Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.


Postby vahn » Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:00 am

We don't just become experts in deceiving ourselves , but what's worse , is that we can also become so good at it , that we can even "make" others believe and agree with us .

Before I go on , I would like to interject this statement ... totally off topic , but , it just hit me regardless ..... Did you know that not only we deceive ourselves , but also we deceive ourselves to the point where we start believing that it was "THEM" that deceived us , particularly ... satan . (hmm ... never thought of that myself either ..... it just "came")

Ok , I'll try to come back to what I was inspired to write .

Self-deception ... usualy starts with not accepting things about ourselves , the way they ARE ...whether those "things" be for the better , or worse .... If those "things" about us ar good , we usually try to make them "better" , and if bad , "worse" ! ... never the way they ACTUALLY ARE .

(At this point , I would like to also say that I am talking through my own experiences , and that I am using "we" , as in general with all of us who have issues with some type of addiction , or obsession of a sort , SPECIFICALLY , OBSESSION .)

Let's see what we can make out of this one .

Two farmers (long time friends , by the way) ... shooting the breeze ... one is obviuosly distressesed about the two horses that he OWNS ... and the other one asks him what seemes to be the problem .
He sayz , "You know what Clyde ? , No matter what I do , I still can't figure out the differences between one horse or the other ... I tried everything ... I cut one of the horse's tail , but it grew back , so , I cut the other one's , but it grew back too !!! ..... I painted one the horse's hooves , but no sooner they went through the creek , , the paint washed off ... I just can't figure out what to do any more .

And Clyde sayz , Charlie look , dont feel too bad about yourself not being able to differentiate between either of your horse , so , how about we stick to OUR Original belief that the white horse is a bit shorter than the black one !!!

In Christ , our Lord
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Re: Self-deception

Postby realtmg » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:53 am

I had become one to deceive self and others and not knowing it. It became normal. :roll:
We realize we did wrong to others and ourselves.


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Re: Self-deception

Postby vahn » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:33 pm

Oh , her's another one ... of how we not only decieve ourselves , but also convince others , or having others of our own deceptions being as true .

(interjection) ... from the book Alcoholics Anonymous - The Doctor's Opinion . ... "An alcoholic (or any obsession based individual) , cannot differentiate truth from false..." .

So , an alkie dies as a direct result of his alcoholism - which , by the way , had been denying , rationalizing and justifying , in other words , deceiving himself of not having a problem - .... T his now widdow , overhears his two drinking buddies , looking over the coffin , saying , " Dont know how many time we told him to go to AA , if only he would've listened " ... the now widdow , turning red , turns to them and says , " Oh , no , he wasn't THAT bad ! "
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Re: Self-deception

Postby realtmg » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:24 pm

Some of us can drink daily in which I call a "maintenance drinker". They hold down a job (barely), but everything in their lives evolves around drinking or the habit one has. We plan ahead. We have to be smart, ( we think) and are usually the last to know that everyone else already knows we have a problem.
Some reach a "bottom" in their own way.
I was one that reached several bottoms but I realized I was gonna end up spending the rest of my life in jail, mental institution or 6 feet under.
I also was a binge drinker where I would get on a binge for days or weeks until I got so sick that I couldn't keep a drink down or run out of money.
I've seen many come and go from here and have wondered if they started back. I'm sure most have.
Not drinking nor the addiction one has will be the hardest thing one does in their life.
Very few make it.
We have to have help and His name is God.
After admitting defeat, God will use others to help us stay clean One day at A Time.
Come out of the closet and surrender to His will and not your own.
My best thinking got me to the bottom where I had no choice but to cry out to God for help.
May you find Him now.


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