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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:12 am

Hello Friends,

I wish to give you an update on the Ukraine War before the end of the year. I have not followed the Israeli-Palestinian thing very closely and don’t feel particularly interested in it at this point in time, to be honest. It’s a horrible tragedy, of course, but it’s impossible to follow everything- let alone care about everything- that is going on in the world at any time. Only God has the capacity to do that.

There have been elements of the globalist system that have attempted to give the flagging war prospects of NATO/Ukrainian forces a shot in the arm of late. Poland’s new globalist leader for example- fresh after his election victory against an incumbent who had signalled an end to his country’s involvement in the Ukraine War- is desperately trying to reverse the course set by his recently vanquished opponent. That is to say, he’s trying to gin up renewed support amongst Ukraine’s backers.

Further to this, Zelensky recently visited Washington to try and shore up the lagging support from his puppet masters. In co-ordination with this, US intelligence sources released their own casualty figures for Russian forces in the war so far, which indicated massive losses among Russian forces. According to the figures, there have been over 300,000 Russian casualties (killed and wounded) all up so far.

To be honest, these figures could potentially be accurate. But the manner in which they were released is clearly propaganda-based nonetheless. Why? Because, taken in isolation, these massive losses would give the impression that Ukraine is kicking butt. However, what the US intelligence sources conspicuously omitted from their release was Ukrainian casualties, which are likely up to a million high (killed and wounded). Without the complete context of losses on both sides, the US intelligence sources have deliberately, if in a subtle manner, tried to imply that Russia has suffered huge losses, while Ukraine hasn’t.

There have also been some media releases from various corporate media sources doubling down on the narrative that Ukraine can still win, etc, if only the US/NATO would double-down on support for NATO/Ukrainian forces. However, in my opinion, these calls are becoming more and more desperate and hysterical.

On the ground in the Ukraine, meanwhile, Kiev government forces are facing not only lagging support from their western sponsors, but an increasingly serious manpower shortage. The average age of Ukrainian army soldiers now is reportedly over 40, people in the Ukraine are increasingly pressganged into army service, and the Ukrainian government is ramping up efforts to coerce Ukrainian men of fighting age (who are refugees in other countries) back into the Ukraine, where they would be forced straight into the army and onto the front lines. Amidst this backdrop, there has been talk from Zelensky and others of mobilizing another half-a-million soldiers to use as cannon fodder.

The prevailing narrative now, even among globalist/western establishment media sources, is that the war is in a stalemate. The situation for the NATO/Ukrainian forces on the battlefield must be very grim indeed for the western political/media establishment to admit to a stalemate.

To get a feel for just how grim the situation is for the Ukrainian military, I recommend a good (!) article from the New York Times (!), titled, ‘Ukrainian marines on suicide mission in crossing the Dnipro River’. The caption under the title reads, ‘Soldiers frustrated by positive reports from Ukrainian officials break their silence, describing the effort as brutalizing and, ultimately, futile’.

It’s a recent article and rather long. Rather than summarize it for you, I post a link: ... ussia.html

From around the same time (about six days ago as I write this post), there was a good (!) article from CNN (!). Outlets like New York Times and CNN are generally pro-war, New World Order trash that I wouldn’t pay much attention to. However, when even outlets like these are admitting that the NATO/Ukrainian war effort is struggling, it is very noteworthy. It remains to be seen why these outlets are suddenly telling the truth and doing proper journalism about Ukraine. But it just may be that the globalist agenda is preparing to throw Ukraine under the bus. Let’s see.

The title of the CNN piece is, ‘Analysis: Ukraine has had a terrible week. Blame the US and EU’. The piece admits (and outlines) how Ukraine is in a dire situation on the battlefield, and increasingly struggling on the diplomatic and foreign-backing front. The takeaway from the piece is that- on its current trajectory- Ukraine could lose the war.

