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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:54 am

Hi Everyone,

I wish to comment on the situation in Australia (vis-a-vis) corona. And by Australia, I mean both Australia and New Zealand, whose shutdowns have been arguably the most draconian and hysterical in the entire world, even in comparisons to countries which were previously known to be authoritarian.

Australia has made it extremely difficult for its own citizens to enter the country from abroad, and taken several steps to tell its expatriates they are not welcome (such as billing every returnee $3000 for the pleasure of a compulsory two-week stint (upon arrival) in prison (otherwise known as hotel quarantine, in a single room, in which you can’t even open windows).

In addition to this, all Australians have been banned indefinitely from leaving the country. Full stop. And various states have closed the borders to each other, as well. About a quarter of the nation was born overseas, and were recently told by the Prime Minister that, without a vaccine, Australians may never be allowed to leave the country again.

Moreover, most Australians seem to support these measures. My opinion is that Australians, in general, seem to have an extremely high level of blind trust in government/media, and at least one survey I saw indicates that Australians are among the least resistant (against the shutdowns) countries in the western world. While every country has all kinds of people, Australia seems to have a higher percentage of people who are totally subservient, and refuse to question the ‘wisdom‘ of government/mainstream media.

The costs of the ongoing shutdowns are clearly much worse than the virus itself. And while places like Europe, China, etc, plan a wiser course forward, and try to balance both living with the virus, and getting on with living at the same time, Australia seems to be overcome with hysteria, panic, and refusal to plan ahead. In fact, besides panicking and closing everything up, there is apparently no plan; no-one in charge of what is a very panicked ship.

The hysteria goes from top to bottom, and back to the top. And the powers that be there have dug themselves into a hole. Do they stay in perpetual hysteria forever, or do they admit that their overall course of action in response to Coronavirus has been horrendously flawed, and much worse than the virus itself?

Unfortunately, politicians, mainstream media, bureaucrats, etc, virtually never admit their own error, so they will likely just double down, and dig the country into a deeper hole, cut off from the rest of the world.

I link you to a great article on this topic, titled, Coronavirus: We’re paying for an epidemic of stupidity.

It’s from The Australian newspaper. Link below: ... 8e5c7aa6f0
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:33 am

Hi All,

I want to add more to the last post. Something very odd is going on in Australia regarding the response to the Coronavirus. It is extremely draconian and is the only country in the world that has banned its citizens from leaving the country, as part of its shutdowns.

Australia is a police state. I try to keep my own experiences out of these posts but, so that you know, I am an Australian citizen and have a story to tell. I am currently based in Europe, and made a habit of visiting my elderly parents twice-yearly.

That is now impossible, and part of me wonders if I will ever get back home at all. My mother is not only old, but has a long-standing eating disorder, history of taking anti-depressants, early dementia and, on top of that, has recently had a pacemaker installed.

I got news several weeks ago which appeared to tell me that she was dying (she had been admitted to hospital). But here's the thing, Australia has told expats that they are not welcome to come home. The number of arrivals has been capped to a very low number, tickets cost approximately $20,000 (it is only financially viable for airlines going to Australia to seat people in business, or first class).

On top of this, there is compulsory, two-week quarantine for all arrivals, in a quarantine hotel, under guard. And for the pleasure of virtual imprisonment for two weeks, you are billed $3,000 by the government.

On top of this, my state in Australia is currently closed off to the rest of the country, and the airport is closed.

My mother has thankfully, partially recovered for now, but, as stated, I don't know if I will ever get back to Australia.

I don't seek sympathy, as I know that many, many of you have suffered similar, or even worse hardships as a result of the government shutdowns.

But I am just one of 25 million Australians, in a country in which over a quarter of all people were born overseas, and there are also hundreds of thousands of expats like me, who have been told by Australia that we are not welcome.

What is going on in Australia? For your info, the Prime Minister is a professing conservative Christian, but has shown zero compassion towards all of those Australians suffering as a result of the shutdowns. Like all politicians, he is highly concerned with his poll numbers, and he's doing very well by taking a back seat, doing little, and encouraging perpetual shutdowns, which is playing very well to a scared populice in Australia that has way, way too much trust in government, media, government-paid scientists, etc.

The Prime Minister is also a pro-vaccine radical, who wants to make it compulsory for all Australians to be vaccinated once the vaccine comes. He since somewhat backtracked, but his Health Minister has also said that he thinks all Australians who don't want to be vaccinated should never be allowed to leave the country again, or enter it (in the case of expats).

And this is from a supposedly 'friendly' government led by someone who is a professing Christian (not for me to judge who is a Christian or not, only God can judge this. But my point is this; be very wary of all politicians, whether they profess to be a Christian or not).

For your information, I am not anti-vaccination, but very much pro-choice on this particular issue. If you want the vaccine, take it, if not, you shouldn't be forced, or blackmailed into it. But that's not how our fallen world works.

