stands, after several hours of emergency surgery, he is now reportedly in a stable but still serious condition.
He had been shot several times at very close range while greeting members of the public outside of a venue after a meeting somewhere away from the capital.
As he was thrown into a car and rushed off to hospital, security agents disarmed and apprehended the alleged trigger man, apparently an aging local man with activist/globalist/pro-New World Order motives.
Reports are still preliminary and the narrative has not yet crystallised, but this is my current understanding of the general situation.
I will post a good article over the coming days (presuming I can find one).
There is a big asterisk next to this case. While a flurry of Western leaders have publicly expressed their supposed shock and disapproval of the incident, there is no doubt that (in private, once the cameras are no longer clicking/running) these same leaders across the West would be indifferent, if not outright pleased at the incident. Their main point of displeasure as it stands would be that the assassination attempt appears to have failed.
I remember discussing this politician a couple of months ago with an associate of mine. We agreed that his populist stances might require him to watch his own back.
Fico has presented himself as strongly anti-war, and therefore anti-NATO. He has advocated for peace talks to end the war in Ukraine, and has been fiercely critical of the anti-Covid measures and associated corruption and hysteria of politicians/mainstream media, big pharmaceutical companies, etc.
In fact, he had vowed to investigate corrupt figures and officials in his country (and possibly even beyond) who had abused and profited from the era of Covid.
I recall that it was this specific point that I was referring to when speaking with my associate about how Fico's bravery may see him targetted JFK-style.
In short, this all seems to be just too much of a coincidence, but we yet again get a 'lone gunman' narrative.
Maybe it was indeed a lone gunman indirectly incited by globalist elements to attempt the assassination. But I suspect that the involvement of globalist elements, such as an Intel agency like the CIA, might run much deeper in this case than initially meets the eye.
To be fair, it's way too early to tell, and while there is clear motive to lead us to suspect a group like the CIA (or MI6, European minion groups, etc), there is currently nothing in the way of clear evidence.
I'll post again in the coming days when I have more to say.
Take care.
UPDATE: Current reports suggest that Fico is a good chance of surviving this assassination attempt. I encourage anyone (who may feel so inclined) to pray for his recovery.
I wish to refer you to a YouTube video by Jimmy Dore. The video is about a day old and is titled, 'He opposed Big Pharma and told truth about Ukraine- Then this happened'.
The video is just under eight minutes long, and is all about the assassination attempt on Fico. I strongly encourage you to watch it. There is mild profanity at about the five-minute mark, but I don't believe there is any heavy profanity in this video.
Link below:
You may have heard about the attempted assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. This happened yesterday and it initially seemed that he wouldn't pull through.
As it stands, after several hours of emergency surgery, he is now reportedly in a stable but still serious condition.
He had been shot several times at very close range while greeting members of the public outside of a venue after a meeting somewhere away from the capital.
As he was thrown into a car and rushed off to hospital, security agents disarmed and apprehended the alleged trigger man, apparently an aging local man with activist/globalist/pro-New World Order motives.
Reports are still preliminary and the narrative has not yet crystallised, but this is my current understanding of the general situation.
I will post a good article over the coming days (presuming I can find one).
There is a big asterisk next to this case. While a flurry of Western leaders have publicly expressed their supposed shock and disapproval of the incident, there is no doubt that (in private, once the cameras are no longer clicking/running) these same leaders across the West would be indifferent, if not outright pleased at the incident. Their main point of displeasure as it stands would be that the assassination attempt appears to have failed.
I remember discussing this politician a couple of months ago with an associate of mine. We agreed that his populist stances might require him to watch his own back.
Fico has presented himself as strongly anti-war, and therefore anti-NATO. He has advocated for peace talks to end the war in Ukraine, and has been fiercely critical of the anti-Covid measures and associated corruption and hysteria of politicians/mainstream media, big pharmaceutical companies, etc.
In fact, he had vowed to investigate corrupt figures and officials in his country (and possibly even beyond) who had abused and profited from the era of Covid.
I recall that it was this specific point that I was referring to when speaking with my associate about how Fico's bravery may see him targetted JFK-style.
In short, this all seems to be just too much of a coincidence, but we yet again get a 'lone gunman' narrative.
Maybe it was indeed a lone gunman indirectly incited by globalist elements to attempt the assassination. But I suspect that the involvement of globalist elements, such as an Intel agency like the CIA, might run much deeper in this case than initially meets the eye.
To be fair, it's way too early to tell, and while there is clear motive to lead us to suspect a group like the CIA (or MI6, European minion groups, etc), there is currently nothing in the way of clear evidence.
I'll post again in the coming days when I have more to say.
Take care.
UPDATE: Current reports suggest that Fico is a good chance of surviving this assassination attempt. I encourage anyone (who may feel so inclined) to pray for his recovery.
I wish to refer you to a YouTube video by Jimmy Dore. The video is about a day old and is titled, 'He opposed Big Pharma and told truth about Ukraine- Then this happened'.
The video is just under eight minutes long, and is all about the assassination attempt on Fico. I strongly encourage you to watch it. There is mild profanity at about the five-minute mark, but I don't believe there is any heavy profanity in this video.
Link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi again to everyone,
It’s been a while since the last post. I don’t have one particular thing to share with you; just a series of thoughts on the current state of the world.
You may have heard about the plight of Alex Jones and inforwars. I don’t know about your story, but Jones and his channel were key to my awakening. I was a partisan voter who believed that one ‘side of politics’ was good and the other bad. I thought that the mainstream media was biased against ‘my side’, but didn’t realize that the same people who control both ‘sides of politics’ also control mainstream media.
My eyes started to open to the whole game at around the time that the Bush Junior regime ended and became the Obama regime. I noticed that the transition was seamless, and that there was virtually nothing different. I also saw that the US was a microcosm of the entire West- literally every Western nation. This two-party dichotomy- hand in glove with mainstream media- was the way things were (and continue to be) across the West.
And whenever anything would happen to arise (internally or externally) which did not want to be a part of this, it had to be (and still has to be) targeted, choked off, demonized and destroyed.
Alex Jones, as flawed as he is (like anyone else) opened my eyes to this. My understanding of the whole corrupt, rotten system- and the path to the Luciferian dominated end times outlined in the Bible- has deepened and intensified since my initial understandings were born. Meanwhile, many independent figures not dissimilar to Jones- such as Russel Brandt and Joe Rogan- have since sprung up. However, for mine, Jones was the man who initially helped me to open my eyes (overall, of course, it was God but that’s another issue).
Jones made some careless comments about the Sandy Hook shooting. He has since apologized and admitted he was wrong, but that’s not good enough for the establishment. Politicians and mainstream media can tell lies which lead to wars and kill hundreds of thousands, and no-one is held accountable. But Jones makes some thoughtless comments which kill no-one, but are insensitive to grieving parents, and he has to pay $1.5 billion in damages. It is obviously a frivolous outcome to a kangaroo court trial, but his operation is nonetheless on the brink.
He has reportedly had to put his business/broadcasting assets into liquidation, and is facing shutdown within months, perhaps weeks. Of course, his real crime is that he has been a thorn in the side of the globalist New World Order.
I feel that the US/Western empire is beginning to crumble and powerful forces (Russia/China/BRICS nations, et al) are starting to build the foundation of a separate world order. This does not mean that they are angels or morally better than the West. I’m just trying to tell you how I think it is.
Based on my reading of things, the US (and extended West) likely has no more than 20 years remaining as top dog/s. If my 20-year estimate is inaccurate, I believe it’d be less than 20 years, not more.
Don’t get me wrong here, none of this should give anyone pleasure. I would like it very much if my own country was one I could feel proud of (I’m not American, but my nation is a generally mindless vassal state of the US). The idea of ‘Good old America’ is also quaint, and would be lovely if based in reality. But it’s just not true. Globalism has been ascendant for centuries, but particularly so since the 1960s. Our countries now far more resemble corporations than they do nations.