I will not summarize, but provide the link below: ... index.html

Lastly, I wish to refer you to a good piece from a more unknown (online) outlet called, ‘Counter Currents’. This item is only a day or two old, and is titled, ‘Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed, says Czech President’. The Czech President- just like the New York Times and CNN, et all- has a pro-NATO, pro-war disposition. These frank assessments that are currently doing the rounds from establishment sources tend to be made through clenched teeth, rather than any positive feelings toward Russia.

The first section of the article deals with the obvious failure of the counteroffensive- now common knowledge- while the next section of the article deals with Ukrainian casualty numbers (delving into an area which US intelligence sources clearly don’t like to discuss).

While different figures are thrown around, and Russia’s losses are no doubt also huge and equally difficult to ascertain, it seems that approximately 600-800 Ukrainian soldiers are killed or wounded every day (on average). This is an unsustainable level of attrition for a relatively small country. It’s interesting to note that official Russian estimates of Ukrainian losses are far more conservative than the ridiculously high casualty figures put out by the Ukrainian government re: Russian losses. One could only speculate as to why the Russians are more circumspect with their release of enemy losses. But they are also no angels, and there are no doubt propaganda-related purposes behind their broader rationale.

In the last section of the article, Ukraine’s increasingly serious manpower shortage is outlined. That’s the end of my post today. If you have half-an-hour or so, I suggest you get yourself a coffee or whatever you like to drink, and read the three articles linked within my post. Here is the link to the third: ... o-general/

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and positive start to the New Year. I’ll get back to you with more updates sometime soon. 2024 will be a huge year, and will no doubt include a mix of highs and lows, and probably some shocks. My advice would be to draw nearer to God, and constantly seek His help to assist you in reading the signs of the times.

Lastly, let’s pray that the coming year could see a drawdown to the fighting in Ukraine, and a real reduction in the killing and broader suffering.

Til next time.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:53 am

Hello Friends,

This is a quick follow-up to the last post and an ongoing theme from previous posts; namely, casualty figures.

In a war of attrition like the Ukraine War, casualty figures and losses of equipment are arguably more significant in the long run that territory gained and lost from day-to-day.

Casualty figures, regardless the war, are routinely propagandized. The Ukraine War has been no different. The Ukraine government and its western backers/mainstream media have been habitually overstating Russian losses (often to a ridiculous extent) while playing down- if not totally ignoring- Ukrainian/NATO losses.

Russia, too, has been playing down (if not totally ignoring) its own losses, but has been more subtle with its estimations of Ukrainian losses, often putting out tallies that seemed at least somewhat believable.

According to the most believable independent estimates up until now, Russian losses have thus far tallied upward towards 100,000 KIA, while Ukrainian KIA have been three-to-four times that number. Any estimates, of course, are fraught and somewhat unreliable, given the highly propagandized, secretive nature of the real numbers.

Further to this, the various estimates of civilian deaths generally range from 10,000-30,000.

Moreover, the question of casualty figures is further complicated by the involvement of non-regular forces on either side, such as western (US, European, etc) mercenaries and special ops forces on the Ukrainian side, and press-ganged irregular forces on the Russian side.

Then, of course, is the fact that the Ukrainian side has been known to officially list many of its killed as ‘missing’, for reasons of corruption, finance and misinformation. And on the Russian side is the fact that some of its irregular forces are pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens from eastern Ukraine.

My point is, the prospect of accumulating accurate casualty figures for the broader conflict is a morass/quagmire of its very own, and only The Lord Himself would know what the exact figures are.

That aside, if we remove the disinfo/propaganda motivations associated with casualty figures, and just seek the truth, it is indeed possible to make a sincere educated guess about what the actual figures could be.

I will link you to a recent article on just this topic, from the Asia Times, which from the start has been one of the few relatively unbiased sources covering the Ukraine War.

The title of the article is, ‘Exclusive: 150,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in action through October’. To be sure, what the report concluded was that from the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022, through to the end of October 2023, up to 150,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed. Unlike the Ukrainian government and its western backers, the Asia Times also attempts to make a proper estimation of casualties suffered by BOTH SIDES.