While I have seen no evidence that the coming vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, there will one day be a mark, the one spoken of in Bible prophecy, which will possibly take the form of a microchip, or tattoo of a barcode. The choice will be to refuse it, be therefore murdered, but spend eternity with Jesus; or, accept it, and take short-term security, but be cut off from God, presumably forever.

I am not going to take such a mark, if it happens in my lifetime, but given that I have no reason to believe that the vaccine will be the MOTB (and, after all, the Bible makes it clear that you can't be tricked into taking it- it will be a conscious choice), I will have to think long and hard about taking the vaccine, if I want to ever return home, and possibly get to see my parents while they are still alive. I will turn for God's guidance and, if assured it has nothing to do with the MOTB, will probably take the vaccine (under blackmail from the Australian goverment), if I have to do it to get home.

There are still ethical issues involved with this, such as the fact that some vaccines being worked on will have tissue from aborted babies in them. Of course, this horror is played down by secular, government-paid scientiests and their minions, but to me such a thought is intolerable, and I would seek out a vaccine that hasn't taken this path.

I will link to a couple of relevant articles on this; one on the diabolical situation in Australia, and its government, the other about the vaccine issue I just mentioned: ... 19-vaccine ... 19-vaccine

As usual, if you have something to share on any of this, please feel free.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:04 am

Hi All,

This is more on the situation in Australia, particularly in the state of Victoria, whose current shutdown is among the most draconian in the entire world since the whole coronavirus thing started.

Victoria is ruled by a socialist who has enjoyed very close ties with China, and is an admirer of China. I am not here to bash China, as I think that there is no such thing as a moral nation, and all nations, especially the big ones, have done many evil things. That aside, China is communist, and communism is evil. Communism has murdered more people than fascism.

Victoria is also traditionally the most socialist state in Australia, and the leader of the state is popular, despite the fact that he is awful. To be fair, all politicians are awful, but there are also varying degrees of awful, and this guy is well above average in the awful stakes. For example, before the corona thing, he pushed a benign sounding program called 'Safe schools' into government schools across the state.

While 'Safe schools' sounds lovely and benign enough, it is anything but, and was all about sexualising kids from a young age, and encouraging lifestyles and relationships contrary to the male-female model given to us by God. But, that's an aside, just to give you some context.

He is clearly a tin-pot dictator, but a nightmare for those in Victoria that don't support him.

If you don't like my political talk here, then I ask for some leeway, as it is highly distressing to see this happen in the country I come from.

In a nutshell, some have compared Victoria to North Korea, which is probably a bit of an exaggeration, because in North Korea there is the death penalty. But Victoria could certainly be compared to communist countries of the eastern bloc, before the Berlin Wall fell. In fact, given that I have gained a lot of insight into these countries, particularly East Germany, I can safely tell you that Victoria has become worse than East Germany ever was. This does not mean that East Germany was free, as it really wasn't. But Victoria is certainly less free than East Germany was, and the evidence clearly supports this.

The mainstream media is very much in support of the leader of Victoria, and his power grab. Anyone who is against the shutdowns in Victoria is slandered, smeared, by the media. The Victorian Police are behaving, at the very least, as bad as any secret police force in a communist country. They have the power to go into any person's house in Melbourne without a warrant, and if they need a warrant elsewhere in the state, it's easy to get one. All protests are banned, and drones from the sky can photograph your car's licence plate, and then allow the police to check if you were too far from home (expect a big fine if you were more than 5km from home).

The latest news is that the sociopathic Victorian police have arrested a young, pregnant woman in her own home, for encouraging people in her town (outside of Melbourne) to protest against the police state, martial law situation in Melbourne, and across Victoria. She got her partner to livestream the arrest as it happened. This took place an hour before she was due for an ultrasound, and police seized equipment, including the phone of her partner.

The media have reported on the event, but generally in a non-critical way, and treating it like it was a fair action by the government/police. Not many news sources at all have been critical of the authorities for this arrest.

Here is an important point. Most Nazi soldiers and police would not have been overtly evil people themselves. They would have just been normal people who followed evil orders. The average Nazi soldier or police officer would have been no different to a soldier or police officer from any other country. The vast bulk of soldiers or police in any country, no matter where they are, just 'follow orders', regardless of whether the orders were evil or not.

'Following orders', however, is not a justifiable excuse for Nazis, Victorian police, or anyone else. Australia has become a fully-fledged police state this year, led by the tin-pot dictatorship in Victoria.

If you wish to read about the arrest of the young pregnant woman, and see associated imagery, click on the link below, from a mainstream source: ... 5e4e6aef8d
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:34 am

Hi All,

More news here on what a terrifying, embarrassing basket case of a nation Australia has become. The horror stories I hear daily, literally every day, are too numerous to mention.

I will share just a couple of the newest with you. I have a close associate in Melbourne, Australia, who was direct witness to what I now tell you.