I caution you- or anyone associated with you- to think long and hard before joining the military, or even the police. Why do I say this? Because we don’t have nations any more, and it’s therefore impossible to fight for something that doesn’t exist. So, if you were to join the military and get deployed, who or what would you really be fighting for?
Here is the who: Globalist super-rich paedophiles who worship Satan and act as puppet masters behind the scenes of our ‘governments’ in order to do away with all vestiges of sovereignty and prepare the path for the coming of the anti-Christ.
Here is the what: Abortion, destruction of personal and national sovereignty (and everything in between), military-industrial complex and perpetual war, removal of borders and culture, same-sex marriage, sexualization of kids, transgenderism and the list goes on.
Jones is not the only independent voice that has been persecuted, including recently. He is one of many. I don’t know if Donald Trump is controlled opposition or indeed a rogue. He could be somehow a mix of both alternatives. I don’t believe that he is anything to get excited about as a candidate but he is noteworthy because he’s not quite as appalling as the people on the ‘other side’.
If he is controlled opposition, he may indeed get ‘voted in’ this November. He would then oversee a hamstrung, constantly hindered regime for the next four or so years. But if he is not totally controlled, then I fear that something big could be in the works to prevent the coming election from even happening. Regarding the 2020 vote, there is a lot of evidence that the intelligence agencies, i.e. The Establishment, rigged the vote to prevent his victory.
This time I don’t believe that they would try to pull exactly the same thing, as even their own mainstream polls have their candidate of choice trailing by up to 5%, which in reality might mean 20%.
If they are going to try to rig the coming election again, I fear that they are going to go big this time. And this is where it ties in to my thoughts that the US/Western empire is dying, and has only 20 or so years remaining as top dog.
Throughout history, dying empires have rarely gone quietly into the night. Rather, they have almost always resorted to wars to try to keep their empires cobbled together. Only this time, the dying empire- not to mention its main targeted enemy (Russia)- are both nuclear powers that could wipe out our civilization many times over.
While both have backed proxy wars against each other over the last century, the USA and NATO (just in the last couple of weeks) have started to directly bomb Russian territory. This is an unprecedented move. To be sure, they are trying to be subtle about it. They are claiming that they’re just letting Ukraine do it and are not doing it themselves. And they’ve only started on border areas of Russia not far from the battlefields in the Ukraine. But none of this would be fooling Russia. The Russians know that NATO, i.e. NATO crews out of uniform, have started to bomb their territory.
I believe that the Russians are evil, cold-blooded, brutal, but RATIONAL and somewhat predictable. I believe that the West is evil, cold-blooded, brutal, but IRRATIONAL above all else. Our leaders are ‘poking the bear’, to coin a well-used phrase. But that bear just happens to have more nuclear weapons than anyone else on earth, and has said it will use them if it is cornered.
In the West, meanwhile, our leaders- who literally don’t know the difference between a man and a lady- insist that Putin is bluffing, and that we can keep escalating because he hasn’t deployed any nukes yet, and therefore won’t. Our arrogance, depravity and hubris in the West is stunning.
We’re being sleepwalked right up to the edge of the nuclear precipice by our leaders (and their aforementioned puppet masters). And I’ve heard it put very succinctly by one commentator in the know that once a single nuclear weapon goes off, it’s going to be astronomically hard to keep the lid on things and prevent an exchange.
On the flip side of things, the Bible tells us that Jesus is going to return near the end of the seven-year tribulation to save us from totally destroying ourselves, so I don’t think that the end of the world is nigh. But, if I may speculate just a bit, I do believe that a limited deployment (or even a limited nuclear exchange) is a distinct possibility in the not-too-distant future. And this could be the perfect cue for the anti-Christ to step in and appear to bring us back from the brink, obtain the adulation of the world and then begin his meteoric, if albeit brief rise to power.
Please note, I don’t claim to be a prophet and doubt very much that this is precisely how the anti-Christ will appear on the scene. But I’m sharing with you an approximate kind of generalized scenario which might usher in the introduction and rise of the anti-Christ.
I had so much more to talk about today, including begrudging (if only partial) admissions even in certain sections of establishment media that Covid lockdowns and vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself.
Maybe I’ll post on that another day.
God bless you.
It’s been a while since the last post. I don’t have one particular thing to share with you; just a series of thoughts on the current state of the world.
You may have heard about the plight of Alex Jones and inforwars. I don’t know about your story, but Jones and his channel were key to my awakening. I was a partisan voter who believed that one ‘side of politics’ was good and the other bad. I thought that the mainstream media was biased against ‘my side’, but didn’t realize that the same people who control both ‘sides of politics’ also control mainstream media.
My eyes started to open to the whole game at around the time that the Bush Junior regime ended and became the Obama regime. I noticed that the transition was seamless, and that there was virtually nothing different. I also saw that the US was a microcosm of the entire West- literally every Western nation. This two-party dichotomy- hand in glove with mainstream media- was the way things were (and continue to be) across the West.
And whenever anything would happen to arise (internally or externally) which did not want to be a part of this, it had to be (and still has to be) targeted, choked off, demonized and destroyed.
Alex Jones, as flawed as he is (like anyone else) opened my eyes to this. My understanding of the whole corrupt, rotten system- and the path to the Luciferian dominated end times outlined in the Bible- has deepened and intensified since my initial understandings were born. Meanwhile, many independent figures not dissimilar to Jones- such as Russel Brandt and Joe Rogan- have since sprung up. However, for mine, Jones was the man who initially helped me to open my eyes (overall, of course, it was God but that’s another issue).
Jones made some careless comments about the Sandy Hook shooting. He has since apologized and admitted he was wrong, but that’s not good enough for the establishment. Politicians and mainstream media can tell lies which lead to wars and kill hundreds of thousands, and no-one is held accountable. But Jones makes some thoughtless comments which kill no-one, but are insensitive to grieving parents, and he has to pay $1.5 billion in damages. It is obviously a frivolous outcome to a kangaroo court trial, but his operation is nonetheless on the brink.
He has reportedly had to put his business/broadcasting assets into liquidation, and is facing shutdown within months, perhaps weeks. Of course, his real crime is that he has been a thorn in the side of the globalist New World Order.
I feel that the US/Western empire is beginning to crumble and powerful forces (Russia/China/BRICS nations, et al) are starting to build the foundation of a separate world order. This does not mean that they are angels or morally better than the West. I’m just trying to tell you how I think it is.
Based on my reading of things, the US (and extended West) likely has no more than 20 years remaining as top dog/s. If my 20-year estimate is inaccurate, I believe it’d be less than 20 years, not more.
Don’t get me wrong here, none of this should give anyone pleasure. I would like it very much if my own country was one I could feel proud of (I’m not American, but my nation is a generally mindless vassal state of the US). The idea of ‘Good old America’ is also quaint, and would be lovely if based in reality. But it’s just not true. Globalism has been ascendant for centuries, but particularly so since the 1960s. Our countries now far more resemble corporations than they do nations.
I caution you- or anyone associated with you- to think long and hard before joining the military, or even the police. Why do I say this? Because we don’t have nations any more, and it’s therefore impossible to fight for something that doesn’t exist. So, if you were to join the military and get deployed, who or what would you really be fighting for?
Here is the who: Globalist super-rich paedophiles who worship Satan and act as puppet masters behind the scenes of our ‘governments’ in order to do away with all vestiges of sovereignty and prepare the path for the coming of the anti-Christ.
Here is the what: Abortion, destruction of personal and national sovereignty (and everything in between), military-industrial complex and perpetual war, removal of borders and culture, same-sex marriage, sexualization of kids, transgenderism and the list goes on.
Jones is not the only independent voice that has been persecuted, including recently. He is one of many. I don’t know if Donald Trump is controlled opposition or indeed a rogue. He could be somehow a mix of both alternatives. I don’t believe that he is anything to get excited about as a candidate but he is noteworthy because he’s not quite as appalling as the people on the ‘other side’.