According to the article, the number of Russian combatants killed is just a little under half of the Ukrainian soldiers KIA. The number of wounded on either side is approximately 3.5 times the number killed. The estimates given are conservative, but are still worthy of serious consideration, as there is a fair bit of science behind the figures given. The methodology used is thoroughly outlined throughout the article.

Here are some key takeaways from the article:
- Ukrainian losses are much higher than Russian.
- The recent release of US intelligence re: Russian casualties may not be far from the truth. Yet, as alluded to in my previous post, this release was still a propaganda-based undertaking due to the glaring absence of Ukrainian casualty figures for the purposes of comparison.
- Even the best-intentioned, most thoroughly-undertaken estimates include an element of guesswork.
- Besides KIA, there are other, not-insignificant categories such as POWs and non-combat fatalities.
- There has been a decent amount of consideration and number-crunching in order to reach the figures listed in the article.
- Ukrainian ‘estimates’ of Russian casualty figures, often regurgitated unquestioningly by western establishment media, are often exaggerated to the point of ridiculous. That aside, even if its approach is more subtle, Russia ultimately also engages in propaganda with regard to its ‘estimates’ of casualty figures.
- Ukraine has only about a quarter the population of Russia, which (obviously) does not have it well-placed in a war of attrition.

I’ll keep you posted with more updates. God bless you this Christmas, and may you have a great start to what is going to be a huge year.

Link to the article is below: ... h-october/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:27 am

Hi again,

I'm only on a small device, so don't wish to type any more than necessary.

I simply refer you to a fresh article from the New York Times, reprinted in the Japan Times, titled, 'Russia regains upper hand in Ukraine's east, as Kyiv's troops struggle.'

I will stop typing now, but provide the link below: ... gles-east/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:46 pm

There are a couple of things I wish to share with you, starting with this. It's an article which is about a month old. However, I only found out about the content of the piece very recently, as it was mentioned by a commentator I was listening to.

In short, according to an ex- official from the Ukrainian regime- a man who was very high-up and is certainly no friend of Russia- about 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been either killed or seriously wounded (I believe this excludes those who received minor wounds but were able to return to battle).

I could only guess how many of this figure were fatalities and it would fit with another relatively recent estimate I came across, suggesting roughly 150,000 Ukrainian KIA up until late last year (I believe I may have covered that estimate in an earlier post).

Moreover, low-end estimates are in the order of 70,000-plus KIA while high-end estimates are 400,000-plus KIA. The truth may indeed be somewhere in between.

Meanwhile, civilian casualties are another matter altogether and I believe that Russian combatant casualties could be as many as half of the Ukrainian military casualties.

Link to the article on this stuff is below: ... n-war/amp/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:51 am

Hi again,

It's been a while since I provided a general update on the Ukraine War, and I'm not about to start today.

However, I provide you a link to a recent report which provides you a lengthy overview.

On the positive side of things, it provides links to various other articles in order to bolster its points.

On the negative side of things, most of these links are from very similar western establishment outlets (thus, akin to an echo chamber).

However, while there is open bias in favour of NATO/Ukraine, there is still at least a partial attempt to come across as balanced.

There are several elements covered, with the overall conclusion that it would be parochial indeed to claim that either side is clearly winning against the other at this point.

Moreover, numerous commentators believe there is no end in sight, and that 2024 will likely not be decisive for either side on the battlefield.

Link below: ... ine-russia
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:05 am

Writing from a device at current, so will keep it brief.

While there continues to be a lot happening in the economic and geopolitical categories, the frontlines on the Ukrainian battlefield remain largely static, with ongoing incremental gains by the Russians.

By far the hottest sector of the battlefield remains in and around the regional town of Avdiivka, a Ukrainian fortress which the Russians have been trying their utmost to capture for months, and at high cost.

The Russian advance in and around Avdiivka has gained considerable momentum of late, and there is a feeling that its capture is only a matter of time.

There is a lot of current coverage in Western mainstream media apparently admitting this (if begrudgingly, in some cases), so it's not hard to find a new article on developments re: Avdiivka.