Directly opposite my associate's house live a pair, and their young twins. At various points, one family member or another was diagnosed with corona, though of a kind with virtually no symptoms. All in all, the lady of the house spent six weeks in quarantine, which means you're not allowed to go outside... at all.

My associate observed a horde of police one night, banging on the door of the quarantined house, and shining torches into windows, etc, to make sure the family was all home.

Moreover, people in military uniforms had checked the same house days earlier.

But it's not just Victoria. The entire country is paralysed by fear, insanity, whatever you want to call it. Many lives have been lost and/or destroyed as a result of the shutdowns in Australia.

People are forbidden from seeing loved ones who do not live nearby. Recently, a young woman from Canberra was refused the right to go to her father's funeral in the state of Queensland. The best that the state government could offer her was the chance, decked out in a biosuit under police escort, to briefly view her father's corpse. Moreover, you cannot enter Queensland from other states without two-week, self-funded imprisonment in hotel quarantine.

The Queensland government recently disallowed a pregnant mother from over the state border from crossing into Queensland for emergency treatment. One of her unborn twins died as a direct result.

Predictably, the Queensland government has stood by its decision.

Meanwhile, the federal government is trying to distract attention from its own costly decision to close the international border, by stoking argument about the closures of the internal borders.

Something very, very disturbing has taken root in Australia.

For an article on the young lady not allowed to attend her father's funeral, one of countless, countless such disturbing stories, click the link below: ... 06fe56af9c
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:02 am

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to add extra info to the last post. If you haven't read it, please read it before reading this one.

More information from my close associate in Melbourne, which I forgot to include in the last post: My associate personally spoke to a friend who is a medical specialist in Melbourne. That friend told my associate that she (the specialist) has recently had to tell four separate ladies that they had terminal, inoperable breast cancer. Each of these four ladies had missed routine screenings, due entirely to the shutdowns.

This is only one story, from one person, who works in one hospital. The overall damage of the shutdowns in Victoria, Australia, and the world is unfathomable. Suicides have skyrocketed, drug and alcohol abuse has skyrocketed, domestic abuse has also skyrocketed. Deaths from cancer are skyrocketing as a result of the shutdowns, in Victoria, Australia and across the world.

Another phenomenon which is skyrocketing in Victoria, Australia and across the world… the numbers of people coming to emergency rooms with heart attacks and strokes have plummeted everywhere.

This, of course, does not mean that heart attacks and strokes have stopped happening. On the contrary: It means that the shutdowns, and media-fuelled hysterical fear of the virus is ensuring that scores and scores of people who suffer heart attacks and strokes are not seeking, or getting treatment. Think of the lives being lost.

Though it's hard to prove, it would also be a very good bet that, if a tally was made, the number of heart attacks and strokes would also be revealed to be well above the figures for any normal year, due to the barbaric nature of the shutdowns, and associated, massive stress.

Of course, all of these realities are largely ignored by the mainstream media.

To add to the nightmare, the draconian, evil, totalitarian nature of our governments has become very clear this year. Australia, for one, is dissolving, paralysed by mass hysteria, like the Salem witch trials on steroids.

For a summary, I refer you to an article from, titled, 'Australia: Corona Cops Arrest Grandma Sitting in Park For Not Wearing a Mask. Draconian enforcement of COVID-19 lockdown accelerates.'

Friends, sobering times. Government is not our friend, and the mainstream media is the enemy of truth. The good news is that one day this will all end, as almighty God loves you, is all-knowing and all-powerful, is in total control of everything, and does not let a single thing happen without his permission.

Link to the aforementioned article is below: ... ng-a-mask/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 27, 2020 9:09 am

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are going okay during these ongoing, difficult times. The research I continue to do indicates definitively that the shutdowns are far more deadly than the virus itself. Moreover, this fact is largely (but unsurprisingly) covered up by the government-media complex.

I won’t talk too much here, but refer you to a couple of recent articles which support my points.

The first is titled, ‘GERMAN MINISTER: LOCKDOWN WILL KILL MORE THAN COVID-19 DOES. “Half a million more will die from tuberculosis”

It is at, and makes reference to an interview the minister held with an establishment German newspaper.
Just so you know, the ‘minister’ quoted in the article is not some anti-establishment church minister. It is a high-up political minister from the party of Angela Merkel. This is an open admission from someone within the establishment that the shutdowns are catastrophic. If you read the article, you will come across all sorts of facts and extra links which strongly indicate that the lockdowns are much worse, much more deadly, than the virus itself.

If you’re up for some extra reading on the topic, I recommend an article, titled, ‘LOCKDOWN ‘COULD KILL 75,000 OVER FIVE YEARS’ That’s the OFFICIAL projection of non-COVID deaths caused by missed cancer diagnoses, cancelled operations and health impacts of a recession. The virus death toll? 42,000’.

Though this is also at Infowars, the article originally appeared in the Daily Mail, an establishment British newspaper. The figures given in the title refer to Britain alone.

