Under... the Lord's Prayer Pt.5, Forgiveness

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Under... the Lord's Prayer Pt.5, Forgiveness

Postby saint701 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:16 pm

Hello All!

Happy Fourth of July!


Forgiveness has within itself all the elements of spiritual freedom not given to us by the framers of our U. S. Constitution. Yes, we are supposed to have freedom of religion as a right guaranteed to us by the law of this land, but that has been in question for the past 50 years. However, freedom of religion is not the same as the freedom God has bestowed upon us through the eternal and everlasting document, the New Covenant; a document guaranteeing us certain inalienble natural and spiritual rights sealed in The Kingdom of Heaven by the blood of our Lord. We should have no reason to believe such rights have been taken away from us. After all, whose signature or seal can be compared to the ironclad nature of the Blood of God? And what court in all creation has the power to overturn the immutable laws sealed by that blood within it? As I've often mentioned to you in those things the Lord has given me to write to you, Christianity is not a religion but an intimate family relationship with God our Father, His Son our Lord, the Holy Spirit, and one another. And it is within that intimate relationship with God we grow into the glorious liberty of the Family of God. One of those liberties is the freedom of forgiveness. That is what we will discuss today.

I am beyond a shadow of a doubt not one whit, (iota), different than any of you that read my column. All the natural and spiritual benefits that belong to me through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant, belong to you. What may differ, however, is the way I perceive them. While some of you are babes or children or maturing, others of us have come of full age. We are unafraid of death, full of might and power, and eager to ever increase in the power, understanding, knowledge and wisdom of God. As discussed herein, such would be all the wisdom, knowlege, power, and understanding provided for us through the forgiveness of God.

I recall a situation in the early 90's that required my forgiveness of an entire church board.
I remember it especially because the Lord spoke to me about it in a supremely loving way. He said to me. "Because man does not perceive the need for my love, to give them my love is to forgive them."
Very profound, huh? It was certainly that to me. I coveted His words but literally did not have the spiritual ability to apply what He taught me in any consistent or self freeing action. In fact, from the time of my new birth, infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the perfection of praise that comes out in a glorious new language that can only praise that which is in His heart for us back to Him, until the spring of 2009, I walked in little forgiveness.

I was immature of course, but our Lord allowed me to suffer so many, many things, my natural temper ruled me more than the Spirit of God. Such is sad, but our Lord had a reason for allowing me to walk in that temperament. His plan in His call of me, of establishing me in faithfulness, and His choosing of me, was to make me an example to all of you and many others that the grace of God is greater than great sin no matter how long you have believed and been successful, or how you have believed and been unsuccessful. Despite the fact I had been a believer and lover of God for 30 years and an utter failure in ability to successfully reap the freedoms belonging to me in the Kingdom of Heaven apart from my wonderful beginning in the Spirit, I was about as able to forgive as a cat in the jaws of a Bull Mastiff being shaken half to pieces as one might think in a magnitude 10 earthquake. In fact, I was so grieved over the course of 20 years by a wife that derived her greatest pleasure by making me miserable I decided she had used up her 490 times of forgiveness and I wasn't going to forgive her anymore.

I mean there was one point that led me to that decision where she made me to feel least lovable and least loved on the planet. Have you ever really tasted the bare nakedness of feeling that unloved? It's a terrible feeling of stark poverty both of spirit and soul that leaves one feeling like an abandoned child in the middle of a cold, barren wasteland. Such is just a horrible feeling I really can't explain adequately...but it is an awful state to be in. The marriage continued another 7 years but in truth it ended on that day. For the next 7 years I increasingly made my anger and unforgiveness toward her my strength. However, as odd as it might sound to you, as awful as the things the Lord has allowed me to suffer, I continued loving God. In a way, He was my only love, even though I seldom felt it from Him, I gave Him my love from my heart despite anything and everything Satan could put me through.

While in the Kingdom of Bahrain off the Saudi Arabian coast a few years, (until January, 2006), I would walk two miles each evening past Muslim mosques and businesses just loving God and praising Him from the heart. So how did I come to forgiveness? I came to forgiveness through the sure mercies of David that's how. It was His intent to make me an example of His great forgiveness available to us even after we have become Christian and lived contrary to His ways 30 years or more. He has made me an example of the great hope in Him that still belongs to those of you beset by many griefs and miseries, and bound by much unforgiveness.

If you continue on with the Lord, or return to the Lord, His forgiveness is available to you no matter how long you've messed up in His way. There is a place He has for you like the one He had for me, where He comes to you and gives you His love to live with and by. And when that day comes when you come face to face with the Father of our Lord, the scripture where our Lord asks that the Father's love be in us, and our Lord in us, that we be loved by the Father the same as the Father of our Lord loved Him, what we of ourselves, in our spiritual lack, could not do, we find we can do through the strength of our Heavenly Dad's love He has planted within us, and that is forgive as he forgives.

At that point it is no longer of ourselves we live, but by Christ that lives in us, and that by the Love of the Father that He loved our Lord with.

"Because men perceives not the need for my love," Jesus said to me, "to give them my love, is to forgive them."

I could not give His love until He made His love His life in me...There is hope for you in looking to the day the Father of our Lord comes to you and makes His love your life, which is eternal life.

Forgiveness is a gift to us made alive in us for others when that which is perfect is come into us, to enable us to love others as He loves us with the Father's love as His life force.

There is a freedom living in God's forgiveness for others no matter what they say or do to us that is greater than all the freedoms given us in America. It frees us from fear and the fear of death and gives us a view to the day we are made perfect in love in this life and the next. Let us abide in the words of our Lord and our Love Dad and Spirit, loving God from the heart, longing for the day we have His perfect love in us that makes it easy for us to give it to others, which is to forgive them. Let us ernestly continue in prayer to God in the name of Jesus that He come to us so that we are known even as we are known, able to love as He loves, because as He is love, we are love also.

Let us make this Independence Day our Dependence Day on the Love of God that we might enjoy His great freedom forever and ever, Amen.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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