However, I have read a rather good one from The Guardian, an often bad mainstream paper based in Britain.

The piece I refer to was an exception, and appears to include useful info and perspective on how things currently look vis-a-vis Avdiivka.

Link below: ... -continues
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:24 am

Hi again,

It's only a day since my last post, but developments have panned out quicker than I would've thought, and there's an update regarding Avdiivka.

It has officially fallen to the Russians and is the first major battlefield conquest from either side in well over six months.

To be sure, pro-Russian sources will predictably tend to talk up what a huge development it is. Just as predictable is the inevitable tendency from pro-NATO/Ukraine sources who will play it down, say it's no big deal, only a pyrrhic victory for Russia, etc.

I urge you to weigh it all up and decide for yourself, free of bias.

As mentioned in some of my newer posts, recent months have seen little fissures open up between elements of mainstream media on the one hand, and the broader government-media complex on the other (with regard to the narrative vis-a-vis Ukraine).

I now provide a link to a good article from the New York Times (!) It's from today, and provides you a good, relatively balanced summary of the fall of Avdiivka.

Link below: ... spair.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:02 am

Hi Everyone,

You may have heard recently about the death of a guy called Alexei Navalny. He died in a Russian prison, most likely from mistreatment by his captors, or possibly direct murder by Russian authorities.

Any murder is obviously unacceptable and a breach of God's ten commandments. No excuses.

Having said that, here is some context- not to justify his death/murder, but to expose the hypocrisy and croc tears of the collective West.

Firstly, Navalny was a troublemaker who was almost certainly on the payroll of western intelligence, namely British intelligence and possibly US too.

He was a globalist puppet whose task was to help sow dissent and discord in Russia, with the ultimate goal of leading a Western-sponsored colour revolution (regime change) in Russia.

Western croc tears over Navalny's demise have nothing to do with 'freedom' or 'democracy', but more to do with Russia's brutal means of dealing with Western interference.

Was Russia's apparent killing of Navalny immoral? Of course. However, the US et al. do the same kind of dirty stuff. There's no moral superiority here.

Furthermore, US authorities are currently trying to have Julian Assange extradited from the UK (an obvious client state of the US) for reasons not totally dissimilar to the case of Russia/Navalny, although I personally believe that Assange is far more free-spirited and altruistic than the globalist Navalny.

This aside, I've recently come across another good independent media source online, with decent insight on the Ukraine War.

I can't recall if I've mentioned Daniel Davis in the past. He's an American with military experience, pro-US/Ukraine but with a genuine commitment to balanced, honest coverage. I recall reading some of his articles earlier in the war, but have now started to watch his YouTube channel.

A link to his latest video (at the time of me writing this) is below: ... l2ZQ%3D%3D
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:17 pm

There are more and more begrudgingly (somewhat) honest articles appearing in western mainstream media vis-a-vis Ukraine.

The latest I have read is from Time Magazine, a fresh report titled, 'Ukraine can't win the war'.

Rather than summarise it for you, I recommend you just read it. Link below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:11 am

Hello Everyone,

It’s been quite a volatile week or two on the Ukraine front. I’ve done a fair bit of reading and viewing about it, trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. Today I won’t link you any articles or videos, but offer you a summary and my own take on the whole thing.

Firstly, I sense that the Israeli-Palestinian violence, while ongoing, has slowly but surely ceded its 1st place to the Ukraine-Russia War. For a while after the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel, Ukraine/Russia was pushed from the frontrunning headlines. While both conflicts continue to garner huge attention, I sense that Ukraine/Russia has regained a fair bit of the urgency it had prior to the October 7th attacks in the Middle-East.

The battlefield momentum is clearly on the Russian side for the moment. Russian forces have continued to inch forward since their capture of Avdiivka, which ended up quite a debacle for the Ukrainian defenders. There are growing signs of dissatisfaction within the Ukrainian military itself. One reason appears to be Zelensky’s decision to replace Ukraine’s army commander General Zaluzhny with another guy called Syrskyi.