Links to the articles, in order as mentioned, are below: ... d-19-does/ ... ive-years/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:03 am

Hi again everyone,

I wish to share some more information with you about Australia, which has become a police state this year under the cover of fighting the corona virus.

People have often asked themselves how the population of a nation could support the evil actions of its leaders. Nazi Germany is often mentioned in this context, while the communist leaders Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, etc, should also be mentioned, given that they were just as evil and murderous as Hitler, if not even more so.

The Bible tells us that virtually the whole globe is going to adore an evil leader in the end times, and support everything he does. And he is going to end up murdering more people than Hitler and the communist leaders combined.

Australia has had the reputation of being a relaxed nation of generally resourceful people who have a healthy disrespect for authority. The reality these days? No, no, and no. Australia has become a fully-fledged police state under cover of the fight against corona. Most people are fully dependent on government (I admit that I, as well, am too dependent on human government, though I’m currently shut out of Australia).

Furthermore, Australians have proven themselves to be extremely trusting of government, and mainstream media. In fact, I have seen one survey which compared attitudes of the people in various countries towards the shutdowns enforced by their governments. Australians ranked as the most acquiescent, the most willing to go along with whatever their leaders/media told them to do.

What do you think? Is this a good thing? Sure, the Bible tells us that we are to respect human authority, but this does not mean to blanketly accept everything they do. The Bible also tells us to wage spiritual war against the dark forces that are running this world, which I am sure also means government/media, etc. Our human governments and media are evil, no question about it. Respecting their authority while waging spiritual warfare against them is a balancing act, in my opinion.

Should Germans have respected Hitler’s policies? Should Russians have respected Stalin’s, should the Chinese have respected Mao Tse Tung’s policies, and the Cambodian’s likewise with Pol Pot? Should we in the modern would respect our government’s shutdown policies, even though they are creating immeasurable damage, and killing far more people than the virus is killing? Rhetorical questions, as the answer to all of these questions is a clear, ‘No’. Having said this, I am not about to go out and flout corona rules, as I don’t wish to be fined or imprisoned (though, where I am currently based is far better and more free than what is happening in Australia)

In Victoria, the state in Australia which is most draconian, it is now worse than in any of the Eastern Bloc countries that were communist up until about 1990. I have talked about Victoria in previous posts. The dictator in that state is a nightmare for anyone who doesn’t support him. The police in that state are totally out of control, terrifying the public. The Victorian Police are now, at the very least, the equivalent of the ‘Secret police’ that operated in those communist countries of the Eastern Bloc.

Moreover, the dictator in Victoria is trying to pass an ‘Omnibus Bill’ which has already passed the lower house, and will likely be rubber stamped in the upper house. This bill would empower public servants to arrest anyone who challenges the Victoria government’s shutdown actions, with the possibility of indefinite detention.

I also read a recent article that in Victoria, a state of about 7 million, there have been literally hundreds of thousands of cases of people dobbing on their fellow citizens for shutdown breaches, eg. calling the police or other authorities to report neighbours, or people on the street, who are not wearing a mask, or are otherwise breaching the draconian rules of the shutdown. Yes, you read that correctly, ‘Hundreds of thousands’. And what’s the icing on the cake? The dictator still has majority approval among the populace of the state, and would, in all likelihood, easily win an election if one were to be held this year.

Before I stop for today, I wish to refer you to an article in Melbourne newspaper, The Age, which, in my opinion, is a typically unreliable establishment source. However, even bad sources sometimes put out a good article or two, and this is one. It is titled, ‘Why must Australia’s covid strategy be so cruel?’

It’s by a lady of Germany descent who lives in Australia, and was not allowed to visit her dying father in Germany, due to the blanket ban Australia has placed on its own citizens from leaving the country.

Some people are occasionally allowed to leave, after applying to the border forces, but last I heard, about 22,000 people, from 90,000 applicants, had been granted permission to leave. The rest were rejected.

This lady (I believe her young son was with her) was eventually granted permission to leave, and attend her father’s funeral in Germany.
But because the Australian government has limited the number of people allowed to travel to Australian (regardless of whether they are citizens, or other travellers), it’s very hard to get a ticket to Australia. Flights are often cancelled, and people generally have to buy a first-class ticket to travel, as it is not profitable for airlines to take only 30 people (maximum) on a plane, and have those people pay economy fare prices.

So, for a flight from Europe to Australia, be prepared to pay $20,000 one-way, and then an extra $3000 for your own compulsory imprisonment in a government hotel quarantine facility upon your return to Australia.

On top of this, the leaders of Australia, including the church-going Prime Minister who I had initially thought may have been a friend to other Christians, has already hinted that anyone- including Australian citizens- who does not take the coming corona virus vaccine, will never be allowed to re-enter the country.

What is happening in Australia? Is it just hysteria and a lack of common sense and decency, or is something else at play? Is it a guinea pig- a test case for something much broader in the future? I don’t know.

