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Mess up again

Postby geselle » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:19 pm

I messed up again really bad.
I dont know why i give in to theses feeling of doing things im not suppose to do
if you know they are wrong why do them?
sometime i just get the aurge to do it and if i dont do it, it won't go away
so i do it and then i feel better but i feel bad, dirty, ashame, worthless, after doing it and its like a cycle that just does not end
wanting it to end, needed it to end, but i am such a looser for giving in.
i messed up and now it adds to all the thing i can not forgive myself of....
want to get back up but why when i am just going to fall again for the same things
might as well just stay where i am and if i do it again i wont feel so guilty because i am already there
can't get any worse...
hating my life and everything in it......
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Re: Mess up again

Postby kimby » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:56 pm

Why get up? Why not?
You may feel guilty, but He doesn't view you that way. Your fall didn't take Him by surprise, He wasn't caught off-guard or shocked. Why get up? Because He made a way so you can. He's ready to lift you back up. And what I have come to never know when, but one of these times you won't have to get back up...not because you are giving in, but because you didn't...and that feeling is worth all the struggles of getting back up every time before.
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Re: Mess up again

Postby mlg » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:53 pm

Hi geselle....the reason we have to keep going is because...there is HOPE...and the only way to grab on to that HOPE and see a change is to get up! Remember through Jesus we are forgiven of all sins....if you know and love Him and ask him to forgive you it is done. You also have to forgive yourself.

My prayers are with you.

Take care and God Bless
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Re: Mess up again

Postby josinella » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:08 pm

Hello Geselle:

I feel your pain and know that none of us are perfect, we are all descendants of the first sinners: Adam & Eve. Only One on this earth was sinless, Jesus Christ. We all suffer sin = "slips of faith", for me happens when I wander away from Him by doing things that separate me from Him. Paul writes of this: see Romans 7:14 - 25, "the regenerate man". When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which runs counter to our "fleshy" nature. If we yield (not give in) to these desires, the Holy Spirit will take them on for us. This is something that Christians (I) struggle with everyday, yet is very faith strengthening. You are so not alone! Please, do not dispair, God loves you and I will pray for you. Trust God with your burdens because nothing is too great for Him.

Love you!
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Re: Mess up again

Postby momof3 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:48 am

Remember in the bible where Paul says something to the affect of: why do i always do the things i dont want to do, but dont do the things i want to? You are not alone in this. This is a daily change...these are the things you keep laying at His feet. No, we dont want to keep doing the same things over and over...but if you lay down and quit, the enemy will just have more fuel to add to the guilt you already carry. Keep going..keep running the race. The shame and guilt, give to Him. Keep running this race sis. From glory to glory, He will change you. You are a conquerer through Him alone. Dont give up.

praying for you. stand your ground and when you fall, ask for forgiveness and get back up. Keep moving forward in His Grace...with Him leading you through prayer and reading His word.

Love in Jesus,
momo *Halo*
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Re: Mess up again

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:00 am

Hi geselle,

Sorry to hear about your difficult struggles. If it is any comfort, some of God's greatest servants in the bible went through such times themselves.

While no sin is more acceptable than any other in the eyes of God, I have a sense that you are not far away from him at all. You clearly suffer from sharp and intense feelings of guilt after committing such sin. And believe me, from personal experience throughout my own life I know exactly how you feel.

Overall, my point is this: Given the intensity of the guilt feelings you described, you do not at all sound like an 'unrepentant' sinner.

He knows our limitiations. The word describes the human heart, in very general terms, as 'desperately sick.' Besides Jesus, the only perfect human who ever lived, we are all in this boat. In essence, all of our hearts are in this dire condition.

But what He wants from us is that we get up off the canvas after every setback. Whether we have two setbacks, or 20 thousand, He expects us to get back up. If you keep getting up, eventually His will will be done in your life.

God bless you. And as long as you don't give up, you will be on the winning side.
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Re: Mess up again

Postby oabogun » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:54 pm

I know how you feel. I just want you to remember that God is a God of restoration, when you fall, he is there to get you back up. David messed up many times yet he was called a man after God's own heart. Please don't hate yourself for what just happened. You are not perfect, all things are possible through Christ. Satan always know where to get us, when we are at our weakest point, we will continue to pray for you and you will get through this by God's grace! Here is a song that i thought of when i read your story. It's a song by Tenth Avenue North titled "You are More". Here is the link!
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Re: Mess up again

Postby geselle » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:48 pm

wow thank you all for your encouraging words
and thank you
that was a nice song just for me right now, when i am at the place i am of just not wanting being here..
even thou i wrote that a while ago
sometime i still mess up and then get myself in positon i should not be in..
and often ask myself
what am i doing?
why am i doing this?
and i can not take it
who am I
I am more that the problems i create
I am more than the problems i did not create but was force to created.
I am more than that
thank u
I really need that :cry:
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Re: Mess up again

Postby oabogun » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:03 pm

Just remember that change takes time and it is a step at a time. God loves you and he want you to have a relationship with him. We all love you and are praying for you!!!!
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Re: Mess up again

Postby akita777 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:23 am

I just want to say that it can always get worse. I'm sorry you fell again, I remember the times when I struggled with particular sins in my life and the Lord has healed me of some of them. Now, it is my mind that the battlefield lies in. Don't believe the lies. I know, it seems impossible because that may be all you hear sometimes. But, we must believe the truth and pray for God to help our unbelief. Try to remember all that God HAS done and rejoice because of His faithfulness to Never, ever give up on you...

I really believe that we Christians are being attacked big time in the mind(I know I am). Be strong in the Lord and trust that what He says is true, regardless of how you feel. Or what thoughts go through your mind. Just get up and keep walking. I am telling myself this at the same time. I know how hard it is.. Praying for you...Steve :)
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