The former was reportedly popular with the troops, tending to cut losses and pull out of losing battles in order to spare the lives of troops. The latter, according to some reports at least, has more of a ‘hold the lines at all costs’ kind of attitude, ordering the troops to act as cannon fodder in battles they would ultimately lose anyway (Bakhmut is a case-in-point)

Regarding the recent Russian capture of Avdiivka, there are persistent reports in independent media that the Ukrainian forces, in the final days of the battle for that city, saw that the Russians were closing in and undertook a hasty and chaotic retreat before the order had even come from the higher command.

According to what I heard from at least one source, the Ukrainian command belatedly announced in the media that they had called the retreat in orderly time and that the soldiers had only followed their orders. This narrative was then carried by corporate western media in order to save face, and cover up growing disquiet among Ukrainian ranks.

For one, I couldn’t blame the Ukrainians for retreating in the face of the murderous requirements of their own NATO-controlled commanders. Who, in their right mind, would like to be cannon fodder for a lost cause?

There have even been apparent murmurs from Ukrainian sources themselves that their forces on the front could collapse by the middle of this year. To be sure, while military momentum is currently with the Russians, the situation is still something of a stalemate. But such a collapse could then see the kinds of rapid gains that we haven’t seen much of since the start of the war.

My current estimate of casualties would be approximately 75,000 Russian forces (regular and irregular altogether) KIA. The real figure could be considerably lower or higher. I believe that the number for Ukraine (regular and irregular forces, including foreign mercenaries) could be roughly 250,000 KIA, give or take a lot. But I don’t really know. Of course, there are several wounded for each fatality, and civilian deaths (directly and indirectly killed as a result of the war) must be in the tens of thousands.

But now, as hideous as the war in Ukraine is, we enter more sinister and alarming territory. The military-industrial complex/NATO/the globalists, et al, are clearly not happy at how things are going in the Ukraine War at the moment. Moreover, there have been some alarming signs of late that- out of their despair and anger- they are preparing to escalate.

I am sure that all of you are aware of this, but just case someone isn’t, here is the reality: if the US and Russia went to war against each other, there would be no winners. Both countries, and indeed the entire human race, would cease to exist if either country took their gloves off.

And if one takes the gloves off, the other one will obviously do so too. Within the last week, the French President Macron has spoken of his willingness to send French troops to Ukraine. Of course, French troops have already been there unofficially throughout the war as advisors, black ops, mercenaries, special forces, spies, etc. But the idea of officially sending a French expeditionary force would no doubt take us to the nuclear brink (not only French, but any western forces would be an incredible escalation).

On the German front, the nothing-going Chancellor Scholz has been under pressure to send long-range missiles to Ukraine, which have the distance to reach as far as Moscow. So far he has held out, but it would only seem a matter of time. Further to this, Scholz himself recently angered his NATO allies/puppet masters when he publicly let it slip that he was not keen on having German military members active in Ukraine, like the French and British already are.

Of course, anyone who’s followed this war with any real interest would already know that US, UK, French and many others are already directly involved in the war, if in an unofficial capacity. But for Scholz to let the cat out of the bag for all (or anyone interested) to see was still notable.

Yet, despite this, there would still appear to be an appetite (among elements of the globalist puppet regime in Germany) to interfere more aggressively in the Ukraine War. Over the last day or so Russian media have released an audio tape which purports to feature high-up German military and/or other German officials discussing their desire to help the Ukrainian military to destroy Russian targets both in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine, and RUSSIA PROPER (let this sink in for a moment).

And overseeing all of this, of course, is the globalist regime based in the US. They see their hegemony slipping away as a unipolar world starts to take shape. The psycho paedophiles in Washington, London, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, etc, etc, etc, do not want to enter into a spirit of compromise with anyone. They want total control.

Does this mean that Russia is angelic? No, it also wants its own empire. And while NATO/the Ukraine regime have committed plenty of war crimes in the Ukraine War, Russia has probably got the most blood on its hands until now in this particular war.