If he is controlled opposition, he may indeed get ‘voted in’ this November. He would then oversee a hamstrung, constantly hindered regime for the next four or so years. But if he is not totally controlled, then I fear that something big could be in the works to prevent the coming election from even happening. Regarding the 2020 vote, there is a lot of evidence that the intelligence agencies, i.e. The Establishment, rigged the vote to prevent his victory.
This time I don’t believe that they would try to pull exactly the same thing, as even their own mainstream polls have their candidate of choice trailing by up to 5%, which in reality might mean 20%.
If they are going to try to rig the coming election again, I fear that they are going to go big this time. And this is where it ties in to my thoughts that the US/Western empire is dying, and has only 20 or so years remaining as top dog.
Throughout history, dying empires have rarely gone quietly into the night. Rather, they have almost always resorted to wars to try to keep their empires cobbled together. Only this time, the dying empire- not to mention its main targeted enemy (Russia)- are both nuclear powers that could wipe out our civilization many times over.
While both have backed proxy wars against each other over the last century, the USA and NATO (just in the last couple of weeks) have started to directly bomb Russian territory. This is an unprecedented move. To be sure, they are trying to be subtle about it. They are claiming that they’re just letting Ukraine do it and are not doing it themselves. And they’ve only started on border areas of Russia not far from the battlefields in the Ukraine. But none of this would be fooling Russia. The Russians know that NATO, i.e. NATO crews out of uniform, have started to bomb their territory.
I believe that the Russians are evil, cold-blooded, brutal, but RATIONAL and somewhat predictable. I believe that the West is evil, cold-blooded, brutal, but IRRATIONAL above all else. Our leaders are ‘poking the bear’, to coin a well-used phrase. But that bear just happens to have more nuclear weapons than anyone else on earth, and has said it will use them if it is cornered.
In the West, meanwhile, our leaders- who literally don’t know the difference between a man and a lady- insist that Putin is bluffing, and that we can keep escalating because he hasn’t deployed any nukes yet, and therefore won’t. Our arrogance, depravity and hubris in the West is stunning.
We’re being sleepwalked right up to the edge of the nuclear precipice by our leaders (and their aforementioned puppet masters). And I’ve heard it put very succinctly by one commentator in the know that once a single nuclear weapon goes off, it’s going to be astronomically hard to keep the lid on things and prevent an exchange.
On the flip side of things, the Bible tells us that Jesus is going to return near the end of the seven-year tribulation to save us from totally destroying ourselves, so I don’t think that the end of the world is nigh. But, if I may speculate just a bit, I do believe that a limited deployment (or even a limited nuclear exchange) is a distinct possibility in the not-too-distant future. And this could be the perfect cue for the anti-Christ to step in and appear to bring us back from the brink, obtain the adulation of the world and then begin his meteoric, if albeit brief rise to power.
Please note, I don’t claim to be a prophet and doubt very much that this is precisely how the anti-Christ will appear on the scene. But I’m sharing with you an approximate kind of generalized scenario which might usher in the introduction and rise of the anti-Christ.
I had so much more to talk about today, including begrudging (if only partial) admissions even in certain sections of establishment media that Covid lockdowns and vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself.
Maybe I’ll post on that another day.
God bless you.
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
This is a follow-up from the last post, which delved into the dying US empire. It provides me no satisfaction to talk about it. I believe that the US was once a great country which had Christian principles at its foundation.
But at some point over the last century or so it was highjacked by Luciferian globalists, and this has become quite evident since the 1960s, and particularly evident since the 1990s. In short, the New World Order types obviously realized that it was a great country full of potential, and commandeered its government/system to help build Satan’s empire across the planet.
While there would no doubt be good people inside of the US military, and genuine Christians, the US military is ultimately an arm of the government and has been the sledgehammer of choice for the globalist elite paedophile overlords since at least the 1990s, but probably even earlier. The same applies for virtually every Western nation on the planet, and their minions/proxies.
This is why I strongly urge you to think long and hard before you join the military or police force. If a child of yours or anyone else you’re associated with is considering joining the military or police, I urge you to deploy all the influence you may have over them to make sure they weigh it all up properly before making a rash decision.
If our own militaries or police got the order to turn their guns on you or me, they would do it in a heartbeat without any qualms. The various wars of aggression over the last 35-or-so years (both direct and through proxy) as well as the tyrannical, unquestioning behaviour of police forces across the globe during the Covid-era are all the proof we need to underscore my point.
‘Just following orders,’ was never seen as an excuse to pardon the Nazi criminals after that war was finished, yet it continues to be the modus operandi for the criminal behaviour of our own militaries and police.
None of us are perfect, all are fallen. And I repeat: There would still be some good people in the various militaries and police forces across the planet. But these institutions are arms of the Satanic globalist system, have carried out ongoing crimes and will continue to do so on behalf of their New World Order overlords. Do you want to serve them? Do you want any of those you care for to serve them?
Don’t forget, when the anti-Christ arrives on the scene it is a given that the militaries and police forces of the world will largely act at his behest, and they will do worse things than Hitler, Stalin, or any despot who has existed thus far. They will follow his orders without question.
With all of this said, there are more and more indicators that the American empire is slowly reaching the end. My personal prayer for America is that its empire would indeed die, but that the nation itself would have a spiritual revival. In the end, God’s will shall be done, regardless of whether or not He finds such prayers to be worthwhile. But prayer can still no doubt be powerful.
There have been recent reports that Saudi Arabia has dropped its longstanding commitment to the ‘petrodollar’. I am not a financial expert myself- far from it- but if this is confirmed it is a huge blow to the US empire. And I note this not to gloat; as stated, I would like to see a revived USA (free of its empire) that is not being used to build Satan’s kingdom across the globe. I’m just sharing this with you because I believe that it is important to know, particularly if you live in the USA.
In short, the petrodollar has been a lynchpin of US global dominance for many decades. It has been a key reason for numerous wars and US-led regime change operations across the Middle-East, and has enabled the US to bludgeon and choke off uncooperative countries via sanctions and the like.
The Saudi withdrawal from the petrodollar, if confirmed, is arguably the biggest financial blow to the US-globalist empire thus far. I believe I mentioned in the last post that the death of this empire will not be overnight. Indeed, on the current trajectory it could take roughly 20 years.
In the video I am going to post, Jimmy Dore puts it more at ten years rather than the 20 that I had mentioned. The Dore video lays out the whole thing really well. It explains the petrodollar in layman’s terms, how it is crucial to US/globalist hegemony, and what its abolishment/removal would mean for this hegemony.
If you like to avoid unnecessary profanity, I believe there is only one instance in this video, at about the 16:05 mark. Grab a tea, a coffee, a water, or whatever is your choice, and watch the video I am going to link at the end of this post. It’s really important insight, and well-presented for people like me who are not very knowledgeable about finance.
As stated in my previous post, there is historic precedent which paints a pattern of the behaviour of dying empires, and it almost always involves desperation and the launching/waging of wars. It is within this context that we should view the alarming escalation of NATO/The Washington-based military-industrial complex against Russia, and retaliatory escalation of Russia. It is Ukraine, of course, which is the tragic victim in the middle of this great tug-of-war.
Briefly, on an unrelated matter, it appears that Alex Jones and his infowars news source have been given a temporary legal reprieve and will be able to continue broadcasting in the immediate future. The globalist deep-state types, however, will undoubtedly redouble their efforts to close infowars down and silence Jones.
Anyway, link to the aforementioned Jimmy Dore video about the petrodollar is below:
This is a follow-up from the last post, which delved into the dying US empire. It provides me no satisfaction to talk about it. I believe that the US was once a great country which had Christian principles at its foundation.
But at some point over the last century or so it was highjacked by Luciferian globalists, and this has become quite evident since the 1960s, and particularly evident since the 1990s. In short, the New World Order types obviously realized that it was a great country full of potential, and commandeered its government/system to help build Satan’s empire across the planet.
