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This is the forum to share your hobbies. Sports, games, movies, music, books, poetry, arts and crafts, photography, cooking, pets, etc.

Hobbies ...

Postby HisSummerRose » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:47 pm

*Wave* Here is what I enjoy doing ...

In the winter ... I enjoy doing scrap-booking. Because in the spring and summer months I enjoy finding good bargains on supplies that I am needing ... such as stickers, card stock, albums, markers & other stuff & then in the winter months I enjoy working on some of the albums that I have. Right now I am working on my oldest son's wedding album that I started last winter and so I have a few more things to do then I am done with it. Not sure what I will do this winter after I get this one done. So, we will have to wait and see !!

In the summer ... I enjoy getting out with my camera and taking pictures of nature and also of my daughter and her fiance as we enjoy going all over and finding creative ways to get our pictures. I will try and share some of them as time allows me too.

I also collect ...

Teddy Bears
Postcards ... Which I have well over 3,000 + in my ever growing collection from all over the USA & OVERSEAS

So, that is my HOBBIES *Clap*
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Re: Hobbies ...

Postby rosesred » Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:02 am

i make greeting cards for ,,,charity...i also do scrapbooking...i finished one before christmas
i love doing cork work as well

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Re: Hobbies ...

Postby Hezekiah1997 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:10 pm

I enjoy taking computers apart and listening to the HAM Radio. I tend to play Chess, read books, and go to school at Liberty University Online. I am a disabled veteran and I am fortunate that money comes easily because of my prior service, so I am at a awesome opportunity to study and learn as much as I can while I don't have to worry about work.

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Re: Hobbies ...

Postby Dora » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:53 am

Hello Hezekiah!!! It's nice to meet you.

My husband once was interested in the HAM radio. ::smile

I love to play chess! Though I can't brag about my outcome of the game. ::lol I have found patience is on the side of the winner.

I enjoy college as well. Though I am taking a break from it.

Thank you for your service in the military.

I am considering starting the read the bible in a year program. I am not big on being told when to read and what to read but my scripture reading is in need of a boost so I thought this program may help me at least crack open my bible a few times a week. I have found when I do my spirit has so more peace during the day. Have you considered any program or reading of scripture?

God bless and keep you brother.
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Re: Hobbies ...

Postby Hezekiah1997 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:28 pm

Actually, I haven't considered any program of study. I am trying to learn Spanish because I live in a Latin American area of town. So I have a bilingual Bible and I am reading the Spanish portion outloud.

No method to the madness, just a chapter a day.

Wishing you the best!
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Re: Hobbies ...

Postby lilybeany » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:02 pm

Hi all, great hobbies mentioned so far. I read at least 4/5 books a week. Probably listen to an audio book twice a week. I'm teaching myself guitar, and have just started to learn basic knitting. *Guitar*
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