But this doesn’t mean that NATO/the EU/US/UK are ‘good’. In fact, the truth is the direct opposite. And amidst this entire backdrop, Putin- a man known to be a straight talker- has again expressed his willingness to use nuclear weapons if pushed too far be the West.

That’s all for now. Let’s pray for de-escalation.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:10 pm

Hi again,

Two posts on the same day: Not often that happens. But this one will be short, with a couple of links.

If you read the previous post, you'd be aware of the current German/Russian scandal, in which German military officials discussed orchestrating missile attacks against Russian infrastructure on behalf of Ukraine. This was caught on tape and released by the Russian government through Russian media.

It is quite a striking contradiction to claims from German Chancellor Scholz that he doesn't want his nation's forces involved in the war.

The scandal is even being covered by German mainstream media, who are not denying the existence of the audio (containing the discussed plots). However, I've already detected media attempts to spin the revelations, i.e. 'Has Putin manipulated the audio and/or used its release for propaganda purposes!?!?'

Of course, according to Western corporate media, everyone else in the world engages in propaganda with one notable exception: The West itself.

For a recent article on this scandal- a very real story albeit with not all details yet clarified- click the link below. ... tos-denial

The other thing I wish to share with you is a piece of battlefield info. While there are numerous hot points along the front, further intensified since the fall of Avdiivka, it has now started to become clear which town the Russians have prioritised for their next major push.

It's a town of about 12,000 not far from Bakhmut, but the name momentarily escapes me. For some basic info (albeit from Western corporate media), click on the link below: ... -107726007
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:14 am

Hello Everyone,

This’ll be quite long, so maybe get a tea or a coffee first. I’m not going to be providing any links today, just sharing an overview of stuff I’ve recently listened to, read and watched about Ukraine/Russia in recent times.

Been meaning to make another post for a while but I’m only getting around to it today, prompted by the massacre of concertgoers in Moscow. I wish to get into that shortly. Needless to say, the real background of the story is almost certainly much murkier than the generic version we’re getting on mainstream media.

The main story of the last several weeks leading up to the concert massacre was the sudden desire of French President Macron to send French troops into Ukraine in an official capacity. To be sure, as noted in the past, there are already many westerners (including French) active in Ukraine as black ops agents, mercenaries, special forces, spies, weapons runners, etc. This has been the case from the outset, and even all the way back to the western-sponsored coup in Kiev of 2014.

However, the recent musings by Macron have marked the first time that a NATO nation has publicly considered sending uniformed forces into Ukraine. Anyone who has followed Macron with a discerning eye over the years would’ve noticed that he has a clear Caeser-complex. In fact, I have personally referred to him as a ‘wannabe anti-Christ’ or something to that effect. I believe that was either in this forum, or the other forum I’m involved with in the community.

Another person I know referred to him as a ‘wannabe Napoleon’. I think you catch the drift. In short, France is not what it once was (not even close) and besides escalating the situation with Russia, it’s unlikely that a French deployment would alter much. Further to this, would the French public have the same stomach for the same kind of colossal losses suffered by both Ukrainian and Russian forces? Highly doubtful to say the least.

Macron is obviously a globalist. But for me, the question is this: Was he put up to these latest escalatory musings by the CIA/military-industrial complex? Or, was it primarily driven by his own delusions of grandeur? I honestly don’t know.

As of the last few days, however, the biggest story has been the massacre at the concert in Moscow. I’m sure you’ve heard about it. Developments are still incoming and the story is fluid. But in short, about 6,000 spectators had gathered at a Moscow concert hall to watch a performance by a Soviet-era rock band. Before the performance had even begun, four or five heavily-armed terrorists entered the venue and slaughtered up to 150 (and still counting) unarmed civilians, before setting the venue alight and fleeing.

As you may not have had the time/inclination to follow this story, I offer you my own take as someone who has indeed had the time/inclination. My main focus here is on the WHO, i.e. who was behind the act? And let me start by saying that if any distant observer (like myself) would at this point claim to know the answer definitively, they are lying. I do not know who was behind this, but offer you my best (hopefully unbiased) takeaway.