While there would no doubt be good people inside of the US military, and genuine Christians, the US military is ultimately an arm of the government and has been the sledgehammer of choice for the globalist elite paedophile overlords since at least the 1990s, but probably even earlier. The same applies for virtually every Western nation on the planet, and their minions/proxies.
This is why I strongly urge you to think long and hard before you join the military or police force. If a child of yours or anyone else you’re associated with is considering joining the military or police, I urge you to deploy all the influence you may have over them to make sure they weigh it all up properly before making a rash decision.
If our own militaries or police got the order to turn their guns on you or me, they would do it in a heartbeat without any qualms. The various wars of aggression over the last 35-or-so years (both direct and through proxy) as well as the tyrannical, unquestioning behaviour of police forces across the globe during the Covid-era are all the proof we need to underscore my point.
‘Just following orders,’ was never seen as an excuse to pardon the Nazi criminals after that war was finished, yet it continues to be the modus operandi for the criminal behaviour of our own militaries and police.
None of us are perfect, all are fallen. And I repeat: There would still be some good people in the various militaries and police forces across the planet. But these institutions are arms of the Satanic globalist system, have carried out ongoing crimes and will continue to do so on behalf of their New World Order overlords. Do you want to serve them? Do you want any of those you care for to serve them?
Don’t forget, when the anti-Christ arrives on the scene it is a given that the militaries and police forces of the world will largely act at his behest, and they will do worse things than Hitler, Stalin, or any despot who has existed thus far. They will follow his orders without question.
With all of this said, there are more and more indicators that the American empire is slowly reaching the end. My personal prayer for America is that its empire would indeed die, but that the nation itself would have a spiritual revival. In the end, God’s will shall be done, regardless of whether or not He finds such prayers to be worthwhile. But prayer can still no doubt be powerful.
There have been recent reports that Saudi Arabia has dropped its longstanding commitment to the ‘petrodollar’. I am not a financial expert myself- far from it- but if this is confirmed it is a huge blow to the US empire. And I note this not to gloat; as stated, I would like to see a revived USA (free of its empire) that is not being used to build Satan’s kingdom across the globe. I’m just sharing this with you because I believe that it is important to know, particularly if you live in the USA.
In short, the petrodollar has been a lynchpin of US global dominance for many decades. It has been a key reason for numerous wars and US-led regime change operations across the Middle-East, and has enabled the US to bludgeon and choke off uncooperative countries via sanctions and the like.
The Saudi withdrawal from the petrodollar, if confirmed, is arguably the biggest financial blow to the US-globalist empire thus far. I believe I mentioned in the last post that the death of this empire will not be overnight. Indeed, on the current trajectory it could take roughly 20 years.
In the video I am going to post, Jimmy Dore puts it more at ten years rather than the 20 that I had mentioned. The Dore video lays out the whole thing really well. It explains the petrodollar in layman’s terms, how it is crucial to US/globalist hegemony, and what its abolishment/removal would mean for this hegemony.
If you like to avoid unnecessary profanity, I believe there is only one instance in this video, at about the 16:05 mark. Grab a tea, a coffee, a water, or whatever is your choice, and watch the video I am going to link at the end of this post. It’s really important insight, and well-presented for people like me who are not very knowledgeable about finance.
As stated in my previous post, there is historic precedent which paints a pattern of the behaviour of dying empires, and it almost always involves desperation and the launching/waging of wars. It is within this context that we should view the alarming escalation of NATO/The Washington-based military-industrial complex against Russia, and retaliatory escalation of Russia. It is Ukraine, of course, which is the tragic victim in the middle of this great tug-of-war.
Briefly, on an unrelated matter, it appears that Alex Jones and his infowars news source have been given a temporary legal reprieve and will be able to continue broadcasting in the immediate future. The globalist deep-state types, however, will undoubtedly redouble their efforts to close infowars down and silence Jones.
Anyway, link to the aforementioned Jimmy Dore video about the petrodollar is below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I’d share with you some thoughts on the two-party system, which has been a key plank of the globalists’ monopoly on power.
‘The illusion of choice’ is an apt description of this system. I, myself, used to buy into it as well, but began to wake up when the Bush Junior regime seamlessly transitioned into the Obama regime while nothing changed along the way.
The US system, of course, is a microcosm of the entire US/Western empire. So, when I talk about the fake democracy in the US, I am talking about the fake democracy across literally every Western country, as well as ‘westernized’ countries.
There was very recently an election in the UK. The mainstream (fake) Conservative party was ‘voted out’ and the mainstream ‘Left’ party was ‘voted in’. I no longer use terms like ‘right-wing’ or ‘left-wing’. To me there is only ‘globalist’ and ‘anti-Establishment’. In the UK, as with any other Western nations, the two main parties are globalist. While they may squabble over superficial things, they are not different parties. Rather, they are factions of the same party.
There are, of course, shades of grey and there are parties that fit between ‘Globalist’ and ‘anti-Establishment’. Donald Trump, for example, I think has one foot in either camp. But this is apparently not enough for the Establishment. They demand that people have both feet firmly planted in the globalist camp.
The deposed UK Prime Minister, in his concession speech, used sanctimonious wordage like his respect for a ‘Peaceful transfer of power’, among other flowery prose. Of course, shifting from one globalist faction to another one is no more a transfer of power than when the leader of North Korea dies and passes leadership onto his son. No difference.
There were recently elections across Europe for EU representatives. Populist parties did quite well, but only ever get a sizeable minority of votes (maximum 15-30% or so) and globalist parties make it clear they would never work in a coalition with them.
Moreover, if a populist party would ever really threaten to gain majority popularity, you could bet with certainty that the Establishment would delve into its bag of dirty tricks to do whatever necessary to crush or at least subvert its momentum. Thus, when there is excited talk about ‘surging’ popularity for populist parties, it is all part of the same theatre.
Real change will never come from the ballot box and we will only get a good (in this case, literally perfect) system when Jesus Himself returns to set up His Kingdom. So, am I saying that Western (fake) democracy is the worst system on Earth at the moment? Not necessarily. But on the other hand, it is no better than anything else going around at the moment.
You would have no doubt heard about Joe Biden’s performance at the Presidential debate within the last week. Before I get into this topic, a disclaimer: I, perhaps like yourself too, have a loved one with dementia and if things don’t go my way in later life, I could get it too. So, when I talk about Biden’s dementia, I’m not disparaging the disease or people who suffer from it.
What I’m disparaging here is a deeply sick society (and system) which would install a dementia-laden man as President. I’m also disparaging a dumb, immoral (and CIA-controlled) mainstream media which would cover up his dementia for years on end, but then pretend to be shocked that his illness is so obvious upon his recent debate performance.
Many people, including myself and maybe you too, were already aware five years ago that Biden had dementia (which has obviously deteriorated since then, too). Those around him would’ve seen it up close and personal, and known all about it. The establishment media in the US and around the Western world, under the control of the intelligence agencies and security state, have covered it up fastidiously until only last month.
Make no mistake- and I’m guessing it may’ve dawned on you, too- Biden was deliberately set up by his own side to fail in this debate. He was sabotaged on purpose by the same system who had acted as his puppet master for his entire political career beforehand. Remember, these people pulling the strings behind the scenes do not have any loyalties to anyone besides themselves, and Satan.
They killed JFK, Saddam Hussein, Ghaddafi of Libya and others who did not play ball with the globalist system. It doesn’t matter what country the leader comes from, or what ‘party’ they represent. If they stand in the way, they must be eliminated. It explains a lot of the hostility towards Trump, even though (as stated) he has one foot firmly planted in the globalist system, while perhaps twirling the tows of his other foot across the surface of the anti-Establishment waters on the other side (to use an analogy).
If Biden doesn’t voluntarily step aside over the next few weeks or so, he needs to hire himself a good food-tester. I think you know what I mean by this. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he suffers a ‘heart attack’ in his sleep, or something of the kind.
