Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is designed to share the TRUTH of Marriage according to God's Word, with single, divorced, unhappily married, and happily married souls. Some of the information contained within this forum may not apply to you, but may apply to a family member, friend or someone you may encounter and you could use what you learn to help others. WE ARE OUR BROTHER'S (SISTER'S) KEEPER ....... To learn more ... Check out the Til Death Do Us Part program

My heart is in pieces but God is my super glue

Postby Rabinantha » Sat May 02, 2015 5:06 pm

I've been doing the healing path stepping stones on this site and had previously been posting in the counseling forum. I struggle with depression. I am now facing an unwanted divorce. I knew he was unhappy but through the cloud of my depression I didn't know how bad it actually was. He asked for a divorce 3 days ago. He has another woman. We built our marriage around God. We made mistakes and distanced ourselves from God in our own ways. My depression has consumed me over the years. I'm finding the light now and I'm once again thankful for Oasis for offering wise counsel to hurting people. I'm working the program once again and I'm determined to show the love of Christ to my husband through all of this. It has strengthened my faith so so much and I have that blessed assurance that God is covering my family, my marriage, my husband and myself. Please pray for understanding God's will for both myself and my husband, and for peace for our children. Pray for finances as I have been a stay at home mom who has no income. I also homeschool our kids. It's going to be a change for all of us. Pray that I can find a job that will somehow fit my situation. Pray that I can find a place to live that I can afford. Pray that our children don't get used as bargaining chips. I want to be peaceful. I want to love above all. No matter what happens.
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Re: My heart is in pieces but God is my super glue

Postby dema » Sat May 02, 2015 7:18 pm

Praying for you
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
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Re: My heart is in pieces but God is my super glue

Postby MamaKitty87 » Sun May 03, 2015 3:45 pm

Father, I thank You for bringing Your daughter back into Your light and Your love. I ask that You are her guide and strength during this difficult time in her life. Give both of them the strength and willingness to fight for a marriage that was founded in You. I ask that You show them to bring forgiveness and love back into this home. Let her show her husband Your light that shines through her again, and that she may never lose sight of your never ending love. Shine through her and use her as a vessel, not only for her husband but her children as well, so that they may see Your glory working through her... I ask all this in the name of Your Son

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