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No clue

Postby Hope » Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:01 pm

Sorry bout the title,, truth is i wasn't sure where to post this...

Ok so stupid is as stupid does.... i got a really awesome paying job, awesome benefits...... and was miserable. had been given my final written warning last week at work.. i tried hard to comply and perform the way they expected.. but alas i am not a robot.... so.... what did i do????? i resigned without having already found another job.... got some initial relief like a HUGE load was lifted off my shoulders........ now........... im wondering if perhaps i should have just kept trying while looking for another job......... dunno the outcome,,, hope it doesnt cost me my house and my furkids...... guess ima have to keep on a keeping on and just trust God to work it out and help me to find/get a job that i would like and be successful at and hope and pray i keep my house and furkids.... i been on this rollercoaster for quite some time... having gotten laid off twice within a year and almost losing everything.... anyways just felt need to share... guess i will find out soon enough what will happen... i did have an interview earlier today idk how i did, its kinda hard to tell. i got a couple places telling me to send resumes pay is no where near as good but money certainly isnt everything... i dont care if im rich monetarily... i just want to be able to survive and keep my home and furkids........ AND have a job that i like and can do well at.... one thing i do know is that the job i have now is not one i could have continued to do......... ok i guess i gotta trust God.......
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Re: No clue

Postby mlg » Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:12 pm

Hello Hope,

Sometimes we do tend to make decisions quickly....and maybe without prayer....and then later we realize that maybe we made a mistake....or maybe we haven't....but either way....we can trust that God will help us....and be there to pick us up and dust us off and set us on the right path. If you have peace in leaving your job....which it sounds as if you do....then you most likely are right that you could not have continued in that job....and now....your #1 job is to find a new job....I only hope the best for you in your search....and may the Lord lead you to the job that brings you happiness. *AngelYellow*

God Bless you
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Re: No clue

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:47 am

Hello Hope (((hugs)))

God bless you this day.

What if, this is God's plan? What if, He knows you better than you know yourself? What if, He knows exactly what you NEED? (Please notice that the focus is on God)

You were not happy -- that was evident. So, Turn your eyes and thoughts upon Jesus -- to the One Who rained down blessed relief upon you, and know that He does have a plan for you.

It is not uncommon after such a bold action that we look back on the situation we just left and then torture ourselves with the what ifs that are solely focused on ourselves, as if we were alone and had no Saviour: what if I had just been a better employee -- so many would give their right arm for an opportunity like that. what if I had been better? Maybe I could have done this, that or the other. To conduct a carnal review, upon a spiritually bold action will only serve to leave us depleted and feeling like crud. Go to the blessed Source, the Author of that bold action...God, Himself.

No need to beat yourself up, and no need to lay blame. You have been set free of the oppression. Thank You Lord!!! Praise The Lord!!! Thank You Jesus!!!

Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. God's will be done.

God bless and keep you, Hope.
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Re: No clue

Postby Parcy » Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:49 pm

What does worrying help us, but we can't gain a grain of statue through it ourselfs. It will only trouble us off us go the wrong leading of path... so supplicate to the Lord and contemplate on a job fit and good in your sight before the Lord for where there is no vision, my people perish the Lord said... so think of happy thought, things that are of good report, true, just, honest, lovely, pure, praise worthy, of virtue; if any there be; - think of these things, that you might worship God in spirit and in truth. As to follow his kingdom and his righteousness, and let patience have her perfect work that you might be whole not wanting - for we shall not want our neighbores keeping, but if it be ours we shall thank the Lord be it of noble heritage - seek God's grace and mercy, for it is always present and open - use your freetime wisely, meditate on his word day and night; Give thanks to God at all times and be filled by his spirit - to they may see and Glorify God in it wheather stranger bypasser or employers - Be at peace; & Go with God...
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Re: No clue

Postby Hope » Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:18 pm

Ty all for the responses, certainly gave me much to ponder... actually tonight i got an email from my supervisor and it just reaffirmed that i had made the right decision to let go. So December 12th is my last day so i have about three more weeks of doing the best i can.. am not going to try to do everything they want me to do. It is not possible... what i will try to do is make sure the people i serve are taken care of to the best of my ability and that services arent lost because of anything i do or don't do... good thing God is in control and that He looks after fools... thats all i got to say about that ok i really have to stop with the Forest Gump references.... anyways i really do appreciate everyone's sharing wat they were led to share. GBU all

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Re: No clue

Postby mlg » Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:42 pm

Hi Hope....please keep us posted as things progress for you....God is faithful to those who love Him....He has your back :)

Take care
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Re: No clue

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:18 am

Hello Hope (((hugs)))

God bless you this day.

I agree with Mlg, please keep us posted on what is going on with you. We care!!!

I wanted to remind you of this blessed reminder. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

I know we may grapple at times with whether or not we are "good" and whether or not this verse applies to us when we seem to slip and fall, often, but, let me assure that it does apply to us. Just keep God primary (front and center) in your thoughts -- keep seeking Him, and He will direct you. He loves you, Hope. :)

Prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. God's will be done.

God bless and keep you, Hope.
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Re: No clue

Postby Hope » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:11 am

Thank you all for the encouragement and prayers :) My last day on the current job is Friday, only a couple days away. It has been a rough couple weeks, i got really discouraged and afraid couple nights ago, panicking over what would be... silly me... in my heart i know God has me but those emotions get so out of control... i blew off an interview with another company TWICE... i just didn't feel my heart in it and at first was going to go because i had that desperate feeling. I was turned down by another company this morning but God still watches over me.. i had contacted the job before i accepted the one i am leaving now after having only been there two months before leaving. At first they didn't respond and just yesterday i heard back with them asking if i was still looking and i immediately said yes! So while it is not set in stone i have an interview Monday and am thankful they are willing to consider me for returning. It was a job i felt ok about and felt like i could handle although it is not the perfect fit but then what job is a perfect fit??? So while i am looking at the end of this particular journey i feel hopeful that an opportunity is just around the corner that i am more suited for. I know God qualifies us but i also feel that if i were to succeed at the job i am leaving i would have either had to consistently lie or work a 60 hr work week not including travel time with stress over the top. the combo was simply more than I was equipped for. So while i faltered, God brought me back to a place of hopeful waiting and tonight i am grateful

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Re: No clue

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:38 am

Hello Hope (((hugs)))

God bless you this day!

Awwwwww, it's so good to hear from you, you have been on my mind a lot lately. God is Good!!!

Hope, it's good to hear the hope in your post. While we all have those moments of panic, you did well to cling to God, knowing He is your Lord, that He loves you, and will provide. Good example of fighting the good fight of faith. *Clap*

Isn't God amazing how He consistently enlarges our testimony of Him? God is so very Good!!!

Prayers continue to rise to The Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. God's will be done.

God bless and keep you, Hope.
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