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Fade out

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:33 am

This was a little weird, but I was just about to go to sleep, and as I started to fade out, I started to think about random things, (i dont remember what it was). All of a sudden, in a small voice, I say out loud, "i hate you". Then, in a louder voice I say, "i love you", and then I wake up. The weird thing was, im not sure if I was actually asleep. Anyone have any opinions? =)
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Re: Fade out

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:04 pm

ok, I dont know if there is something wrong with me or something else, but i've been seeing weird things lately. Last night as I was about to go to sleep, I saw a really disturbing image. when I closed my eyes, I saw this place, it looked like a desert. I was outside a wall, which I guess was a fortification of a city. There were other people around me, and they were either thanking God for their saviour, or they were cheering for His death. While they were doing that, I saw a corspe, flying through the sky. It looked like it was launched from a catapult. I was watching it, and it got closer until it landed on the ground, right in front of me, and then I opened my eyes. Im not sure if I was dreaming, but it was creepy.
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Re: Fade out

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:09 am

Hi repentionofignorance,

I'm no expert on such a topic, but I suggest you look a little bit into what a 'night terror' is, which is something different to a 'nightmare', and doesn't necessarily happen at night.

From what I understand of night terrors, they can happen in a very light state of sleep, so light that the border between sleep and being awake is somewhat blurry.

My brother actually described a very alarming, if brief, episode he went through one time. He woke up in a completely different room to what he was actually sleeping in, and his surroundings looked very ominous and dreamlike in a night- marish sort of way. He said he eventually came out of it and found himself sleeping in his own bed in his own room. But it was a different situation to a normal dream, in which a person wakes up and realizes they have simply been dreaming. No, this situation was frighteningly real, and he could have sworn he was awake through the whole episode.

Just telling you this to let you know it is not so uncommon, the sort of thing you described. There is actually a general term for it. Perhaps it is 'Sleep paralysis'.

I've tried to find some bible verses for you about dreams. There are many examples of God talking to people through dreams, and I'm not sure if there are any about evil spirits gaining access to people through dreams.

There is also the possibility that your dreams/visions are the result of absolutley meaningless brain activity while the body is in a state of semi-consciousness, if not sleep. Last night I dreamed, for example, that I was drunkenly skylarking in a zoo enclosure full of deadly vipers. I tried to pick one up and it latched onto my hand, and wouldn't let go. Maybe God was trying to tell me something, but I feel it was probably random, meaningless brain activity.

Enough waffling from me.

Here is a passage from Numbers 12:6. 'And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, [and] will speak unto him in a dream.'

God clearly speaks to people in dreams, but this doesn't necessarily mean it is heard and received. I suggest you pray to God to clarify the visions you have been having. Ask Him if any of it is from HimĀ“, and to rid you of any alarming visions which are not from Him. I will also ask Him for the same on your behalf.

God bless and I ask that He grant you understanding of the unusual visions.
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Re: Fade out

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:08 am

Thank you =) I think ill look into these night terrors more. I've been having them a lot lately =/
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Re: Fade out

Postby Ruthk34 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:54 pm

I have had my fair share of strange dreams that when I wake up I say what was that all about, thats weird. Then when I try to recall it I draw a blank. I remember I had a weird dream but can't remember the details. The scariest I had was one time where I was positive I was awake but I couldn't move and it felt like I was floating/falling, twisting and turning but I wasn't actualy moving. I couldn't make it stop. I have no idea how long it lasted but it was really creepy. The only other way to describ it is it kind of felt like I wasn't in my body. Sort of what I heard people call an out of body experiance but I was still with my body but unable to do so much as blink. To this day I still believe I was awake during the experience and I never want that to happen again. I know this sounds bizzaar but thats what happened. Perhaps it was a dream but it felt soo real.

In other words your not alone. I never tried to figure that one out though. I felt that I'd rather not know at the time. It is one I wish I had forgotten though. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.
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Re: Fade out

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:18 pm

Hey Ruth =) i have had that weird feeling of being stuck in my body before even though i was awake ever since i could remember. Sometimes while in that stae, you can see a lot of weird things, usually spiritual wheter good or bad. sometimes i see things when im in that state, like once i saw a book, (i think it was the bible), with the numbers 5 and 6 at the corners, and it was dipped in blood, (i''ve just realized a short time ago that Jesus Christ's name has 5 letters, and then six). another time i was walking down the street in the city. it was really cloudy and i felt a strong feeling of dread. i think iwas walking with another person. anyway, all of a sudden ti started raining fire from the sky, and we ran into a car. there were no pedals or brakes, so one of the people in the car was using a red box for something, (i don't know). the fire was getting through the car, but i didn't get hit by it, (although i kept on expecting it to), but th guy in the back seat was getting hit and he was in extreme pain. Anyway, i've also been having these annoying dreams. they are about a habit that i had before i became born again, and sometimes when i get out of it, im still stuck in my body and i hear screaming... Mind you, this all takes place very late in the night rofl i guess i should try sleeping earlier. =.=
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Re: Fade out

Postby Ruthk34 » Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:36 am

It's nice to know I'm not the only one to have a strange experience. I had never talked about it before because I was worried that the person I told would think I'm crazy but I don't have to worry about that here.

Repentionofignorance "trying to sleep earlier" very funny. *laughter* For me It happened at the time I should be waking up for the day.
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Re: Fade out

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:14 am

Every once and awhile I have those weird experiences early in the morning, if im extremely tired XD Im glad someone else that I can actually talk to has those weird experiences =) I love sharing dreams.
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