I don’t know why the globalist system decided to deliberately sabotage Joe, who had previously served them for his entire career. Maybe they want to switch him out for another ‘leader’ within the same party. Maybe they want to let Trump in for a short stint to inject a fake whiff of patriotism back into the country for a few years, and boost the severely lagging recruitment numbers in the military.
If Trump is truly too roguish for the system, and he is indeed on course for a crushing victory (I don’t rule out this possibility entirely given the strong evidence which indicates that they stole the election from Trump last time though industrial-scale vote rigging), then there is a very grave risk that the globalists are going to have the elections cancelled altogether this time around. This could entail orchestrated mass-casualty events, media disinfo, martial law, etc.
And to really pull this off, I fear that they would go extremely big with their dire plans. Possible scenarios include a colossal false flag event which might even include a low-yield nuclear detonation (carried out by Western black ops/intelligence, but blamed on Russia), escalation to open NATO warfare against Russia, release of another planned pandemic, etc , etc, etc. There are numerous possibilities.
I’m just speculating here on multiple fronts, and I don’t know yet why they sabotaged Joe at the debate. One thing I do know, however, is this: Trump will not be getting into office unless they let him do so. If he indeed does get ‘voted in’, it’s pretty strong evidence that he is controlled opposition. Do I think that he is as appalling as the other side? No, I don’t believe that he is quite as appalling as the other side.
If I was an American citizen in 2016, I would’ve voted for him. But not in 2020. In 2016 he would have been the last person I ever voted for in any country. I have not really voted in any elections for a decade or so now, and that was only to avoid a fine (given that a person is obliged to vote in my country of origin). As I recall, I got my name crossed off the list, got my ballots, then discarded them without voting.
Like many people, I have checked out of the two-party system entirely and do not intend to vote again as long as I live. Moreover, I do not believe that our sham democracies will keep up the ‘Illusion of choice’ much longer. And if the anti-Christ would indeed appear on the scene in our lifetimes, it’s quite plausible that even fake elections could’ve been officially abolished by then, if not ultimately by the anti-Christ himself when he rises to power.
Should you vote in the meantime? Up to you. There are better people, and better Christians than me who are still voting. I’ve just given you one single perspective for an individual person. The only bit of advice I can give you is this- if you are indeed going to vote, have a thorough think about who would get your vote, and how well the platform of your candidate-of-choice lines up with God’s perfect word.
I close by providing you a link to a video of only six minutes or so. It’s a compiled montage of snippets from Biden’s sabotaged performance at the debate with Trump (‘sabotaged’ in that these same people have been covering up his condition for the last five-plus years, but suddenly decide not to hide it from the public any more).
As you watch the video, which clearly shows a man with heavy dementia, you will hear a poignant soundtrack of various soundbytes from scores of political/corporate media figures in the lead-up to the debate. In all of these numerous soundbytes, different globalist disinfo figures are raving about Biden’s incredible mental sharpness, slamming anyone who dare question his mental fitness as fake news merchants/propagandists, etc.
Make no mistake: The big revelation about the debate is not Biden’s dementia, which has been evident for years. No, the real revelation is how brazenly the mainstream media and political establishment has lied to the public for years on end, in completely synchronized fashion.
Link below:
Just thought I’d share with you some thoughts on the two-party system, which has been a key plank of the globalists’ monopoly on power.
‘The illusion of choice’ is an apt description of this system. I, myself, used to buy into it as well, but began to wake up when the Bush Junior regime seamlessly transitioned into the Obama regime while nothing changed along the way.
The US system, of course, is a microcosm of the entire US/Western empire. So, when I talk about the fake democracy in the US, I am talking about the fake democracy across literally every Western country, as well as ‘westernized’ countries.
There was very recently an election in the UK. The mainstream (fake) Conservative party was ‘voted out’ and the mainstream ‘Left’ party was ‘voted in’. I no longer use terms like ‘right-wing’ or ‘left-wing’. To me there is only ‘globalist’ and ‘anti-Establishment’. In the UK, as with any other Western nations, the two main parties are globalist. While they may squabble over superficial things, they are not different parties. Rather, they are factions of the same party.
There are, of course, shades of grey and there are parties that fit between ‘Globalist’ and ‘anti-Establishment’. Donald Trump, for example, I think has one foot in either camp. But this is apparently not enough for the Establishment. They demand that people have both feet firmly planted in the globalist camp.
The deposed UK Prime Minister, in his concession speech, used sanctimonious wordage like his respect for a ‘Peaceful transfer of power’, among other flowery prose. Of course, shifting from one globalist faction to another one is no more a transfer of power than when the leader of North Korea dies and passes leadership onto his son. No difference.
There were recently elections across Europe for EU representatives. Populist parties did quite well, but only ever get a sizeable minority of votes (maximum 15-30% or so) and globalist parties make it clear they would never work in a coalition with them.
Moreover, if a populist party would ever really threaten to gain majority popularity, you could bet with certainty that the Establishment would delve into its bag of dirty tricks to do whatever necessary to crush or at least subvert its momentum. Thus, when there is excited talk about ‘surging’ popularity for populist parties, it is all part of the same theatre.
Real change will never come from the ballot box and we will only get a good (in this case, literally perfect) system when Jesus Himself returns to set up His Kingdom. So, am I saying that Western (fake) democracy is the worst system on Earth at the moment? Not necessarily. But on the other hand, it is no better than anything else going around at the moment.
You would have no doubt heard about Joe Biden’s performance at the Presidential debate within the last week. Before I get into this topic, a disclaimer: I, perhaps like yourself too, have a loved one with dementia and if things don’t go my way in later life, I could get it too. So, when I talk about Biden’s dementia, I’m not disparaging the disease or people who suffer from it.
What I’m disparaging here is a deeply sick society (and system) which would install a dementia-laden man as President. I’m also disparaging a dumb, immoral (and CIA-controlled) mainstream media which would cover up his dementia for years on end, but then pretend to be shocked that his illness is so obvious upon his recent debate performance.
Many people, including myself and maybe you too, were already aware five years ago that Biden had dementia (which has obviously deteriorated since then, too). Those around him would’ve seen it up close and personal, and known all about it. The establishment media in the US and around the Western world, under the control of the intelligence agencies and security state, have covered it up fastidiously until only last month.
Make no mistake- and I’m guessing it may’ve dawned on you, too- Biden was deliberately set up by his own side to fail in this debate. He was sabotaged on purpose by the same system who had acted as his puppet master for his entire political career beforehand. Remember, these people pulling the strings behind the scenes do not have any loyalties to anyone besides themselves, and Satan.
They killed JFK, Saddam Hussein, Ghaddafi of Libya and others who did not play ball with the globalist system. It doesn’t matter what country the leader comes from, or what ‘party’ they represent. If they stand in the way, they must be eliminated. It explains a lot of the hostility towards Trump, even though (as stated) he has one foot firmly planted in the globalist system, while perhaps twirling the tows of his other foot across the surface of the anti-Establishment waters on the other side (to use an analogy).
If Biden doesn’t voluntarily step aside over the next few weeks or so, he needs to hire himself a good food-tester. I think you know what I mean by this. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he suffers a ‘heart attack’ in his sleep, or something of the kind.
I don’t know why the globalist system decided to deliberately sabotage Joe, who had previously served them for his entire career. Maybe they want to switch him out for another ‘leader’ within the same party. Maybe they want to let Trump in for a short stint to inject a fake whiff of patriotism back into the country for a few years, and boost the severely lagging recruitment numbers in the military.
If Trump is truly too roguish for the system, and he is indeed on course for a crushing victory (I don’t rule out this possibility entirely given the strong evidence which indicates that they stole the election from Trump last time though industrial-scale vote rigging), then there is a very grave risk that the globalists are going to have the elections cancelled altogether this time around. This could entail orchestrated mass-casualty events, media disinfo, martial law, etc.