Anyway, if you read the article I have just mentioned, you will read of the cruel, inhumane treatment suffered by this woman and her child, at the hands of the Australian government. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of Australians have been on the wrong end of this out-of-control behaviour by Australian authorities since the shutdowns began back in March. I am reading similar horror stories every day, and those that I personally hear about are naturally only a tiny sample in comparison to all of those I don’t hear about.

Australians across the world, people who had a comfortable life in other countries before the shutdowns began, are in dire straits. Some are stranded, unable to get home, now without a job, for example, in the country they are stuck, facing an uncertain future, and a government at home that literally doesn’t care about them. And, it must be said, they are also faced with a general public in Australia with far too much trust in their government/media, and are therefore similarly disinterested, and cold-hearted to the plight of their fellow citizens who are suffering, and deserted.

The end of the article I have referenced is very poignant. It was actually written by the lady herself, the Australian of German descent. She said that the crueller the restrictions become in Australia, the more support that is enjoyed by the leaders that enact the cruelty. She mentioned that Australia is a young nation, and is perhaps too naïve to know or care that it has literally become a tyrannical nation. She also mentioned that Australia’s reputation as the land of ‘mateship’, which is more or less another word for friendship, could well be fake.
Personally, I totally agree with her. The old Australia is dead, the broader concept of ‘mateship’ is dead, and it’s now become a land of snitches, tyranny-enabling people who have unquestioning, blind trust in the government, and mainstream media.

Do you still wonder how the German population could have enabled the rise of Hitler? Then just take a look at Australia, and it should then make sense.

Link to the cited article is below: ... 56025.html

Just a last point. Plenty of gloom and doom in what I have written, especially if we tie it into the end-times dictator, the anti-Christ, who will rise for a short time, and enjoy near universal support as he destroys the earth, and persecutes the church.

As an Australian who has been banned from entering my country of origin indefinitely, and fears that he will never be allowed to see his elderly parents again, I still have sanity. I thank God, and His son Jesus Christ, that He (They) have helped me to put them first in my life, and to extinguish any fondness for my country of origin from my heart. While it is tough that I may never see my parents again, my focus on the kingdom, and lack of fondness for my country of origin, has helped my to somewhat, partially cope with what is going on.

That’s all. I know for sure that many of you reading this will be suffering similar, or even worse hardships caused by the shutdowns than me. If that’s the case, feel free to post on this forum, or PM me and we can talk. God bless you.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:29 pm

Hello Everyone,

I wish to share more with you about the insane, corrupt and utterly immoral behaviour of the mainstream media, state governments and federal government in Australia, the worst state of all being that of Victoria (capital city: Melbourne), which I have mentioned over the course of my previous posts.

If you think my choice of words here are over the top, unreasonable, etc, I ask you to absorb the info I’m about to share with you, prior to deciding whether my words are unfair.

I am not going to summarise it for myself, but rather cut and paste a section from a news report I came across.

It is from, a fairly low brow news outlet from News Corp Australia (Murdoch Press). However, the info here is indisputable, and is referencing a solid article released in ‘The Australian’ newspaper.

The evidence is overwhelming that the shutdowns across the world are much deadlier than the virus itself. The info I share with you today is just a drop in the ocean.

I now copy and paste the summary of this latest news for you, which you can read below. I will not provide any further comment, as the info in the summary says it all:

Vic lockdown blocked treatment of newborns

Isabella Fowler

Four newborn babies who died in Adelaide over the past month weren't able to access lifesaving treatment in Melbourne due to the state's lockdown, according to a head obstetrician.

As reported by The Australian, the sick infants, the fourth of whom died only last Friday, would have been flown from Adelaide’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital to Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital for specialist cardiac treatment that isn't available in the state.

However, they were not permitted to enter the locked-down state for the surgery that may have prevented the devastating deaths.

In a public heath hearing in the state on Tuesday, obstetrician John Svigos confirmed the lockdown meant the children could not receive¬ the usual care.

While Professor Svigos acknowledged the failure was on the SA government, which has not allocated adequate funding to paediatric cardiac services, he said had it not been for Melbourne's lockdown, there may have been hope.

He said the children "certainly would have benefited" from the services available in Melbourne.

“I shall leave it to you to imagine the profound effect of these deaths on the parents, their families and the dedicated medical and nursing staff dealing with these tragedies,” he said.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:21 am

Hello Everyone,

It’s been a while since my last post here. I have wanted to write more about the government shutdowns in response to the coronavirus.

Part of me wanted to write a long essay for you, but it would’ve been torturous for me to do it, and equally torturous for you to read it.

So here, I’m just going to share my thoughts with you about this year, in an unstructured fashion.

Firstly, the international response to the coronavirus DOES NOT ADD UP. It does not even go close to adding up.

Some people (among the minority of sceptics) believe that there is no virus at all, and that this entire thing is a colossal hoax designed to accelerate the new world order.