Firstly, online conspiracy theories that Putin/the Russian government were behind the massacre-thus making it a ‘False flag’ event- are unfounded and don’t make any sense. Would Putin/Russia be capable of launching a false flag event and covering it up through their mainstream media?

Absolutely. This is what powerful countries generally do. It’s their modus operandi and the USA also has a long, proven track record of carrying out (and covering up) false flag events.

However, in the case of Russia and the concert massacre, the first question has to be about motive. Russia has begun to get the upper hand in its war of attrition against NATO/Ukraine, and Putin was just re-elected with flying colours in a very recent federal election.

Was this election rigged? Almost certainly, just like the US elections are systematically rigged. But this is beside the point. What would be the motive for Putin/Russia to have massacred its own people at the concert, and then blame it on others? It’s a wild conspiracy theory with neither foundation nor any sense attached to it. I’m a believer in ‘never say never’ so I will not say that this option is impossible, but I would happily say that it’s quite literally a ‘one-in-a-million’ at best.

What I believe to be far more likely, however, is that Putin/Russia would be more than happy to exploit the massacre and blame it on Ukraine for propaganda purposes, even if the ‘Islamic State’ had indeed acted alone (as we’ve already been told was the case). This is very plausible.

Equally plausible, however, is that Ukraine/US/UK black ops-intelligence elements were indeed involved in the organization of the Moscow atrocity. In this case, of course, Putin would have every right to blame the Ukrainian state and its backers.

It's just so hard to know who was really behind it. All sides will lie and spin. If Ukraine/the US/the UK really were behind it, they would never admit it. But even if they weren’t behind it, Russia would probably blame them anyway. Thus, the real story behind the Moscow atrocity is inevitably obscured and swamped in the midst of the propaganda war.

What seems beyond dispute is that the gunmen responsible for the massacre fled the scene after committing the mass murder, and were apprehended near the Ukrainian border. They came from an Islamist background but seemed more motivated by money than jihadism. They were apparently trying to make it across the border into the Ukraine, but didn’t make it. Why were they trying to flee to the Ukraine?

I don’t know. However, I do note that it’s on the record that there are approximately a dozen CIA bases at different points near the Ukrainian border with Russia. The Russian government has already stated that it believes there were people on the Ukrainian side of the border waiting to welcome the terrorists into the Ukraine, and take them to safety. Does this represent a smoking gun of CIA involvement in the Moscow concert atrocity? No, but I do believe it’s noteworthy at least.

If the immediate aftermath of this Moscow terror attack would be seen as a standard court trial, I would describe the actors as thus: Russian public- the victim; Islamic State followers- the perpetrator who has already confessed; US government- a person of interest (suspected co-conspirator); Ukrainian government- a person of interest (suspected co-conspirator). But please note, not all suspects turn out to be guilty. Only some.

As noted, there is currently no smoking gun to implicate the Ukrainian government/US government. Not near enough for a ‘conviction’. But there is enough circumstantial evidence to at least give you some pause, and make it clear that the picture here doesn’t quite add up yet.

Firstly, claims from the Ukraine (and government/media/military complex in the West) that Ukraine doesn’t target civilians is a bald-faced lie. They committed numerous deliberate massacres of civilians around the time of the western-backed coup in 2014, including burning people alive and lynching others. They have also indiscriminately shelled pro-Russian civilian areas in eastern Ukraine for the entirety of the last decade, killing thousands of them. Pro-Russian civilians have also been marked for assassination over that time, and this assassination campaign has more recently been taken into Russia proper from time-to-time.

Please note: I’m not downplaying the scale of Russian atrocities in this war either. But for the purposes of today’s post, the NATO-backed Ukrainian atrocities are important to note. Do they prove Ukrainian involvement in the Moscow concert atrocity? Not at all. However, the idea that Ukraine would not be capable of deliberately slaughtering civilians is just a bald-faced lie.