And to really pull this off, I fear that they would go extremely big with their dire plans. Possible scenarios include a colossal false flag event which might even include a low-yield nuclear detonation (carried out by Western black ops/intelligence, but blamed on Russia), escalation to open NATO warfare against Russia, release of another planned pandemic, etc , etc, etc. There are numerous possibilities.
I’m just speculating here on multiple fronts, and I don’t know yet why they sabotaged Joe at the debate. One thing I do know, however, is this: Trump will not be getting into office unless they let him do so. If he indeed does get ‘voted in’, it’s pretty strong evidence that he is controlled opposition. Do I think that he is as appalling as the other side? No, I don’t believe that he is quite as appalling as the other side.
If I was an American citizen in 2016, I would’ve voted for him. But not in 2020. In 2016 he would have been the last person I ever voted for in any country. I have not really voted in any elections for a decade or so now, and that was only to avoid a fine (given that a person is obliged to vote in my country of origin). As I recall, I got my name crossed off the list, got my ballots, then discarded them without voting.
Like many people, I have checked out of the two-party system entirely and do not intend to vote again as long as I live. Moreover, I do not believe that our sham democracies will keep up the ‘Illusion of choice’ much longer. And if the anti-Christ would indeed appear on the scene in our lifetimes, it’s quite plausible that even fake elections could’ve been officially abolished by then, if not ultimately by the anti-Christ himself when he rises to power.
Should you vote in the meantime? Up to you. There are better people, and better Christians than me who are still voting. I’ve just given you one single perspective for an individual person. The only bit of advice I can give you is this- if you are indeed going to vote, have a thorough think about who would get your vote, and how well the platform of your candidate-of-choice lines up with God’s perfect word.
I close by providing you a link to a video of only six minutes or so. It’s a compiled montage of snippets from Biden’s sabotaged performance at the debate with Trump (‘sabotaged’ in that these same people have been covering up his condition for the last five-plus years, but suddenly decide not to hide it from the public any more).
As you watch the video, which clearly shows a man with heavy dementia, you will hear a poignant soundtrack of various soundbytes from scores of political/corporate media figures in the lead-up to the debate. In all of these numerous soundbytes, different globalist disinfo figures are raving about Biden’s incredible mental sharpness, slamming anyone who dare question his mental fitness as fake news merchants/propagandists, etc.
Make no mistake: The big revelation about the debate is not Biden’s dementia, which has been evident for years. No, the real revelation is how brazenly the mainstream media and political establishment has lied to the public for years on end, in completely synchronized fashion.
Link below:
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi again,
The obvious topic I wish to discuss is the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, carried out a few days ago. I'm on a device so typing is obviously a bit stunted, but I wish to share some thoughts with you.
Keep in mind; the dust has not settled and it's impossible to understand everything about what transpired. But we can already make some tentative assumptions and place justifiable suspicion on various actors and aspects of the incident.
Firstly, it's very bizarre that the same establishment globalist media constantly whipping up hatred against Trump and his supporters (for nearly a decade) are now pretending to be concerned about his wellbeing.
Understand this clearly: Establishment media and political opponents of Trump now wishing him well are literally no different to mafia figures murdering rivals, then showing up to the funeral and sending flowers to grieving loved ones of the victim.
It's very, very hard to believe the 'lone gunman' narrative pushed by the corporate media and intelligence/law enforcement officials. This lone gunman narrative is often trotted out in such cases- JFK, et al- but doesn't tend to hold up as the facts begin to present themselves to open-minded observers.
Was the man we're told was the gunman really the gunman? Probably. I've got no reason to doubt it. But did he act alone? Very, very doubtful- regardless of the narrative we're force-fed by legacy media.
The JFK assassination and subsequent cover up was very ham-fisted. The finger prints of the deep state, intel agencies, military-industrial complex, etc, are all over it for any balanced observer to see.
Their operations and techniques are undoubtedly getting more refined as time goes on, with less fingerprints left behind. The attempted assassination of the Slovakian leader a couple of months ago, for example, was almost certainly ordered by the same people who ordered the hit on Trump on the weekend. Praise The Lord that both survived.
In both cases, a 'lone gunman' carried it out but was then killed immediately. I don't doubt that both men were the ones who pulled the trigger. I DO severely doubt that they acted alone.
It is highly likely that the same types of deep state elements who wanted these two men dead are the same types of psychotic murky elements who ordered the hit on JFK, the execution of Saddam Hussein and the assassination of Moammar Ghaddafi, etc.
Remember: It is totally irrelevant if a leader/person is good, bad or indifferent. If anyone stands in the way of the globalist Luciferian agenda, they must be eliminated.
To highlight my point- I believe that the same officials who ordered the hit on Trump may now order a hit on Biden. He could be killed off in his sleep, for example, then the CIA-controlled media would tell us that he had a heart attack or perhaps died peacefully.
Then, they would seamlessly bring in whatever replacement candidate they had already earmarked for the job. Alternatively, they could line up one of their minions/patsies to actually murder Biden.
They could then direct the mainstream media to blame a Trump supporter, thus snatching back the high ground and sympathy which is currently enjoyed by the Trump side.
Another observation: People who are disparaging of 'conspiracy theories' are usually this way inclined because the ideology/partisan viewpoint they subscribe to is presented as the villain in such 'conspiracy theories'.
However, when a conspiracy theory arises which portrays their adversaries/enemies as the villain, such people are suddenly all-in on conspiracy theories.
Just another note: Not everyone has to be 'in' on a conspiracy to pull it off. A common misconception among normies/government-media followers is that conspiracies couldn't happen because so many people would have to be in on it, that someone would inevitably talk.
Well, people often do talk but are disregarded or disparaged by mainstream media. Black ops/intel agencies murder people to silence them. The number of witnesses silenced after the JFK assassination, for example, was astronomical.
And no, it's just not true that lots of people have to be 'in' on it. No-one in the media needs to be in on it at all. They'll just say what they're told to say, and isolate or sideline anyone who would contradict the narrative.
Not everyone in the intel agencies or law enforcement need to be in on it- just the right ones. To pull off a conspiracy and cover up, you just need the right top-down structure.
This starts with Satan, and goes down along his chain of command- from his high-up human deputies in official roles to select corrupt actors in the field. You don't need everyone to be 'in' on it. You just need the right people strategically inserted into the places and roles needed to pull it off.
Most of the secret service agents, as with the case of JFK, would have tried to do their job properly and protect Trump. But it's a near certainty- just as with JFK- that some were 'in' on the plan to assassinate Trump. To believe otherwise is naive.
And I repeat: Biden needs a good food tester.
That's about all I've got to say for today. I could go on and on about this, but I'll spare you for now.
I fear that the same people who tried to have Trump killed will try again and/or, as mentioned, kill off Biden.
More alarmingly, as they get more and more unhinged, there is the real risk that they will orchestrate a mass-casualty false-flag event against their own people, get the media to blame it on Russia, and thus launch World War 3.
I've linked an article below from The Trumpet about the botched assassination attempt on Trump. I don't necessarily agree with everything contained within, but still think it's well worth a read.
Here's the link: ... ed-my-life
The obvious topic I wish to discuss is the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, carried out a few days ago. I'm on a device so typing is obviously a bit stunted, but I wish to share some thoughts with you.
Keep in mind; the dust has not settled and it's impossible to understand everything about what transpired. But we can already make some tentative assumptions and place justifiable suspicion on various actors and aspects of the incident.
Firstly, it's very bizarre that the same establishment globalist media constantly whipping up hatred against Trump and his supporters (for nearly a decade) are now pretending to be concerned about his wellbeing.
Understand this clearly: Establishment media and political opponents of Trump now wishing him well are literally no different to mafia figures murdering rivals, then showing up to the funeral and sending flowers to grieving loved ones of the victim.
It's very, very hard to believe the 'lone gunman' narrative pushed by the corporate media and intelligence/law enforcement officials. This lone gunman narrative is often trotted out in such cases- JFK, et al- but doesn't tend to hold up as the facts begin to present themselves to open-minded observers.
