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Oh how Precious is He

Postby PreciousMercy » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:34 pm

Oh God, you are my rock and salvation! Oh how I love you and thank you for the work you have done in my life! Lord, for you alone have raised me and created in me new life. You have given me a hope and a future, and whisper promises to me of the life you have for me. I love you beyond all measure and it is my desire to serve you Lord with my whole heart. Oh Lord, to give of myself until all that is left is You. All I am, all I have is Yours, Lord. Please use my hands, my words, my life as a living testemony as to what you can do with a life that is fully and completly surrendered to your will. You are such a great and amazing Father! Thank you for the love that you rain down upon me day after day, no matter what I have done. Thank you so much for your unfailing, unconditional love! You are such a great and might God. You have brought me up from a life full of hate, violence, and shame in to a life filled with joy, peace, hope, and light. You have delivered me from the grip of addiction and self-loathing, of self-injury and depression, of worthlessness, and hopelessness. You have traded my ashes for a crown. You call me beautiful, blessed, cherished, loved, worthy, lovely, accepted. I am the daughter of a King. Lord may my life and testimony touch hearts and lives and bring those lost and abused to your arms. Into your sweet embrace, never taking, only giving. You are a gentle, gracious, loving and merciful Father. One who gives us what we do not deserve and takes the punishment for us. Thank you Lord for all you have done and will do in my life and in the lives of those whom I love. Thank you Lord, thank you so very very much!! Oh how much I love you!!!

AKA: Brokendove--For those who have been around for a while, I used to come here under the name Brokendove- but felt that I should change that name, as I am no longer broken or alone. Christ has completly restored me and brought me back to life. I now live for Him and His Kingdom :D YAY GOD!!
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Re: Oh how Precious is He

Postby momof3 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:03 pm



Dont know how i missed this post. God is so good. He is so faithful, even when we arent.

His love amazes me.

To God be all the ALL things.

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Re: Oh how Precious is He

Postby ServeGod » Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:03 am

Thanks for sharing, it is beautiful.
To shine in one light.
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