Other people believe that there is indeed a virus, but that it is- at worst- only marginally worse than a normal flu, but is being used by powerful people as a pretext to accelerate the new world order.

I don’t know which variation may be true, but would probably tend towards the second option (remember, the regular flu kills tend of thousands of Americans, and hundreds of thousands of people across the world, every year).

What is indisputable is that the shutdowns are causing unspeakable damage, and are killing far more people than the virus. This is a fact.

There seems to be an agenda to pressure the world’s population into getting vaccinated. Unlike other Christians, I do not believe that the coming vaccine is the mark of the beast, as it does not meet the criteria of the mark. However, there will be pressure to do it, and penalties for those who don’t.

Why? The governments/media could not care less about the normal people on the street. They do not want us vaccinated out of their care for us. They don’t care about us at all, so why do they want everyone to be vaccinated for a virus that has a fatality rate of about 1%?

Also, remember that those who die from it, on average, are about 80 years old, which is when people tend to pass away anyway (on average).

In Australia, for example, it’s already been made clear that no-one, including citizens based overseas, will be able to enter the country if they don’t get vaccinated. There is also talk of banning unvaccinated people from workplaces, restaurants, public spaces, etc, if they are not vaccinated. The slimy, duplicitous Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, a practising Christian, has not framed it as ‘punishments’ for the unvaccinated but, in true, fork-tongued double-speak, has spoken of ‘privileges’ for those who get vaccinated (eg. you are ‘allowed’ to travel, go to work, go to a restaurant, etc).

The Prime Minister of Australia has also seen to it that scores of people have been not only banned from entering their own country, or leaving it, but also everything associated with that; people have been banned from attending funerals of loved ones, or seeing loved ones on their death bed, going to weddings of their own children, seeking critical, life-saving medical treatment for non-corona complaints, etc.

Another point; effective treatments of the virus have already been banned, with threat of imprisonment for any doctor who prescribes them. Why?

For the record, I am not anti-vaccination, but pro-choice on this particular matter (though not ‘pro-choice’ on another matter). Given that I don’t believe the vaccination is the mark of the beast, I am currently weighing up whether to become a virtual guinea pig, and take my chances on it, so that I may see my parents again in their twilight years.

For me personally, I draw the line in the sand at a microchip or a tattoo on the skin. Any such thing could well be the mark of the beast, and must not be taken under any circumstances at all, for any reason at all.

If I am correct, we are not yet quite at the point in time of the mark of the beast, as more things have to happen first, as outlined in Bible prophecy. However, I suspect that these vaccinations, which will be mandatory in all but name, are possibly a dry-run, ie. a test-case, for future plans to microchip the world’s population, ie. administer the mark of the beast.

As it stands, however, I don’t want my wife or child to be guinea pigs, and am faced with the prospect that I will never be able to take them home for a visit ever again, even if I take the vaccine myself.

This is not a whinge, as I am aware that many of you reading this are experiencing similar, or even worse hardships than me, as a result of the shutdowns.

The globalist agenda, the ‘new world order’ has accelerated exponentially this year. Here are some more things which may not sound nice, but should be noted. The truth, after all, is not always ‘nice’.

Increasingly, the police are not our friends. The same goes for the military. There may well still be many good people in the police/military across the world. But make no mistake about it; the police and military are arms of the government. When the global persecution of Christians really begins, the police and military will NOT be friends of Christians. In fact, they will be leading the genocidal charge against us.

The shutdowns have allowed global governments to ramp up the surveillance state, and take away freedoms, all with the support of the majority of the world’s populations. ‘Democracy’ is only a word, and it has lost all meaning. I feel sickened in the stomach when I hear anyone still use it with a straight face.

We have seen the globalist agenda in full flight this year, in a way rarely seen before. Virtually all countries are pursuing the same hideous, illogical shutdown strategies: Friend, foe, neutral actor, big country, small country, middle-sized country, western country, non-western country- they are all going according to the same playbook, almost as if it’s all co-ordinated.

All I am doing is wondering out loud here, trying to make sense of a situation which just doesn’t add up. To deny that a global conspiracy could be possible, after all, is to deny the very essence of the book of Revelation.

To summarise, I don’t believe we are quite at the end times yet. They could be further away than one might think. But they could also be much closer than one might think.

I think that the question of the vaccination is a personal decision that has no impact on one’s salvation, but could have serious health implications, and, even worse, could be conditioning us to take the mark of the beast at a later point.

Make sure you’re right with Jesus. Remember, if you are still yet to give your life over to Him completely, you don’t need to clean yourself up before you go to Him. None of us are clean in His eyes. He will take you as you are, here and now (of course, He will require changes of you, like he has of me, and every other person who has gone to Him. But that’s something you can concern yourself with after you’ve already gone to Him).

I wish to recommend a short YouTube video for you, on this topic. It’s less than 4 minutes long, and is perfectly family-friendly.