Was the man we're told was the gunman really the gunman? Probably. I've got no reason to doubt it. But did he act alone? Very, very doubtful- regardless of the narrative we're force-fed by legacy media.
The JFK assassination and subsequent cover up was very ham-fisted. The finger prints of the deep state, intel agencies, military-industrial complex, etc, are all over it for any balanced observer to see.
Their operations and techniques are undoubtedly getting more refined as time goes on, with less fingerprints left behind. The attempted assassination of the Slovakian leader a couple of months ago, for example, was almost certainly ordered by the same people who ordered the hit on Trump on the weekend. Praise The Lord that both survived.
In both cases, a 'lone gunman' carried it out but was then killed immediately. I don't doubt that both men were the ones who pulled the trigger. I DO severely doubt that they acted alone.
It is highly likely that the same types of deep state elements who wanted these two men dead are the same types of psychotic murky elements who ordered the hit on JFK, the execution of Saddam Hussein and the assassination of Moammar Ghaddafi, etc.
Remember: It is totally irrelevant if a leader/person is good, bad or indifferent. If anyone stands in the way of the globalist Luciferian agenda, they must be eliminated.
To highlight my point- I believe that the same officials who ordered the hit on Trump may now order a hit on Biden. He could be killed off in his sleep, for example, then the CIA-controlled media would tell us that he had a heart attack or perhaps died peacefully.
Then, they would seamlessly bring in whatever replacement candidate they had already earmarked for the job. Alternatively, they could line up one of their minions/patsies to actually murder Biden.
They could then direct the mainstream media to blame a Trump supporter, thus snatching back the high ground and sympathy which is currently enjoyed by the Trump side.
Another observation: People who are disparaging of 'conspiracy theories' are usually this way inclined because the ideology/partisan viewpoint they subscribe to is presented as the villain in such 'conspiracy theories'.
However, when a conspiracy theory arises which portrays their adversaries/enemies as the villain, such people are suddenly all-in on conspiracy theories.
Just another note: Not everyone has to be 'in' on a conspiracy to pull it off. A common misconception among normies/government-media followers is that conspiracies couldn't happen because so many people would have to be in on it, that someone would inevitably talk.
Well, people often do talk but are disregarded or disparaged by mainstream media. Black ops/intel agencies murder people to silence them. The number of witnesses silenced after the JFK assassination, for example, was astronomical.
And no, it's just not true that lots of people have to be 'in' on it. No-one in the media needs to be in on it at all. They'll just say what they're told to say, and isolate or sideline anyone who would contradict the narrative.
Not everyone in the intel agencies or law enforcement need to be in on it- just the right ones. To pull off a conspiracy and cover up, you just need the right top-down structure.
This starts with Satan, and goes down along his chain of command- from his high-up human deputies in official roles to select corrupt actors in the field. You don't need everyone to be 'in' on it. You just need the right people strategically inserted into the places and roles needed to pull it off.
Most of the secret service agents, as with the case of JFK, would have tried to do their job properly and protect Trump. But it's a near certainty- just as with JFK- that some were 'in' on the plan to assassinate Trump. To believe otherwise is naive.
And I repeat: Biden needs a good food tester.
That's about all I've got to say for today. I could go on and on about this, but I'll spare you for now.
I fear that the same people who tried to have Trump killed will try again and/or, as mentioned, kill off Biden.
More alarmingly, as they get more and more unhinged, there is the real risk that they will orchestrate a mass-casualty false-flag event against their own people, get the media to blame it on Russia, and thus launch World War 3.
I've linked an article below from The Trumpet about the botched assassination attempt on Trump. I don't necessarily agree with everything contained within, but still think it's well worth a read.
Here's the link: ... ed-my-life
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hi Everyone,
I wish to link you to a new report from The Trumpet. It's titled, 'The assassination cover-up'.
The Trumpet is a well-meaning Christian outlet, in my opinion, but is sometimes too pro-establishment (pro-US and it's allies, anti-anyone that the US considers to be an enemy).
However, this report is a must-read for anyone interested in looking into the real story behind the Trump assassination attempt. It is a 100% established fact that the murder of JFK (and subsequent cover-up) was an inside job that involved multiple gunmen.
I'm not yet prepared to say the same about the attempt on Trump (dust has to properly settle, more time for facts to come out and provide hindsight, etc). However, I can already say with virtual certainty that the attempt on Trump- like the hit on JFK- was indeed an inside job that involved multiple deep-state planners and actors.
To dismiss this reality is to be dangerously naive.
As a footnote, I'm just one non-American man with an opinion. I can't stand Trump (but detest the other side even more) and I don't necessarily believe that God is divinely backing/supporting Trump, as some people (including those at The Trumpet) appear to do.
But I know well-meaning Christians who subscribe to this view and don't begrudge them.
As a footnote, the US (and greater West) are decaying, deeply sick societies. The US vote in 2020 was almost certainly rigged on an industrial scale. A frail man with heavy dementia was installed, propped up for several years and then thrown under the bus prior to this year's upcoming election.
His unelected deputy- a revolting, low-intelligence individual deeply hated by many on even her own side- is the deep state's new puppet-of-choice.
In a fair election she almost certainly could not win. But there is not going to be a fair election.
If my prediction turns out wrong, then I have to accept there'll be egg on my face. But I maintain a firm confidence that there is not going to be a fair election.
For whatever reason, the high-up globalists do not want Trump to win under any circumstances. They have a whole bag of dirty tricks to ensure he won't get in.
On the softer end of the spectrum they could resort to 2020-style vote rigging on an even more massive scale this time round.
There is also a high chance that they'll try to assassinate him again. They could even assassinate Biden or Harris and blame it on Trump supporters. But if these dirty means aren't deployed or don't work, I fear that they will go big, with the aim of the elections not happening at all.
This could involve a huge false flag attack, or colossal cyber attack, or even severe escalation on the war front. Needless to say, these dirty actions would be carried out by western intel/black ops, etc, but our 100% controlled mainstream media would pin the blame elsewhere, scapegoating Russia or Iran, for example.
Enough typing from me now.
The article mentioned earlier is linked below: ... n-cover-up
I wish to link you to a new report from The Trumpet. It's titled, 'The assassination cover-up'.
The Trumpet is a well-meaning Christian outlet, in my opinion, but is sometimes too pro-establishment (pro-US and it's allies, anti-anyone that the US considers to be an enemy).
However, this report is a must-read for anyone interested in looking into the real story behind the Trump assassination attempt. It is a 100% established fact that the murder of JFK (and subsequent cover-up) was an inside job that involved multiple gunmen.
I'm not yet prepared to say the same about the attempt on Trump (dust has to properly settle, more time for facts to come out and provide hindsight, etc). However, I can already say with virtual certainty that the attempt on Trump- like the hit on JFK- was indeed an inside job that involved multiple deep-state planners and actors.
To dismiss this reality is to be dangerously naive.
As a footnote, I'm just one non-American man with an opinion. I can't stand Trump (but detest the other side even more) and I don't necessarily believe that God is divinely backing/supporting Trump, as some people (including those at The Trumpet) appear to do.
But I know well-meaning Christians who subscribe to this view and don't begrudge them.
As a footnote, the US (and greater West) are decaying, deeply sick societies. The US vote in 2020 was almost certainly rigged on an industrial scale. A frail man with heavy dementia was installed, propped up for several years and then thrown under the bus prior to this year's upcoming election.
His unelected deputy- a revolting, low-intelligence individual deeply hated by many on even her own side- is the deep state's new puppet-of-choice.
In a fair election she almost certainly could not win. But there is not going to be a fair election.
If my prediction turns out wrong, then I have to accept there'll be egg on my face. But I maintain a firm confidence that there is not going to be a fair election.
For whatever reason, the high-up globalists do not want Trump to win under any circumstances. They have a whole bag of dirty tricks to ensure he won't get in.
