Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

Wondering if the end is in sight

Postby Katniss » Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:33 pm

Well I been on an emotional rollercoaster now for a few years. Sure am hoping the end is in sight or will be soon. I been meaning to visit but lost my job have no internet at home and am trying to save my house. Been thinking I would like to do a chat program as I sure do miss chat programs. So after some struggling, it appears for a brief period of time that Unemployment may have decided in my favor so that I am not disqualified from getting it which is a good thing as I was almost certain I was going to lose my house. Tonight I saw a glimmer of hope that things will work out. Crazy as that sounds as I know God works all for His Glory and while I don't believe I am supposed to have a trouble free life, I do think God won't let me go too far down. And for whatever reason perhaps its to help me learn to lean on Him more or other reasons, but I do believe somewhere in this mess I call life, that there is much more and much better just a lil further down the road. *HippiePeace*
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Re: Wondering if the end is in sight

Postby mlg » Mon Jul 10, 2017 5:54 am

And that is called hope.....we need hope as it gives us something to hold tight when we are facing the serious trials of life.

A chat program sounds fun. What kind are you thinking to do?

I will keep your job situation in prayer.

Take care
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Re: Wondering if the end is in sight

Postby notforgotten » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:59 am

I do hope that you did get your unemployment. It has helped me a number of times. My wife and I live in an apartment. But, if I had a house, I would probably rent out rooms.

You have my prayers. *Pray*
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Re: Wondering if the end is in sight

Postby Katniss » Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:52 pm

Thanks for the prayers. Since i don't have internet chat isn't an option for me. I try to come in on mobile a couple times a week. I'm just trying to hang on for now.
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Re: Wondering if the end is in sight

Postby mlg » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:30 pm

I understand completely. God's will be done for you katniss.
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