It’s described as a short, dystopian sci-fi film, but is just a guy walking around in a city. However, his thoughts are made known through a narrator’s voice, and it is directly connected to what I have written about in this post. The title is, ‘The Great Reset’ and it touches on how the shutdowns could be used to bring in a cashless society (pertinent to the future mark of the beast) and one-world government (also very pertinent).

All the best. If any of you would like to add something to this discussion, feel free.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:48 am

Hi Everyone,

As stated previously, some have theorized that the coming covid-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. However, I am very confident, at this stage, that it is not.

It simply does not match up with info given in biblical prophecy about the mark itself, and exactly what will be happening in the world in the lead-up to, and around the time that the mark is administered (which may well be half-way through the tribulation, with the anti-Christ himself already half-way through his reign over the earth).

I do not believe there are any moral issues around taking the vaccine, nor that it will undermine your relationship with Christ. However, there are health concerns that should be added up.

While many vaccines have served a good purpose overall, there are two disadvantages with the coming one we’re currently hearing about in the news:

1) Nasty stuff has been put into at least some of the vaccines which could cause significant short-term effects, and even kill some people. Furthermore, there is literally no way of knowing what the possible, long-term (negative) effects will on your physical health. Want to have an idea of what sort of nasty stuff? To give you just one example, researchers in Australia, in their rush to be among the first to develop a vaccine, evidently cut some corners, took some risks, and put ‘deactivated’ HIV cells into their trial vaccine, which ended up in some of the test subjects (guinea pigs) testing ‘negative’ for HIV.

This program in Australia was quickly abolished, and after it was spun in the local media for a day or two, completely disappeared from the news. In short, spin aside, the researchers put HIV cells into the trial vaccine, and some of the trial subjects contracted it. This is just one vaccine, and I haven’t looked into others as I am not an ‘anti-vaxxer’, but nor do I believe that people should be forced to take it, or punished for not taking it

2) Here is the main point of my post for today. While many governments say the coming vaccine will not be mandatory, it is clear that they will make life as hard as possible for those who choose not to take it. I have already had it made abundantly clear to myself that I will never be allowed to return home, and see my aging parents in their twilight years, if I don’t submit to becoming a guinea pig, and taking their vaccine first, though the long-term (negative) effects are impossible to know. And if I ever want to take my young child home with me for a visit, I also have to be willing to make her become a virtual guinea pig, too.

But even worse than that, and here’s my point, is that the coming (virtually) mandatory vaccine could well be conditioning the world’s population to take the mark of the beast some time down the track, possibly only a few years from now, though it could still be a long time off until we reach this point (who knows?).

As I believe I have mentioned in an earlier post, virtually all barcodes on our planet have a hidden (in plain sight) ‘666’ within them. If you don’t know anything about this, a quick google search would take you to an explanation of this, or you could ask me in this forum, or a private message. Or you could just grab any item near you right now that has a barcode on it, and have a look for yourself.

Anyway, while I don’t believe that the vaccine is the mark of the beast, I do believe that the mark could eventually take the form of a tattoo (perhaps invisible until it is scanned when you make a transaction, like you can currently scan a card). The mark could also be a microchip. And I believe that, given that the barcodes already have ‘666’ within them, such a tattoo or microchip would potentially have our own barcode within it. Remember, such a mark would either be on our arm, or forehead.

Now, to close the post for today. American politician Andrew Yang has recently suggested that those who have been vaccinated should get their own barcode to prove that they have been vaccinated. He suggested that the barcode could be downloaded onto their phone. Without this, people would presumably be banned, or forbidden, from undertaking certain activities, eg. going to public events.

To be sure, this in itself would not yet meet all of the criteria to be the mark of the beast, but it would certainly be a further, significant step along the way.

Remember, the anti-Christ himself is not yet here, and other things outlined in Bible prophecy have to happen before the mark itself is rolled out. But the way is being prepared as we speak. Satan and his minions are greasing the slippery spoke day-by-day, and have made massive strides this year under the pretext of covid-19. And most of the people in our world will be more than happy to take the mark when it finally comes, and will hate those of us who refuse to take it.

A link to an article about the suggestion by Andrew Yang is below: ... accination
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:08 am

Hi again Everyone,

Before we get into this post, a disclaimer; I have been guilty of great acts of stupidity and sinfulness during my life. But since developing a close relationship with Christ, there has been a major change. While the stupidity and sinfulness has continued, I have been waging constant battle against it, doing all I can to repress it. Before I really knew Christ, however, I wallowed in my stupidity and sinfulness, and embraced it.

Before continuing, I share with you a Bible verse:

Proverbs 9:10- The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Anyway, our godless world has gone absolutely bonkers insane since the outbreak of Covid-19. The shutdowns have caused far more damage, and killed far more people than the virus.

The world has gone hysterical, and I can see clear parallels with the witch trials of medieval times, and evil insanity of World War One, when the whole world was slaughtering each other for no apparent reason, with no clear 'good guys' or 'bad guys'.