On the softer end of the spectrum they could resort to 2020-style vote rigging on an even more massive scale this time round.
There is also a high chance that they'll try to assassinate him again. They could even assassinate Biden or Harris and blame it on Trump supporters. But if these dirty means aren't deployed or don't work, I fear that they will go big, with the aim of the elections not happening at all.
This could involve a huge false flag attack, or colossal cyber attack, or even severe escalation on the war front. Needless to say, these dirty actions would be carried out by western intel/black ops, etc, but our 100% controlled mainstream media would pin the blame elsewhere, scapegoating Russia or Iran, for example.
Enough typing from me now.
The article mentioned earlier is linked below: ... n-cover-up
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Beast Empire
Hello to All,
Today I’m referring you to another article about the coming US election. On the one hand, I’m not interested in the two-party system and Western politics in general.
But while the US is clearly a once-great nation now in severe decline, it’s still arguably the most powerful nation on Earth and what its overlords decide to do can have serious effects on the entire world.
Who are its overlords? You probably already know, but in case your eyes have only recently started to open, I’ll give you a brief answer: The overlords of the US are unelected globalist cabals whose minions oversee all of the Western nations across the planet, and their non-Western satellites.
This cabal goes by several umbrella titles, such as the ‘Deep State’, ‘New World Order’, ‘Illuminati’, etc. They rule the roost in the intelligence agencies, mainstream media, social media, political parties, military leadership, law enforcement leadership, legal system, scientific community, medical community leadership, and so on. Billionaire types like George Soros and Bill Gates- sometimes referred to as ‘Philanthropists’ in legacy media- are also no doubt part of the whole scene.
Ultimately, they are Luciferian and whether they implicitly know it or not, their puppet master is Satan. And for whatever reason, they didn’t want Donald Trump to become president in 2016 and they don’t want Donald Trump to become the President now. In 2020, having learned their lesson from 2016, the cabal rigged the US election on an industrial scale. The puppet president which they installed was a man who literally had heavy dementia at the time.
After years of gaslighting the public through mainstream media, they finally admitted that he has dementia. And they installed his highly unpopular, low-IQ deputy to take his place. This is now their puppet of choice.
As pointed out in previous posts, I do not like Donald Trump and I don’t subscribe to the point-of-view that Trump is divinely supported by God (but if you do happen to subscribe to this idea, I don’t begrudge you). However, it’s clear that the globalists don’t want him in.
They pulled every dirty trick to hamstring his agenda when he initially severed as president. They obviously rigged the vote in 2020, and have continued to persecute him and his supporters ever since, even as he was no longer president. This culminated in the assassination attempt on Trump back in July this year, which was undoubtedly an inside job plotted by high-up elements of the globalist cabal who want to get rid of Trump. Don’t believe the nonsensical ‘lone gunman’ theory, routinely trotted out by establishment media in such similar events dating back to the murder of JFK.
The article I now link you to is titled, ‘7 election-stealing events to watch for before November’. It’s from an independent outlet I haven’t heard of before named ‘Wokespy’ and it appears to be Christian-based, also subscribing to the idea that Trump is divinely supported by God. That aside, it’s well worth a read.
Like me, the author of this piece believes that 2020-sytle industrialized vote-rigging may be the mildest of their potential plots, but may not be what they ultimately revert to this time. The author, however, talks about the two political parties, which I personally don’t do any more. I prefer to just think of the two groups as those who are globalists/normies on the one hand, and those who are independent-minded/waking up on the other hand. Party is quite irrelevant.
The seven possibilities outlined are (more or less): (Escalated) war, economic collapse, terrorist (potentially false flag) attack, a new (pre-planned) pandemic like Covid, mass protests and social turmoil, escalatory acts against Trump himself, and a cyberattack. If you want to read the summaries of these seven categories, you’ll need to click on the article.
The author of the article believes that the cyberattack option is the most likely scenario. Moreover, it would be carried out by Western black-ops/intelligences agents, and then blamed on actors like Russia, Iran or China. It would also be colossal, and cause disruptions on a scale similar to the worst of the shutdowns and mandates during the era of Covid.
In the conclusion of the article, after the seven points were listed, the author talks about the upcoming election from a Christian point-of-view. Again, I don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea put forward that Trump has been selected by God, but it’s still a good read.
Link to the piece is below: ... -november/
Today I’m referring you to another article about the coming US election. On the one hand, I’m not interested in the two-party system and Western politics in general.
But while the US is clearly a once-great nation now in severe decline, it’s still arguably the most powerful nation on Earth and what its overlords decide to do can have serious effects on the entire world.
Who are its overlords? You probably already know, but in case your eyes have only recently started to open, I’ll give you a brief answer: The overlords of the US are unelected globalist cabals whose minions oversee all of the Western nations across the planet, and their non-Western satellites.
This cabal goes by several umbrella titles, such as the ‘Deep State’, ‘New World Order’, ‘Illuminati’, etc. They rule the roost in the intelligence agencies, mainstream media, social media, political parties, military leadership, law enforcement leadership, legal system, scientific community, medical community leadership, and so on. Billionaire types like George Soros and Bill Gates- sometimes referred to as ‘Philanthropists’ in legacy media- are also no doubt part of the whole scene.
Ultimately, they are Luciferian and whether they implicitly know it or not, their puppet master is Satan. And for whatever reason, they didn’t want Donald Trump to become president in 2016 and they don’t want Donald Trump to become the President now. In 2020, having learned their lesson from 2016, the cabal rigged the US election on an industrial scale. The puppet president which they installed was a man who literally had heavy dementia at the time.
After years of gaslighting the public through mainstream media, they finally admitted that he has dementia. And they installed his highly unpopular, low-IQ deputy to take his place. This is now their puppet of choice.
As pointed out in previous posts, I do not like Donald Trump and I don’t subscribe to the point-of-view that Trump is divinely supported by God (but if you do happen to subscribe to this idea, I don’t begrudge you). However, it’s clear that the globalists don’t want him in.
They pulled every dirty trick to hamstring his agenda when he initially severed as president. They obviously rigged the vote in 2020, and have continued to persecute him and his supporters ever since, even as he was no longer president. This culminated in the assassination attempt on Trump back in July this year, which was undoubtedly an inside job plotted by high-up elements of the globalist cabal who want to get rid of Trump. Don’t believe the nonsensical ‘lone gunman’ theory, routinely trotted out by establishment media in such similar events dating back to the murder of JFK.
The article I now link you to is titled, ‘7 election-stealing events to watch for before November’. It’s from an independent outlet I haven’t heard of before named ‘Wokespy’ and it appears to be Christian-based, also subscribing to the idea that Trump is divinely supported by God. That aside, it’s well worth a read.
Like me, the author of this piece believes that 2020-sytle industrialized vote-rigging may be the mildest of their potential plots, but may not be what they ultimately revert to this time. The author, however, talks about the two political parties, which I personally don’t do any more. I prefer to just think of the two groups as those who are globalists/normies on the one hand, and those who are independent-minded/waking up on the other hand. Party is quite irrelevant.
The seven possibilities outlined are (more or less): (Escalated) war, economic collapse, terrorist (potentially false flag) attack, a new (pre-planned) pandemic like Covid, mass protests and social turmoil, escalatory acts against Trump himself, and a cyberattack. If you want to read the summaries of these seven categories, you’ll need to click on the article.
The author of the article believes that the cyberattack option is the most likely scenario. Moreover, it would be carried out by Western black-ops/intelligences agents, and then blamed on actors like Russia, Iran or China. It would also be colossal, and cause disruptions on a scale similar to the worst of the shutdowns and mandates during the era of Covid.
In the conclusion of the article, after the seven points were listed, the author talks about the upcoming election from a Christian point-of-view. Again, I don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea put forward that Trump has been selected by God, but it’s still a good read.
Link to the piece is below: ... -november/
TrueAndMagneticNorth - Posts: 751
- Location: Germany
- Marital Status: Married
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