A recent statement by Victoria Nuland, a neo-con psychopath who played a key role in overseeing the NATO-led 2014 coup in Ukraine, is also food-for-thought. Nuland is a known Russia-hater who until recently held the role of Under Secretary of State until she was pushed out/retired (depending on who you ask). It was only a few weeks ago, just before her post was vacated, that she promised that Russia would receive some ‘nasty surprises’ from the USA/Ukraine.

At one point of this broader statement/threat she was talking about the battlefield, but at another point she was mentioning ‘asymmetric warfare’, which could no doubt apply to something like the massacre in Moscow. Is this threat of Nuland’s a smoking gun vis-à-vis US involvement in the Moscow atrocity? No, not all. But it’s noteworthy.

One thing that could speak against possible US involvement in the Moscow terror attack was an official warning put out by the US government about a fortnight before the slaughter, warning its citizens in Moscow to avoid large public gatherings over the following days. The warning was quite specific and even mentioned concerts in Moscow as a potential target of Islamic State elements.

On the other hand, US government/western mainstream media coverage in the immediate aftermath of the mass murder had already identified Islamic State as the culprit, even as people still lay dead or dying at the venue and before the flames from the blaze had even been extinguished. The rush to label Islamic State as the culprit, before anyone could really have known for sure, is rather odd if not suspicious.

To add to the murky mix of this state of affairs, remember this: The US government, and governments in general (particularly in so-called democracies) are not monolithic entities. During the Syrian Civil War, for example, one band of Pentagon-backed Syrian rebels were fighting against a band of CIA-backed Syrian rebels, even as both fought against the Assad government. Further to this, the Islamic State which rose so rapidly (albeit briefly) around a decade ago was largely created, sponsored and supported by the USA, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, et al, for globalist/New World Order purposes.

It ultimately failed to take down the Syrian government (largely due to Russian intervention on the side of the Assad government), and after a time was no longer useful. Some of its sponsors then abandoned it, while others even turned on it. With this in mind, the Islamic State was largely a violent proxy group which provided cannon fodder for the western-led globalist agenda, and it’s important to keep this in mind- even today- as we are hastily told by mainstream media that the Islamic State (alone) was behind the Moscow attack.

Is this proof of western/Ukrainian involvement in the recent terror atrocity in Moscow? No, but again, it’s noteworthy. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is a Nazi problem in the Ukraine. Not the kind of fake Nazi problem which we have in the West- in which anyone who has a different opinion to the establishment mainstream is labelled a ‘Nazi’- but a real problem. It’s both overstated by the Russian government and understated by western governments/media for propaganda purposes.

Ukraine is not a Nazi state, but there is a large enough movement there- tolerated by NATO/the Ukraine government- to provide the regime with large numbers of their most fanatical anti-Russian fighters. Many of them have died in this war, but many still remain and they have made their presence felt in numerous theatres along the frontline of the battle zone. Most recently, they are believed to have played a role in the ongoing cross-border raids into Russia and (until-now) failed attempts to hold territory along the Russian side of the border. Drone strikes and missile strikes (both ways) have also played a role in this theatre, numerous civilian dead on both sides.

The idea that these Nazis- or their ilk/supporters- would not be capable of involvement in the Moscow concert massacre is ridiculous. Does this mean that they- or the Ukrainian state itself- was behind the mass murder in Moscow? Just like a broken record, I repeat: Not at all, but it’s interesting.

As it currently stands, there is a clear Islamist/mercenary link to the massacre which could probably be traced to the Islamic State one way or another (whether it be an actual organization, or more along the lines of the general idea behind the Islamic State). But there is currently a lack of hard evidence to convict Ukraine/the US government (or any of their nation-state allies) of responsibility as co-conspirators.

Maybe this will change, maybe not. I have a feeling there was more that I had to share with you, but it’s slipped my mind for now. But it’s probably just as well for you, as today’s post has gone on for long enough.

I’ll let you know if I find out anything new (of particular relevance). God bless you.
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