Leading the charge of the modern-day group-thinking mindlessness is Australia, where independent thought is strictly outlawed.

Why the strong words, you may ask? Because it's true. And here are two new items for you, hot off the presses.

The government of New South Wales (the most populous state in Australia, with Sydney as its capital) has just released an official website with health tips on it, to prevent the spread of Corona virus. One of the tips is to wear a mask during sex. Yes, you read correctly. This is not a joke, and this 'tip' has not been criticised by Australian media.

My second piece of evidence for you today is out of Queensland, one of the biggest states of Australia after New South Wales. The capital city of Queensland is Brisbane. As I write these words, greater Brisbane (population roughly 3 million) has gone into a hard lockdown of at least 3 days, because of... one new case of corona. Not one thousand, not one hundred... but... one.

Australia is not a Christian country, nor is any other western country. Our world is revelling in its own crazy, maniacal lunacy, driven by our governments and mainstream media. And there is no end in sight.

My advice to you all: Stay close to The Lord, let Him draw you nearer and nearer. Ultimately, He, and He alone, is the only source of wisdom.

An independent mind is a precious thing, and I thank the Lord for mine.

All the best. Til next time.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:28 am

Hello again Everyone,

I hope you’re having a pleasant Sunday, or whatever day it is that you are reading this.

More info on the disastrous Covid shutdowns. But first, I wish to share with you some things that have occurred to me.

Firstly, the whole Covid thing has become part of our culture wars, i.e. the same kinds of people who support abortion, same-sex marriage, globalism, believe in the theory of evolution, etc, tend to be the same kind of people who like the shutdowns. Those who don’t like the shutdowns, or who are at least open-minded on the fact that the shutdowns are worse than the virus, tend (generally) to be people who don’t subscribe to the aforementioned beliefs. Having said this, I also know of Christians who support the shutdowns.

Secondly, I am not a prophet, and am not saying this is definitely the case, but I have the strange feeling that the world has come under a massive curse. It could be, and I am only speculating here, that Satan is behind the virus, and destructive shutdowns, or, conversely, it could be that, because we are all part of a fallen world, God has allowed us to be cursed. I don’t know, but, as stated, there seems to be a very strong spiritual component to what has happened since the virus, and resultant shutdowns.

Thirdly, never doubt for a second that politicians and mainstream media are having the time of their lives at current. Politicians are loving the authoritarian power they have been granted through this crisis, and they love having the ability to confine whole cities, states, nations, to virtual house arrest under the lockdowns. They love the destruction they are able to cause through these shutdowns, both economic and to human life, and they love that they can wreak all of this chaos in the name of ‘humanitarianism’, i.e. their fake concern for the lives threated by the virus. (To be sure, what I mean here is that the threat from the virus is real, but the concern expressed by virtually all politicians is most assuredly not genuine)

The mainstream media, meanwhile, loves being to enable the wicked behaviour of our politicians, loves instilling fear into the broader population by bombarding them with (often exaggerated, and sometimes straight out invented) corona horror stories 24/7, and loves creating an environment where there is no apparent hope, no light at the end of the tunnel, by pushing the narrative of the ‘necessity’ of indefinite lockdowns.

The mainstream (and social) media also serves another key purpose; to bully, censor, demonise and isolate anyone who would dare dissent from the mainstream narrative. Media also serves the purpose of largely covering up the cataclysmic horror caused by the shutdowns.

This is the New World Order, the Luciferian empire taking shape before our eyes. It is based on deceit, fake compassion, mass human hysteria (thanks to the media), centralized control, and hatred (cloaked in righteousness).

Yes, there is a virus, and people have sadly died from it. No question. However, the simple fact, backed by the evidence, is that the shutdowns kill far more people than the virus, in a myriad of ways, already outlined earlier in this forum.

I’ve talked enough for now, and simply refer you to more evidence. The article is titled, ‘Research: 890,000 Americans may die due to COVID lockdowns.’ The figure of 890,000 is only with reference to the USA, over the next 15 years, from the effects of unemployment. Not included in this figure are the countless who have already died, and will die, from the numerous other effects of the shutdowns. And, as stated, this forecast is only applicable to the USA.

The article is short, but has a link to the actual study. For your information, I also read a similar study that suggested a total of several hundred thousand may also die in the UK, due to the shutdowns.

The link to the article about the American study is below: ... lockdowns/

To my mind- I don’t know everything but I do know this- the era of Covid and shutdowns is a testament to the low depths to which humanity is capable of sinking to. These may seem like harsh words, but who did God say was currently in charge of the world? Answer: not God, as He has allowed Satan to temporarily assume control over the world.

Stick to God, draw nearer to Him and His son, and He will build/maintain within you a sound mind, and an independent intellect, which can see through the directionless human hysteria of the world.

It is exactly such a mind that would help us identify the anti-Christ whenever he may ultimately arrive on the scene, and not to take the Mark of the Beast.
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